Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 502 Join the organization, plan ahead

Chapter 502 Join the organization, plan ahead

"Please take care of Officer Wang in the future." Su Yi smiled and shook hands with Wang Weiping.

If Su Yi refuses to join the organization, a phone call will suffice, there is no need to make a special trip.

When Su Yi came here, he obviously made a decision, which is not difficult to guess.

"I'm sorry, Su Yi, I just took over the current job not long ago, and everything is complicated, so I'm busy." Wang Weiping invited Su Yi to sit down, and went to the water dispenser to get water to make tea, "We are old acquaintances , I won’t be polite to you, let’s get straight to the point.”

"Okay." Su Yi smiled and took the tea, "Officer Wang has something to say, and I don't like to go around the corner."

"It can be seen that you are a straightforward person." Wang Weiping smiled, "Don't call me Police Officer Wang in the future. I also hold the position of general affairs secretary of the organization. From now on, you will also be a member of our organization. Compatible with the position."

"Okay, Secretary Wang." Su Yi followed suit.

Wang Weiping took out a stack of documents and walked over, and introduced: "I have already introduced the organization to you before, and I will add some details. The Huaxia Observation Organization is an official organization specially established for abnormal people in my country. The purpose is to use this platform to establish a link between the party and the country and abnormal people, and hope that more and more abnormal people will become an important force for the future development and construction of our country."

"I won't go into details about the organizational structure. In terms of personnel, it is composed of two parts: abnormal people and our service personnel. Our ordinary service personnel are mainly responsible for logistics, life assistance, information consultation, policy interpretation and other things for your abnormal people. Service work. In a word, you can call us for everything from eating, drinking, and messing around!"

"After you officially join the organization, the organization will appoint a liaison specialist to you." Wang Weiping continued, "Of course, it is a specialist, but because of manpower problems, it must not only serve you alone. You are a C-level person. This Level, your commissioner only serves three people at the same time, which is not bad, if it is D level, one person manages ten people, and for F level, each commissioner manages 50 to 100 people."

"Who is the specific commissioner? The organization will assign you only after your membership process is completed. The principle of assignment is to provide random and nearby services. Therefore, you must first determine your permanent residence in the future, which is also related to your future. Which branch to join. In addition, as I said before, the benefits of membership include the allocation of housing, housing in the city where you are resident."

"If you are sure now, you can choose the house now. I can report it together with your membership application and go through the process together. In this way, when you formally join the membership, you can also get the keys to the new house at the same time. If you have an account, if you need it, you can also transfer the account. This is also one of our membership benefits."

"My resident city is Kyoto." Su Yi said, "In terms of household registration... can I be moved alone? Or a family?"

"You are C-level, if you want, all your immediate family members can move here." Wang Weiping said with a smile.

He took out a pad from his desk, opened one of the software, handed it to Su Yi and continued: "This is the batch of allocated housing reserved for our organization, all of which are more than [-] square meters, and the C-level authority can cover You can pick any house first, they are hardcover houses that you can move in with your bags. But let me explain in advance, you only have the right to live in the house, not the right to buy or sell it."

Su Yi opened it and looked. These houses are basically near the third and fourth ring roads. They are all buildings and there are no villas.The largest is more than one hundred and ninety square meters, and the smallest is about one hundred square meters.

Su Yi picked a house of more than [-] square meters in the Wangjing area. He knew this community and the environment was very good.

"That's it." Su Yi said, "I have to communicate with my family before making a decision on the household registration."

"Okay." Wang Weiping nodded, "There is no rush for the account, I can get it for you at any time."

"We have your identity information and file information here, so I won't ask any more questions. You just need to confirm that the information is correct and sign here." Wang Weiping handed over a stack of documents and continued, "You need It is this regulation that should be treated with caution.”

He handed over a document titled "About Organizational Management Measures for Abnormal Persons (Temporary)" and said: "It stipulates in detail the rules and regulations that you must abide by after joining the organization, as well as the obligations that you must perform. I suggest you take a closer look, if you have any doubts or unacceptable things, tell them now, and I will discuss with you one by one to finalize the implementation, so as to avoid any unpleasantness in the future."

"You can just watch it here," Wang Weiping said, "I just have to be busy for a while, it will take about half an hour. After you finish reading, let's continue talking."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded.

In fact, most of these management regulations have nothing to say. It only stipulates that abnormal people should also abide by the law, and stipulates that abnormal people should actively report to their liaison specialists before and after disappearance.

Furthermore, while enjoying super-high benefits, you must also pay corresponding obligations, that is, by completing various tasks posted on the Huaxia Observation app, or making "special contributions" to the organization, to achieve the corresponding level of annual contribution.

For example, Su Yi's C-level, the annual contribution is 60 points.He must reach 60 points of contribution every year in order to continue to enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by the organization.If you can't do it, you will be fired.

Although the consequences of the expulsion were not mentioned, Su Yi can also think of——

As an abnormal person, you don't want to contribute to the country, what do you mean?Do you even need to think about what the country will do to you?
The rest is fine.

After Su Yi read the agreement and Wang Weiping finished his business, Su Yi asked a few questions, especially about the task.

Wang Weiping was very frank, and directly took out the screenshots of the tasks that had been printed in advance, and showed them to Su Yi.

These tasks are either to assist the organization to track down some out-of-control anomalies, or to assist the official monitoring, control and control of some law-breaking anomalies.

The most dangerous tasks are that there may be fights against some abnormal people abroad, and the contribution of these tasks is also very high.

In addition to tasks for abnormal people, there are also "special contributions" that can be exchanged for contribution points.

"In fact, the organization encourages members to fulfill their obligations to the organization through special contributions." Wang Weiping said, "Remember I told you that there are abnormal people abroad who have obtained the individual mecha technology? This person is now the focus of the lighthouse Protected. If you can also obtain similar technology, you will have completed your life’s contribution with this alone! Moreover, you can also ask the organization, the country, and any reasonable and legal requests, and we will Try to be satisfied!"

"We all want all kinds of knowledge about science and technology, medicine, chemical industry, and all walks of life, including the fictional internal strength and methods of cultivating immortals in our Chinese literature and traditional myths! As long as you have it, you can use it if you are willing to share it with us." Organize to talk! What reward do you want, what conditions do you want, just mention it!"

"What if what I contribute is what others have contributed?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course that doesn't count." Wang Weiping said, "After you join the membership, you will see a continuously updated list of the special contributions made by members within the organization. You can compare the lists at that time. Then decide what you want to contribute.”


Su Yi no longer had any doubts, and signed his name on the membership materials.

"The review of membership materials will be completed within three working days," Wang Weiping said. "At that time, your liaison officer will be in charge of contacting you and mailing you the membership materials. You can also tell me directly if you want to change your account. The future liaison officer. After you join the club, your public identity is a researcher at the Huaxia Academy of Social Sciences. You can tell your relatives and friends this as a cover for your identity, but it is best to ask them to keep it secret."

"Okay." Su Yi nodded. Seeing that Wang Weiping stood up, intending to see off the guests, he said, "Secretary Wang, there is one more thing. I was at the door and saw Li Xiang."

Wang Weiping didn't seem surprised, and explained: "Don't worry, she will never become your worries, I can assure you of this!"

Seeing Wang Weiping's eloquent words, but he refused to say more, Su Yi nodded thoughtfully, and stopped asking.

He always felt that there was something wrong with the "encounter" with Li Xiang before, and he also felt that Li Xiang was deliberately approaching him, and Li Xiang's appearance here was also very suspicious.

But what Wang Weiping said...Su Yi understood a little bit, maybe he was really suspicious.

But he still had no intention of getting in touch with Li Xiang. After going out, Su Yi went directly back to the hotel, first sent a video to his family, and then used his identity as a "social science researcher" as an excuse to have a "showdown" with his family. Su Yi actually eats the national food now, and has been allocated a house in Kyoto, and can settle the household registration in Kyoto. The old couple and Su Wei are very shocked.

This was something beyond their imagination. They couldn't believe it. After graduation, the son who went to the lighting factory to sell, became a national researcher!

It's incredible!

The old couple asked again and again to make sure that Su Yi was not talking nonsense, but he was still dizzy.

They didn't understand the reason behind Su Yi's gorgeous turn.

In the end, it was Su Wei who convinced the old couple to accept this fact.

But the old couple were unwilling to accept Su Yi's suggestion and moved to Kyoto.

All the old people have the same simple idea-the homeland is hard to leave.

This was also expected by Su Yi.

However, the old couple said that if possible, let the two brothers and sisters Su Yi and Su Wei move their household registrations to Kyoto, which is considered for the sake of the next generation.

The family talked about this for a long time in the video, and finally agreed that Su Wei would come to Kyoto as soon as possible to meet Su Yi.

Su Yi gave Su Wei a wink before hanging up the video.

5 minutes later, Su Wei called Su Yi.

"Brother, I came out, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Weiwei, my grandfather's old house is still in the countryside of our hometown, I want you to help me go to the village and ask..."

Su Yi's idea is very simple, he intends to leave a way out for himself and his family at Yangguan.

He doesn't know what the world will look like in the future, so it's always right to be prepared.

The old house in my hometown in the countryside has been vacant since my grandfather passed away. The house, the front and back yards, and the threshing field are quite large.Su Yi's idea is to build a strong enough underground fort there, store enough food and water, and use it as his secret base in the future, just in case.

Su Wei couldn't understand this, and worriedly asked Su Yi if he knew any "inside information"?

Because of Su Yi's abnormality, she made up a lot of things in her brain.

Su Yi can't explain anything about this matter, but let Su Wei do it with his heart, it's best to hide it from his parents first, because parents will definitely not agree with Su Yi wasting money like this.

When it's all done in the future, it's useless for parents to say anything.

I discussed a lot of details with Su Wei on the phone, and when I hung up the phone, it was already past twelve noon.

Su Yi ate something casually in the hotel, and then sent a message to Li Xiang, saying that he had something to do and would not go.

Then press the return button.

This time is different from giving Su Yi an address in the past and letting Su Yi go by himself, but two options pop up.

One is to let Su Yi go to a certain address outside Xuanwu Gate, and the other is to teleport it on the spot.

The cost of local transmission is [-] fans.

It's not too expensive, so Su Yi chose to experience it once.

After deducting [-] fan points, an illusory wall and an illusory door suddenly appeared in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi pushed the door open, and returned to the company the next moment.

What greeted him was not No. 032, but another strange woman's face.

"I'm the director's new assistant. My name is Xiaoyou. Are you Su Yi?" The woman had a sweet smile and a sweet voice, and she looked very green.

"The director is busy and can't get away. She asked me to pick you up. Mr. Su Yi, the director asked me to ask you, are you ready for all the preparations you should do?"

"Ready." Su Yi nodded.

"That's good." Assistant Xiaoyou smiled sweetly, "Director Su Yi also asked me to remind you that when you enter the deathmatch set, don't think about hiding your clumsiness and keeping a low profile. Your performance in every scene will determine the next one." The direction of the plot. If you deliberately show weakness or hide your strength, you will most likely be regarded by the protagonist as a small character who needs to be cleaned up first, and you will be treated as an object to scare others."

"But don't be too high-profile, the degree of which is up to you! Also, deathmatch sets are basically playing cards. You have to be careful not only the protagonist, but also any actor. Don't think that it's natural for you to have a common enemy. Allies, there is also a conflict of interest between you."

"Finally, on behalf of the director and myself, I wish you a smooth performance and a safe return."

(End of this chapter)

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