Chapter 653
When Su Yi, Liu Haiqing, and Yixiantian were still above [-] feet in the sky, Jinmen City had already exploded because of the news that "Geng Liangchen assassinated Zhang Jingyao".

Since ancient times, there has been a spirit of fighting and fighting on the streets of Jinmen. More than [-] years ago, a hero named Huo Yuanjia appeared and became the pride of Jinmen people.

But now, Geng Liangchen is more legendary than Huo Yuanjia, the name of the "young master" who combines human and sword is still in his ears, and the deeds of destroying the Hundred Family Gang and rescuing hundreds of trafficked people also happened before his eyes A while ago, there were rumors of "Xiao Mengchang" being a chivalrous hero in the streets of Jinmen, but now, Geng Liangchen has assassinated the notorious traitor and is famous all over the country!
Which of these things was not more sensational than Huo Yuanjia back then?

Coincidentally, both Geng Liangchen and Huo Yuanjia came from footloose backgrounds, and they both achieved the equivalent of chief executive positions.

The common people could not see clearly the malicious intent behind this incident, nor could they perceive the great danger that Su Yi would face because of his sudden fame.

They were just carnival, just cheering up, thinking that Geng Liangchen was really a Jinmen man, he gave Jinmen people a face, and made people all over the country angry.They regarded Geng Liangchen as a great hero, and began to worship him and promote him.

On the entire Jinmen Street, everyone was talking about Geng Liangchen, and everyone was praising Geng Liangchen.Especially Su Yi's subordinates, all of them are proud, and now they all walk with their heads held high, wishing to tell everyone that they are Geng Liangchen's subordinates, and then enjoy the envious eyes of others.

Compared with the people at the lower level, the people at the upper level undoubtedly knew more, and they all kept secrets about Geng Liangchen and avoided talking about it.

Qian Jin woke up, but was "seriously injured and admitted to the hospital" and could not preside over the work.

Zheng Jiemin, who was about to arrive in Jinling, "received the order in the face of danger" and immediately returned to Jinmen to temporarily take the place of Liu Haiqing to preside over the overall situation.

The first thing he has to do is to arrest Liu Haiqing and Su Yi!
Before Zheng Jiemin arrived in Jinmen, he gave his first order to his subordinates - to secretly arrest several of Su Yi's trusted subordinates.

Like Brother Kuan, like Lao Ma.

But he fluttered.

Because after receiving Su Yi's letter, Zheng Shanao immediately understood Su Yi's intentions, and invited all these people to his mansion according to the names of the people mentioned in Su Yi's letter.

"This monkey grandson has really done a great thing..." Zheng Shanao sighed with emotion, his tone full of complexity.

When people get old, they don't like change and excitement.However, these two are what young people insist on pursuing, so the older generation always looks down on young people, so much so that they themselves forget that they came here when they were young.

In the letter, Su Yi told Zheng Shanao, "Don't take it for granted, the storm will pass soon."

If it was in the past, Zheng Shan'ao would try to put aside his relationship as much as possible and draw a line with Su Yi.

But this time, he didn't know why himself. His first reaction was to worry about Su Yi's current situation.

Zheng Shanao has been getting along with his "godson" for a while. To be honest, he likes Su Yi more and more, and appreciates his hard work, talent, self-confidence, and his self-confidence. the wisdom of...

Compared with his mediocre and cowardly own son, Su Yi's godson is like a dragon in the sky. Apart from being troublesome, he is so perfect that he couldn't be more perfect.

He even often thinks how wonderful it would be if Su Yi was his own son.

The thing he regrets most now is that this "father-son" friendship started from profit, mixed with dirty money and fame and fortune, which caused Su Yi to never call him foster father himself until now, but just called him "Grandpa".

It also led to the fact that Su Yi has done a big event today, encountered a life-and-death crisis, but only avoided him as a godfather, and only asked him, his godfather, to help with the aftermath in earnest and polite words, but refused to come to him for help. crisis.

Zheng Shanao knows that Su Yi still can't trust him, because he once chose to give up Su Yi.

"Old Mr. Zheng, Mr. Geng, besides letting us come here to hide from the limelight, what else did he say?" Brother Kuan fell into reminiscence when he saw Zheng Shanao's emotion, and couldn't help asking.

Zheng Shanao came back to his senses, and sighed again: "The Zhepeng people will definitely not let this matter go. Before Xiao Geng came back, you have been living in my house. Your feet are fine, I Take care of it for you first, don't worry, I don't want to be my son's property, I just watch for him."

"Of course we can trust you, Mr. Zheng." Brother Kuan showed a look of embarrassment, "But I'm afraid that Mr. Geng will not be here, and we all hide again. what should we do?"

"Forbearance!" Zheng Shan said solemnly, "The matter is much more serious than you imagined. Don't go out to make trouble for my godson at this time. The loss of some territory and venue is only temporary. When he comes back, what? It's all resolved. The key is that you all have to live with all your limbs and tails. You are here, and your Lord Geng will never fall."

These words made the bosses present very proud.

"Old man, we listen to you!"

"Old man, you are Lord Geng's godfather and our elder, you are right, we are convinced!"

"Then everything depends on you, old man!"

The heads stood up one after another to express their support for Zheng Shanao's decision.

No one can understand Zheng Shanao's complex mood, and Jia Changqing's fear and nervousness are not humane.

Knowing the news that Su Yi had killed Zhang Jingyao, Jia Changqing's first reaction was to feel chills all over his body, because not long ago, he was still confronting Su Yi on the street.At that time, he knew that Su Yi was a ruthless person, but he never thought that Su Yi was a wolf who would enter the Liuguo Hotel whenever he wanted, and Zhang Jingyao would kill as soon as he said.

As the news intensified, his heart became more and more fearful, especially after he learned through internal channels that Chen Gongshu of the Loyalty Society and more than [-] spies were burned to charred corpses in Su Yi's house, his mentality collapsed .

He was terrified, and felt that what he did to stop Su Yi on the street before was nothing more than dancing on the tip of a knife and walking outside the gate of hell.

He felt that it was his luck that Su Yi didn't violently kill him at that time.

If God gives him another chance to start over, he promises to stay as far away from Su Yi as possible.

So when Li Dasen excitedly suggested that he take advantage of the "great opportunity" to capture Su Yi's territory, he refused without thinking, shaking his head like a rattle.

"No, go whoever you like, I will never provoke this ruthless person again! Look at the old man, this Geng Liangchen will definitely be the second Wang Yaqiao in the future—no, he is more ruthless than Wang Yaqiao! I love you I haven't lived enough yet, I don't want to be slaughtered by Geng one day."

"Stupid! Short-sighted! It's hard for you to have a great future in this life!" Li Dasen yelled, hating iron but not steel, "Do you think Geng Liangchen is very majestic? Let me tell you, he is a dying person, he is dead!"

"He killed Zhang Jingyao, and the Zhepeng people will never let him go. He killed more than [-] people from the Fuxing Society, and the Guofu will never let him go! He doesn't know any Westerners. Tell me, the surname is Geng." Where is there a way out?"

"Wang Yaqiao is still alive and well." Jia Changqing said that he was not persuaded, "He killed Zhepeng Army General Shirakawa Yoshinori, and also assassinated Chang Kaishen on Lushan Mountain. He was offered a reward of one million oceans, and now he is missing a hair. Yet?"

"Geng Liangchen and Wang Yaqiao are the same kind of people. Wang Yaqiao can't die, and Geng Liangchen can't die. Old man, anyway, I will never be an enemy of Geng Liangchen again. It doesn't matter if you have less land and less money, as long as you have life, I, Jia Changqing, have always been the head of the Green Gang, popular and hot. But if my life is gone, I will really have nothing..."

"Can Geng Liangchen compare with Wang Yaqiao? There are people under Wang Yaqiao who have guns and flirt with warlords in southern Fujian and Guangdong and Guangxi. What does Geng Liangchen have? He has a fart!" Li Dasen scolded, "His only backer is Liu Haiqing , but now that Liu Haiqing is down, what else does he have? What is he still?"

Jia Changqing's face turned green and then pale. Although he was moved by Li Dasen's words, deep down in his heart, he still had a sense of fear towards Su Yi.

Li Dasen sighed, patted Jia Changqing on the shoulder and said: "Changqing, your master, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice. I have experienced ups and downs in this life. What have you never seen? Geng Liangchen is rootless. Duckweed, at most, will act fiercely for a while, but it won't last long. Just watch, he will die unexpectedly sooner or later, it won't be too long!"

"Our Green Gang lost so much land before, and it was all money! Now that such a good opportunity is finally in front of you, you dare not fight. Isn't this a joke?"

"Believe it or not, if you don't fight, some people do. At least Wu Zantong will never be idle! This is the money you got, give it to others!"

"Old man, is Geng Liangchen really dead?" Jia Changqing still asked worriedly.

"Believe me, I am your master, can I still harm you?" Li Dasen vowed, "Geng Liangchen is nothing to be afraid of, he is dead!"

"Okay!" Jia Changqing gritted his teeth, "I'll believe you just once!"

Hong Bang, the residence of Jiang Banruo.

An Yufeng was very excited, and shouted excitedly: "It's really gratifying, so gratifying! Mountain Lord, if I had known that Geng Liangchen was so talented, I would worship him no matter what!"

"If you worship him, then I won't be able to accommodate a big Buddha like you in this small temple." Jiang Banruo sneered, "Whenever you fall in love and go wherever you like, I will pretend that I never knew you! "

An Yufeng's brows and eyes drooped suddenly: "Shanzhu, you are too... well, you have scolded Zhang Jingyao's mother a lot before, saying that you can't wait to eat his flesh and drink his blood, but you just talk but don't practice. , Now that Geng Liangchen has done everything you need to do for you, not only are you unhappy, but you also have to draw a clear line with Geng Liangchen... Shanzhu, I can't admire you for doing this. Sigh , you should go back to your Buddhist hall to recite Amitabha in the future..."

"I'll go to your uncle..."

Jiang Banruo became angry when he heard this, rushed up and kicked An Yufeng's ass, and yelled: "Good An Yufeng, you have learned the yin and yang qi with me now, right? I'll go back to the Buddhist hall to make room for you." Is the position right? What's the matter, you An Yufeng's wings are hardened, and you want to rebel, right?"

"Anyway, you've been talking about Geng Liangchen over and over again, you're not upright at all, you're like a villain!" An Yufeng said softly, as if he was willing to be beaten or scolded, but he just stuck his neck and refused to give in.

"I, you..." Jiang Banruo raised his hand and wanted to slap him, but suddenly froze, and put down the slap in a dispirited way.

"You think I want to do this? Before Teng Jie set up a net to catch turtles in the urn of Jinmen, to catch Wang Yaqiao. Teng Jie knew my ability, so he came to see me in person and asked me to help him catch Wang Yaqiao."

"I know about this," An Yufeng said, "Didn't you agree?"

"I promise a fart!" Jiang Banruo couldn't help cursing, "I told him that I did my best, but this was just a polite word. In fact, I didn't move at all! But if I help him, I tell you, Wang Yaqiao must be being tortured in Jinling Prison right now! Can he still escape?"

"Let me tell you An Yufeng, Wang Yaqiao was able to escape from Jinmen, he had to thank me for Jiang Banruo's inaction! As long as I tried my best, he would never be able to escape at that time!" Jiang Banruo said angrily.

"What do you think this has to do with Geng Liangchen?" An Yufeng asked strangely.

"You are a pig!" Jiang Banruo scolded, "Idiot, you have no brains..."

After scolding An Yufeng for a while, Jiang Banruo said: "Wang Yaqiao ran away. Although Teng Jie didn't say anything, he must hate me in his heart, because he also knew that as long as I was willing to make a move, Wang Yaqiao couldn't run away, so He put the bill on me."

"Last night in the middle of the night, Dai Chunfeng called me again and asked me to help him catch Liu Haiqing and Geng Liangchen. This time I still did my best to answer, but Dai Chunfeng asked me to take care of myself in a weird way. You know what this means what?"

"This means that he hates me too!" Jiang Banruo said angrily, "Teng Jie and Dai Chunfeng are both Chang Kaishen's confidantes, and I offended them both! At this time, if I If you dare to have anything to do with Geng Liangchen and the others, they will definitely pounce on me like a cat smelling meat and eat me up!"

"In my capacity, if I don't stand up to help Dai Chunfeng and the others, that would be the greatest kindness to Geng Liangchen. What do you expect me to do? Stand up and cheer for him? You think I didn't die fast enough, right? Or do you want me to sacrifice myself for Geng Liangchen, huh?"

An Yufeng nodded thoughtfully and said: "Lord of the mountain, it's the first time I've heard people talk about the matter of sitting on the sidelines so gaudyly. You learned this from the monks in the temple, right?"

"Go away! Mad, where is my gun?" Jiang Banruo was furious and began to dig through the drawers.

Seeing this, An Yufeng ran out.

"Your name is An, if you dare to flirt with Geng Liangchen, I will break your leg!" Jiang Banruo yelled at the outside of the room angrily.

An Yufeng poked his head out from the door again: "Then can I help him watch the site?"

Jiang Banruo fired, and An Yufeng ran away in a panic.

On that day, the Santonghui and the Green Gang attacked Geng Liangchen's territory by coincidence. Fortunately, An Yufeng was in the way, Zheng Shanao tried his best to deal with it, and Su Yi's forces were still united, so the territory that Su Yi had just laid down was not lost too much big.

(End of this chapter)

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