Chapter 668
""Announcement on Holding the Joint Recruitment Fair of Geng Liangchen and An Yufeng of the Jinmen Transportation Industry Association":
Entrusted by Mr. Geng Liangchen and Mr. An Yufeng, this newspaper announced on its behalf that at 50,000:[-] p.m. today, on-site job fairs will be held in eight places including the east gate of Quanyechang, the south side of Wanguo Bridge, Dagu Square, etc., and recruit for the whole city. Stevedores [-] people!
Requirements: Good health, hard work, no gang background such as Qinggang, Santonghui, etc.

Remuneration: sign a formal labor contract, and the minimum monthly salary is not less than [-] oceans!
Interested parties please bring a Dayang registration fee to the recruitment site at the agreed time and place to sign and register. This job fair starts at two o'clock and ends at eight o'clock in the evening. "

Early the next morning, all the major newspapers published such a special recruitment notice.

It is definitely a new thing for the first time in the world that Liba, who was recruited by foot, was published in the newspaper.

And it's Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen who is recruiting, which is even more fresh!
Coupled with the terrifying number of 50,000 people and the super high monthly salary of twenty oceans, this recruitment notice quickly aroused heated discussions in the city, and the public opinion was in an uproar!
Many people think that Geng Liangchen is worthy of being a hero of Jinmen, and when he appears, he is a big hand and stirs up the situation.

There are also people who think that Geng Liangchen has made a foolish move this time, and he is afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the whole country.

They have a reason to say this: "Recruit people in newspapers? Haha, what kind of international joke? Which people read newspapers? How many people are literate? Who can afford to read newspapers? Ba? Geng Liangchen was clever this time but was misunderstood by his cleverness, haha..."

But what these scoffers didn't know was that Su Yi sent out hundreds of his loyal subordinates, and went to the place where the Libas often gathered, holding a newspaper and reading the recruitment notice aloud over and over again.

Unless they are deaf, unless they cannot understand human speech, it is impossible for the Libas not to receive this exciting surprise news.

These people who laughed at Su Yi didn't even know that Su Yi spread the word to let everyone in the city know his promise - to guarantee a minimum monthly salary of no less than [-] yuan. It's such a rare guarantee.

No one thought that the hero of Jinmen would break his promise and ruin his reputation, so Liba, who should have been skeptical, believed Su Yi's promise almost immediately.

Liba's current income is about seven or eight oceans, and now Su Yi promises that their monthly income will not be less than twenty oceans, which is equivalent to directly tripling their current salary!
For Liba who are struggling on the line of food and clothing, who can resist such a temptation?
no one!

not a single one!

Not to mention, Su Yi specially sent people to explain to Liba why there is a guaranteed monthly salary of 20 yuan, so as to dispel their last doubts.

Su Yi and An Yufeng jointly promised that for all Liba traveling under the command of the Hong Gang and Geng Gang, starting from tomorrow, the monthly travel membership fee will only be charged eight oceans, and the original car rental fee will be cancelled, and the management fee will be charged instead. The fee is ten yuan.

That is to say, the expenditure that was originally as high as 35 yuan per month per month has now been reduced by nearly half, and only [-] yuan is charged!

The seventeen oceans saved, plus their original income of seven or eight oceans, wouldn't they be able to get twenty oceans a month?

Knowing where the guaranteed monthly salary of [-] oceans comes from, the Libas are more at ease.

Especially with the honorary guarantee of Jinmen heroes and the word-of-mouth effect of "Xiao Mengchang", almost no one doubts its authenticity.

Before nine o'clock in the morning, the entire pedestrian circle exploded!
Liba, whether working or not, was completely insane.

Who would want to earn seven or eight oceans of hard-earned money when they can earn a salary of more than twenty oceans?
Who would like to contribute to the notorious Qinggang and Santonghui after being able to follow the Jinmen heroes who have a good reputation and a reputation for benevolence and righteousness?

Liba under Geng Liangchen's hands would give some benefits every now and then. Every time he competed for the pier or made some contributions, he would definitely be rewarded, but what about the Green Gang and the Santonghui?
No fart!

Not only are there no farts, but life and death lotteries are also drawn. If you are unlucky and win the lottery, you have to send someone to die.

The salary is poor and there is no guarantee, and being prostituted from time to time is life-threatening. A fool knows how to choose.

It’s okay for the Hong Gang, after all, the Hong Gang also participated in this open recruitment, and An Yufeng announced early in the morning that the Hong Gang will honor the salary in the newspaper, but if they are powerful, they will be given the same salary. If you want to change jobs and change bosses, I'm sorry, such people will be expelled by Geng Liangchen and the Hong Gang, and don't want to eat the same bowl of rice in the future.

So on Hong Gang's territory, the Libas should be working, and they were as happy as they were during the New Year, and they had no other thoughts except being happy.

Although Wu Xing and Zhongyi Society did not sign their names on the newspaper, they also notified their Liba early in the morning that from now on, they will be treated on the same level as Geng Liangchen and Hong Gang.

Both Zheng Shan'ao and Qian Jin couldn't understand Su Yi's behavior of throwing coins, and wondered if he was panicking with too much money.

Even if you want to buy people's hearts, there is no need to spread so many coins, right?
If you give the Libas four or five more oceans every month, it is enough for them to be grateful to you. If you give them an extra seventeen or eight oceans at a time, you are not afraid to feed the Libas to death?
is this necessary?

Don't you, Geng Liangchen, understand the principle of promoting kindness against Michou?

Regarding Qian Jin, Su Yi has no obligation to explain his doubts to him, but regarding Zheng Shanao, he did chat a few more words.

"I am a leader of footsteps, not for money, but for power, power, and fame."

"If I just let Liba get four or five more oceans every month, they will support me, but if there is a crisis, they will abandon me decisively like this time."

Before today, Su Yi did not treat his subordinates badly, with high salaries, welfare numbers, humanistic care, and righteous subsidies, otherwise Su Yi would not be able to earn the title of "Xiao Mengchang".

But what about the result?
As soon as Su Yi had something to do, how many Libas worked hard for him?

More than [-] people whimpered and dispersed, leaving only about [-] people to hold on.

Su Yi wouldn't blame these people for being white-eyed wolves, because they were all poor people, working hard to make money, and the whole family was waiting to support themselves, so they couldn't talk about loyalty with Su Yi.

Even if they feel sorry for Su Yi, even if they know that without Su Yi, they will have no good treatment and will be exploited by other gang forces, but they will still choose to abandon Su Yi and return to their original life.

Because they have to support their families, they don't want their families to go hungry.

Moreover, Su Yi gave them eight or ten oceans more, and it was not worthwhile for them to work hard for Su Yi's observance.

So the Green Gang and the Santong will attack, and the Libas will see no hope, so they will naturally disperse.

But what if Su Yi gave them more benefits at that time?

"Now I have tripled their treatment! Their annual income has increased by nearly [-] oceans! And I will let them know that they can get so much money only if I am the leader. If the leader is not Me, they won't take so much money at all, guess what will happen to them?"

"In this case, Liba will naturally support you and protect you to death. Anything you say is an imperial decree to them. Naturally, your goal can be achieved, but you have cut off other people's money. I hate you to death." Zheng Shanao sighed and said, "Don't blame others, just blame me, you let me lose thousands of oceans every month for no reason, why should I be crazy with you? You have the right to be named, I have lost a lot, why?"

"For the Hong Gang and the Loyalty Society, I will naturally explain something to them." Su Yi smiled, "For martial arts, the compensation is in the martial arts school. For us, the martial arts school is the most important thing. A good business is just a hen that lays eggs."

"As for the Green Gang and the Santonghui..." Su Yi's lips curled up, "They either bet with me, or they wait for the trees to fall and the monkeys to disperse!"

"Be careful they play dirty." Zheng Shanao reminded.

"I understand." Su Yi said with a smile.

The Green Gang and Santonghui were caught off guard by Su Yi's manipulation.

Jia Changqing and Wu Zantong were going crazy with anger.

They had calculated thousands of times, and they never expected that Su Yi would come up with such a wicked and fuming move to fight back against them.

Although they reacted quickly and immediately sent their subordinates to surround Liba and prevent Liba from leaving, each of them still lost a lot of people.

The remaining Libas were blocked in time, but unfortunately they could block people, but they couldn't block people's hearts.These Liba wanted to run away, and there were so many of them, they soon became clamorous, and they were about to cause a mutiny.

The Green Gang and the Santonghui were in a state of desperation. In the end, they threatened and lured them, and managed to stabilize the Libas, but this was only temporary. They knew very well that these Libas might run away at any time.The income has doubled from [-] oceans per month to more than [-] oceans. No one can resist such a temptation.

But let them follow up with Su Yi, and give them such treatment, which will cause their monthly income to shrink by half, how can they accept it?

In order to cope with this emergency, Jia Changqing and Wu Zantong made an appointment to meet in an emergency and discuss countermeasures together.

"Damn Geng Liangchen, he's hurting others and benefiting himself, you bastard!" Jia Changqing was so angry that he still cursed at Wu Zantong and refused to stop.

"Calling him can he lose a piece of meat?" Wu Zantong said with a dark face, "With Geng Liangchen doing this, he can gather tens of thousands of Liba for his use in the shortest possible time. When the time comes, the territory we have won will be lost immediately." Spit it out obediently, and give it back to him! Are you willing to lose all your hard work?"

"He's digging our foundation!" Jia Changqing gritted his teeth and said, "Old Wu, we must not sit still and wait for death!"

"What do you want?" Wu Zantong looked at him with a half-smile.

"Call the people and fight him immediately!" Jia Changqing said, "Send people to disrupt his job fair, so that he can't recruit anyone!"

"Hehe, I want to go to you!" Wu Zantong sneered, "Don't talk about whether you can recruit people to fight Geng Liangchen, even if you can, you are not afraid that these Liba will turn against Geng Liangchen immediately when they see Geng Liangchen? And send someone to Trouble at the job fair? If Geng Liangchen can deal with it so easily, why wait until today?"

"Then what do you think?" Jia Changqing asked impatiently.

"We can only kill him!" Wu Zantong gritted his teeth, "Geng Liangchen is the chief culprit, as long as he dies, everything will be completely over."

Jia Changqing shook his head and sighed: "It's not easy? This person is so popular now, how can he be so easy to kill?"

"It's because it's not easy, that's why I asked you to join forces!" Wu Zantong said solemnly, "Jia Changqing, Geng Liangchen is pressing every step of the way, and you have seen it? He just wants to drive us all to death! If we don't do anything now, when he has full wings, we will Just sit and wait to die!"

Jia Changqing's complexion was cloudy and uncertain, revealing a look of emotion.

Wu Zantong struck while the iron was hot: "And this matter must be done quickly, otherwise it will be even more difficult to kill him after he has recruited enough people. Maybe we will never have such an opportunity again!"

Jia Changqing was finally persuaded.

Just when the two were about to make a formal assassination plan and kill Su Yi, a younger brother at the door reported that Geng Liangchen's subordinates had just arrived, and handed the doorkeeper a wooden box, asking him to hand it over to the two of them. one, and left.

The two looked at each other, and both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

They met this time in secret, but Geng Liangchen sent someone directly to the place where they met. Does this mean that Geng Liangchen has been keeping track of their whereabouts at any time?
Both of them felt a little heavy in their hearts.

The wooden box was opened, and there was nothing else in it, only a newspaper.

The headline on the front page of the newspaper was "Zhang Jingyao is the head of the hotel of six countries!" "

When the two saw the newspaper, their scalps felt numb.

None of them are stupid, and they knew that Su Yi's move was to warn them not to play tricks.

If it's about playing dirty, he, Su Yi, is the ancestor!
Su Yi was able to kill Zhang Jingyao in the heavily guarded Liuguo Hotel, and if he wanted to kill them, it would be a piece of cake.

The two were silent for a long time, and finally decided to give up the assassination.

They were frightened by a newspaper from Su Yi.

It was clear that they couldn't play chariots and horses, but they didn't dare to play tricks. They found out sadly that they really couldn't do anything to Su Yi.

In the end, the Green Gang and the Santonghui announced to their subordinates one after another that they would follow Su Yi to increase their money, and this stabilized the situation.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the recruitment sites listed in the newspaper were already crowded with people, rubbing shoulders.

Although Su Yi stipulated a large registration fee, Liba almost rushed to pay, wanting to be included in Su Yi's command.

The men in charge of the registration were almost overwhelmed at the end, and a huge wooden box on one side was quickly filled with a box full of oceans, but the people who came to apply for the job were still pouring in to these places .

By 30,000:[-] pm, according to incomplete statistics, more than [-] people had applied for the job!

In other words, Su Yi has already collected more than [-] yuan just for the registration fee for one person!

At the same time, Su Yi was entertaining his guest, Liang Yanqing, in Dengyinglou.

Yesterday in the Liang Mansion, Su Yi went through the housekeeper and asked Liang Yanqing to have an interview in person. The latter hesitated again and again, but finally came.

(End of this chapter)

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