Chapter 565
Why is Jia Changqing so sure that Su Yi dare not touch him?
Because of his status, he is a disciple of the "Wu" generation of the Qing Gang.

It may not reflect his awesomeness, but here are two more people--Du Yuesheng and Chang Kaishen.

These two people are also from the Wuzi generation of the Qing Gang, but the latter later withdrew from the gang and refused to recognize them.

This shows Jia Changqing's high status in the Green Gang.

His master, Li Dasen, is the leader of the Jinmen Youth Gang, and is on an equal footing with Huang Jinrong in Shanghai.

If Su Yi really dared to touch Jia Changqing, it would be useless for anyone to intervene, the Green Gang would definitely fight him to the death.

Jia Changqing was not afraid of Su Yi's attack at all, and he was not even afraid that Su Yi would not come. This was his confidence in his reputation.

He's thinking about other things now.

"Geng Liangchen... A little Liba, why did he suddenly have a handsome body, who taught him?" He murmured and asked, but he kept moving his hands, and he squeezed them into various shapes.The woman in the cheongsam gritted her teeth and endured the pain, with sweat on her forehead.

The subordinate shook his head and said: "I heard from the people below that this kid was at Xiaobailou and had a conversation with Mr. Zheng of Wu Xing for a while."

"Zheng Shanao?" Jia Changqing frowned vigorously.

"He has something to do with Zheng Shan'ao? Is he Zheng Shan'ao's apprentice?" Jia Changqing guessed secretly, and when he was distracted, he squeezed the thing in his hand tightly, getting more and more forceful.

The cheongsam woman suffered from pain and finally exclaimed, interrupting Jia Changqing's thoughts.

"Fuck the muddy stuff!"

Jia Changqing's expression darkened immediately, he picked up a plate from the table and slammed it on the woman's head.


Dishes shattered, women's heads were bloodied.

Jia Changqing's face was distorted, and he still couldn't let go of his hatred, and continued to pick up the plate on the table and smash it on the woman's head.



After smashing more than a dozen plates in a row, the woman's head was no longer visible, and Bai Shengsheng's skull was exposed, Jia Changqing stopped panting.

Looking up, I saw a young man with braids cautiously poking his head at the door.

"Get out!" Jia Changqing cursed.

The braided young man repeatedly apologized, stepped into the door and kept bowing: "Master Jia, Geng Liangchen has brought it. It took a while, mainly because... when I found him, he was eating noodles. I said you want to see him, he He said he would come back after eating the noodles."

"Made, what a disappointment!" He cursed and tore the napkin aside to wipe the blood from his hands, not knowing who he was cursing.

"Where is he now?" Jia Changqing asked.

"It's downstairs." The young man with braids replied hastily.

Jia Changqing slowly ordered to the former subordinate: "Go, let the kitchen serve a hundred bowls of noodles, and then you go to Mr. Zheng and say that I am inviting Geng Liangchen to eat noodles, and see how he reacts."

"Yes, Master Jia." The subordinate hastily took orders and left.

"Clean up and bring people up." He said to the braided young man again.

"Come on!" the braided young man hastily commanded his subordinates to carry out the poor woman who didn't know whether she was alive or not, and asked the boys in Dengyinglou to start cleaning up the blood in the private room.

A while later, when Su Yi came in, the guys just happened to leave with a basin of blood, and the two sides bumped into each other.

The table was empty, and in the whole private room, there was only one table and one chair left.

The chair, Jia Changqing, was sitting, so naturally there was no place for Su Yi.

"Master Jia, here he is, Geng Liangchen." The braided young man said with a smile.

Jia Changqing looked Su Yi up and down, Su Yi smiled and cupped his hands: "Master Jia."

"It looks good, like a man." Jia Changqing said with a smile, "If he can abolish Wang Shihaier, he should be considered capable. Geng Liangchen...whose dock did you visit?"

"No one to rely on, no one to worship the sky, no earth, and no one." Su Yi laughed.

"Yo, so lonely?" Jia Changqing was delighted, "A single husband usually dies badly, little brother."

"It's better not to die well than to live well." Su Yi said.

"That makes sense." Jia Changqing nodded, "You abolished Wang Shihaier, what are you going to do about it?"

"Wang Shihai..." Su Yi's smile faded slightly, and he pondered for a while, "Although this man deserved his own fault and has already been punished, he has not yet compensated for the losses he caused to our Ding Zigu footsteps."

"Originally this is not the end of the matter, but since Master Jia has come forward, I have to give him some face." Su Yi said, "Let the three brothers of the Wang family give up their footsteps at Baihe Wharf, and I will not pursue the rest of the matter."

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly turned cold. Jia Changqing looked at Su Yi in disbelief with his face full of astonishment.

The young man with braids lost his temper, pointed at Su Yi and yelled, "Why are you so mad? What are you farting?"

Su Yi didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "Brother, I didn't offend you when I came this way. Why are you acting like a dog, turning your face when you say it? Why, after seeing the master, can you rely on people's power?"

The young man with pigtails was furious: "How dare you call me a dog!"

"Don't put gold on your face!" Su Yi pretended to be serious.

"Hey, I..." The young man with braids exploded, and was about to step forward to make a move.

Jia Changqing slammed the table.

Xiao Zhui'er was shocked all over, and immediately didn't dare to stab, shrinking his neck, and retreated obediently.

"Young and vigorous." Jia Changqing stared at Su Yi's face, and slowly uttered four words.

Su Yi smiled and didn't speak.

"You should know who I am, and you dare to talk to me like that." Jia Changqing showed a puzzled expression, "Geng Liangchen, are you really not afraid of death?"

"Afraid, why aren't you afraid?" Su Yi said, "Of the [-] Qing Gang brothers in Jinmen, [-] of them have to listen to your Master Jia. If anyone offends you, they won't be able to gain a foothold in Jinmen."

"No, no, no, you're wrong." Jia Changqing stretched out a finger and shook it, "If you offend me, it's not a matter of standing or not standing, it's a matter of life or death!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "That's right, so if you want to save your life and gain a foothold in Jinmen, you must either not offend Master Jia, or you must not offend Master Jia."

"I can't afford it?" Jia Changqing was very angry, "Do you think I can't afford you? Who are you relying on? Zheng Shanao?"

Su Yi didn't answer him, but raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Master Jia, I know your details. Apart from knowing that my name is Geng Liangchen, you used to be a Liba worker. Do you know anything about me? You know Where did my martial arts come from? Do you know why I have the courage to stand in front of you and say these words?"

"I guess you don't know anything."

Jia Changqing's expression changed.

At the same time, in Zheng Shan'ao's martial arts gym, he was surprised by the disciple who asked Jinmen to report: "People from the Qing Gang came to see me? Is it Jia Changqing? Yuan Wenhui? Liu Guanghai? Or Wu Pengju?"

The four people he mentioned were all prominent figures in the Jinmen Youth Gang.

"It's Jia Changqing's confidant, Wu Si'er," the disciple replied, "It's Jia Changqing's order to ask you something."

"Jia Changqing..." Zheng Shanao frowned, somewhat puzzled, "Let him in."


After this disciple went out, Zheng Shanao said to another disciple: "Go on.

"Yes, master!" another disciple said, "Geng Liangchen didn't know where he went after he abolished the three Wang Shihai brothers. Now that the gate of Ding Zigu's footsteps is closed, he probably hid because he was afraid of revenge from the Green Gang."

Zheng Shanao frowned and said, "Where's the lighthouse man? Didn't I tell you to focus on investigating his contact with the lighthouse man?"

"This...Master, I haven't checked yet."

"Then go ahead and check, check carefully." Zheng Shanao waved his hand, "Go to the accountant and pay fifty oceans, don't be afraid to spend money, check everything about this Geng Liangchen clearly for me!"

"Yes, Master."


Of course, it is impossible for Zheng Shanao not to be interested in Su Yi. On the contrary, he is bound to gain the secret of Su Yi's muscle building.

It's just that he is old and mature, and he never does things that he is not sure of, especially when it comes to such big things, so he has to know himself and the enemy before he can hit it with one blow.

At this moment, Wu Si'er, Jia Changqing's subordinate, came in.

He first saluted Zheng Shanao respectfully, and then said: "Master Zheng, our boss asked me to tell you something, and I want to hear your opinion."

"What's the matter?" Zheng Shanao asked.

"Our boss is currently ascending Yinglou, and he is inviting a man named Geng Liangchen to eat noodles." Wu Si'er looked at Zheng Shanao, "He wants to know, what does your old man think about this matter?"

Zheng Shanao was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that the people from the Green Gang came to him, and it was actually related to Geng Liangchen!
He just wanted to ask "Why did you come to me about Geng Liangchen's matter", but he swallowed the words again.

He pondered for a while, picked up the cup on the table to cover up by drinking tea, his mind was running fast, and then he really figured out the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Of course, he would never have thought that Su Yi didn't meet him by chance, otherwise he would be a god.

Zheng Shanao said through his disciples just now that Geng Liangchen abolished the disciples of the Qing Gang during the foot-and-walk fight. He thought that he had talked to him in the White Russian restaurant in Xiaobailou, and thus deduced that it might be because of this that the Qing Gang misunderstood Geng Liangchen. It has something to do with me, so I asked someone to ask me, to find out my attitude.

"Xiao Geng..." Zheng Shanao's mind was changing rapidly, and he made a quick decision, "Did he offend your Green Gang?"

"There is some misunderstanding." Wu Si'er replied truthfully.

Zheng Shanao sighed: "Young people don't know etiquette, and they will inevitably be inconsiderate in doing things. You tell Jia Changqing that there is a misunderstanding. It's good for everyone to talk about it. If it's not a big deal, there's no need to get stiff, right? ?”

Wu Si'er's eyes flashed, and he said: "Master Zheng, you shouldn't ask a question, this Geng Liangchen is with you..."

"Junior." Zheng Shanao spat out two words.

Wu Si'er was silent for a moment, then cupped his hands and said: "Understood, Mr. Zheng, I'll go back and tell our boss what you said, do you have any orders?"

Zheng Shan said proudly: "Brother Li and I haven't seen each other for a while, Jia Changqing is his apprentice, let him help me greet Brother Li."

"I heard clearly." Wu Si'er bowed, first took two steps back, then turned and left.

Zheng Shanao narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

He has a need for Su Yi, and when encountering such a thing, it is almost a subconscious reaction to be kind to Su Yi.

With this layer of human affection in it, it means that he, Zheng Shanao, has lost his son first.

What he didn't know was that, not to mention the move he made first, even he was in Su Yi's game.

Deng Ying Lou.

Jia Changqing was stopped by Su Yi's rhetorical question.

Yes, Su Yi knew who Jia Changqing was, but he knew almost nothing about him.

These days, the current situation is too complicated, and no one knows who you meet.A person who looks unattractive may have a great background.

As the saying goes, the older you are, the less courageous you are. This is not entirely derogatory. The reason why you become less courageous is because you stand taller, see more, understand more, and have awe.

There are people beyond the people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. He Jia Changqing is domineering on the streets of Jinmen, but he is self-aware and knows that there are many people in this world that he can't afford.

A senior leader of the Qing Gang, who has more than ten thousand subordinates, sounds very imposing, right?
In the eyes of some big shots, that's a fart!
Huang Jinrong of the Demon City is the leader of the Green Gang who is of the same generation as his master Li Dasen. When he stomps his feet, the whole Demon City trembles, isn't it majestic?
Once he was booed for his role in the theater. Seeing that it was a young man with no good looks, he sent someone to slap the man twice. The young man turned around and walked away without saying a word.

It stands to reason that this matter can't be any smaller.Huang Jinrong didn't know how many people sank into the Huangpu River, what's a slap in the face?
However, this time he got into trouble and almost lost his life.

It turned out that the unattractive young man was Lu Xiaojia, the eldest son of Zhijiang Governor Lu Yongxiang, the son of the warlord's family, how could he be bullied by a gang leader like him?
A few days later, when Huang Jinrong came to listen to the play again, Lu Xiaojia led a dozen plainclothes soldiers to surround Huang Jinrong, pointed a gun at his bald head, and carried him away.

No one knows what happened to Huang Jinrong after he was taken away.Half a month later, Du Yuesheng and Zhang Xiaolin, two other bigwigs from Shanghai, came forward and opened up the internal relationship of the Lu House. They spent a huge sum of 3 million and finally redeemed Huang Jinrong.

Since then, Huang Jinrong has kept this matter secret and never mentioned it again.

And he is the most senior boss of the Shanghai Green Gang, so if he doesn't mention it, no one will dare to poke his scar.

Although it has been ten years since this incident, the vigilance it brought to the leaders of the Youth Gang is still vivid in my mind.

This incident let them know that no matter how big the gang is, no matter how many subordinates there are, if they meet someone with guns and power, they will still stop working.

When people need you, you are the boss, when they don't need you, you are the chamber pot.

"Brother Geng said that, but my surname is Jia." Jia Changqing's face was cloudy, "Forgive my clumsy eyes, dare to ask Brother Geng, which road are you from?"

In the end, Jia Changqing chose to be cautious.

Su Yi smiled lightly, and said: "The real one can't be fake, the fake one can't be real. Which way I am, after a long time, I can't hide it from Master Jia's eyes. But if you want to talk about the real god, Master Jia, you are the real god. Geng Liangchen, at most, it’s just a fox pretending to be a tiger!"

(End of this chapter)

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