Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 501 Lottery

Chapter 501 Lottery
Seeing that this second-hand transaction information was "spike-killed", Su Yi immediately understood.

After all, second-hand props are sought-after items, which cannot meet the supply and demand of actors, so they will not affect genuine sales.

What's more, the number of genuine props is also limited, and they will not be released after they are sold out.

From this point of view, there may be hoarding and reselling.

Su Yi glanced around, and found that this trading center is a second-hand market. Except for the performance exemption card and the gentleman's self-improvement, the rest are basically sold, and the price is 40-100 director points cheaper than the original price.

But items like props are basically killed in seconds as soon as they enter the market, but there are a lot of things like tools.

Tool-like things are traded for fan points in the mall, but here, they are all traded for director points.

For example, Su Yi's fancy primary mental card, the mall price is 20 fans, but here, the price is 16 director points.

Su Yi now knows that director points are much more valuable and precious than fans, so it seems that things that can be bought with fan points are only traded here with director points, even if the price seems reasonable and affordable, No one should be so stupid.

But in fact, some actors do not lack director points, but also lack fan value, because the roles they play are not pleasing, so naturally they lack fan value.

There are also actors who have spent all their fan points but urgently need auxiliary tools, so they have to use director points to buy tools.

So if fans are worth a lot and need to redeem more director points, this is a good deal.

After reading all the sections of the actor mall, Su Yi returned to the original entanglement.

Which item should I exchange for?

He pondered for a long time and still couldn't make a decision, so he simply activated the primary mental card to solve his mental problems.

As soon as it was activated, all kinds of the past suddenly appeared in Su Yi's mind, passing by and fading away like a horse watching flowers...

It's like a pair of invisible big hands are quickly sorting out their memories and thoughts.

This kind of comfort and relaxation almost made Su Yi cry out.

This is a hundred times more refreshing than rushing out!
It took a long time for Su Yi to recover from this state, and then realized that he was covered in white sweat.

But at this moment, Su Yi's mind was completely clear.

Regarding the various memories of the past on the set, although I can still remember them clearly, they obviously feel much stranger, like watching a movie and recalling other people's things.

Su Yi was amazed, this mental combing card is quite magical, but what is the principle?
Of course Su Yi would not understand the answer to this question.

But this mental card is only for half a year, and after half a year, he has to buy this tool again to maintain his mental state.

It sounds like it is treating the symptoms but not the root cause, and there may be dependence, and the pros and cons are unpredictable.

But this is the only solution for the time being. If you want to solve it for a long time, you can only pay attention to it in the future.

After solving the hidden danger of cognition, Su Yi is ready to start the lottery draw.

The lucky draw method is the popular big turntable mode, six prizes, no thank you for your patronage.

Also, this lottery chance is a reward in exchange for three amazing reviews, if there is a thank you for your patronage, how about paying it back?
Of course, the six kinds of prizes are not equally distributed, and the prize with the lowest probability is a permanent item: a gentleman strives for self-improvement!
Su Yi immediately regained his spirits!

If he could get it, would he still have to worry about it?

Still tangled with a wool!
Don't worry about anything!
Children make choices, adults want them all!
But it is not easy to get it, because the "gentleman strives for self-improvement" only accounts for about 5% of the entire circle, and the option with the highest probability, which occupies almost one-third of the area, is the permanent auxiliary tool "Advanced Functions from Entry to Mastering Stream of Consciousness Teaching".

are you crazy! ! !Who is willing to draw advanced functions?

There are also four options, the probability is from small to large - self-created character card, character 100% fit card, teaching Xingyiquan from entry to mastery of stream of consciousness, and a permanent increase in appearance value by 5%.

There are a total of six options. Normally speaking, Su Yi feels that as long as he doesn't draw the last two, he can choose any of the remaining four.

But now that Su Yi has a need, his goal is naturally only the option with the lowest probability-a gentleman strives for self-improvement!
Fortunately, it can also increase the probability of winning.

The chance of winning will be permanently increased by 5% (limited to one purchase), worth 10 fans.

This thing is not expensive, buy it first!

Su Yi placed an order directly, and his fan value immediately became 177.88, and a permanent tool column was added to the panel, and the chance of winning a prize increased by 5%.

As soon as I bought this thing, the same thing appeared on the shelves of the mall immediately - the chance of winning a prize was permanently increased by 5% (limited to one purchase)!

It's just that the price this time has become 20 fans.

Double the price?

Su Yi felt his scalp tingle. In this case, his current fan value is not enough.

But in order to draw a lottery, this permanent tool should be bought or bought, after all, it is not a one-off, but permanent.If you draw a lottery after you buy it, you can enjoy it all the time.

Looking at the bright "Gentlemen strive for self-improvement" on the turntable, Su Yi gritted his teeth and continued to place orders.

Fan value balance: 157.88
Permanent Auxiliary Tool: 10% more chance of winning the lottery.

The products on the mall continue to be refreshed - the chance of winning a prize is permanently increased by 5% (limited to one purchase), worth 40 fans.

Su Yi cruelly continued to place orders, so that his fan value became 117.88, and his chance of winning increased to 15%.

This tool on the mall is refreshed to permanently increase the chance of winning by 5% (limited to one purchase), worth 80 fans.

Can't afford it Can't afford it...

Su Yi felt a little heartbroken and regretful.

He really wanted to increase the probability of the lottery draw to [-]% in one go. In that case, the future lottery draw would be equivalent to a purchase for him.

But this is impossible. If he wants to increase the probability of the lottery to 100%, according to the current law that the price will double if the probability is increased by 5%, he will have to spend at least a billion fans!
More than one billion fans, just to win 100% of the lottery?

The price/performance ratio is too low, not cost-effective at all.

I looked at the actor trading center, and there are really trades for this prop, and the mall didn't give actors any loopholes. In the second-hand transaction, the number of points added is clearly written.

For example, the chance of winning a prize is permanently increased by 5% (adding points for the fourth time), and the shocking price is 64 director points.

The fifth addition is also sold, 136 director points.

Although Su Yi has more than [-] director points, he doesn't intend to waste any of them.

He also intends to save the remaining one million fans to see other things, and does not intend to throw them on this.

Having made up his mind, Su Yi no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, and prepared to draw a lottery.

His luck isn't good, but it's not bad either. Adding in the 15% chance of winning, it should be almost the same, right?
Forget it, I'm lucky if I win, but my life is lost!

Click to draw!

The turntable pointer turned suddenly!

Finally, it slowly stopped at an award area——

Create your own character cards!
At this moment Su Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he had mixed feelings.

This prop is a temporary prop, it's the second prize, worth 800 director points, it's not bad.

Even if Su Yi doesn't want to use it, he can sell it for more than [-] director points at the actor trading center.

So it's definitely earned in blood!


Almost the ultimate prize.

If I spend another 80 fan points and buy a 5% winning rate, will it be achieved overnight and in one step?

Su Yi quickly discarded these useless and chaotic thoughts.

The lottery draw is over, and the outcome cannot be changed, so it is useless to think about it.

However, this result also helped him make a decision, so that he no longer had to struggle between "a gentleman strives for self-improvement" and "performance exemption card".

As the old saying goes, he wants them all!
If you can't get it, buy it!
Su Yi roughly checked the market, and then listed the self-created character card with a price of 740 director points.

As a result, no one cared about this message after a long time. He shook his head, put aside his chances, and put a price tag of 720 director points.

Twenty seconds later, the transaction was successful, and Su Yi's director point balance +720 became 1129 director points.

It seems that in the transactions here, the transaction volume of many props has actually formed a tacit agreement. If the price is high, it may not be impossible to sell, then you have to wait.

How long to wait, I don't know.

It's more than a thousand points...

Su Yi was a little dazed, if he remembered correctly, with a thousand director points, he could be promoted to a first-line actor.

Then he can be promoted by selling equipment to meet the standard?
It really works.

Su Yi soon discovered that although his actor level was still a professional actor, there was already an upgradeable label behind him.

Click in and take a look, there is a long description inside.

The content is the same as what director No. 032 told him before, roughly that after accumulating 1000 director points, an actor can be upgraded to a first-line actor.

But to be promoted to a first-line actor is not enough, you have to pass the assessment.

There are two evaluation methods, one is to get the best actor award, and the other is to advance through the deathmatch studio.

The risk of the former is small, but the probability is low and the difficulty is high. It can be said that thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge, and luck is very important.

Most of the actors advanced to the front line through the deathmatch set.

One-on-ten is a bit dangerous, but if you do it well, the probability of success is at least hundreds or thousands of times greater than the probability of winning an actor award!
The next thing Su Yi will participate in is a deathmatch set!
This article specifically explains that there is also an option "Whether to choose to be promoted to a first-line actor", and Su Yi decisively clicked No.

Once he chooses yes, the [-] director points in his account will be frozen, and after the next deathmatch performance is over, his deathmatch performance will follow, and he, Su Yi, will pick ten.

Although Su Yi is confident, he also knows that his background is insufficient, and he will definitely not be able to complete a one-on-ten match.

He still needs more tempering and more accumulation.

Su Yi is sure that there must be many actors who think the same as himself. Even if the score is enough, they are not in a hurry to advance.

That's why there is an actor trading center, otherwise who are those actors who buy props?It can't be all second-hand dealers, right?

Next, Su Yi first directly exchanged the "Performance Exemption Card" with the item exchange coupon, and then spent 1000 director points to directly buy "Gentleman Self-improvement".

Once back to before liberation.

Su Yi visited the shopping mall for auxiliary tools again, and finally resisted the urge to chop off his hands.

Looking at the personal information panel again, it has become——

Actor Name: Su Yi


Director points: 129 points

Fan value: 117.88 million

Actor's permanent props: Gentleman strives for self-improvement, auspicious man has his own heaven
Actor's Temporary Props: Actor's Exemption Card (1 piece)
Permanent Auxiliary Tool: 15% more chance of winning
Temporary Aids: None

After turning off the terminal, Su Yi decisively washed up and went to bed.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Su Yi arrived at the address Wang Weiping had left for him—No. 27, Fuchengmenwai Street.

This is an office building without any signboard outside, it looks very dilapidated, and there are guards standing guard at the door.

Just as Su Yi was about to enter the door, he realized that someone was chasing him behind him.

"Brother Su Yi! Brother Su Yi!" A familiar voice came.

Su Yi's expression changed, and he turned around.

It's Li Xiang.

She cut her hair short, looking more sassy and capable, adding a bit of heroism.

Looking at her mental state, she seemed to be much better than before, and she seemed to have come out of the grief of losing her father.

"Brother Su Yi!" Li thought of the front, his face full of surprise, "Why are you here? Are you here to find Officer Wang?"

"Yes," Su Yi thought a lot, but with a smile on his face, "You too?"

"I wanted to ask him something, but I didn't plan to ask." Li Xiang said naturally, "I saw you just when I was about to leave."

"That's it..." Su Yi nodded and pointed inside, "I still have something to do, so we can talk another day?"

"Don't change it!" Li Xiang scolded, "Brother Su Yi, I didn't treat you well that day. I feel really guilty when I think about it. You sent me the news of my dad in person, and I still treat you like that... Oh, I really am, Su Brother B, no matter what, you must give me a chance to express your apology, don't wait for another day, just today, I will treat you to dinner at noon, how about it?"

"I may not have time at noon." Su Yi apologized, "I'm sorry, Li Xiang."

"There's no time for dinner, so there's always time for coffee?" Li Xiangdao, "You go to work first, I'll wait for you in a resting place nearby, and when you finish your work, I'll treat you to a cup of coffee, right? ? Brother Su Yi, if you refuse me again, it will be meaningless!"

Su Yi looked at Li Xiang, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay."

Li Xiang suddenly smiled.

To be honest, this smile surprised Su Yi.

It's just that Su Yi couldn't be happier.

"Brother Su Yi, then I won't delay your work. I'll go find a place first, and I'll send you a message for the address. Bye!" Li Xiang left happily.

Su Yi watched her back go away, shook his head, turned and entered the door.

The guard stopped him and asked his name, took out a device to compare Su Yi's appearance, and then let him go, and told Su Yi to go directly to the eastmost office on the third floor.

This is a very deserted office building, dark and unpopular.Su Yi didn't meet anyone all the way from entering the door to the office.

The door of Wang Weiping's office was open. He was looking at some documents, his brows were tightly frowned, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

Su Yi knocked on the door and woke him up.

"Come here?" Wang Weiping stood up with a smile, walked out from behind the desk, and stretched out his hand to Su Yi: "If I guess correctly, can we become colleagues in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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