Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 607 Amazing Fortune

Chapter 607 Amazing Fortune
Su Zhenzhi really entrusted many people to give Su Yi a message, Zheng Shanao, Liu Deshan, Liu Haiqing, and the staff of the 51st Army.

They are all big figures who have influence on Su Yi.

But in fact, if he really wanted to see Su Yi, it was enough to find only one person, so why did he need to find so many people to deliver the message?

So his real purpose is not to ask someone to pass the message to Su Yi, but to put pressure on Su Yi.

You see, I, Su Zhenzhi, know so many great people, and so many big people are speaking for me. You, Geng Liangchen, smashed my Dengying Tower, and the consequences of this matter are serious!
Su Yi cupped his hands with a smile, and said, "Boss Su, I'm very sorry about the matter of ascending the Yinglou. How much will it cost for the renovation? Tell me the number."

Su Zhenzhi was greatly relieved when he saw that Su Yi proposed compensation straight from the point of view, and said that it was not in vain that he had so many people to deliver the message, and finally frightened this desperado who killed people in the street.

"Mr. Geng is quick to talk, so Su will not be around the corner." Su Zhenzhi smiled wryly, "Mr. Geng, you were so powerful in Dengyinglou, but you ruined Su's livelihood. I just renovated this Dengyinglou at the beginning of the year. Now, everything has to be redecorated. There is also the loss of business closure, employees' salaries, wasted food materials, and a series of losses, all of which are huge sums of money..."

"Mr. Geng is also a famous figure in the Jinmen interface. He usually takes care of Su's business. I don't dare to ask you for more. The rest of the losses are borne by myself. This is the one who redecorated and bought tables and chairs." money, you have to..."

"Understood!" Su Yi nodded, "Boss Su, tell me, how much does it cost?"

"That's the number." Su Zhenzhi stretched out three fingers.

"Thirty thousand?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"At least this is the number." Su Zhenzhi sighed, "Mr. Geng can ask any knowledgeable person, but Su really didn't dare to ask you for more."

Su Yi nodded: "I accept the money. Three days later, go to Jiuda Wharf to get the money from me."

Su Zhenzhi was stunned for a moment, then he was surprised and delighted, and said excitedly: "Mr. Geng's words are serious?"

"Mr. Geng spit on a nail," Su Yi said with a smile, "If Boss Su doesn't believe it, we can make written evidence now."

" it really okay?" Su Zhenzhi was even more surprised, and hurriedly waved, "Xiaoer! Xiaoer! Bring a pen and paper! Hehe, Mr. Geng, I brought ink pads with me, don't take offense."

Su Yi smiled.

5 minutes later, a fresh document came out. After signing his name, Su Yi pressed his handprint.

It was agreed in the document that because Geng Liangchen sent people to smash the Dengying Tower, the loss caused was worth [-] oceans, which was borne by Geng Liangchen himself, and it was agreed to repay the [-] oceans in compensation to Su Zhenzhi before two o'clock in the afternoon three days later.

Holding the written documents, Su Zhenzhi couldn't be more pleasantly surprised.

To tell the truth, he was ready for Su Yi to bargain, deny, evade, or even directly swear at him or threaten him, but he never thought that Su Yi would agree to compensate him for his losses so readily, and the matter was resolved so smoothly !

"Mr. Geng, you are truly a trustworthy person!" Su Zhenzhi praised with some emotion, "To be honest, before I came here, I thought you were a gentleman with a villain's heart, and thought that this trip would not go smoothly, but Unexpectedly, Mr. Geng, your character is so noble, I am really ashamed!"

Anyway, the matter is done, so you might as well say more nice words.

Su Yi smiled and said, "Boss Su, do you think we can be friends?"

"Of course!" Su Zhenzhi's face turned serious, "If Mr. Geng doesn't think Su is contemptuous, you and I will be friends from now on!"

"Okay," Su Yi nodded, "Since Boss Su regards me as a friend, then I'll say a few words from my heart. Boss Su, don't think that my words are deep."

"What did Mr. Geng say?" Su Zhenzhi said, "Mr. Geng is forthright and upright, and speaks quickly, which is what Su likes the most! If you have something to say, please speak directly, and Su will listen attentively."

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight." Su Yi said with a smile, "Boss Su entrusted so many people to pass the message to me, he must think that so many people with status will speak for you, and I will be more afraid of you ,right?"

Seeing that Su Zhenzhi wanted to argue, Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop it, and said with a chuckle: "No need to argue, Boss Su, wise people don't speak in secret, I will treat you with sincerity, and don't treat me as a fool, otherwise it will be boring."

Su Zhenzhi smiled mischievously.

Su Yi continued: "Actually, you really didn't scare me. I'm sure that I made up my mind not to see you today, and you have nothing against me. None of the people you entrusted to speak for you will do it for you." It's hard for me to stand out. The turmoil of your ascension to Yinglou will eventually have to be swallowed by you yourself."

Su Zhenzhi's expression changed, and he asked, "What do you mean by Mr. Geng's words?"

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Su Yi smiled, "Boss Su, I recognized the money and signed a document with you before I told you this. Why do you think I have to do so much?"

"Why?" Su Zhenzhi asked.

"It's just to prevent Boss Su from misunderstood me." Su Yi said with a smile, "I've got your restaurant involved in my work. I accept the compensation. This is moral!"

"But if you think that you made me lower my head by coercion, then you are wrong."

"Boss Su, you invited four people to deliver the message to you. Liu Haiqing is my brother, and Zheng Shanao is my godfather. Do you think they will turn to you or to me?"

"Although Staff Officer Fang of the 51st Army has nothing to do with me, but Liu Haiqing said that he has to go back wherever he should. This is also the reason why he is a dignified staff officer of the First Army. When he sees me, he politely calls me Mr. Geng."

"The last black hand, Liu San'er, hehe, Boss Su, this man is a villain who pretends to be a tiger. Now that Bayanqing is gone, do you think I will be afraid of him?"

He looked at Su Zhenzhi, who had an uncertain expression, and said with a smile: "Boss Su, if you really threaten me, you just need to find someone I can't afford to offend, and the words "losing money" are enough. There is no need to go to such trouble. You The more complicated it is, the more I will see through that you have no confidence."

This is also the reason why Liu Haiqing said that Su Zhenzhi was "misunderstood by his cleverness", thinking that the more backgrounds he moves out, the more he can scare people.

It's okay for him to scare ordinary punks, but to scare Su Yi?

It can only be said that he thought too much.

Su Zhenzhi looked serious, let out a long breath, and laughed at himself: "It turns out that Su is like a clown in Mr. Geng's eyes."

Su Yi shook his head: "You are just trying to recover your losses and fight for your own interests. You are neither blackmailing nor taking advantage of the situation to bully others. How could I look down on you? I brought this matter up, just because I don't want Boss Su to misunderstand me, not to let you embarrassed."

Su Zhenzhi was moved, and stared at Su Yi in a daze for a long time before saying, "Mr. Geng, just based on your words, someone Su really recognizes you as a friend!"

Afterwards, the two of them were really more frank and cordial. They had a chat and agreed to keep in touch in the future, so they said goodbye.

There was such a conversation during this period.

Su Zhenzhi said: "Brother Geng was born a hero, and it's rare for him to be so particular about his life. Uncle Ba had an accident this time. For Brother Geng, it may be a good opportunity to go further."

"Me? I have no acting!" Su Yi waved his hand with a smile, "I have low qualifications and little influence, so I can just stand aside and watch the show. But you, Boss Su, are you the vice president of the Jinmen Chamber of Commerce?"

"In the past, when Bayanqing was alive, you had no right to speak, but now that he is dead, if your Jinmen Chamber of Commerce can really be of one mind, it may not be impossible to achieve a career."

The speaker seems unintentional, but the listener is definitely interested.

Su Zhenzhi's eyes lit up as if struck by lightning.

After that, he was obviously absent-minded when he spoke again. After chatting briefly, he shirked something and left in a hurry.

Su Yi looked at Su Zhenzhi's leaving back and smiled, picked up the cold coffee on the table and drank it down in one gulp.

The presence of the Jinmen Chamber of Commerce in the foot trade is very low, and it used to play the role of being bullied and blackmailed.

But in fact, all the sources of income for foot travel come from these businessmen.

This is not a small force, but it has always been forced to succumb to the coercion of Bayanqing and other major gangs, so it is inevitable to be ignored.

But now that Bayanqing is dead, and the various factions are vying for each other, the value of the power of the Chamber of Commerce will soon be highlighted.

And when Su Yi made friends with Su Zhenzhi, he bought a bargaining chip with [-] oceans, and made a second move.

I can't see it now, but sooner or later it will play an important role.

Otherwise, he ate too much and chatted with Su Zhenzhi so much?
After separating from Su Zhenzhi, Su Yi met Chen Shi again.

"It's fixed, the gym will open on the eighth day of next month," Chen Shi said in a slightly excited tone, "The location of the martial arts hall is good, and it's also in the French Concession, just across the street from Zheng Shanao's Shenzhou martial arts hall."

Su Yi nodded and said with a smile: "Senior brother has finally fulfilled his wish, congratulations."

Chen Shi said with a smile: "You are a hero for opening the Wing Chun gym! You are lazy today, and you will have to teach in the martial arts hall in the future."

"No problem!" Su Yi said, "But Zheng Shanao seems to have some ideas, I can't stay in our Wing Chun martial arts hall for a long time."

"I thought of this." Chen Shidao, "As long as you recognize this master's inheritance to the outside world, it is enough, and the rest, junior brother, you can rely on your heart."

After a pause, he asked again: "I heard from Zheng Shanao that the dragon head you were walking on was killed. Does this matter affect you?"

"Yes, but it's a good influence." Su Yi smiled, "Brother, don't worry, these days you just concentrate on running the martial arts school."

Su Yi was destined not to be idle tonight. He was talking to Chen Shizheng when the black hand Liu Laosan came.

"Geng Liangchen, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, there will be a meeting in the lobby on the first floor of the Transport Association. Anyone with a senior position and above must attend the meeting and must not be absent, otherwise the qualification of the leader will be disqualified!"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, looked at this arrogant guy, and said, "Is it Mr. Liu who wants to have a meeting?"

"Nonsense, otherwise, who is it?" The man was very impatient, "Uncle Ba has an accident, who can represent the whole business except Mr. Liu? Remember not to be late tomorrow, I have to go to the next one."

After all, without waiting for Su Yi to reply, the man turned around and left.

Chen Shi looked at the man's back and said, "Ba Yanqing just died, this Mr. Liu couldn't stand it anymore."

"Where is this?" Su Yi smiled coldly, "The ghosts and snakes haven't even appeared on stage yet."

"You don't want to sing on stage, do you?" Chen Shi said.

"If I want to sing, there will be more than one." Su Yi said leisurely.

"I know you can't stand loneliness," Chen Shi sighed, "How do you plan to sing in the first play? Can I help you?"

Su Yi shook his head: "The first one is a one-man show, called Cornucopia."

He smiled and looked at Chen Shi: "Your brother, I'm going to make a fortune. If you want money, just ask."

"Keep the flowers for yourself." Chen Shi shook his head, "Anyway, talk about something."

This cornucopia, Su Yi sang very smoothly.

Before Liu Haiqing asked Su Yi, how could you find the wealth left by Bayanqing with such confidence?
Because Mr. Geng has something to do.

Surprised or not?

Not surprised?

By spending a little fan value in the mall, you can buy all the information about Bayanqing.

Including the details of the confiscation of this person's family property after he was shot in the original history.

After Bayanqing was executed by shooting at the beginning of the 50th generation, the authorities confiscated private assets worth more than [-] million U.S. dollars. These assets were divided into three batches by him and hidden in three batches in the form of gold, dollar bills and tobacco. a secret location.

These three secret locations were all built in the form of bunkers. All the peasants and his men who participated in the construction of the bunker were secretly executed by Bayanqing on the day the bunker was built. Only Bayanqing himself knew the location.

The entrances of these three bunkers are more secretive than the other. One of them is behind the Buddha statue in the temple, one is under the niche of the Earth Temple, and the other is actually in the well of a prostitution hall.

Bayanqing was cunning and suspicious by nature, he didn't even trust his own father, and he didn't send anyone to guard these three places where money was hidden, because he was afraid that the people he sent would guard him.

So when he died suddenly, no one knew where his wealth was, and now it was all cheap for Su Yi.

Such a large amount of wealth, Su Yi actually forgot at the beginning...

It's not that he has a big heart, but that in the studio world, money is really just a tool and a number to Su Yi, and his attitude towards money is like a scumbag—no rejection, no responsibility.

If it was in the real world, how could Su Yi forget?

Su Yi took a nap for a few hours, and didn't set off until [-]:[-] in the night with some prepared tools.

He went to all three places one by one, and one of them was still empty.

The money is not that much, all the gold, dollars, smoky soil and valuable antiques add up to about 10 million dollars.

Su Yi made a good step, confirmed the number, and then went to Liu Haiqing.

He stood on Liu Haiqing's bedside in the middle of the night, scaring Liu Haiqing half to death.

Seeing that Liu Haiqing was about to lose his temper, Su Yi said leisurely: "I found Bayanqing's money."

Liu Haiqing was stunned immediately.

"Really found it?" he asked in disbelief.

"I found it!"

"Then what are you waiting for?" Liu Haiqing was suddenly excited, and jumped up, "Let's go!"

"Who said that I can call my father if I find money?" Su Yi looked like he couldn't remember.

"Let's talk about the money first!" Liu Haiqing yelled angrily.

"You have to drive there," Su Yi sighed, "you have to find a place to put the money, it's a headache if you can't take it all the way."

(End of this chapter)

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