Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 661 Successfully Infiltrated

Chapter 661 Successfully Infiltrated
After nine o'clock in the evening, after a busy day, Chang Kaishen planned to reward himself with delicious food.

Even the most mundane meal is anything but simple.

Behind Chang Kaishen stood his bodyguard Wang Shihe, responsible for checking the quality of the food for him.In addition, Secretary-General Jiang Qingxiang specially served dishes and meals for him.In addition to these two, there are two other personal guards who are also doing similar service work.

Chang Kaishen has the habit of drinking chicken soup before meals, so he must have chicken soup for every meal.

The temperature of the chicken soup is naturally just right, salty and delicious. Chang Kaishen leisurely sips it with a spoon, watching Jiang Qingxiang serve today's side dishes - braised chicken, scrambled eggs, shredded pork tofu, and spinach.

Chang Kaishen advocates frugality in the new life, so each meal only needs four dishes and one soup.Normally, he would dine with his wife, but today, his wife went back to her natal family to visit relatives, and she was not in the cottage.

Jingle Bell……

Chang Kaishen hadn't finished his bowl of soup when the phone rang suddenly.

None of the people present moved, and soon someone from the secretariat connected the phone in the guard room.

After a while, someone came to report. It was Dai Chunfeng who called, saying that there was an urgent situation and he had to report it to the principal immediately, which involved Hu Zhantang.

"Come in!" Chang Kaishen's expression turned serious when he heard this. He put down the spoon, picked up a napkin and wiped his mouth.

When he finished all this, Jiang Qingxiang on the side had already handed the phone to him respectfully.

Chang Kaishen picked up the phone and said in a steady voice, "I'm listening, let's talk."

"Yes!" Dai Chunfeng on the other end of the phone said hastily, "Principal, just 10 minutes ago, Hu Zhantang suddenly left his residence and went to the headquarters of the Jinling Garrison! This is the first time he has such an abnormal action. After receiving the news, I dare not neglect, and report to you immediately, please give further instructions!"

Chang Kaishen's pupils shrank when he heard this: "He went to the garrison headquarters? Did you make an appointment with Gu Zhenglun in advance?"

"The people in the monitoring team did not monitor that Gu Zhenglun had received the relevant phone calls before." Dai Chunfeng said, "But the possibility that the two have contacted through other methods cannot be ruled out."

"His step stepped on my numbness..." Chang Kaishen said quietly, "Will Gu Zhenglun meet him?"

"I'll call you right now outside the gate of the Garrison Headquarters. Right now, the guards at the entrance of the Headquarters have already let go." Dai Chunfenghui reported, "Principal, do you want to stop it?"

"Stop it? How to stop it? Can you stop it?" Chang Kaishen snorted coldly, "This Hu Zhantang loves to rely on his elders, play a scoundrel, be arrogant and unreasonable. You can't catch him, you can't touch him. What can you do with him?"

"How about I call Gu Zhenglun and ask him to..."

"The question now is not whether to prevent them from meeting, but why Hu Zhantang suddenly went to see Gu Zhenglun!" Chang Kaishen said, "This situation is very dangerous and threatens the stability of the party and the country. If it is not handled well, it will cause big problems. of!"

"Principal, what do you mean?" Dai Chunfeng hesitated.

"Only I will go there in person." Chang Kaishen sighed, "This wind will not last long, and this matter must not set a precedent. Mr. Hu has crossed the line this time, so I have to go and talk to him in person. Are you there? Keep watching, I'm leaving now, and I'll be there in 10 minutes."


Handing the phone to Jiang Qingxiang behind him, Chang Kaishen stood up and ordered, "Get the car ready and go to the Jinling Garrison Headquarters. Don't notify Gu Zhenglun."

"Yes!" Wang Shihe agreed, and hurried out to get busy.

After a while, Chang Kaishen, who was ready to go, went out, and the convoy outside the door was lined up, and a thousand soldiers of the guard regiment were ready to go.

Four small cars with the same appearance were parked side by side at the entrance of Qilu. Chang Kaishen hurriedly chose one and got in.

Soon, the convoy left in a mighty way and drove to the distance.

Not long after Huang Jun and Yi Yitian, who had just entered the military academy, left the school gate, there were soldiers in front of them stopping the car again.

The two were very nervous, thinking that something was wrong, but the soldier told them that the traffic in the school was temporarily controlled and asked them to turn back to the previous intersection and turn 100 meters away from this road.

Only then did they notice that not only their car, but also other cars and even pedestrians on the road were being "cleared".

Yi Yitian, dressed as a driver, did as he was told, but his heart was full of vigilance, and he seemed to explode at any time.

Huang Jun was terrified when he saw this, and hurriedly comforted him: "This situation is normal. It should be the chairman or Mrs. Song who is traveling, so the road is temporarily closed."

Chairman travel?
Master Geng's plan worked?

A line of sky suddenly dawned on me, and I couldn't help feeling a little nervous and excited.

He knows very well that he is making history!No matter what, his name might be passed down through the ages.

I just don't know if it's a good name or a bad name...

Soon, Chang Kaishen's convoy drove through the campus and drove away. The temporary road closure control ended, and they could continue walking in.

They are now located in the teaching area and student activity area. The car continued to drive, but was soon blocked by a red brick courtyard wall.

Walking around the red brick wall for a while, there is another iron gate, guarded by a sentry box at the gate, and dozens of soldiers are guarding the place with real guns and ammunition.

Once you enter here, you will arrive at the core area of ​​the Whampoa Military Academy.

This is the area where the school's professors live and work. It is a military forbidden area, and even the students of the military school are not allowed to enter without permission.

Here is also the second checkpoint to enter the rest garden.

The guard at the door waved to the car from a distance, gesturing to stop. The whole body of the driver was tense to the extreme. He subconsciously glanced at Huang Jun through the rearview mirror, and was ready to attack at any time.

Huang Jun's scalp became numb from his emotionless cold eyes, and he hurriedly said: "Don't act rashly, just follow their orders later, don't worry, I can handle it!"

Of course Yixiantian would not move rashly, he slowed down slowly and parked the car in front of the gate.

Two guards with guns came forward immediately and saluted together.

One of them said: "Hi Secretary Huang, please turn off the engine and get out of the car, go to the sentry box for inspection and registration."

"Xiao Wang, turn off the engine and get out of the car with me." Huang Jun pretended to be majestic and ordered, opened the door first and got out of the car.

Yi Yitian looked uncomfortable, so he followed Huang Jun as he did, and the two went to the guard box together.

The two guards here began to check the car.

At this time, Su Yi was lying in the trunk of the car, and anyone who opened the trunk would find him immediately.

This scene is really frightening to the extreme.

However, the inspection by the two guards was obviously just a formality. They opened the car door and looked in casually, and it was over.

This made Yi Yitian, who was peeking here frequently, heaved a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been raised in his throat gradually eased.

On the other side, the officer in the sentry box greeted Huang Jun with a smile: "Secretary Huang, are you still here at school so late? Is there anything urgent?"

"Urgent military affairs." Huang Jun said, "He came in a hurry and didn't bring a gun."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, indicating that the officer could be searched.

"Forget it, I won't delay your business." The officer smiled and took out the registration book, "Just sign it."

Huang Jun didn't refuse either, and naturally picked up a pen to sign.

But he was spared, and Yi Yitian on the other side was not spared. A guard searched him from top to bottom, which made Yi Yitian extremely displeased.

After Huang Jun finished signing, seeing that the body search was not over yet, he couldn't help frowning and urged: "Let's go!"

"Okay, Xiao Wang goes in and out every day, what's the problem?" the officer scolded his subordinates, "Let go quickly!"


The guard stopped immediately.

The officer sent Huang Jun to the car, and personally instructed his subordinates to remove the roadblock to let him go, and stood on the side of the road smiling and waving to Huang Jun.

The car drove to the downstairs of the classroom dormitory, and after it came to a complete stop, Yi Yitian came to his senses and looked at the position of the trunk and said, "Are you getting out of the car? What else can I order?"

"Original plan, go back quickly!" Su Yi's steady voice came from the trunk. It seemed that he had no intention of getting out of the car at all.

Yi Yitian nodded, and turned his head to Huang Jun: "Let's go! Be honest, don't mess around!"

"Don't worry, I will perform well." Huang Jun expressed his opinion hastily.

The two got out of the car, and Yixiantian carried a box of tea and a bag of snacks from the passenger seat. The two left the parking lot one after the other and walked towards the classroom dormitory area.

Soon after arriving in front of a house, Huang Jun glanced at Yixiantian first, and whispered: "This is it."

"Knock on the door, be natural!" Yi Yitian ordered without squinting.

"Hey, hey!" Huang Jun hastily stepped forward and knocked on the door.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing thick glasses opened the door. When he saw Huang Jun, he immediately smiled and said, "Brother Qiuyue? What wind brought you here?"

"I got the best tea, and the snacks I bought from Defuxiang. I'm not thinking of you, so I brought them here?" Huang Jun said with a smile, "You won't blame me for rushing to the door, will you?"

"It's not strange, brother Qiuyue, please come inside!" The middle-aged man smiled and hurriedly opened the door, motioning for Huang Jun to come in.

Huang Jun was also polite, and walked in with his hands behind his back.Yi Yitian followed suit, following behind him.

After entering the door, the middle-aged man's face immediately became serious: "Brother Qiuyue, you are..."

He glanced at the sky, then shut up vigilantly.

"Don't worry, this is the envoy, one of our own." Huang Jun looked around, "Is there anyone else at home?"

"The lady and the child are going to visit." The middle-aged man bowed his hands to Yi Yitian and smiled obsequiously, "The two of you are coming here, do you have any mission?"


Huang Jun nodded solemnly, and according to Su Yi's instructions, he said to the middle-aged man: "Brother Sun, the envoy is here to carry out a secret mission, and when he goes out, he will bring some things with him."

"If everything goes well, you shouldn't be needed, but I'm not afraid of [-], just in case. In case of an unexpected situation, you are familiar with the officers of the guard regiment. When we go out later, You are responsible for unblocking them from searching our people and cars."

The teacher surnamed Sun looked dignified when he heard the words, he seemed a little nervous, and asked awkwardly: "What do you take away? Is it conspicuous?"

"Inconspicuous, this thing can be hidden on the body, it's very small." Huang Jun shook his head, "As for what it is, it's not something you should know."

Teacher Sun breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "If the envoy didn't find that thing, there will be no problem. I guarantee you can leave smoothly. I'm just afraid, you made too much noise, and the park is temporarily closed , then there is nothing I can do to help..."

Huang Jun sneered and said, "If it goes well, do you think I need to come to you? I'm afraid that the park will be closed, so I ask you for help!"

Teacher Sun frowned, showing a look of embarrassment.

Without waiting for him to speak, Huang Jun said coldly: "Don't push back, Brother Sun, when you took my money back then, you didn't look like this now."

Teacher Sun said with a flattering smile: "Why would I push back and forth? I was just thinking, how to complete this task? This is a terrible thing, I have to be very cautious..."

Huang Jun's expression softened slightly: "In short, once something changes, you have to find a way to let us go at the first time, otherwise once we stay, you have to die with us, understand?"

"I know, we all prosper, and we all lose." Teacher Sun said with a wry smile.

He pondered slightly, and said: "Today is NO.14, right? Double number... In this way, when you leave, go to Ximen. The guard adjutant of Ximen today is my cousin. When I go out with you, he will give me face."

"Okay!" Huang Jun was overjoyed immediately, "That's right, Brother Sun, as long as I go out, I will definitely ask for credit for you, and let Zhe Peng people reward you heavily!"

Before the words fell, only the sound of a deafening explosion sounded.

The two shut up in horror, looked at each other for a few seconds, and immediately ran to the window at the same time, looking in the direction of the explosion.

"what's the situation?"

"It sounded like it was from Wei Shuiqiao. How much explosives would it take to make such a big noise?"

The two were puzzled.

At this moment, Yitian coughed lightly.

Huang Jun understood immediately, and said seriously to Mr. Sun: "It's not too late, we'll go to work immediately, Mr. Sun, you can wait for us at the west gate first."

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Huang Jun and Yi Yitian went out of the room, and they hurried back to the car.

Huang Jun was a little suspicious, and asked hesitantly, "Man, the explosion just now..."

"It has nothing to do with us." While talking, Yi Yitian took out a pair of handcuffs and a rope, "Secretary Huang, I've offended you."

"I understand, I understand." Huang Jun took the handcuffs cooperatively, and while handcuffing himself, he said worriedly, "Be careful, man, this is not a joke. If you are not careful, we will all have to Stay here."

"Don't worry, we're not here to die." Yi Yitian opened the trunk of the car, looked around vigilantly, and then tapped twice.

Su Yi, who had been hiding in the trunk, jumped out immediately, while Huang Jun, who was handcuffed, got in immediately, and the two completed the exchange.

(End of this chapter)

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