Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 650 Infiltrate the Liang Mansion

Chapter 650 Infiltrate the Liang Mansion
Over there, Yixiantian opened fire, and Su Yi also quickly ran to the place where the car overturned.

Seeing a gun-wielding arm stretched out from the car to aim at him, Su Yi immediately snaked his position, and at the same time drew out a throwing knife and slammed it out.

The other party's bullets emptied, but Su Yi's knife was accurately nailed to the wrist holding the gun, and there was a scream from the overturned car.

At this short moment, Su Yi dived down and slid close to the ground. After seeing the situation in the car clearly, another throwing knife that he had prepared in his hand came out.

The throwing knife was accurately inserted into the temple of the soldier Zhe Peng who was about to shoot just now, and the man was killed on the spot without even groaning.

At this time, Su Yi's body also slid to the front of the car.

His eyes were on Sanye Baiji who was looking at him in horror, Su Yi stretched out his hand and punched him hard on the temple.

Sanye Baiji's head was hit hard on the back of the front seat of the car, and then passed out.

At this moment, in the overturned car, only Liu Haiqing, who was thrown to pieces, remained awake.

Liu Haiqing was also looking at Su Yi in astonishment at the moment.

When the attack first happened, he thought it was the killer sent by Dai Chunfeng.

But he didn't expect it to be Su Yi!

Su Yi glanced at him, stood up and asked quickly, "Are you injured?"

Su Yi forcefully opened the car door, and Sanye Baiji, who had passed out, suddenly fell out.

"I'm fine, I can go!" Liu Haiqing in the car replied.

Although there are too many questions in his mind and mixed feelings in his heart, he knows that this is not the time to be moji.

"Follow me!" Su Yi lifted Sanye Baiji up like a chicken, and ran towards the car on the side of the road at a brisk pace.

In the car, Liu Haiqing gritted his teeth and quickly climbed out, not caring about the distressed appearance, and hurriedly chased after Su Yi.

Su Yi opened the back door of the car and threw Sanye Baiji onto the back seat.

At this time, Yixiantian on the other side also rushed to this side, and gave Su Yi a thumbs up from a distance, indicating that his work was perfectly solved.


Su Yi got into the cab, Liu Haiqing hesitated slightly, and got into the co-pilot.Yi Yitian sat directly in the back row and closed the car door.

The car jumped out and left this place of right and wrong.

Not long after they left, the people in the surrounding shops and residences carefully poked their heads out to check the situation.

Ten minutes later, a team of Zhe Peng soldiers arrived...

"You shouldn't be here!"

In the car, Liu Haiqing said a little anxiously: "I thought you would understand what I mean, you should go with Xiao Han, and avoid the limelight this time before making plans—oh!"

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi threw his hand and punched him on the nose. The pain caused his tears to flow down on the spot, and his nosebleeds also flowed profusely.

"Why did you hit me!" Liu Haiqing yelled dissatisfied.

"Hit you? Hitting you will be light!" Su Yi sneered, "You are a big fool, others are trying to survive, but you are doing everything to die! Do you think you are very smart? Very great? Let me tell you Liu Haiqing, you are a complete idiot! You can't change anything except courting your own death!"

"What do you know? You don't know anything at all!" Liu Haiqing covered his bleeding nose and waved his arms excitedly, "Only if I take care of everything, only if I take everything down, can you live! As long as you Go out and hide for a while, even for a year, and no one will pursue this matter, because by then, you will be worthless to them, whether you live or die!"

"I planned everything. I managed to fool Sanye Baiji, but now, it's all ruined by you! Geng Liangchen, you ruined my hard work!"

Liu Haiqing was very excited.

"It's so naive!" Su Yi sneered, "Your painstaking effort is to sacrifice yourself and disgust us?"

"What do you mean by disgusting you? Ah? Tell me clearly, what is disgusting you!" Liu Haiqing exploded in anger, "What do you call this? Ah? I sacrificed myself just to disgust you? Fuck me Is life worth this much? Geng, do you touch your conscience when you say this?"

"It's obvious that we can work together to overcome the crisis, why do you choose to die by yourself?" Su Yi asked, "Have you asked me if there is any way? Have you considered whether I need your sacrifice? You You are comfortable, how about me? As long as I think about it in the future, I will be so disgusted that I can't eat!"

"Conscience, conscience, Geng Liangchen, you white-eyed wolf!" Liu Haiqing was out of breath, and both hands were shaking, "I'm so crazy, I actually died to protect you? Injustice, I'm too injustice! "

"Ahem, that, let me add a word," Yi Yitian in the back seat said cautiously, "Hai Qing, I heard what you two said, you originally planned to die yourself to protect Lord Geng? Didn't you tell me that you are fine? ?"

"You're a fool, it's not easy to lie to you?" Liu Haiqing cursed angrily, then glared at Su Yi again, "Geng Liangchen, you have to make it clear to me today, why the hell am I disgusting you? Ah? Your words are too hurtful, are you worthy of me for saying this? "

Su Yi glanced at him lightly, and said, "Do you still want to die now?"

"Who the hell wants to die and who is your grandson!" Liu Haiqing said angrily.

"Okay, then I apologize to you, you didn't disgust me." Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "Hai Qing, if the three of us survive this time, you have to promise me one thing."

He paused at this point, and said seriously: "Don't talk about life and death lightly, let alone risk your life to death! I know you are going to die to save me, but Haiqing, you believe me, I am more powerful than you imagined. Capable. The desperate situation you thought may be like walking on the ground to me. The dead end you thought may be just a test for me."

"I obviously have a way to change the situation, but you, Haiqing, died one step ahead of me because you didn't believe in my ability. This is really a great irony to me!"

"The ancients said that it is easy to die generously, but difficult to die calmly. You and I are both gentlemen, and we all have the courage to sacrifice our lives for righteousness and to die for the sake of each other. But it is rare that at the moment of death, even in a hopeless situation, Still trying to survive for each other.”

Liu Haiqing was quite moved and remained silent for a long time.

Yi Yitian looked at Su Yi, then at Liu Haiqing, and said, "Haiqing, no matter what you say, you really impressed me this time, really, you are a man this time, you even fooled me, I admire you."

Liu Haiqing sighed and said, "Xiao Geng, I understand your painstaking efforts."

After getting in the car, Su Yi beat him first, and then deliberately stimulated him with words, with the purpose of admonishing Liu Haiqing with the ten words "it is easy to die generously, but difficult to die calmly".

Liu Haiqing sacrificed himself for Su Yi. Su Yi stimulated Liu Haiqing with a bad attitude, made Liu Haiqing angry, and thus doubted his choice. Come down and say something.

Only when Liu Haiqing is completely calm and no longer pushes the boundaries, can he really understand what Su Yi wants to express.

"Although I don't advocate it, but I have to say, you really touched me this time." Su Yi said, "I've grown up so much, it's the first time someone is willing to die for me."

Liu Haiqing smiled reservedly, and was about to say something provocative, but Su Yi followed suit with a sigh: "It would be great if you were a woman, I will definitely marry you in with a big sedan chair."

Liu Haiqing's face immediately darkened: "Go, go, a dog can't spit out ivory."

Yi Yitian said: "You two, although I feel that I am a bit redundant now, I still want to say that the whole Jinmen is looking for us now, including Zhe Peng people. What should we do next?"

Su Yi suddenly slammed the steering wheel, drove the car into an abandoned yard and stopped, and then said: "If you stay in Jinmen, there is only one dead end. If you want to break the situation, there is only one way to go!"

"What way?" Liu Haiqing and Yi Yitian asked in unison.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the two of them: "A road of narrow escape, to take this road, you need to do a big thing! Hai Qing, Xiao Han, from now on, I want you to completely obey my orders." Every decision, unless I take the initiative to tell you, otherwise you don’t have to ask anything!”

"What I ask you to do, you have to do it if you understand it, and you have to do it if you don't understand it! Believe me to do it, or don't believe me to do it! Even if you think you are going to hell with me, even if you think you are going to spend forever with me, you have to do it. Do it with me!"

Seeing that Su Yi spoke so seriously, both of them were startled and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Anyway, I can't think of a way to survive." Liu Haiqing sighed, "I'll listen to you."

Su Yi's eyes fell on Yi Yitian.

Yi Yitian smiled: "Master Geng, if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Su Yi patted Yixiantian on the shoulder and said nothing.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Yixiantian, he can completely retreat without wading into this muddy water.But he didn't complain, nor did he intend to back down, and he chose to follow Su Yi to the danger without hesitation.

How can Su Yi not remember this love and friendship?
Su Yi looked at Liu Haiqing: "Can Brother Ninth still get in touch?"

Liu Haiqing's heart skipped a beat, he nodded and said, "Yes, after what happened to Bayanqing last time, as you expected, brother Jiu kept this communication channel."

"Tell Xiao Han the contact information." Su Yi looked at Yi Yitian, "You ask him to tell Brother Jiu a word, and then ask for a way to get in touch with Brother Jiu."


"Jinling is planning big things!" Su Yi said every word.

Liu Haiqing and Yi Yitian Qiqi were terrified and moved, their hearts pounding.

But Su Yi didn't mean to explain, and said: "After passing the news, you immediately rush to Liang Yanqing's mansion. If there is any trouble, immediately fire a warning shot. If not, you hide in the dark, and we will light up and then darken. In case of any accident, there will be a support, and you can get away at any time."

Liang Yanqing?The richest man in Tianjin?Why are you getting involved with this person again?

The two were baffled.

But Su Yi had something to say first, so they couldn't ask more questions.

Liu Haiqing told Yixiantian the contact information of Wang Yaqiao's people, and the latter didn't dare to neglect and left in a hurry.

Su Yi was very reassured about Yi Yitian's ability. After seeing him leave, he immediately let go of the matter, and said to Liu Haiqing: "Do you know who originally owned this abandoned house?"

Liu Haiqing really knew.

"Liang Yanqing's nephew, Liang Hongsheng's." He said, "After Liang Hongsheng was beaten to death, his house was also robbed and emptied. Dare to come in."

"Speaking of it, Liang Hongsheng's death has something to do with me." Su Yi felt a little emotional, "The chamber of commerce's participation in the footsteps struggle was actually caused by me. I originally wanted to bring the chamber of commerce into the footsteps when I was fighting for the footsteps. Help, I didn't expect this move to be used now."

Liu Haiqing looked at Su Yi speechlessly: "You just talk about the major events that happened in Jinmen, which one has nothing to do with you?"

"It doesn't seem like it really is?" Su Yi thought for a while, and laughed dumbfounded.

He shook his head and said: "Behind this house is Liang Yanqing's house, Hai Qing, we are going to be an uninvited guest."

"It's been a long time since I climbed over the wall," Liu Haiqing muttered, "I don't know if it's okay."

After a pause, Liu Haiqing asked, "What about the reporter? If they can't wait for me, they will directly blame Zhang Jingyao's death on you."

"It's going to rain, mother is going to marry, let them go." Su Yi said lightly, "They can say whatever they want, and it's impossible to stop them."

Unlike Liu Haiqing, Su Yi knew from the moment he knew Guofu's reaction that his "famousness" would be inevitable.

Liu Haiqing tried his best to put aside his own ideas, but it was impossible to realize it. If he can manage the reporters in Tianjin, can he also manage the whole country?
The focus of resolving this crisis should be on the issue of "what should Geng Liangchen do if he is too famous".

"Find some rope, we have to hide him first." Su Yi looked at Baiji Sanno who was still unconscious, "The biggest surprise this time is him."

Sanye Baiji definitely didn't want to be Su Yi's surprise, but his protest was ineffective.

Su Yi once again stunned Sanye Baiji, then tied him tightly to ensure that this person would never break free and escape, and hid him in a secret place in this abandoned house, so he and Liu Haiqing Feel free to leave.

Liu Haiqing is still able to climb over the wall, very flexible.The two entered Liang Yanqing's mansion, and under the leadership of Su Yi, they quietly went to the north hall.

Although there are many houses and deep courtyards in these deep houses and courtyards, in fact, every household is the same wherever the owner lives.

It is impossible for the host to live in the wing room, let alone the guest room. He must be in the north hall.

Liang Yanqing's mansion was not as heavily guarded as Bayanqing's mansion. Although Su Yi brought Liu Haiqing's "burden", the two of them still easily reached the Beitang room.

A man and a woman's voices could be heard faintly inside, and it was obvious that the host had already woken up.

The two hid aside and watched as two maids knocked on the door and entered the room carrying a basin and a steaming kettle.

(End of this chapter)

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