Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 545 The Death of Wang Bao

Chapter 545 The Death of Wang Bao
"Ajun, in order to stabilize Wang Bao, we can only agree to him at the moment, but don't worry, this is just a stopgap measure! Wang Bao has gone too far this time. After this incident subsides, we will concentrate all our energy , kill Wang Bao! As soon as Wang Bao dies, we will immediately restore your reputation and reinstate your post... Ah Jun, don't worry, your grievances will not be in vain..."

The first brother in the police force said something sweet, but the implication in his words was that he had already made a decision to sacrifice Ma Jun.

On weekdays, the first brother of the police force is optimistic about Ma Jun in various ways, but at critical moments, Ma Jun has to be sacrificed.

Although I knew that everyone was taking advantage of each other, this feeling still made Ma Jun very upset.

But at this time, Ma Jun couldn't care about this little emotion.

He wanted to laugh a little.

It's not that I laughed out of anger, but I really found it funny.

"Wang Baozhen said that? Where is he now?" Ma Jun asked.

"Still in the detention room of Wan Chai Police Station."

"Does he really not understand the reason why a gentleman is weak?" Ma Jun was a little emotional.

"What do you mean?" Brother Yi didn't understand.

"Sir, I have a way to kill Wang Bao and make all the young and Dangerous boys retreat." Ma Jun said.

Brother Yi was silent.

"Ah Jun, we can't take risks!" After a long time, he answered slowly.

"Don't take any risks," Ma Jun sighed, "Give me 10 minutes. If I can't handle it in 10 minutes, sir, you can arrest me and go to jail at any time. Ma Jun has no complaints!"

Brother Yi pondered for a moment again, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll give you 10 minutes! Ah Jun, I've always been optimistic about you, so I gave you a chance. You have to understand that the Governor of Hong Kong is still waiting for me to hold a press conference..."

"I understand." Ma Jun said, "sir, if you are destined to sacrifice me, I can accept it, but I am not for Hong Kong Island, but to repay your kindness."

"Okay! Ah Jun, I hope you won't let you down, and don't let me down either." The first brother was a little moved by Ma Jun's words.

After hanging up the phone, Ma Jun pouted.

If Wang Bao just stayed at the police station honestly, that's fine.According to the rules of deathmatch, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to attack Wang Bao.

But Wang Bao was willing to die and took the initiative to tease him, so why is Ma Jun being polite to him?
Wang Bao is already dead, and this crisis is nothing to him, so if you don't need money, you might as well say more.

After this matter is over, Brother Yi will owe him another favor.

He took out a communication card that he had printed out before, and then dialed a person whose name was marked as Fat Biao.

The phone is connected, and the voice over there is very noisy.

"Hello? Who is it?"

Ma Jun said indifferently: "Guo Zhenbiao, at 1991 o'clock in the afternoon on June 6, 3, you killed a father and son at No. 11 Hoi Fai Road. You tied the body with stones and sank into the sea from the Quarry Bay Wharf. Knowing that you murdered your two younger brothers, I can arrest them and testify at any time, and I have already salvaged the corpse from the sea. Is this case enough for you to sit in prison?"

"Who the hell are you!" The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became more serious.

"In May 1992, you kidnapped and extorted a rich businessman in Lisboa for 5 million Wan coins and then tore up the ticket. His body sank into the high seas. Now the body has been found. The younger brother Awen who committed the crime with you is now in Stanley Prison. , as long as I want, he can confess you at any time, and with this case, do you think you still have hope of getting out of prison in this life?"

"Of course, maybe you are not afraid of going to jail. Then in March this year, you swallowed more than [-] million yuan worth of goods from Wang Bao, but lied to him that the ship sank. Should I tell Wang Bao about this?"

"Who the hell are you! What do you want to do!" Fat Biao on the other end of the phone was shocked and angry.

"You should have heard that I am a policeman." Ma Jun said with a smile, "I called you because of Wang Bao. I know you have always been ambitious, and secretly contacted Fuquan, Guowei and Dapao. You want to overthrow Wang Bao and sit in the manor yourself, but you don't have the guts."

"Now I will give you a chance. Wang Bao has done too much this time. We don't want him to be alive. I know you are at the Wan Chai Police Station. I will let my people make way for you to see Wang Bao. You can take as many people as you want, but with Wang Bao's skill, I advise you to use a gun..."

"Why should I listen to you?" Fat Biao gritted his teeth.

"Listen to me, I will let you sit in the manor." Ma Jun smiled, "If you don't listen to me, I can still kill Wang Bao, but you have to be buried with him, Fat Biao, you have no choice, but I know You are a smart person, the truth that death is worse than life, when you knelt down to Wang Bao and begged for mercy, you should have understood..."


After hanging up Fei Biao's phone, Ma Jun immediately called Chen Guozhong.

"Ah Zhong, are you still able to speak?" Ma Jun asked straight to the point.

"What's the matter?" Chen Guozhong asked in a deep voice.

"There is a way to deal with Wang Bao. I persuaded Fei Biao, but I need your cooperation." Ma Jun said.

Chen Guozhong on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "What do you want me to do?"

Ma Jun smiled.

After 10 minutes, Wan Chai Police Station.

In the detention room, Wang Bao leisurely smoked a cigar, waiting for the good news.

Seeing Chen Guozhong approaching suddenly, he was a little surprised: "Huh? Has your boss fired you yet?"

Chen Guozhong looked at him blankly for a while, then said coldly: "You made such a big battle just to punish the horse army? Do you have a grudge against him? Did he mess with your wife?"

Wang Bao's smile froze slightly, and he said, "Chen Guozhong, don't think I can't do anything about you!"

"I just think you can't do anything about me!" Chen Guozhong smiled, "Wang Bao, you're so big, I'll see how you end up!"

After all, he turned and left.

Before leaving, he told the guards: "Lock the door!"

The prison guard said: "But brother one told you not to lock the door..."

Chen Guozhong turned around to look at him, and said coldly: "Then you can go to Brother Yi now and work with him, okay?"

The guards were silent.

"Bring the key, get out!" Chen Guozhong stretched out his hand and shouted.

Under pressure, the prison guards had no choice but to follow suit.

Chen Guozhong locked the door of the detention room and checked it again.

"Does it make sense?" Wang Bao frowned suspiciously.

He felt that Chen Guozhong's behavior was somewhat inexplicable.

Chen Guozhong looked up at him and said: "Being a monk for a day hits the clock for a day, Wang Bao, as long as I still wear this police uniform, you have to follow my rules!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Guozhong turned around and left.

Looking at Chen Guozhong's leaving figure with a frown, Wang Bao felt that something was wrong, but he felt that this might be Chen Guozhong's self-consoling paranoia.

In the chaotic lobby on the first floor, the police and the young and Dangerous are still confronting each other.

The young and Dangerous boys kept swearing and swearing, but the policemen refused to retaliate. They nervously aimed their guns at the young and Dangerous boys in front of them.

The scene is really on the verge of breaking out, a little spark, it is a monstrous fire!

Suddenly, Chen Guozhong came down from the stairs on the second floor, looked around solemnly, and shouted, "Fat Biao! Is Fat Biao here?"

A dark man came out more and more, raising one hand, and the noise of the young and Dangerous boys stopped immediately.

Chen Guozhong's eyes fell on this person, and he asked, "You want to see Wang Bao?"

"It's me." Fat Biao said with his eyes flickering slightly.

"You can go in." Chen Guozhong signaled the police to get out of the way.

Fei Biao's expression became more cloudy, he waved his hand, and a person followed immediately behind him.

The two crossed the police line of defense and walked to the second floor.

Seeing Chen Guozhong's indifference, some police officers asked curiously, "Brother Zhong, don't you need to follow them?"

Chen Guozhong smiled at him: "There are brothers above."

Sure enough, there were police officers on the second floor to show Fei Biao the way.The police officer led Fei Biao to the entrance of a corridor and told him, "Go to the end."

Then he stopped talking, as if he couldn't see or hear anything.

Fat Biao walked in with his little brother with a sullen face.

Stop at the end of the corridor, open the door and enter.

Wang Bao in the detention room looked up at the visitor, a little surprised.

But the next moment, his face changed, and his heart was full of warning signs!

At the same time, Fei Biao took out a gun from his pocket and shot.


The small detention room was empty, there was nowhere to hide!

Wang Bao roared and rushed out.

Bang bang bang!
Fei Biao pulled the trigger one after another, hitting Wang Bao's chest three times.

The next moment, Wang Baozhuang's burly body slammed into the iron fence, bending the steel posts of the railing.

At this moment, his eyes were wide open, like a devil.

bang bang bang...

Fat Biao was scared out of his wits by his appearance, subconsciously fired repeatedly until all the bullets in the pistol were exhausted.

Two bullets pierced Wang Bao's head.

Unwillingly, Wang Bao fell into a pool of blood.

Full of scheming and expectations, all of which vanished into thin air.

Fat Biao gasped for breath, feeling lingering fear, only then realized that his hands were shaking violently, and his back was drenched in cold sweat.

He was quick-witted, reacted quickly, wrapped his hands with his sleeves, wiped the fingerprints on the gun, and then handed the gun to the younger brother who brought it for him to hold.

He put his arms around his younger brother's neck, gritted his teeth and said, "You killed him! I killed him! I will give the money to your mother and your son, and I will take good care of them. Bitter! But if you dare..."

"Brother Biao, don't worry, I already have cancer, and I won't live long." The boy said calmly and firmly, holding a gun, "I killed people, as long as you keep your word, I will never talk nonsense."

clap clap!

Fat Biao patted his younger brother's face vigorously, and said grimly, "It's better like this!"

Turn around and leave.

At the end of the corridor, the police officer pretended not to see Fei Biao.

Fat Biao looked at him several times, passed in front of his eyes, and hurried downstairs.

Downstairs was in chaos.

The gunshot just now made everyone very nervous.

Chen Guozhong was trying his best to maintain order, with a solemn expression on his face.

Suddenly, if he felt something, he looked back and saw Fei Biao hurriedly going downstairs.

He looked at Fei Biao, who nodded invisibly, then passed him and shouted at all the young and Dangerous boys: "Shut up!"

The hustle and bustle stopped abruptly.

Fei Biao took a deep breath and said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense, don't ask too much, withdraw! Now withdraw!"

The people here are all Fei Biao's subordinates, so naturally they all listen to him, upon hearing this, they start to evacuate without saying a word.

After a while, the huge police station was left in a mess, only the police officers were left looking at each other.

"Brother Zhong, what's going on here?" A police officer asked suspiciously.

Chen Guozhong patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's none of your business, don't ask too much!"

Then he ordered two people to block the stairs so that no one could go upstairs, and then he returned to the detention room.

The policeman who had led the way for Fei Biao had just handcuffed the younger brother who left behind the blame. Seeing Chen Guozhong coming, he immediately got up to say hello.

Chen Guozhong walked to the door of the detention room, stared at Wang Bao's dead body, and was stunned for a long time.

He suddenly felt a dull emptiness.

After a long silence, he called Ma Jun and said only three words: "It's done."

In fact, Ma Jun knew the news a long time ago.

Not only Ma Jun, but all the actors got the news of Wang Bao's death.

In the Tsuen Wan Police Station, Zhuo Ziqiang, who was so makeup that it was difficult to see his true face, stood among the young and Dangerous boys with dull eyes, shocked beyond words.

Wang Bao is dead?

The godfather of the underworld on Hong Kong Island, Wang Bao, who had tens of thousands of subordinates, just died like this?

In the end what happened?
How could Wang Bao die?

Zhuo Ziqiang couldn't figure this out!
Because according to the rules, Ma Jun can't attack Wang Bao at all!

What's more, now that tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys are attacking the major police stations, how dare the police let Wang Bao die at this time?
Are they not afraid that without Wang Bao, the situation will completely get out of control?

Zhuo Ziqiang couldn't figure it out, but he felt cold all over his body at the moment, and the great fear almost made him breathless.

Even though he had set up several layers of cover to cover his whereabouts, even though he felt that his concealment was flawless at this moment, he felt a huge danger coming towards him like a tide.

A thought popped into my mind, and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

He shuddered, turned and left.

At the same time, Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan were beyond shocked.

Even if Su Yi didn't like Wang Bao anymore, he didn't expect him to play himself to death so soon.

And Chen Yiyuan felt that he was completely subverted.

Like Zhuo Ziqiang, he couldn't figure out how this magical thing happened.

"It shouldn't be!" Chen Yiyuan looked incredible, "Wang Bao is the godfather of the underworld in Hong Kong! Tens of thousands of younger brothers, black and white, how could he be killed so easily by Ma Jun? How dare Ma Jun ? Isn't he afraid of stabbing the sky?"

"This day belongs to the Hong Kong government, not to Wang Bao!" Su Yi shook his head and said, "Wang Bao is just a cancer, he can't recognize his true status at all."

"So what about the gangsters? What about the tens of thousands of young and Dangerous boys? Even if it's just a small police chief who summons him with an arrest warrant, doesn't he have to follow the police obediently?"

"Brother Zha, you got rid of the identity of the club from the very beginning, didn't you see this clearly?" Chen Yiyuan asked.

"The big tree attracts the wind." Su Yi was a little emotional, "Ma Jun came in three months in advance, who knows what he has done? Wang Bao's tens of thousands of younger brothers, when it comes to the critical time, it is very difficult to listen to him or Ma Jun. It's hard to say! Wang Bao can't see through this point, even if he doesn't die today, when it's his turn, he will die a miserable death."

(End of this chapter)

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