Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 649 Interception

Chapter 649 Interception
"Yo, isn't this Mr. Geng?" Jia Changqing walked over with a smile, "What a coincidence, isn't it? I was talking about you, and you came here. Either you say this person, you really don't talk about it. Mr. Geng, since It happened, I invite you to have breakfast, please don't be disrespectful..."

"You want to stop me?" Su Yi interrupted him coldly, looking at him, "Jia Changqing, if you dare to stop me today, I won't do anything in the future. I'll just sweep your place, and I'll fight you to the end!"

Jia Changqing was taken aback, and then his face turned livid: "Geng Liangchen, don't think I'm afraid of you! I used to be patient with you because of Liu Haiqing's face. But now Liu Haiqing..."

"Whether Haiqing is here or not, my thousands of brothers are real, and my sites are real." Su Yi said lightly, "If you think that I, Geng Liangchen, only rely on the backstage to get in the position, then you, Jia Changqing, are blind !"


"Get out!" Su Yi yelled, staring firmly into Jia Changqing's eyes, "Don't take advantage of others' danger and annoy the Lord, I'm going to fight it out today, and I'll splash blood on the spot with your surname Jia!"

There was a chill in Jia Changqing's heart, and the image of the black hand Liu Sanye being executed in public suddenly appeared in his mind. He glanced at Su Yi, then at the man holding the steering wheel, but staring at him with a sullen expression, and finally realized A hint of danger.

"Since Mr. Geng doesn't give face, let's meet again at another day. The green mountains are always there, and the green water..."

Jia Changqing bit the bullet and put down his words, but Yi Yitian interrupted him impatiently: "Let your people remove the roadblocks, good dogs will not block the way!"

Jia Changqing's face turned blue and red, and finally he sneered: "You see clearly, it's a patrol! That's not ours! Hmph!"

Jia Changqing snorted coldly, turned around and left.When passing by the patrolmen standing in front of the roadblock, Jia Changqing lowered his voice and gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Stop it! Don't let them pass!"

After finishing speaking, he took dozens of brothers and walked over the roadblock without looking back.

Several policemen looked at each other in blank dismay, then pulled out their batons as if facing an enemy, stood in front of the roadblock, and confronted Su Yi's car.

The leader is also Su Yi's old acquaintance, Liao Xianyong, chief arrester of the French Concession, and Jia Changqing's disciple.

He walked to the car window, sighed and said to Su Yi: "Grandpa, how about this, you stay with the car, and I let you go, how about it? I dare not stop you, but don't make things difficult for me."

Su Yi asked: "Aren't you afraid that Jia Changqing will make things difficult for you?"

"I'm afraid, but I don't want to be your enemy." Liao Xianyong said, "This time, the nobles in Jinling called on the Qinghong Gang, various concession patrols, and all aspects of the Chinese community to hunt down Representative Liu. I got to know Representative Liu and knew that he was an upright person. I must have met a villain this time and was framed by someone! I, Liao Xianyong, am just a small person and can only obey others. But within the scope of my ability, I am willing to make it easier for you."

"Master Geng, I will never stop your people, as long as you get out of the car, leave the car behind, and let me explain to the higher authorities!"

Su Yi took a deep look at him and said, "You are a talent, back up!"

The second half of the sentence is to talk to Yixiantian.

The first line of the sky immediately pulled the reverse gear, the car flew back, quickly backed up to an intersection, stopped, and then slammed the steering wheel to turn left.

Seeing this, Jia Changqing, who had already retreated, hurried back and asked Liao Xianyong angrily, "Why did you let him run away? Ah? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on him?"

Liao Xianyong sighed and said, "Old man, can you stop messing with such a dangerous person in the future? I'm only 40 years old, and I really haven't lived enough."

"I just asked you to keep an eye on him, but I didn't ask you to fight him!" Jia Changqing scolded, "You are also the majestic chief arrester, are you afraid that he will do nothing?"

"Geng Liangchen is a desperado, do you know what a desperado is?" Liao Xianyong couldn't help retorting, "The meaning of a desperado is not to kill oneself, but to kill others! Besides, I am not I didn't do anything, I just wanted to be soft and force Geng Liangchen to get out of the car, but he didn't fall for my trick at all."

Jia Changqing wanted to say something more, but in the end he didn't say it, and sighed: "This Geng Liangchen, why don't you just die?"

"Unexpectedly, Liao Xianyong is not bad. I blamed him wrongly before."

In the driving car, Yi Yitian said this to Su Yi.

"When did you become blind?" Su Yi casually replied while looking around vigilantly, "Just because he said to let us go, you think he is good?"

"Isn't it?" Yi Yitian said, "He also has his difficulties, we can't ask him too much, right?"

Su Yi sighed, and looked at Yixiantian seriously: "I'll give you a piece of advice——no, it's not advice, it's a request."

"You said."

"A lousy person that you looked down upon, suddenly did something that made you think he was pretty good. Remember, you either stay away from him or kill him, understand?" Su Yi said.

"Why?" Yi Yitian asked in amazement.

"Don't think about why with your brain, just operate like a fool." Su Yi looked ahead, and found that the road was blocked again, with big blocks and gangsters mixed together, and there were roadblocks.

Except for the road just now, this is the only road that can lead to the Japanese Concession.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Don't turn off the fire later, wait for my signal, and run straight over!"

He has no time to spend here with these people.

When I walked in, I realized that it was An Yufeng and several policemen from the Huajie.

An Yufeng was also stunned when he saw Su Yi.

Like Jia Changqing, he immediately leaned in front of the car, lowered his head, searched around inside the car, and asked, "Is Liu Haiqing here? Just you two?"

"Yes." Su Yi said.

An Yufeng nodded: "Then it's all right."

He straightened up and waved his hand to the other side: "Get out of the way, let me go!"

As soon as these words came out, both Su Yi and Yixiantian looked at him in astonishment.

An Yufeng winked at Su Yi, then resumed his serious look, and scolded: "Didn't you understand me? Let me go!"

A policeman ran over with a wry smile and said, "Master, you can't let it go, Jinling... Hey, hey, ears! Ears! Hurt!"

Before he finished speaking, An Yufeng pinched his ears.

"You son of a bitch, do you still know that I am your master?" An Yufeng scolded mercilessly, "What kind of official airs are you putting on for me? If I say let me go, I will let you go!"

"Okay, okay, let it go! Let it go! Can't I let it go? Oh, hey, you let go of my ears first, it's all torn..." The policeman screamed and waved his hands in a panic.

Soon, the roadblock ahead was removed.

Only then did An Yufeng let go, and grinned at Su Yi: "If you can go, don't come back, have a good trip!"

Su Yi cupped his fists at him: "Boss An, we will meet later."


The car drove away slowly, and through the rearview mirror, the two saw the people behind them pull up the roadblock again.

"Did you see it?" Su Yi said slowly, "I really want to help us, and I won't let us get out of the car."

Yi Yitian looked serious, nodded and said: "I understand! Boss An is the real good man!"

As soon as Boss An let Su Yi go, Jiang Banruo asked someone to bring a message and asked him to call back immediately.

He hurriedly smashed open a shop on the side of the road, went in and called Jiang Banruo's home.

"Shanzhu, what's your business?" He asked carelessly.

"Let's get rid of Geng Liangchen and the others." Jiang Banruo said, "The trouble they caused is too great, they are dead. Come back, don't get involved in this matter."

"You're late, I just let Geng Liangchen go." An Yufeng said.

Jinling sent an order to arrest Liu Haiqing, why did An Yufeng personally lead the team to the streets?
Because he himself came with the intention of helping if he could, which was what Jiang Banruo meant.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Banruo changed his mind so quickly.

Jiang Banruo on the other end of the phone was stunned, then sighed, "That's fine, let's just take it as the utmost benevolence."

After hanging up the phone, An Yufeng showed a meaningful smile.

More than [-] charred corpses in Su Yi's room were quickly discovered by the Fuxing Society.

The cruelty of the scene made everyone present feel terrified.

The news was quickly fed back to Dai Chunfeng. Dai Chunfeng couldn't believe it, and confirmed again and again: "Are you sure he did it alone? Chen Gongshu led more than [-] party-state elites, and all of them died in his hands?"

The spy on the other end of the phone was sweating on his forehead and said in a trembling voice: "Virgin, according to the on-site investigation, Geng Liangchen should be the only one who did it. Virgo, Geng Liangchen is a warrior, and he is skilled in martial arts. This is not the case in Jinmen." Secret, this person has escaped, lurking in the dark, and poses a great threat to the party and the country!"

"I don't know how threatening he is?" Dai Chunfeng's voice turned cold, and Su Yi's inhuman behavior also frightened him, "This person must be eliminated, this Geng Liangchen, he must not be allowed to live! Let out the wind and offer a reward of [-] oceans for the head of Geng Liangchen!"

"Yes, Virgo!"

"Have you found Liu Haiqing?" Dai Chunfeng asked again.

"No, there is no news yet." The spy replied hastily.

"Then we have to set up defenses at the press conference," Dai Chunfeng said, "as soon as he appears, shoot and kill him immediately. We must not give him a chance to speak!"


Bei'an Bridge is the main entrance and exit to the Japanese Concession. It is generally used to enter and exit the French, Italian and Chinese borders.

The reason why Su Yi chose to enter the Japanese Concession from here was because he concluded that Liu Haiqing most likely entered the Japanese Concession from here. The other entrances of the Japanese Concession were closely checked, and it was difficult for Liu Haiqing to get in.

To be honest, Su Yi didn't have much hope for finding Liu Haiqing, he just didn't want to give up Liu Haiqing, this friend he valued deeply in his heart.

How many confidants are there in this world, and how many friendships can last forever?

Even though he knows that this friendship is short-lived, this friendship is eternal.

He didn't want to leave regrets for himself, didn't want to let down this friendship, and didn't want to give up a good friend who was willing to die for himself.

Someone once said that luck is often reserved for those with good intentions.

Su Yi didn't believe these chicken soup nonsense before, but this time he believed it.

When the car was about to drive to Bei'an Bridge, Su Yi saw three small cars coming towards him.

On the car in the middle, he saw a familiar face - Sanye Baiji!
There was another person sitting beside Sanye Baiji, Su Yi didn't see clearly, but based on his intuition, Su Yi felt that this person was probably Liu Haiqing!

Without looking sideways, Yi Yi drove the car past the three cars.

"Stop! Let me drive!"

After crossing the bridge, Su Yi immediately stopped.

Yixiantian hurriedly braked, and before the car stopped, Su Yi had already got out of the car, and quickly walked around to the driver's seat from the front of the car.

After Yixiantian parked the car, he got into the passenger seat directly.

Su Yi got into the car and skillfully started the car, slammed the steering wheel and turned around, chasing after the way he came.

"Haiqing should be in the car in front!" Su Yi said quickly while pushing the accelerator to the bottom, "Have you brought a gun?"

"Bring it!" Yi Yitian immediately became highly nervous, quickly took out the gun from his back waist, and loaded the bullets.

Su Yi stepped on the accelerator firmly, and had almost caught up with the convoy in front, ready to overtake.

"Hit the driver!"

With an order, he slammed the steering wheel into the opposite lane, and the car quickly caught up with the last car.

Seeing the moment when the two cars were running side by side, Yi Yitian suddenly raised his gun and fired!

The bullet penetrated the glass, and then accurately penetrated the head of the driver of the third car.

The next moment, Su Yi's car overtook the third car, and the third car lost control of the driver and rushed into a shop on the side of the road and left.

As soon as Yi Yitian fired, he immediately alarmed the two cars in front.

Sanye Baiji was terrified, and looked back subconsciously, but at this time Su Yi had already caught up, and was parallel to the second car.

"Be careful!" Sanye Baiji yelled with tears in his eyes.

But the next moment, a bullet accurately penetrated the driver's head.

It wasn't over yet, Su Yi suddenly slammed into the car.


The second car went straight off the shoulder and turned over. The car slammed into a courtyard wall and was buried in the collapsed earthen bricks.

Su Yi still didn't stop, and continued to step on the accelerator to overtake.

At this time, the driver of the first car noticed the tragedy of the two cars behind and almost subconsciously stepped on the brakes.

As soon as he was slow, Su Yi caught up even faster.

Bang bang bang!
This time Yiyitian fired three shots in a row, because the two Zhepeng soldiers in the back seat had already rolled down the car window, pulled out their guns, and were about to fight back, but unexpectedly Su Yi chased so fast, and Yiyitian had quick eyes and hands, Resolutely shot first, and immediately shot the two people in the head.

When the car passed the rear row further, Yi Yitian easily killed the driver again.

Su Yi slammed on the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes.


The first car was hit and flew out, rushing into the river beside the road.


Su Yi's car also lost control, drew two obvious S's on the ground, reversed and parked in the opposite lane, but luckily it didn't overturn.

Su Yi kicked the accelerator, and the car drove back quickly.

"You go to the car on the back to silence! The second car is handed over to me!" Su Yi spoke quickly.

"it is good!"

When the car braked suddenly, Su Yi and Yixiantian jumped out of the car almost at the same time, Yixiantian ran to the front of the car that got into someone else's shop, and shot quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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