Chapter 669
If possible, Liang Yanqing would never want to deal with Su Yi, he just wanted to stay as far away from Su Yi as possible, because he knew that this person was a lawless desperado.

The biggest nemesis of a businessman is the unruly and lawless desperadoes.

What Liang Yanqing regretted the most was being bewitched by Su Yi, making a deal with Su Yi and sending him to Jinling.

Sanye Baiji is the murderer?
How did Sanye Baiji get to Jinling? Others don't know, but he still doesn't know?
So what is the truth about that event, others don't know, how can he, Liang Yanqing, not guess?

Although he didn't want to admit it, Liang Yanqing knew that when he saw Su Yi again, his legs were trembling.

Why is he hiding in Xuezhong's barracks these days and dare not come out?

Because he was afraid that Su Yi would kill him.

He even thought about fleeing abroad, but he was reluctant to part with his foundation and his own business.

So he hid at Xuezhong's place and confronted Su Yi. If you dare to mess around, I'll fight you hard.

Then why did he change his mind today and come to the appointment?
Isn't he afraid that Su Yi will lure him to appear, and then kill him to silence him?

He really dispelled his worries in this regard, because Su Yi once again came to the bright side, and made it clear that he wanted to make a difference in his feet.

In this way, Su Yi put on the shackles of a businessman from his original identity as a desperado. He changed from a barefoot killer to a businessman wearing shoes.

Liang Yanqing thought it might be a good idea to have a chat with Su Yi. He didn't want to be worried that Su Yi would kill him all the time. If he could resolve the conflict, or let the two sides reach a reconciliation balance, he would be happy to do so.

But here it is, Liang Yanqing still spent a lot of money to get Yu Xuezhong to send a company of troops to protect him to attend the appointment.

When three military vehicles stopped at the gate of Dengying Tower, and more than a hundred soldiers surrounded Liang Yanqing and walked in front of Su Yi, Su Yi couldn't help laughing. How afraid is this old man of death?

Not only that, the two sat down and exchanged greetings for a while, Liang Yanqing did not move a mouthful of the food and wine on the table, being extremely cautious.

Seeing that the old man was so defensive towards him, Su Yi was also quite speechless and boring, so he stopped making rounds and spoke clearly.

"Old Liang, if you expose my going to Jinling, what do you think will happen?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Mr. Geng, this old man is a businessman who has always been cautious in his words and deeds..."

Su Yi smiled and waved his hands: "It's just an assumption, I mean if."

Liang Yanqing followed the principle of being cautious in words and deeds: "I am old and dull..."

Su Yi directly asked himself and answered: "I said, it's useless for you to be exposed. Except for the Zhe Peng people who are happy for you to clear up their grievances for them, no one cares about the truth. The truth now is that everyone can accept it and want to See the truth!"

"Is there any loss for me if you are exposed? Not at all, because no one will believe you at all. I am a hero of Jinmen and have a good reputation all over the country. Do you think everyone believes my words or yours?"

"Not to mention, the people who have benefited this time are on my side. If you dare to speak, you don't need me to come forward. Most of the people tell you to shut up."

Looking at the thoughtful Liang Yanqing, Su Yi smiled and continued: "As for the Zhe Peng people... even without you, they can guess something. Without you, they still won't let us go. Only this time The nature of the scapegoat is too bad, they are now devastated and isolated by the whole world, and they still have no time to take action, and they have no time to talk to me."

"Mr. Liang, why do you think I have any reason to harm you? Does it matter to me whether you live or die?" Su Yi finally spread his hands and said, "I, Geng, can be considered frank and honest with these words. Right? Mr. Liang, if you are still like a frightened bird, fearing me and guarding against me, then today's meal will be regarded as my thank you feast. After this meal, we will go our separate ways."

Liang Yanqing let out a long breath, clasped her fists at Su Yi, and said with a smile: "The older you are, the less courageous you are. Mr. Geng, I've made you laugh."

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

Liang Yanqing pondered slightly, picked up the water and wine on the table, and said: "I punish myself with three cups to express my apology."

Only then did Su Yi stop with a smile: "You are an elder, how can I make you drink fine wine?"

This obstruction, followed by a few greetings, made the atmosphere more harmonious and warm.

After a brief business exchange, Su Yi expressed his ultimate goal.

"Master Liang, Ming people don't talk dark words. This time I asked Mr. Liang because I want the chamber of commerce and foot trade to carry out in-depth and regular cooperation." Su Yi said with a smile, "I don't know Mr. Liang, are you interested?"

Liang Yanqing's eyes flashed, and she said, "Mr. Geng can represent footwork now?"

"It doesn't represent that." Su Yi smiled lightly, "But Mr. Liang, where do you think I've recruited fifty thousand Liba to settle them?"

"Great courage..." Liang Yanqing couldn't help praising, "Your trick is simply digging out the flesh and blood of the Green Gang and the Santonghui."

"But they haven't broken their roots yet!" Su Yi said, "That's why I came to look for Mr. Liang. If Mr. Liang is willing to cooperate with me, it won't be long before the feet will be completely surnamed Geng."

"How do you want to cooperate?" Liang Yanqing asked.


When Su Yi and Liang Yanqing had a chat and walked out of the private room talking and laughing, there were two people waiting outside the door, a foreign devil and a gentle middle-aged man wearing glasses.

"Master Geng, they said they were looking for you, and they have been waiting here for a while." Yixiantian came forward to report.

Su Yi just wanted to ask the identities of these two people, but Liang Yanqing on the side recognized them.

"Mr. Hunter? Secretary Zhao?" Liang Yanqing said in surprise, "You two are..."

"We are also here to find Mr. Geng." The foreign devil spoke half-baked Chinese, "Mr. Liang, is your meeting with Mr. Geng over?"

"It's over, it's over." Liang Yanqing smiled and turned to introduce to Su Yi, "This Mr. Hunter is from the Ministry of Industry in the British Concession, and this Secretary Zhao is the right-hand man of Deputy Mayor Song."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you." Su Yi smiled and cupped his hands to the two.

"Mr. Geng, I am extending an invitation to you on behalf of Mr. John, director of the Industrial Bureau of the British Concession. Director John wants to meet you and has something to talk to you about." The foreign devil said.

"Mr. Geng, Mayor Song and Mr. John are together. I am here to invite you on behalf of Mayor Song. Please come with us." Secretary Zhao also said.

Liang Yanqing was thoughtful, and smiled at Su Yi: "Brother Geng, you are really hot right now."

"I'm afraid it will cause headaches for many people." Su Yi smiled, "Mr. Liang, I hope we can sign an agreement tomorrow."

"I'll let the lawyers draw up the contract as soon as possible." Liang Yanqing said seriously, "This is a win-win situation. I don't think the entire chamber of commerce will have any objections."

"That's good," Su Yi nodded, and then said to the foreign devils and Secretary Zhao in front of him, "I know why you came, but I'm afraid I will disappoint Mr. John and Mayor Song. Embarrassing, there is no need to meet. Please go back, please convey my apology to Mr. John and Mayor Song, and leave!"

After speaking, he cupped his fists, turned around and left.

"Mr. Geng..." The two hurriedly tried to stop them, but they were stopped by Yi Yitian.

Yi Yitian stared coldly at them and took a few steps back, then quickly caught up with Su Yi and disappeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

The foreign devil Hunter's face was ashen, and he said angrily: "Who does he think he is? How dare you disrespect Mr. John!"

"Geng Liangchen recruited [-] Liba at once. Everyone knows what he is going to do." Liang Yanqing said with a smile, "Mr. .This is not a matter of face, but a monthly income of hundreds of thousands of oceans!"

Secretary Zhao shook his head and sighed: "Why don't we know? Now the Green Gang and the Santong Association are willing to give up some benefits in exchange for peace, but Mr. John and Mayor Song have both come forward, and Geng Liangchen still doesn't even have a chance to talk. Not to them."

Thinking of the deal he and Su Yi negotiated just now, Liang Yanqing had a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Probably Geng Liangchen felt that there was no need to negotiate at all..."

Jia Changqing and Wu Zantong were like ants on a hot pot at this time, anxious.

As Liang Yanqing said, Su Yi recruited [-] people at once, because everyone knew what he was going to do next——

expansion!Expand rapidly!
Only by continuous expansion can Su Yi have a place to settle the 50,000 people.Otherwise, based on the only dozen or so companies he currently has, 5000 people are enough to settle down, let alone 50,000 people.

Where to expand?

Su Yi swallowed up the territory of the Baijia Gang before, and his power expanded rapidly.But during the period when Su Yi left, all his territory was swallowed up by the Qinggang and Santonghui.

In terms of emotion and reason, Su Yi's expansion direction will be towards the Green Gang and the Santong Association.

Can the Green Gang and the Santong Society stop Su Yi, who is in full swing?
This is not a problem that can't be stopped or can't be stopped, it's a problem that can't be fought at all!

They threatened and lured them today, and they used up their old nose strength to prevent all the Liba under their hands from running to Su Yi.But when Su Yizhen calls with 50,000 people tomorrow, how will these Liba who were reluctantly persuaded today react?
Counting on them to fight Su Yi desperately?
It's no wonder they didn't open the gate to welcome our army.

Therefore, based on the prestige of the name Geng Liangchen in Jinmen, this battle is impossible to fight. Once it is fought, it will definitely be defeated across the board!

At that time, let alone spit out what we ate before, I am afraid that most of the original territories of the Qinggang and Santonghui will not be able to keep.

Jia Changqing and Wu Zantong originally wanted to assassinate Su Yi, but Su Yi entrusted someone to send a newspaper, so they stopped cooking completely, and they dared not have such an idea again.

Unable to physically destroy the enemy, they had to think of other ways.Through various channels, the two invited the deputy mayor and the director of the British Concession to come forward, and wanted to invite Su Yi to negotiate. They were willing to give up the sites that Su Yi had robbed before and make some compensation. There was only one condition, that is — No war!
Unexpectedly, Su Yi didn't even give these two big shots face.

People don't come to the appointment at all!
And these two big men didn't want to offend Su Yi to death because of this incident, because Su Yi was very likely to be the next leader of the industry, the next Bayanqing.

As the leader of a gang with tens of thousands of people under his command, no force dared to underestimate Su Yi's influence and financial resources. It was too late for them to win over Su Yi. How could they offend Su Yi?
When the two expressed their regrets to Jia Changqing and Wu Zantong, the two big brothers were almost a little desperate.

"Fight with Geng!" Wu Zantong gritted his teeth with red eyes and said bitterly, "I don't believe that he has three heads and six arms! It's true that he can kill Zhang Jingyao, but he is also made of meat. I don't believe that bullets can't kill him!"

"But what if he survives..." Jia Changqing said quietly, "If we don't kill him, do you think there is still a way for us to survive?"

"He no longer gives us a way out!" Wu Zantong growled, "He doesn't want to talk to us at all, he just wants to drive us to death!"

"Anyway, I don't want to be an enemy of this person." Jia Changqing sighed, "I persuaded my old man at the beginning that Geng Liangchen is an evil person, but the old man refused to listen, insisting that the surname Geng is dead, what happened?"

"Jia Changqing, you've reached this point, and you're still retreating? Where can you retreat?" Wu Zantong asked with staring eyes.

"Where I retreat depends on Geng Liangchen's intentions." Jia Changqing shook his head, "I'll go back to our old man and let him think of a way. Boss Wu, you should also ask Zhe Peng, as long as you can let Geng If the flags and drums die down on a good day, no matter what! Even if our Youth Gang withdraws from the footsteps, I will admit it."

"Do you admit it, Mr. Li? Do the big figures behind your Green Gang recognize it?" Wu Zantong sneered, "Speaking lightly, it makes it seem like we can really decide everything."

"So, if they don't admit it, let them figure out a way." Jia Changqing said, "Anyway, I have no choice."

Jia Changqing and Wu Zantong finally went through the upper route.

In one afternoon, Su Yi received invitations and persuasion from various big figures, asking him to raise his hand and let the Green Gang and the San Tonghui join forces.

French Concession, Italian Concession, Japanese Concession, Chinese Concession...

Officially, in the gang, and in the martial arts, many people have sent messages to Su Yi, hoping that Su Yi can give the Green Gang and the Three Tonghui a way out.

In the end, Yu Xuezhong's adjutant, Zheng Shanao and Qian Jin all called Su Yi.

It's all about persuasion, and I don't want Su Yi to fight this battle.

The Green Gang and the Santonghui stated that not only were they willing to seize Su Yi's territory before they all quit, but they were also willing to pool [-] more foot shops together as compensation for Su Yi.

In the end, Su Yi finally let go because of Adjutant Yu Xuezhong's face.

He also put forward his own conditions-all the footsteps of the Santonghui except the Japanese Concession must be handed over; the Green Gang will completely withdraw from the French Concession and the Chinese Concession, and all the sites will be taken over by Su Yi.

This condition is not unreasonable, it is equivalent to causing the Green Gang and Santong Association to lose nearly half of their current territory at once.

But Wu Zantong and Jia Changqing thought over and over again, hesitated for a long time, and agreed to Su Yi's conditions.

In this way, Su Yi got everything he wanted without bloodshed.

(End of this chapter)

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