Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 544 Wang Bao's Action

Chapter 544 Wang Bao's Action

"Ma sir, O Ji doesn't have enough evidence to sue Wang Bao and detain him for up to 48 hours..."

"Don't worry about O Ji, it has nothing to do with us!" Ma Jun waved his hand, "Besides, our goal today is not Wang Bao, but Zhuo Ziqiang!"

"But where are we going to find Zhuo Ziqiang?" The subordinate said with a headache, "I have no idea, sir!"

"How can there be no clue?" Ma Jun laughed dumbly, "As long as Wang Bao moves, there will be a clue when there is no clue."

The subordinates didn't know why, but they simply gave up thinking.

Anyway, there is a super policeman who is both wise and brave, Sir Ma, what is there to think about?Just be obedient.

Twenty minutes later, Wang Bao was escorted back to the police station.

Immediately afterwards, something that shocked the whole of Hong Kong happened!
Tens of thousands of young and Dangerous kids paraded the streets, and all the police stations in the 23 police districts on Hong Kong Island were attacked by young and Dangerous kids at the same time!
Hong Kong was in an uproar!
The first brother was furious, the Governor of Hong Kong was furious, and the six major families were furious!
This is another vicious law and order incident that has never been seen on Hong Kong Island. No one expected that the Wang Bao Society, which had fought side by side with the police a few days ago to maintain law and order, would attack the police force on such a large scale today.

It is unbelievable that while citizens are worried about public security issues, many voices are complaining about the police force. Some people think that the police force is despicable for "crossing rivers and demolishing bridges", and some think it is stupid for the police force to arrest people without considering the consequences.

Tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys acted at the same time. Looking at the entire Hong Kong Island, only Wang Bao has such appeal.

Chen Guozhong, who brought Wang Bao back to the police station, felt the overwhelming pressure. The first floor of the police station was completely "occupied" by the young and Dangerous. The police built a defense line at the stairs to prevent the crowded young and Dangerous from attacking the second floor office area.

Dozens of policemen have to face thousands of young and Dangerous boys at the same time!

The most terrible thing is that every police station has to face such a bad situation.

Let alone arresting people at this time, a little spark may lead to bloody conflicts.

No one dares to mess around, no one dares to be tough!
Everyone kept restraint on the powder keg, waiting for instructions from their superiors.

"Let him go!" Chen Guozhong was unwilling to make a decision after being called and scolded by his immediate superior, Chief Superintendent O Ji, and the first brother of the police force.

Chen Guozhong wanted to catch Wang Bao to a degree of bewilderment, that's why he was so easily used by Ma Jun.

This time, the arrest was originally a slash before the attack, and the sword was slanted. Now that such a big basket has been exposed, how can he, a small inspector, be able to withstand it?
His men were also very unwilling, because they felt that 48 hours was enough time for them to find evidence of Wang Bao's crime.

But now, they have to let people go.

"If you want people to perish, you must first make them crazy." Chen Guozhong comforted his subordinates, "He has made such a big deal this time, and there will be no place for him on Hong Kong Island in the future."

The police thought that if Wang Bao was released, the turmoil would disappear, but they didn't expect that they would arrest Wang Bao whenever they wanted, and release him whenever they wanted?

"Let the governor of Hong Kong come here to talk to me!" Facing Chen Guozhong, Wang Bao sneered, "He came to invite me in person, and I have to think about whether to give him face."

"Wang Bao, don't go too far!" a policeman shouted angrily.

"You have no right to talk to me at all!" Wang Bao dismissed, and simply closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Chen Guozhong took a deep look at Wang Bao, turned around and left.

Soon, the first brother of the police force learned the news, and he directly made the first decision: "Chen Guozhong, you have been suspended!"

Someone has to be responsible for this matter, and the instigator, Chen Guozhong, is undoubtedly the most suitable victim.

He was the one who poked the basket out, so naturally he was the one to take the blame.

Soon, high-level police officers with higher status went to meet Wang Bao, and even high-level Hong Kong government officials called to persuade him, but to no avail. Wang Bao seemed determined to make a big fuss.

What is "[-] days of safety", what is "the safest city", all the efforts made by this city before will be in vain in this huge turmoil, and become an international joke. At this time, whether it is the governor of Hong Kong or the first brother of the police All panicked.

Such a large-scale confrontation, if it really triggers a bloody conflict, it must be earth-shattering!

Once this happens, the prestige of the Governor of Hong Kong will definitely be hit hard, and the newly appointed No. [-] brother in the police force will inevitably bear the brunt of it.

Even Wang Bao didn't expect that his actions would have such a huge and serious impact.

You must know that his original purpose was to make the noise bigger, on the one hand to confuse the public, and on the other hand, it would be better for Ma Jun to give up chasing and killing Zhuo Ziqiang under pressure.

But now, Wang Bao doesn't think so anymore!
He suddenly discovered that the consequences of what he did was much greater than he had imagined!
That being the case, he was not satisfied with just helping Zhuo Ziqiang out of trouble.

He suddenly discovered that he could take this opportunity to deal with Ma Jun!

Thinking of this, Wang Bao's mind suddenly became lively.

On the other side, the police headquarters CIB office area.

Ma Jun is giving orders in an orderly manner: "Report the specific location of the seventeen target people, hurry up!"

The so-called seventeen target persons are the seventeen bosses under Wang Bao, whose phones were all monitored by Ma Jun.

As long as their mobile phones are on, Ma Jun can keep track of their movements at any time!

"Target No. [-] is located at Wan Chai Police Station... Target No. [-] is located at Happy Valley Police Station..."

The subordinates quickly reported that the locations of these leaders were almost all located in or near the police station.

It's normal to think about it, Wang Bao has created such a big battle, how can these leaders not come to the scene to control the situation?
But there is one exception.

"No.14 target, people in Nanhua MRT Company, Jiashan Street, Tai Kok Tsui..."

Ma Jun slapped the table and stood up: "That's him!"

Ma Jun speculates that Zhuo Ziqiang is very likely to be with this NO.14 target.

The reason why he came to such a conclusion was because he already knew that Wang Bao would make noises to cover Zhuo Ziqiang, and now he also knew that Wang Bao's covering action was to direct his younger brothers to attack the major police stations. The brain is involved.

Only this NO.14 target didn't participate - so why did this guy go?

It is very possible that the task Wang Bao assigned to this guy was to protect Zhuo Ziqiang.

This speculation is highly probable.

But if it's not, it's okay, the big deal is to rule out a wrong answer, Ma Jun thinks very openly.

But for this operation, Ma Jun knew that he had no helpers.

Because at such a precarious time, all his subordinates have long been required by the first brother of the police force to be fully armed and on standby, ready to suppress bloody conflicts at any time.

At this time, he wanted to arrest Zhuo Ziqiang, and the first brother of the police force allowed him to do so, which was already a special permission for him.

"You stay here, and your brothers are on standby at any time. It is enough for me to catch Zhuo Ziqiang alone." Ma Jun is also a bold man with high skills, and confidently ordered his subordinates.

"Boss, Wang Bao must have some kind of plot behind such a big battle. I think it's time to let the matter of Zhuo Ziqiang be put aside, after all, he is not a big threat..." the subordinate advised.

Ma Jun smiled: "What do you think Wang Bao is up to?"

The subordinate hesitated slightly, and said: "Boss, if you publicly announce that you will bring the ten kings of thieves to justice, will he be against you?"

"I wish he could be against me." Ma Jun smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Stand by!"

After all, he turned and left without looking back.

At the same time, Su Yi and others also learned of Wang Bao's big move.

"Wang Bao's advantage is too great!" Chen Yiyuan was a little emotional and shocked, "There are tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys under him, and anyone who wants to touch him has to weigh it. But he should not only do this to protect Zhuo Ziqiang, right? In the big battle, I think Wang Bao must have other plans."

Su Yi didn't think so, he said: "If Wang Bao only covers Zhuo Ziqiang, although this move is a bit of a waste of resources, it's not bad. As long as they are smart enough, Zhuo Ziqiang's game is basically stable."

"But if Wang Bao has other plans, such as targeting Ma Jun, then he is too stupid. I'm afraid he will shoot himself in the foot and self-defeating."

Chen Yiyuan was a little surprised: "Now the whole Hong Kong Island doesn't want Wang Bao's people to get out of control and become chaotic. At this time, Wang Bao will say anything that the Hong Kong government will agree to him. He is using power to suppress people, and there is no way to understand it. What a scumbag!" Brother, are you still not optimistic about Wang Bao?"

"When people are at their best, they are often at their most dangerous." Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chen Yiyuan tilted his head, obviously not agreeing with Su Yi's words.

"Brother Scum, don't you plan to intervene?" Chen Yiyuan asked, "I think that even if Wang Bao can't kill Ma Jun this time, he can still make him burnt out. Maybe this is the best chance to take Ma Jun down."

"Forget it." Su Yi shook his head resolutely, "Wang Bao is unreliable, I don't like him, I would rather give up this opportunity than risk my life."

"I don't see how risky this matter is." Chen Yiyuan thought about it seriously, but still shook his head, he looked at Su Yi sincerely, "Brother scum, could it be that you have too much prejudice against Wang Bao? ? Just because he can't control Feng Yuxiu, so you don't think he can do anything? I think just because of his actions to clean up the crimes some time ago, and the means of making Yuxiu popular, it is enough to show that this person is very cunning of."

"If he just can't control Feng Yuxiu, I might really take the opportunity to make a move now." Su Yi said with a smile, "But I don't like this person, not just because of his ability, but because of his character."

"Character?" Chen Yiyuan was puzzled.

"Yes, character." Su Yi nodded, "Why did he call me before?"

"For the sake of forming an alliance." Chen Yiyuan blurted out, but then he reacted and said suddenly: "Understood! He shouldn't have called you to ask for an alliance at this time. He gave Brother Scum when Ma Jun was about to find him. If you call, it can only show that he is timid."

"It's okay to be timid." Su Yi smiled, "But after the phone call with me, he is no longer timid. This is the scariest thing."

"This person is doing things based on his emotions..." Chen Yiyuan completely understood what Su Yi meant.

"Yeah, he thinks about it all the time." Su Yi sighed, "He gave me the feeling that even the time to go to the toilet may change his outlook on life. This kind of person is too unstable and easy to think Fever. I don’t deny that he has ideas and is capable of doing things, but his flaws are also obvious. Therefore, I will never participate in anything that he can decide, lest I be implicated.”

Chen Yiyuan thought for a long time, then gave Su Yi a thumbs up: "Brother scum, this time I really admire you."

bang bang bang...

At the Nanhua MRT Company on Jiashan Street, Tai Kok Tsui, Ma Jun drove his car violently into the front yard gate of the company, and was immediately shot at him.

Ma Jun was not polite, and resolutely fired back.

The opponents are all young and Dangerous boys. Although the firepower is fierce, to Ma Jun, he just looks scary, and the mental pressure on him is far greater than the actual pressure.

He hid in his car and fired shots, almost one at a time.The frequency is not high, but with ultra-high precision, the young and Dangerous are the first to lose their grip.

They retreated in panic, throwing a few grenades before leaving.

bang bang...

The concrete floor in the yard was collapsed into two big holes, which didn't even touch Ma Jun's hair.

Ma Jun got out of the car decisively and gave chase.

Chase all the way, leaving a corpse all the way.

He killed all the way, emptied five magazines, and passed the level without any danger.

Pointing a gun at the bloody boss, Ma Jun frowned deeply.

Because he didn't see Zhuo Ziqiang, only this No.14 target.

"Where's Zhuo Ziqiang?" Ma Jun asked straight to the point.

"Pfft!" The leader spat viciously, almost spitting on Ma Jun's face.

"Kill me, Gan Niang! Hehe!" This guy was very arrogant.

Ma Jun cut off his gun and shot in the head.

"Killing you is just a report, idiot..." Ma Jun muttered and turned around, not even looking at the body lying in a pool of blood behind him.

Since Zhuo Ziqiang is not here, it means that his initial guess was wrong——

It's not wrong, because he only pushed the first floor, maybe he was on the fifth floor.

But no matter which floor Zhuo Ziqiang is on, Ma Jun has a way to find this guy layer by layer and find him out.

He was about to call the subordinates who stayed at CIB, and wanted to start with other clues to continue the investigation, and find someone to come here to finish.

But at this moment, his cell phone rang first.

Looking at the number, it was actually a call from Brother Yi.

problem occurs?
Ma Jun didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly answered the phone.

"Sir, I am Ma Jun!"

"Ah Jun, Wang Bao made a big fuss this time, which made us too passive! Now that the whole world is watching Hong Kong Island, there must be no accidents, so we can only temporarily agree to Wang Bao's conditions..."

Ma Jun was taken aback.

He guessed a little bit, but still couldn't believe it, and confirmed: "Sir, you called me to mean that the conditions proposed by Wang Bao are related to me?"

"That's right." The first brother apologized slightly, "Wang Bao provided me with some evidence that you violently enforced the law and killed suspects in violation of regulations. He asked us to immediately announce to the outside world that you will be expelled from the police force and never hired, and To put the blame on you this time, he wants us to admit that you instructed Chen Guozhong to arrest him in violation of regulations, with the purpose of blackmailing him...Only in this way, he is willing to order his subordinates to disband and leave the police Department……"

(End of this chapter)

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