Chapter 566
Boom boom boom!
"Come in!"

"Master Jia, the noodles you want are ready, serve the smaller ones now..."


Jia Changqing's one hundred bowls of noodles were originally intended for Su Yi.

Since this Su Yi didn't come to see him until he finished eating noodles, it means that this person loves noodles very much, so he ordered a hundred bowls and asked Su Yi to eat it in front of him.

But now, Jia Changqing was bluffed by Su Yi.

Of course, it was only a temporary bluff.

After all, he can be regarded as a leader of the Qing Gang, if he is so easily bluffed by a few words, it would be a waste of time.

"Sir, serve tea!" He stared at Su Yi, and slowly uttered two words.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the younger brother didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly withdrew.

After a while, a chair was placed next to Su Yi, and twice as hot tea was placed on the empty table.

Su Yi looked at the chair, looked at the tea on the table, then looked at Jia Changqing, and said with a smile: "I'm used to standing, so I don't need to sit. As for the tea... I don't think it's a good tea. Diao, don't drink it."

Jia Changqing remained silent with a gloomy face.

Su Yi changed the subject: "I came today mainly to explain three things clearly."

He stretched out three fingers, and first curled one down: "First, Baihe and Ding Zigu's surnames will be neither Wang nor Li, but Geng!"

Then came the second one: "Secondly, although the three brothers of the Wang family deserve their crimes, it depends on the owner to beat the dog. I will explain to the Green Gang, but you don't have to worry about this matter, Mr. Jia!"

Then there is the third one: "Third, Jinmen is not big, and Master Jia and I will have contacts in the future. We have high mountains and long rivers, and we will cherish it as we go!"

"I'm done talking, goodbye!"

After retracting the three fingers into a fist, Su Yi turned and walked away without giving Jia Changqing a chance to react.

Jia Changqing's eyes burst into anger, but he didn't respond until Su Yi walked out of the room.

As for Su Yi, he had the embarrassment of a dog biting a hedgehog and being unable to bite.

He was bluffed by Su Yi, and he didn't dare to turn his face easily; he wanted to find out the details before he spoke, but he counted his fingers and ran away after counting, without giving him a chance to speak.

Awesome, he couldn't even interrupt.

Jia Changqing knew very well that as long as Su Yi was allowed to walk out of Dengying Tower today, he would lose face as well as face, and it would be useless even if he made up for it in the future.

But unfortunately, he just didn't dare to slap the table and shout: "Kill him to death!"

He could only watch Su Yi leave.

It took a long time until the little brother Ding San'er came in again, and said cautiously: "Master Jia, he has already left..."

Jia Changqing then slammed the table, and yelled with distorted face and gritted teeth: "He's a mess, check it out for me! What the hell is this grandson doing!"

"Yes, yes..." Ding San'er quickly backed away.

After a while, Wu Si'er came back and told Jia Changqing exactly what happened after meeting Zheng Shan'ao.

As a result, Jia Changqing was even more confused.


What kind of relationship is this?
But there is no doubt that Geng Liangchen and Zheng Shanao really knew each other.

And why did Zheng Shanao ask him to take care of Li Dasen in the end?

This is to warn him Jia Changqing not to mess around, or let your master punish you.

This is the old man protecting Geng Liangchen!
What a marijuana flower!

Jia Changqing just felt confused, what is this?
On the other hand, Su Yi, who had bluffed Jia Changqing, was not proud, because he knew very well that what he was doing was a loop, one loop after another, and when it was done, all the links were hooked, and the matter was resolved.If any link is missing, no matter where the accident happened, he will have to reveal the truth.

To scare Jia Changqing, this is the first ring.

He met Zheng Shanao in Xiaobailou, he had what Zheng Shanao wanted, so if Jia Changqing wanted to find out about him, he would definitely start with Zheng Shanao first, this is the second ring.

Once Liu Haiqing and the forces behind him make a move, they will definitely take the upper-level route. At that time, it will be either the upper-level of the Green Gang or the upper-level footsteps, and someone will definitely contact Jia Changqing.The people above look down on the two small houses on the street, and they value the friendship and face of each other more.

This is the third ring.

Then Su Yi got stuck on his side. To survive the difficult period of this period, he had to deal with the tricks without showing timidity. This was the fourth ring.

The last link is to make Liu Haiqing feel that he has a background, Zheng Shanao also feel that he has a background, and Jia Changqing feel that he is unfathomable.

But unfortunately, none of them knew what Su Yi's background was.

When this effect is achieved, the set of rings is complete.

When Su Yi returned to Dingzigu, Li Yukun was leading a few people to clean up the shop.

Even though all the peddlers and Libas were gone and they didn't dare to come back, Li Yukun was still a tiger on the ground, and he still had someone who could order him around.

Seeing Su Yi coming back, Li Yukun's expression changed immediately, and he clapped his hands hastily to attract everyone's attention.

"Take a closer look at me. This is Mr. Geng, who will be the real master of our business from now on!" Li Yukun said loudly, "Mr. Geng is my savior, Mr. Li. If anyone of you bumps into Mr. Geng Lord, I, Li Yukun, won't spare him if you don't need Lord Geng to speak! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Understood, why don't you call someone?" Li Yukun shouted.

"Grandpa Geng is good!" Everyone shouted.

Morale is okay.

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, and said to Li Yukun: "It's almost time, Brother Li, take a few people and follow me to Baihe, let's take over the place first!"

Li Yukun suddenly became excited, and asked anxiously: "Then, the Green Gang..."

Su Yi nodded with a smile: "There are still small tricks to keep things in order, but just leave it to me."

"Okay, okay!" Li Yukun rubbed his hands excitedly, "Wang Shihai, Wang Shihai! You came here aggressively to seize my property, how could you think of today? Haha! What a retribution!"

Seeing Su Yi looking at him with a smile on the side, Li Yukun hurriedly slapped his forehead: "It's business! Business matters!"

Then he hurriedly greeted people, picked three or five people, and then went to the door and called a rickshaw, and pulled a group of people straight to Baihe Wharf.

At this moment, the footsteps at Baihe Wharf are also gloomy.

Naturally, the three brothers of the Wang family would not be brought here to recuperate from their injuries, but the people in the walk would not be unaware of such a big matter.

A lot of heads have been abolished, and all Liba and the little bosses gathered in the footsteps to discuss countermeasures, full of confusion about the future.

But what can they negotiate?
These days, who can truly control their own destiny?
When Su Yi came, hundreds of people gathered at the door of the car shop with sad faces, talking a lot.

A sharp-eyed person recognized Su Yi, and immediately exclaimed: "Geng Liangchen! Geng Liangchen is here!"


Everyone stood up.

Some panic, some anger, some hostility, some fear.

After a commotion, everyone picked up picks and sticks, gathered in a pile, and confronted Su Yi and others who had just got out of the car and came striding forward.

"Brother Geng, this..." Li Yukun was the first to panic, "Didn't you just say..."

"Small problem, don't panic." Su Yi smiled.

He walked over unhurriedly with his hands behind his back and looked around.

Hundreds of people armed with guns confronted him. At this time, if they could swarm with one order, it would be over regardless of Su Yi's plans.

Even if Su Yi hadn't been beaten to death here today, he would have been exposed and could only leave Jinmen in despair.

However, such a thing will definitely not happen.

"Jia Changqing didn't tell you, tell you to get out?"

Facing pairs of vigilant eyes, Su Yi took his time and said arrogant words.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Baihe is walking, I, Geng Liangchen, will take it!" Su Yi raised his thumb, pointed at himself, and his voice gradually became louder.

"You guys, where should you go? If you don't understand, go to Dengying Tower and ask Jia Changqing, he should still be there." Su Yi said slowly, "I also came from a bag-carrying background, so I won't make things difficult for you, but if you dare If you want to get stabbed with me, go and see what will happen to the three surnamed Wang!"

After saying these words, the people who spoke were in a commotion, dodging Su Yi's eyes.

"Get the hell out of here!" Su Yi's eyes widened suddenly, and his tongue burst into thunder.


All Liba suddenly scattered like birds and beasts.

Soon, hundreds of people disappeared without a trace.

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but the surface was still calm, he just turned his head and tilted his neck, and said lightly: "Get to work."

Li Yukun and the people he brought looked at him like they were gods.

There are no secrets on the streets of Jinmen.

Soon, Geng Liangchen retreated from Dengying Tower and Jia Changqing, and took over the affairs of Baihe's footsteps, and the news spread.

This incident shocked everyone's eyes. Many people found it incredible. What kind of god is this Geng Liangchen?How could he force Jia Changqing to bow his head?
Why can he snatch food from the Green Gang?

For a while, rumors spread, some people said that Geng Liangchen was the illegitimate son of Zheng Shanao, the top player in the martial arts industry, and some said that Geng Liangchen was standing behind the Jinmenyu Warden, and even more, that Geng Liangchen was the king of Chen Sheng, a prince and general. reincarnation...

The Allegro books on the Red Bridge are all out.

As a bastard in robes, Liu Haiqing naturally also learned the news.

He knew a little more than others, he knew that Jia Changqing's subordinate Wu Si'er had already asked Zheng Shanao, and he knew exactly what Zheng Shanao said.

Before that, he was still a little bit guilty about the fact that Su Yi occupied Baihe and Dingzigu.

But now, what Su Yi bragged about has become a reality!
Jia Changqing relented, Zheng Shanao also spoke for him, and Su Yi also occupied the footsteps on both sides.

Liu Haiqing realized in astonishment that it seemed that Su Yi had already done what needed to be done.

Here... It seems that Liu Haiqing has nothing to do with him!
It's not right, what Su Yi said before is true, the Green Gang may play tricks that are not on the table, and Liu Haiqing will need to come forward at that time.


What if the Green Gang doesn't play tricks?

What if Zheng Shan'ao and Li Dasen get along with each other, and Li Dasen sells face to Zheng Shanao, and the Green Gang dies?

Does that mean that there is no need for him, Liu Haiqing, to come forward?

Then the two members of Baihe and Dingzigu have nothing to do with him?

This can't be done!

Liu Haiqing couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

The bait thrown by Su Yi really hit Liu Haiqing's lifeblood.

Speaking of which, he was also the first member of the Lixing Society.But it was because he offended someone who shouldn't be offended during the training camp that he was sent to the peripheral gang organization Loyalty Club.

People are things that are highly praised and underestimated. Seeing that Liu Haiqing is out of luck, it seems that anyone can bully him.

Because of the strong background of the agency, the Loyalty Club quickly opened up the situation in Jinmen as soon as it was established. As a result, the talent pool could not keep up, so the first batch of members assigned was a blessing in disguise.

Those who came in the first batch with Liu Haiqing have now become big bosses, gang leaders, or the bosses of a certain business. Even the second and third batches of newcomers are all Status is mixed up.

Only he, Liu Haiqing, doesn't love his grandma or uncle, no matter what he does, it won't benefit him.

Liu Haiqing is capable and ambitious, but the most important thing is that this person has perseverance. Aware of his own predicament, he decisively found another way, took the initiative to invite Ying, and became a gangster in a robe.

Although this identity is only a low-level gangster, but when it comes to making friends widely and having advanced intelligence, it is definitely the first.

Liu Haiqing used this identity to quickly open up the situation. After he used this identity to solve several major troubles for other members of the Loyalty Society, his efforts were finally valued by his superiors.

Liu Haiqing struck while the iron was hot. Under the double offensive of money and emotion, this boss soon "fell" and became his backer.

At this time, what Liu Haiqing needs most is to make some achievements to get to the position as soon as possible, and then find a way to climb back to the agency.

But the initial dividends of the Loyalty Society have already been shared by others. It is extremely difficult for him to feel a career in his feet without being able to compete with his own people.

When Su Yi came to Liu Haiqing, it was the time when Liu Haiqing was at a loss.

And Su Yi's suggestion made Liu Haiqing immediately realize that this is a rare opportunity for him!

If he can get the [-]% shares promised by Su Yi, then he will become a middle-level leader in the foot industry, and his status, wealth and wealth will not be what they used to be!
If he tries harder to occupy the magpie's nest in the future, then he will definitely be the most handsome boy in the Loyalty Club!
Liu Haiqing felt that he was really going to have a good fortune, but now, his dream of a good fortune seemed to be about to burst!

If Su Yi really didn't need him, what would he do?
Didn't everything he imagined come to nothing?

Liu Haiqing will never allow the fat around his mouth to disappear just like that.

Can no longer wait and see!

After thinking about this, Liu Haiqing immediately went to meet his superior again.

He clarified his interests with a three-inch tongue, and made the matter extremely urgent. His superior was really persuaded and decided to see Li Dasen immediately.

"You go to this Geng Liangchen now, take the credit first, don't let us help him solve the trouble, he thanked the wrong person!" The superior ordered.

"Okay, I'll go find Geng Liangchen now!" Liu Haiqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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