Chapter 608
Gold, banknotes and smoke soil worth more than [-] million US dollars were placed in front of Liu Haiqing. Liu Haiqing's eyes were brighter than the moon in the sky.

Su Yi couldn't help but jokingly said: "I've always heard people say that Qian's eyes are open, but I don't understand what the word means, but today I understand, your eyes are almost flying out of your eyes."

"Nonsense!" Liu Haiqing said excitedly, "This is the second time I've seen you. Of course you're used to it. It's the first time I've seen so much money in my whole life!"

"I'm not as embarrassing as you when I saw you for the first time, I stared straight at you." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "Come on, call me brother."


The sound of father stunned both of them.

"You're really willing to let go." Su Yi gasped.

"Am I admitting to a thief as my father?" Liu Haiqing said.

"Get out!" Both of them cursed in disgust.

"I recognize money as my father! Haha, money is my father, what's wrong?" Liu Haiqing grabbed a few gold bars and said happily, "Xiao Geng, we two are rich, hahahaha!"

He danced and jumped up.

Su Yi wasn't that happy at first, but it was the first time he saw such a stable person like Liu Haiqing so unrestrained, so he couldn't help being happy.

He was overjoyed and said: "I really should take a picture of your ugly appearance, and when you have it, show your son how his father was servile in front of the evil money."

"What are you talking about, what do you mean by being servile?" Liu Haiqing scolded, "I'm at best scornful, don't slander me! Ahahaha, money is all money! Hey Xiao Geng, look at this gold, how yellow it is! "

Su Yi couldn't help but laugh.

It took a long time for Liu Haiqing to recover from this excited state.

"You have to find a new place to hide the money." Su Yi said, "It's best to do it in batches, and you can also deposit some in foreigners' banks. I'll take 200,000 first, and leave the rest to you. "

"Wealth worth more than ten million US dollars, is it really just the two of us?" Liu Haiqing suddenly looked a little complicated.

"Are you particularly moved?" Su Yi smiled and said, "You think I'm particularly great?"

"Don't make trouble! Be serious!" Liu Haiqing said again, "You still leave it to me to deal with it? Xiao Geng, people's hearts are the most vulnerable to the test. In case I get greedy, I will definitely find a way to get rid of it." To kill you, if this is the case, do you think you died unjustly?"

"That's because you are stupid." Su Yi sneered, "If you want to monopolize your words, why do you want to kill me for a single sentence?"

"Ah!" Liu Haiqing punched Su Yi hard in the chest, and sighed, "It's my bad luck that you are so careless and heartless! I already have a premonition that I will wipe your ass for the rest of my life." gone."

"You can pull it down, it doesn't matter who wipes whose ass." Su Yi's gaze has shifted to the soot, "What about these things?"

"This is hard currency." Liu Haiqing said, "The smoke and soil alone are worth more than two million yuan. It's all money."

"How about we come to Jinmen to sell cigarettes?" Su Yi suggested.

"Stupid you?" Liu Haiqing said angrily, "Do you have a grudge against Qian?"

"I know you must be disgusted with opium, and I am also disgusted, but what year is this? It's not the time for ordinary people to smoke opium in the late Qing Dynasty! Now who can afford opium, which one is either rich or expensive? Cigarettes are so expensive, who can afford big cigarettes among ordinary people? Sell them cigarettes and let them smoke to death early, we are doing good deeds.”

"It sounds reasonable, but it's actually to find comfort in my heart." Su Yi pondered slightly, "Is this going to work? You can use this batch of big cigarettes as bribes. We won't sell them. If you don't see them, you will be innocent."

Liu Haiqing was taken aback: "It doesn't take so much at all!"

"I didn't ask you to take it out!" Su Yi said, "It will be inevitable to deal with foreigners in the future, and find a way to sell it to foreigners. This is okay."

Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi with interest, and said, "Xiao Geng, do you know what I admire most about you?"

"Handsome?" Su Yi said casually.

Liu Haiqing rolled his eyes angrily, and said, "It's patriotism! Heart of a child!"

"Why don't you forget to worry about the country because you are so humble?" Su Yi smiled, "It's getting late, Ma Liu'er has dealt with it, so what should you do?"

"Come on, give me a hand, move out!"

It was really hit by Su Yi's words. One cart couldn't fit, and it took another trip to finish it. The main reason was that the smoke and soil took up space.Moreover, the gold is too heavy, and the car cannot run if it is pulled too much.

Liu Haiqing was originally a cautious person, and he also had several secret houses in Jinmen, and the two of them pulled everything into one of the houses with a basement.

"This place is still not very safe," Liu Haiqing looked around and said worriedly, "I have to transfer and disperse the money as soon as possible."

"You can figure it out." Su Yi said indifferently, "With money, do you have to go to Jinling to run for an official?"

"It's really necessary to run away from the official." Liu Haiqing sighed, "If you don't run away, I have nothing to do with the appointment."

He looked at Su Yi: "I plan to set off after processing the money, at most in a few days, to go to Jinling in the name of escorting Li Hu to the military court."

"If the matter on my side is accurate, we will be more confident about what you said last time. I will come back as soon as possible to escort you, at most seven or eight days, at least three to five days .”

Su Yi nodded: "Ba Yanqing's position will have to be contested for a while, and the dust will not be settled so soon. You just go and do your business in a down-to-earth manner. There must be time."

"I left you the first line of sky, which can be regarded as a helper." Liu Haiqing said.

"He has an official status, and he always comes to do my bidding, will he have any objections in his heart?" Su Yi asked.

Liu Haiqing shook his head: "I have been with this person for a long time, and I found that he is very cynical and disgusted with some things in the party, especially the leaders. He has no respect and has great opinions. I feel that this person will leave his seal sooner or later. I'm already planning to talk to him about it."

"Think about it, he can even do the job of letting Brother Ninth go secretly, can this person stay in the officialdom for a long time?" Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi: "He is a talent, if he really leaves, I hope he can come to you .”

Su Yi nodded: "I see, I'll have a good chat with him when I find a chance."

"Speaking of Brother Nine, I have already contacted Brother Nine." Liu Haiqing said, "If there is no accident, he has already received the news."

Su Yi nodded and said: "That's good. Although Chang Kaishen wants to kill Brother Nine, it is recognized that Brother Nine is brave. As long as he says he didn't kill Bayanqing, he didn't kill him. As long as he denies it, We eliminated the biggest hidden danger."

Liu Haiqing nodded: "I will arrange Zhai Lili's affairs in advance. If you want to launch it while I am away, I will let people cooperate with you."

"it is good!"

When Su Yi took the 200,000 US dollars and went home to sleep, Zhang Jingshan was still in the police station, threatening and luring Bayanqing's family members, trying to take out Bayanqing's money.

Zhang Jingshan knocked out Bayanqing's most beloved youngest son three times, and his most beloved concubine was also indescribable by many people.

But he still got nothing.

Zhang Jingshan's eyes gradually turned red.

"I still don't believe it. Bayanqing's money can still disappear? Beat me, beat me hard, and punish everyone! No one can rest until the money is found!"

Zhang Jingshan became ruthless, and Bayanqing's family suffered.Even his old mother in her seventies was slapped a few times by Zhang Jingshan.

Don't pity this old thing, because she didn't go well in the back house, she killed several maids.

The whole family followed Bayanqing on weekdays to eat and drink hot food and domineeringly. Now that Bayanqing collapsed, it was time for them to pay off their debts.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, Jinmen Transportation Trade Union, lobby on the first floor.

Su Yi almost came here on the spur of the moment. When he came, the entire lobby was overcrowded, densely packed, and at a glance, they were all moving heads.

The scene was like a vegetable market, noisy and noisy.

It can be clearly seen that the people present are divided into seven or eight camps.Wei and Wei clearly occupy a position each.

There was already someone waiting for Su Yi at the door, he was Liu Haiqing's subordinate.

Seeing Su Yi's eyes lit up, the man hurried up to greet him, cupped his hands and called "Master Geng" respectfully, and then said, "Master Geng, Representative Liu asked me to wait for you here. Representative Liu said, You can stand there after you enter, as you like. If you need it later, you can let us know, and our Loyalty Society will look after you."

"Thank you," Su Yi cupped his hands, "Is Hai Qing in there?"

"The representative didn't come, but Director Qian came." The man replied.

Director Qian is Li Hu's former secretary Qian Jin. After Li Hu was pulled down, he became the vice president of the Loyalty Society.

After Liu Haiqing came to power, this person actively moved closer to Liu Haiqing, and he won Liu Haiqing's trust with the attitude of Liu Haiqing's leadership.

"Understood, you go in first, tell Director Qian, and let him play by ear later." Su Yi said.

"Yes," the man replied solemnly, paused and said, "Director Liu also told a brother from the Secret Service to follow you, and others are also inside."

"Let him come directly to me." Su Yi immediately guessed that he should be talking about Yixiantian.

Su Yi is considered a celebrity in Jinmen, and there are many people who know him.

When he walked into the venue, many people greeted him with smiles and handcuffs. Su Yi walked all the way in, nodding and smiling all the time, his face was almost sour.

The lowest person present is also a big player in the footsteps, sitting on an equal footing with Su Yiping.

Then there are the big shots or representatives of various forces.

Geng Liangchen, who has been very popular lately, is unknown to everyone, but in this occasion, he is really not the protagonist.

Everyone just greeted him, made him familiar, and passed by, and then they did what they should do.

The middle of the lobby was empty, and the major forces formed a circle.

In addition to Qian Jin who came on behalf of the Loyalty Club, there was also the owner of the Yongnian Martial Art Museum who came on behalf of Foot Walk.

Jia Changqing from the Green Gang, An Yufeng from the Hong Gang, Ma Wenyuan from the Iron Banner Society, Zhai Lili from the Baijia Gang, Wu Zantong from the Santong Society, and the "Foot Walking Local School" headed by the black hand Liu Sanye,
These six forces, together with Wu Xing and Loyalty Society, are the absolute protagonists today.

A total of forces from all directions compete for the position of the foot travel leader.

On the surface, this is the case, but secretly, the French, the Romans, the Britons, the Zheppen... all kinds of foreigners, plus the various forces that officially represent the forces of various factions.The power struggle in the little feet is like a microcosm of the United Nations, which is extremely complicated.

At this time, the representatives of the eight forces and their supporters gathered in a pile, and some were abusing and attacking each other, which is why they were so chaotic and noisy.

Although Su Yi is not the protagonist, he is definitely the most important supporting role.

His arrival has virtually attracted the attention of many people.

Everyone wanted to see, Geng Liangchen, who killed Hu Desheng but escaped the catastrophe because of Bayanqing's death, succeeded in the martial arts kicking hall, and was known as the young master Geng Liangchen, which side would he stand on? side?
It is undeniable that Su Yi is now definitely synonymous with "ability to fight". Although he is not qualified to compete for the top spot, the top candidates must be very interested in him.

Everyone felt that Su Yi must be a "good gun", an extremely sharp good gun.

Therefore, which side the gun is on, the power of this side will increase a lot, and it will be more beneficial to compete for the leading position.

From everyone's point of view, Geng Liangchen's first choice is of course the Loyalty Club, because it's no secret that Liu Haiqing and him are inseparable.

Secondly, Geng Liangchen may choose martial arts, because Zheng Shanao is Geng Liangchen's godfather.

Regardless of whether Geng Liangchen chooses Wuxing or Zhongyishe, the big bosses here who want to compete for the leading position are not worried.

The Loyalty Society has an official background, so it is naturally repelled by the forces on the street. They will allow the Loyalty Society to get involved, but they will never allow the Loyalty Society, which represents the government, to "sit in the house."

So if Su Yi chooses to side with the Loyalty Club, and the Loyalty Club has no intention of competing for the leader, Geng Liangchen's card will be abolished.

Martial arts itself does not have the ambition to get involved in the leadership of footwork, and it does not have the strength to dominate footwork. If Su Yi chooses martial arts, the big shots here will also think that this gun has been hidden in the snow.

Everyone was afraid that Geng Liangchen, a thorn in the side, would choose neither martial arts nor foot skills, but would choose to jump out and support someone who was qualified.The forces with enough strength to compete for the footsteps leader.

In this way, the person Geng Liangchen chose not only possessed a sharp gun, but also indirectly got the position and support of Wu Xing and Zhongyi Society behind him.

If this is the case, in the future competition for footsteps, the big guy supported by Geng Liangchen will definitely have an advantage over others.

As Su Yi greeted all the way to the field, even the noisy voice seemed to disappear instantly.

They watched as Geng Liangchen passed the power of Wu Xing without stopping; passed the power of Zhongyishe without stopping.

Just when everyone had different thoughts, Su Yi stopped in an open space.

He stood with his hands behind his back, smiling and looking around.

In the end, he had no choice for any force, and stood alone in a corner, looking alone and extremely lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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