Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 654 Jinling Confluence

Chapter 654 Jinling Confluence
It was already afternoon when the plane arrived safely in Jinling.

The flying and riding experience along the way - don't mention it.

Anyway, Su Yi, an old pilot, really experienced what speed and passion are called this time.

Having grown so big, it was the first time he saw a transport plane being driven like a fighter jet.

That's all for Su Yi, Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian are flying for the first time, and they were so scared that they left their last words halfway.

When they landed safely, the two were even moved by the feeling of having narrowly escaped death. They couldn't help but burst into tears, embraced and cheered.

Su Yi shook his head greatly.

Soon those lighthouse soldiers opened the door of the warehouse and walked in. One of them said in blunt Chinese: "You guys, stay here, don't move around!"

Seeing that Su Yi had no intention of speaking, Liu Haiqing hurriedly got up to negotiate.

"Excuse me, when can we leave?" he asked.

"Leave? No, no, no, you can't leave!" The lighthouse soldier waved his hand and warned with a bad expression, "The airport is full of Chinese soldiers, and they will arrest you if you go out! It will also implicate us! You can't leave!"

"When are we going to wait?" Liu Haiqing asked again.

"We will notify you when it is safe!" The lighthouse soldier waved impatiently and turned to leave.

After turning around, he and his companion communicated in English.

"Those three guys don't look like rich men, John, how much money do you think you can squeeze out of them?"

"It depends on how many days we've kept them. If we come back in three days, I guess they'll take their last dollar and beg us to let them go."

"Why do I need to go to such trouble? How about dragging them into the wild to kill them like last time? Isn't everything fine?"

"No, no, wild Jim, we're soldiers, not robbers! And Jesus told us not to kill people."

"Are these yellow-skinned monkeys human?"

"Haha, Jesus didn't tell us that we can't kill monkeys, so how about we wait until we sober up tomorrow, oh?"


The door of the warehouse was closed, and there was a sound of locking the door outside.Both Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian were taken aback, and hurried to knock on the door and shout.The lighthouse soldier outside the door cursed viciously: "Shut up, damn it, do you want to attract Chinese soldiers? The lock is to prevent soldiers from rushing in to check, understand? Just wait!"

Immediately afterwards, the cursing voice gradually faded away.

Both Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian were a little confused, they were not stupid, although they could not understand English, they could sense something was wrong.

"Xiao Geng, do you think foreign devils are trustworthy?" Liu Haiqing asked worriedly, "They locked us here, will they bring people directly to catch turtles?"

"They want to lock us up for a few days, and then drag us out to seek money and kill us." Su Yi said calmly, "Listen to what they said just now, this is not the first time these foreign devils have done this kind of thing."

The two were taken aback.

"Can you understand them?" they asked almost in unison.

"Understood." Su Yi nodded, and then stood up.

The cargo bay of this transport plane has only two small windows, one on each side, very high up.

Su Yipa took a look out of one of the windows, there were quite a few people in the airport, but it wasn't like what the lighthouse soldier said, there were soldiers everywhere.

"Wait until it gets dark." Su Yi pondered slightly and made a decision, "Let's go out after dark."

"The door is locked from the outside, how do I get out?" Liu Haiqing's eyes lit up, and he asked expectantly.

"Can a living person be suffocated to death by urine?" Su Yi said lightly.

"Hey, official, look at those two windows." Yi Yitian couldn't help but said, "Although the windows are not big, is it difficult to get out?"

Liu Haiqing was stunned, he slapped his forehead and let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "I'm so confused!"

The three of them had nothing to say at the moment, so they seized the time to start resting.

Even though Su Yi didn't say anything, they knew in their hearts that coming to Jinling this time would definitely not be easy.

I didn't sleep all night last night, and today I have been bumping in the sky all day. Even my body of iron should be tired.

In the evening, when it was getting dark, Su Yi easily destroyed the window on one side with a knife, cleaned up the glass shards, and then climbed out first.

Those lighthouse soldiers thought that Su Yi and the three of them were like the "fat sheep" they used to meet, and they would not dare to act rashly after a few words of intimidation, and they would never dare to do anything to destroy the plane.

Didn't they know that if it weren't for their identities as lighthouse men, the three of them would have died the moment the plane landed.

Su Yi has now offended the Guofu, the Zhepeng people, and the Franks, so he can't say anything, and he will offend the lighthouse people to the death.

Therefore, when it is time to endure, we still have to endure.

Although the airport is a military-controlled area, it is not heavily guarded, especially in Jinling. As the capital of the country, Jinling Airport has flights to various places every day. It is a military-civilian dual-use airport, and the control is not strict.

Su Yi easily slipped out of the airport with the two of them.

At this time, the arrest warrant for Liu Haiqing had been issued to all parts of the country, and the reward order for Geng Liangchen's arrest was no secret to Fuxingshe.

But no one could have imagined that the two wanted by Chang Kaishen and Dai Chunfeng would show up on the streets of Jinling, the capital!
Walking along the banks of the Qinhuai River, looking at the glamorous scene, thinking that five years later, this bustling city will fall into hell, Su Yi couldn't bear the mixed emotions, and couldn't help sighing: "A business woman doesn't know the hatred of subjugation, and she still lives across the river." Chang Kaishen really deserves to die for singing the backyard flower..."

Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian only thought that he was lamenting the current situation and the fall of the three northeastern provinces, and they both felt sorry for him.

"Sir, this is Jinling, the capital of the country. There are certain things that cannot be said indiscriminately."

At this moment, a crisp voice suddenly came from not far away, causing the three of them to look together.

Not far away, a little girl with bright eyes and white teeth was looking at her. Obviously, she was the one who said what she just said.

Behind the girl, there was a hunchbacked old man with sharp eyes like a falcon, looking at Su Yi and the other three. His eyes especially stayed on Su Yi's face for a while, and his pupils shrank.

The green shirt and long skirt with twisted braids look like female students from the outside, but the female students do not have such a heroic posture, let alone the skeleton of a martial arts practice.

This girl should be a martial artist.Both Su Yi and Yixiantian saw this at a glance.

Su Yi smiled at her, nodded slightly, turned around and left without saying a word, walking crisply and without delay.

When he came to Jinling, he didn't want to have any contact with anyone unrelated to him.

Once he left, Liu Haiqing and Yixiantian would naturally not stay.

Looking at the backs of these three people, the little girl had a strange look in her eyes.

"Miss, don't talk to strangers in the future, especially this kind of people." The hunchbacked old man behind him warned in a deep voice.

"What kind of person is this kind of person?" The little girl asked with a smile.

"People who have killed people and seen blood!" The hunchbacked old man said in a deep voice, "The one who spoke just now definitely has a life in his hands. I can tell it from the look in his eyes. And look at his bones Muscle, must be a trainer, and with the appearance of travel and dust, even if it gets a little bit, it will be a big trouble for us."

"Do you think they are from the Northeast?" The little girl asked curiously, as if she hadn't heard the old man's warning, and she didn't mean to be afraid at all. "Which sect are they from?"

The hunchbacked old man shook his head helplessly: "How do I know? I'm not a fortune teller. Miss, why don't we stop shopping and go back."

"That can't be done." The little girl giggled, "It's hard to come to Jinling. How can you not take a good look at the Qinhuai River? Uncle Jiang, leave me alone. People who can hurt me in this world, I'm afraid there are very few!"

The tone is quite proud.

"No matter how good your kung fu is, you can shoot down with one shot. The age is different, Miss." Uncle Jiang sighed, "Master will be here in a few days. After we meet him, we will rush to Jinmen. Miss, let you go out this time, you But you promised me..."

"I promised you not to cause trouble and not to run around, but I didn't promise you not to visit the Qinhuai River!" The little girl raised her chin, "Let's go!"

The meeting between her and Su Yi was like the most common meeting in the world. They met by chance in the crowd, and then went their separate ways, and then they never met again in this life.

If there is no fate, it is like this.

Su Yi and the other three soon came to a brothel named "Yixianglou". After being warmly welcomed into the private room on the second floor by Mr. Gui, Su Yi smiled and said to him, "I'm looking for King Jianghuai."

Mr. Gui's expression flickered, he looked at Su Yi and said: "My lord, we don't have this girl here, did you remember the name wrong?"

"Oh! Maybe it's called Jianghuai Jade." Su Yi said lightly.

"You are looking for Miss Yu." Mr. Gui suddenly realized, "The three of you don't look like locals, so how dare you ask where is Xianxiang?"

"North, Tang Ji." Su Yi replied.

"It turned out to be a regular customer." Mr. Gui immediately straightened his back, and solemnly clasped his fists at each of the three, "Miss Yu is in the backyard, please come with me!"

This conversation, including this address, is the location and code entry for contacting Wang Yaqiao.

Wang Yaqiao regards Su Yi and the other three as life-saving benefactors, and they are congenial, and specially order him to be under Jinmen to meet any requirements of Su Yi and the other three.

The three of them followed Mr. Gui out of the back door, walked through a dark forest path, made several turns, entered an alley, and knocked on the door of the last room.

The person who opened the door was a thin, short man with bare eyes and a fierce look on his face.

"Uncle Sun, who are they?" The dwarf looked at the three of them vigilantly, and put a hand behind his back calmly.

"Brother Nine told me, the guest introduced by Tang Ji." Mr. Gui replied.

The dwarf was taken aback: "So fast? Didn't you say you were going to leave in the morning?"

He was in doubt, but his face softened a lot, he hastily stretched out his hand and clasped his fists at the three of them, his eyes swept over Yi Yitian and Su Yi, and hesitantly asked, "Which one is Master Geng?"

"It's me." Su Yi cupped his fists at him, "May I ask what your name is?"

"My surname is He, and I'm Master Jiu's lackey." The dwarf looked at Su Yi with a lot of respect and approval, "Master Geng, I didn't expect you to come so fast, please come inside first!"

"Excuse me!" Su Yi cupped his fists again and followed him into the door.

The tortoise uncle Sun Bo smiled and said goodbye to Su Yi and the others, and returned the same way.

This is a courtyard mansion with a universe inside, and the space inside is not small.

The man surnamed He led Su Yi and three people to sit down in the living room of the main room, asked them to wait for a while, and hurried out again.

After a while, Su Yi saw a few people swarming in, and who was surrounded by a few people, not Wang Yaqiao who had been away for a long time?

"Ninth Brother!" Su Yi stood up in surprise.

"Brother Geng! Mr. Liu, Brother Han, haha, we meet again!" Wang Yaqiao laughed and walked to the front quickly, hugging the three of them in turns, looking very happy.

"I received the news from Jinmen this morning. I thought it would take at least a few days for you to come, but I didn't expect you to arrive so soon!" Wang Yaqiao said excitedly, "Okay! As long as you are fine, as long as you are fine!"

As for how Su Yi got here, he didn't ask much.

"I thought you were in Hong Kong Island, Brother Nine, and it would take some time to meet you." Su Yi said pleasantly, "I didn't expect you to be in Jinling!"

The appearance of Wang Yaqiao was a surprise to Su Yi. He originally planned to exchange news with Wang Yaqiao through telegrams, so as to establish the basis for cooperation and borrow his strength.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yaqiao actually appeared in front of him, which undoubtedly made Su Yi very excited.

With Wang Yaqiao in person, Su Yi has greater confidence in accomplishing that!
"I arrived in Jinling secretly three days ago." Wang Yaqiao said with a smile, "I originally wanted to meet someone here, so I immediately rushed to southern Fujian. I had already bought a ticket this morning, but I didn't expect to receive your ticket." If you don't know the news, just stay here and wait for you."

"Then I'm really lucky." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Master Geng, in fact, Brother Nine was still discussing with us just now, how to find you, take care of you, and rescue you." The people around Wang Yaqiao suddenly interrupted with a smile, "After we found out what you did, Brother Nine was very worried. Excited and worried about you. You may not know that there are people from us in Jinmen, Beiping, and even in Jinghai, Cangzhou, Dezhou and other places to inquire about you. The reason why we have been gathering here is that It is because Brother Nine feels that we can dispatch at any time if we hear from you anytime, and meet you as quickly as possible."

Su Yi, Liu Haiqing, and Yixian Tian were all moved.

But Wang Yaqiao scolded with a smile: "You are the only one talking too much! Aren't my three brothers all right? What are you talking about?"

After all, he also took Su Yi's hand, pointed to the person who had just spoken and warmly introduced him: "Come on, let me introduce you, he is Hua Kezhi, my closest comrade-in-arms, he followed me everywhere, and never left. abandoned."

"Master Geng! Master Liu! Master Han!" Hua Kezhi smiled and cupped his hands at the three of them, greeting them one by one.

The three of Su Yi hurriedly returned the gift.

"This is Sun Fengming. Even though he is young, he just got married. We only drank his wedding wine a while ago." Wang Yaqiao continued to introduce.

Su Yi was in awe, and bowed his hands solemnly to him: "Yishi Sun!"

The young man blushed, scratched his ears and cheeks and said in embarrassment: "I, I am not a righteous man, you are the righteous man, Mr. Geng, and I will learn a lot from you in the future."

"Fengming has always admired you since he found out about you." Wang Yaqiao said with a smile, "This time knowing that you are in danger, he is also the most anxious. He even left his newlywed wife behind and hurried away from Yizheng. Come here. He just arrived half an hour before you entered the door, and asked as soon as he entered the door, is there any news about Mr. Geng? Haha, isn't this young man very nice?"

"Hey..." Sun Fengming scratched his head and smiled honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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