Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 663 Follow-up

Chapter 663 Follow-up (addition 1 for the lord to open his eyes to see the world for the second time)

As soon as the gun is fired, something will happen, something big will happen!

This is the current center of power in Huaguo, where the most elite soldiers gather.

When a shootout breaks out on campus, everyone realizes something is up.

So from this moment, the three of Su Yi and the others were completely exposed.

From the moment the gunshot was fired, if one could look down from above, one would find several torrents converging towards the "murder scene", while Su Yi drove the car himself, still frantically fleeing towards the intended destination.

In this soldier den, it was impossible for Su Yi to find a safe path that would not encounter the enemy, so for the next journey, the car was really advancing crazily against the hail of bullets.


Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins!


Only by being fast can we not give the enemy a chance to encircle us and retain the last hope of survival.

In the end, despite being bitten twice by bullets, Su Yi successfully climbed up to the top of the wall at the predetermined location, and saw the river flowing outside the wall.

The rushing river represents the hope of survival!
Yi Yitian was about to use his strength to climb up, but Su Yi stopped him: "Get him up!"

Yi Yitian didn't dare to be negligent, dragged Huang out from the co-pilot, and then lifted him up as best he could, Su Yi picked Huang up on the wall.

bang bang bang...

At this time, the chasing soldiers had arrived, and they fired wildly at this side.

"The dressing room meets!" Su Yi only had time to shout, and rolled over to the other side of the wall with Huang's body in his arms, fell into the turbulent river, and went downstream...

In the courtyard, Yixiantian lay dead on the base of the wall, bullets whistling above his head, making him unable to even raise his head.

Suddenly he thought of the explosion in Shuangmen Town, and then he pointed his gun at the fuel tank of the car decisively and pulled the trigger.

A huge fireball rose into the sky.

In the raging flames, Yi Yitian quickly climbed up the wall, jumped into the river, and splashed downstream.

Twenty minutes later, the two successfully met at Huang's house.

Yixiantian's hair and eyebrows were all gone, his face was as red as freshly cooked shrimp, his whole head was glowing red, and he looked very funny.

Even if Su Yi was exhausted from running all the way to Tibet with Huang's body on his back, he couldn't help laughing at this moment.

"Gasoline won't be extinguished if it's ignited in water. This is a lesson." Yi Yitian scratched his bald head and said embarrassingly.

"Hahaha..." Su Yi couldn't help laughing anymore.

Ten minutes later, the two set up the scene, fired a few shots at the scene, and then hurriedly evacuated.

Not two minutes after they left, Wang Shihe led his troops to surround the place. After rushing in to inspect the scene, he let out a mournful and angry roar: "People from Zhepeng! I, Wang Shihe, and you are inseparable!"

Jinling Garrison Command.

"The law of heaven is clear! The law of heaven is clear!" Hu Zhantang walked up and down excitedly, and suddenly he stared at Gu Zhenglun, "What do you say now?"

Gu Zhenglun didn't answer, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

At this moment, his secretary Jinmen reported: "President Wang called and asked to talk to you immediately."

Hu Zhantang's complexion changed, and he shouted: "There are many people who support Wang, and you, Gu Zhenglun, are not missing! If you follow him, can he give you the post of Deputy Minister of Defense? Zhenglun, you only have one chance, you have to seize it." !"

Gu Zhenglun looked at Hu Zhantang, and slowly said: "Mr. Hu, Zhenglun's wealth and life are all on you!"

Hu Zhantang showed a surprised smile of relief: "Don't worry, you and I will help each other in the future, and we will never let you regret today's decision!"

On the other side, Wang couldn't contact Gu Zhenglun, so he immediately decided to flee, and escaped from Jinling City before Gu Zhenglun's soldiers surrounded his mansion.

It was night, and Gu Zhenglun completely sealed off Jinling City, and Su Yi and Yixiantian were all trapped in the city.

Su Yi's arrangement had an effect. According to the bodies of Nanzo Yunzi and Sanye Baiji found in Huang's house, as well as the on-site investigation, it was finally concluded that this incident was led by Zhe Peng. , but in the end, due to internal disputes among the gangsters, a fatal flaw was left, exposing the fox tail of the Zhe Peng people.

The corpses of Sanye Baiji and Nanzo Yunzi, as well as the radio station, code book left in the secret room, and a "traitor list" written in Japanese are ironclad evidence!

Another living proof is that Mr. Sun.

How did the murderer escape?You can find out this matter once you check it.

Teacher Sun was terrified on the spot when he learned what had happened, and recruited everything he knew, including how he was dragged into the water by Huang Jun and became a spy of the Zhe Peng people.

True and false, false and true, nine true and one false, this matter has basically been confirmed, it is the wolfish ambition of the Zhe Peng people who planned and implemented this action.

At the end of the investigation, as all the traitors on the list of "traitors" were arrested and confirmed one by one, even Hu Zhantang believed that this incident was caused by the cooperation of Wang Yaqiao and Zhe Peng.

As more and more evidence surfaced, Hu Zhantang, who was temporarily in power, held a press conference and issued an announcement to the world, reporting this shocking assassination...

The whole world is boiling over, this is definitely an earth-shattering event!

This time all the public opinion remained surprisingly unanimous. Western powers all condemned Zhe Peng and put pressure on Zhe Peng to give an account of this matter and take a tough stance.

The Zhepeng people were under unprecedented pressure, and it was hard to argue, because the identity of Nanzao Yunzi was dug out, and the evidence that this woman had engaged in espionage activities in Jinling over the years was undeniable; and Sanye Baiji, a Jinmen spy Why did the boss suddenly appear in Jinling and Huang's house? The people in Zhe Peng couldn't explain it at all.

Although Kotaro Nakamura, the commander of the Zhe Peng Jinmen Garrison Army, repeatedly assured the reporters that Sanno Baiji was kidnapped, and showed some so-called evidence and told some so-called "facts" that seemed unbelievable to the reporters.But no one believed him at all, and many newspapers even openly ridiculed him for talking in his sleep and lying so absurdly.

Kotaro Nakamura said Momochi was kidnapped, but he said the time was less than 24 hours after the usual assassination.

The only way to travel from Jinmen to Jinling in such a short period of time is by plane, but Kaifeng Airlines categorically denied that the Zhepeng people had ever taken a plane to Jinling during this period, and considered this to be nonsense.

Public opinion generally believes that this is nonsense, because it does not conform to the logic of normal people.

On the third day, there was a huge wave of momentum throughout the country, resulting in many bloody incidents.

Public opinion is boiling, and voices within the military that are tough on Japan have also taken over the mainstream.

Revenge for Chang, revenge for the country, has become Zheng Zhizheng's slogan.

In this turbulent situation, Su Yi and Yi Yitian quietly returned to Jinmen.

The two of them are currently in Liang Yanqing's house, calling Liu Haiqing who is far away in Jinling.

Soon after the assassination, Liu Haiqing and Wang Yaqiao separated. The latter had fulfilled his long-cherished wish for many years and had a higher Zheng Zhi ambition, so he went to southern Fujian and Guangdong and Guangxi.

Wang Yaqiao's behavior was contrary to Hu Zhantang's interests. Naturally, Hu Zhantang, who was not very broad-minded, was very angry. He even wanted to expose the truth about Wang Yaqiao's troubles, and even kill Wang Yaqiao. But in the end, after weighing the pros and cons, But he had to endure it.

Because he dare not.

When Wang Yaqiao left, he invited Liu Haiqing to join him, but Liu Haiqing considered it again and again, and finally decided to stay. Wang Yaqiao repeatedly advised, but Liu Haiqing was not moved.

In the end, the two had to regretfully separate.

This matter is Liu Haiqing's own claim and has nothing to do with Su Yi.

Liu Haiqing went to meet Hu Zhantang alone, and the old man tried to kill Liu Haiqing to silence him, but in the end, he was moved by Liu Haiqing.

Liu Haiqing told him that he wanted to go back to Jinmen and persuade Yu Xuezhong of the 51st Army to be loyal to the Jinling government, that is, Hu Zhantang.

And Liu Haiqing told him that Hu Zhantang wants to control the overall situation, and intelligence work is the most important thing, which must not be ignored.Hu Zhantang's subordinates are in urgent need of talents for intelligence work, and Liu Haiqing is willing to recommend himself as the "king of intelligence" under Hu Zhantang.

As long as Hu Zhantang gives him trust.

Hu Zhantang was moved.

After a more in-depth conversation with Liu Haiqing, Hu Zhantang agreed to Liu Haiqing's proposal and decided to use the original Fuxing Club in Jinmen as a model to create the "Three Youth League" as an intelligence organization dedicated to him.

"After Teng Jie was arrested, he would rather die than submit. Hu Zhantang was so angry that he wanted to kill him, but I persuaded him. I planned to rescue Teng Jie in a few days. It was fulfilling his original intention to support me." Liu Haiqing said on the phone, "There are also Kang Ze and He Zhonghan. They all went to the Guangxi Clan and defected to Li Delin and Bai Jiansheng."

"The CC department is waiting and watching. As far as I know, the Kong Song family is wooing them and intends to form a branch of their own. So if he wants to do intelligence, Hu Zhantang doesn't have many choices. His best choice is to rely on me."

Su Yi felt a little emotional, people are constantly growing.After the assassination, he was injured a little bit, and he hid with Yi Yitian and returned to Jinmen all the way. Liu Haiqing walked all the way out by himself.

I have to say, his turn around is gorgeous.

"Hu is unreliable." Su Yi said so, and stopped.

"I know, I also borrow chickens to lay eggs." Liu Haiqing said.

Su Yi smiled: "It's good if you can think like this."

"I'll be back in Jinmen in three days," Liu Haiqing said, "If you're free, go and see Qian Jin for me. Also, be careful of Zheng Yaoquan."

"Can this person be killed?" Su Yi asked lightly.

"Yes." Liu Haiqing said, "Just make it clean."

"Success, let's do this first, and wait for you to come back." Su Yi hung up the phone.

"It sounds like Haiqing is doing well?" Yixiantian asked while sitting on a chair beside him, chewing on a piece of sugarcane.

Su Yi nodded: "Hu Zhantang thinks highly of him."

The conversation changed: "Liang Yanqing hasn't come back yet?"

"No." Yi Yitian was a little depressed when he heard the words, "This old man is really rude. We came to visit, but he avoided seeing him. We waited for him at his house for a long time, but he didn't come back. What does he want?"

"Let's hide from us." Su Yi had a half-smile, "I think he guessed something, and he didn't dare to see us."

Liang Yanqing definitely has reason to suspect that Su Yi did what happened to him, so he has every reason to avoid Su Yi.

But this old guy left his family here to run away, his nature is a bit cold.

"Will he sue the officials?" Yi Yitian suddenly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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