Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 662 Gunshots

Chapter 662 Gunshots
Since ancient times, the fate of assassins has not been very good, such as Jing Ke, Yao Li, Zhuan Zhu, Yu Rang, Nie Zheng...

A little closer, there is Zhang Wenxiang in the late Qing Dynasty, and then there is Wang Yaqiao.

Regardless of whether they are famous or not, none of these assassins died well, and all of them died violently.

The reason is also very simple, they either failed the assassination and were caught by the suffering master, and could only die miserably;

Therefore, assassination is really a high-risk job. Under normal circumstances, there is no salary. There are only a handful of famous assassins in the years.

Because of the explosion, the entire military academy was closed, and no one could enter or exit unless a pass signed by Chang was obtained.

It’s not that Su Yi never thought of forging, but firstly, he has never seen what this kind of temporary control pass looks like, and it is not sold in the terminal mall; secondly, searching for Chang Kaishen’s seal is time-consuming and labor-intensive. There may be extraneous branches.

So he can only get out as soon as possible, and take another step to watch.

After releasing Huang Jun, Su Yi didn't hide in the trunk this time, but lay flat on the ground in the back seat.It was pitch black, as long as the car door was not opened, Su Yi would never be seen from the inside.

"Hero, have you got your things?" Huang Jun sat in the passenger seat and asked nervously and apprehensively.

"I got it." It was Yi Yitian who answered him, and while turning the car around, he asked, "Where is Ximen?"

Teacher Sun said before that he could arrange for Su Yi and the others to evacuate from Ximen, because the officer on duty at Ximen was his cousin.

"Go straight and turn left, the west gate is at the end of the walk." Huang Jun said, his expression was disturbed and worried.

The atmosphere in the car was very dull, and soon, the car arrived at the west gate, and from a distance, I could see Teacher Sun standing on the side of the road far away from the sentry box, waiting anxiously.

Seeing the car coming, he immediately went up to meet him, but the door behind him was still closed tightly, and the guards didn't have the slightest intention to open the door.

"Did he fail?" Seeing this, Yi Yitian's heart sank, and he couldn't help asking.

"Probably not?" Huang Jun was also a little surprised, "Such a trivial matter... Mr. Sun has always done things safely..."

Before the words were finished, Su Yi, who was lying flat in the back seat, interjected: "If he asks what to do after passing this level, tell him that we have already solved it, so he doesn't need to worry."

Shut up immediately after speaking.

Teacher Sun quickly ran to the side of the car and rolled down the window.

"The chairman was assassinated at Weishuiqiao, and now the entire military academy is closed!" Mr. Sun said anxiously straight to the point, "We were so unlucky that we just caught up..."

"Why are you so unlucky?" Huang Jun was stunned for a long time, and couldn't help complaining.

Until now, Huang Jun didn't know what happened. He just felt that he was unlucky to encounter such a small probability that the military academy was now closed and he couldn't get out.

"Can you let it go?" Yixiantian asked.

"This is a military order. If you violate it, you will lose your head." Teacher Sun wondered, "It's fine if it's normal, but in this special situation, he doesn't dare to mess around..."

He looked at Yixiantian and tentatively said, "Why don't you wait a little longer? After the blockade is lifted..."

"You must leave now!" Yi Yitian said without a doubt, "Can you do this?"

"I..." Teacher Sun smiled wryly, "Even if this place is allowed, how will you go out later? All the exits in the outer teaching area are also closed, so you still can't get out."

"We have solved this problem long ago. This is not something you should worry about!" Yi Yitian said sharply, "I will ask you one last time, can you handle this matter?"

Huang Jun interrupted hastily: "Brother Sun, you push back on what you agreed to, and make the envoy angry. You really shouldn't..."

Teacher Sun's expression was uncertain: "If you have made arrangements for the future, I will persuade my cousin again, but... After all, this is a risky thing. If there is no benefit, my cousin may..."

"Fifty thousand dollars!" Yi Yitian said, "Go and talk, I don't care how much you talk about, but after the matter is completed, I will give you this money as an activity fund!"

Teacher Sun was taken aback for a moment, and then his face flushed red.

"Ambassador, I will fight hard. I will definitely convince my cousin. Look!"

Teacher Sun walked away in a high spirited manner.

Huang Jun's expression was a little cloudy, and his eyes were sometimes fearful and sometimes desperate.

At this moment, Su Yi in the back seat spoke again: "Xiao Han, you have arranged for the [-] US dollars for Mr. Sun. Now that you have said it, you must do it. Don't ruin our reputation!"

Yi Yitian was stunned, not knowing where Su Yi said this sentence.

Do you really want to give money to the traitor?
Fifty thousand dollars?
Too rich to burn?
Su Yi continued: "Only if we keep our promises, more people will be willing to do things for us in the future, otherwise we will smash our own brand name, and our reputation will be bad, and we will not be able to do anything!"

Huang Jun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and hurriedly responded: "What a hero said is very true. Reputation is really important. As the saying goes, if you are right, you will be helped more than you will be, and if you have no faith, you will not stand up..."

He spoke incoherently, even if he didn't know what he was talking about, but the fear and despair in his eyes finally subsided a lot.

Yi Yitian glanced at Huang Jun on one side, and finally realized something, and then said: "If this grandson can really do this, it means that he is still worth saving. His position will be very useful to us in the future. I think We can cooperate for a long time.”

It can be regarded as making up for his behavior of opening his mouth just now.

When Huang Jun heard this, the tension and fear in his eyes relaxed a bit.

Soon, Teacher Sun ran back again, blushing and said, "Fortunately, it's not a disgrace!"

Yi Yitian nodded with satisfaction: "You are very good, wait to be rewarded."

"This is what I should do." Teacher Sun smiled more and more obsequiously, then pointed to the soldier who was opening the door in front of him and said, "You don't need to stop, just drive over. I will take care of the follow-up matters."

"I believe in you." Yi Yitian rolled up the window and started the car.

The car wobbled past among the soldiers with real guns and ammunition.

Yi Yitian saw from the corner of his eye that machine guns were set up on both sides of the door. He was a little terrified, thinking that if there was a leak, he would be beaten into a hornet's nest on the spot.

The first checkpoint was passed by Su Yi alone, and the second checkpoint has now been passed without any risk.

But there is one last hurdle.

At the third checkpoint, they have neither acquaintances nor excuses and reasons to leave.

This is an urgent problem that needs to be solved.


This is impossible. Breaking through the barrier is equivalent to storming a military position. At that time, under the firepower blockade, no matter how much skill you have, it will be useless.

cheat?Muddle through?
They don't even know who the officer guarding the gate is, so how can they lie?
In case you run into someone who doesn't like oil and salt, take them all down on the spot, and there will be no place to cry when the time comes.

"What should we do now? Where are we going?" Yi Yitian couldn't help but asked, a little confused.

Huang Jun was also a little worried, feeling uneasy again.

"Don't go through the gate!" Su Yi said solemnly, "Turn right at the second intersection ahead and go to the student dormitory area."

Hearing the words, Yixiantian felt at ease immediately, as long as Su Yi had a plan.

In fact, Su Yi doesn't have any plan. For players who are very good at adapting to changes and playing on the spot, having no plan happens to be the perfect plan.

But this is a double-edged sword. It can leave the enemy completely defenseless and confused, and it can also make the operation die suddenly and end inexplicably.

The reason why Su Yi wanted to go to the student dormitory area was because he had seen the internal map of the military academy in advance. There was a road leading to the dining hall from the student dormitory, which was close to the wall of the military academy. There was a river outside this section of the courtyard wall. , down the river, you can go directly to Langya Road.

And Langya Road is not far from the mansion area of ​​Yihe Road.

Su Yi's luck seems to have come to an end.

As soon as he turned to the road leading to the student dormitory, Yi Yitian saw at a glance that there was a roadblock at the end of the road, and almost a dozen guards blocked the way.

Startled, Yi Yitian immediately let go of the accelerator and said in a deep voice, "The road is blocked!"

Su Yi got up and looked forward, his eyes narrowed immediately.

The road was not long, less than 100 meters. The car turned in and drove a little further. This distance was already within the range of the soldiers.And it would be too strange to retreat at this time, and it would definitely arouse the soldiers' deeper suspicions.

But if you move forward, people will definitely arouse suspicion when they question you.


"Keep driving, slow down and prepare to stop, but don't turn off the engine." Su Yi ordered in a very calm tone.

This kind of calm relieved the tension of the two people in front to a certain extent.

"Negotiate first, wait for the right time!" Su Yi ordered again.

Yi Yitian's heart suddenly trembled, knowing that Su Yi was already planning to make a move.

The car slowed down, someone in front reached out to stop the car, and the car stopped slowly in front of the officer who blocked the car.

The window of the car was rolled open, Yi Yitian stretched out his ID card in his hand, and showed it to the officer.

But the officer did not intend to reach out to pick it up at all, but said blankly: "Turn off the engine, everyone get out of the car."

"Blind your eyes!" Yi Yitian opened his mouth and cursed, "Do you know who is sitting in the car? Do you know what we are here for?"

"I don't care who you are, and I don't care who is in the car. The task I have received is to stop all people entering and leaving, verify their identities, and report the situation in a timely manner," the officer said neither humble nor overbearing. Get on everyone and get off!"

"We are carrying out the secret military order of the chairman," Huang Jun said suddenly, with a serious face, "can you bear the burden of delaying a major event?"

As he said that, he took out his ID and handed it over: "This is my ID. I will keep it with you first. You can contact your officer at any time, but now, you must let us pass!"


The officer drew his gun, loaded the bullet, and continued with a stern expression on his face, unmoved, and continued coldly: "Get out of the car, turn off the engine! This is the first warning!"

"You..." Huang Jun was terrified and furious, and his heart was in a panic.

"Okay, let's get out of the car!" Yi Yitian suddenly pushed open the door and got out of the car.

While handing the certificate to the officer, he said: "You wait until you receive the dismissal order!"

The officer neither accepted the documents nor changed his mood, but continued to say coldly: "I said turn off the engine and get out of the car! Can't you understand me?"

Yi Yitian looked at him, and at the dozen or so guards behind him who were already touching their guns.

"If you want to extinguish it, you can extinguish it yourself, I won't pee on you!" He spat on the ground with disdain, walked around the officer and walked in front of the soldiers.

The corner of the officer's mouth curled into a cold smile, and he turned around slowly.


As soon as Yixiantian walked in front of the soldiers, the soldiers immediately surrounded him, and each of them raised their guns to point at him.

"Cuff it!" The officer ordered coldly, and then turned around without looking at the result.

For him, Yi Yitian's fate is already doomed.

He looked at Huang Jun, who was still sitting in the co-driver's seat and didn't understand, and frowned, "Sir, let me say it again, please get off..."

He didn't finish his sentence when something happened suddenly behind him!
Seeing that a guard was about to handcuff him, Yi Yitian seized the opportunity and suddenly launched an attack!

He shot out suddenly and pointed like a gun, piercing the soldier's throat, and the soldier's throat was turned into a blood hole.

At the same time, Yi Yitian took advantage of the situation to seize the gun and advanced, rushed into the soldiers, knocked one into the air with a stick against the mountain, and smashed the other's chest with a ruthless punch, and at the same time, the rifle he seized in his hand stabbed obliquely. , The muzzle of the barrel pierced through a soldier's temple with a "poof".

The four of them were solved in an instant!This process takes less than three seconds!

It wasn't until this time that the soldiers reacted one after another, but Yi Yitian no longer gave them a chance. Like a wolf in a herd, he made fierce moves and killed three more in the blink of an eye.

But he was not omnipotent after all, surrounded by more than a dozen people, there was always a time when he was powerless, and at this moment a soldier finally aimed his gun at him, his finger on the trigger.

The gun rang, Yi Yitian fired ahead of time, and killed the soldier with one shot.

The officer on the other side turned around at this moment, his face changed drastically when he saw this, he raised his gun and aimed at the sky and was about to shoot.

But the next moment he felt a bad wind coming from behind him, he was startled and was about to dodge when he was hit hard on the back of the head by a heavy object, he staggered a few steps, and at the same time the gun in his hand rang out, but Steady, he missed the shot.

Bang bang bang!
On the other side, gunshots rang out one after another, and Yi Yitian had already taken advantage of this time to kill three people again, and finally jumped up and smashed a soldier's jaw with his knee, and smashed the butt of the gun heavily on the top of his head.

Before the officer here could stand still, Su Yi pounced on him.

It was Su Yi who threw his boots at him just now.

Su Yi bullied himself, snatched the gun, and then directly broke the officer's neck, without giving him a chance.

Bang bang bang!
On the other side, there were two surviving soldiers, who fired repeatedly at Su Yi and Yi Yitian while retreating.Su Yi slithered to dodge, and Yi Yitian also fired back, killing them directly.

 The last chapter... I can only read it in the group for the time being, 829510669 (the second group, there is currently no one).Also, thanks to the boss who opened his eyes for the second time to see the world's second leader rewarding him. This is even more unreasonable, so there will be another update in the evening, which is the leader's addition. I will try to add a few more updates to pay back the debt...cough Cough, the quantity is not important, the important thing is the heart, right?
(End of this chapter)

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