Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 708 5 Poison Tower Tower Soul Breaker

Chapter 708

Whether the time of 10 minutes is long or not, it passed quickly.

When Su Yi took the stage again, his tenth opponent was already on the stage.

Knowing that the killer was lurking in the east stand, Su Yi stood directly on the west side after taking the stage, facing the opponent face to face. In this way, the opponent's body was in front of Su Yi, and with the referee's position, the shooter directly hit the opponent. The chances of China and Suyi are even smaller.

Of course, this is not safe.

So Yixiantian found a chair and moved it to a corner of the ring, stood on it and scanned the audience in the east area with piercing eyes.

From his point of view, the audience in the east area can have a panoramic view, and he will quickly find out if anyone has any changes.

In this way, it is undoubtedly a very big deterrent to the killer.

Zhao Lijun is indeed in a depressed mood at the moment, he has already confirmed that his whereabouts have been exposed, and Geng Liangchen on the stage also knows his existence.

His only chance to kill Geng Liangchen today is probably the ten seconds before Geng Liangchen squatted down.

Missing that opportunity not only caused him to have no chance, but also caused his whereabouts to be exposed.

Fortunately, the other party only confirmed his approximate location, but he didn't know his specific appearance, so he couldn't lock himself in, which made Zhao Lijun feel at ease.

He didn't dare to look at the sky, because he knew very well that once he met the other person's eyes, the other person might be able to lock him with just his eyes.

This is very possible, because Zhao Lijun also has such ability!
He pretended to be excited and looking forward to discussing the competition on the stage with the people on the side, pretending to be an ordinary audience, not daring to act rashly.

He has made up his mind to pretend to the end and never act rashly.

"Wudang Taihe Men Luoyu, challenge Geng Liangchen!" The referee announced loudly in an aria-like excited voice, "Everyone, as long as Geng Liangchen wins this round, we will be the first to defend in this Guoshu Elite Competition!" The champion!"

"Will Geng Liangchen be able to win ten games in a row, or will he lose here? Please wait and see..."

"Geng Liangchen! Geng Liangchen! Geng Liangchen..." Before the referee finished speaking, the audience below shouted Su Yi's name in unison.

Although this martial arts elite competition was held in Jinmen, only a small part of the warriors participated in Jinmen, and most of them came from Jizhou, Yuzhou, Ludi and even the Northeast, the hometown of martial arts in the north.

Geng Liangchen is a warrior born and raised in Jinmen. He even has the title of Jinmen Hero. He fights in the local area. It is conceivable how many people support and support him.

Except for the warriors watching, none of the normal audience did not support Geng Liangchen!

On the other side, the grandmasters also stopped arguing, and their attention was once again attracted by the ring.

"Why Luo Yu?" Shang Yunxiang asked in surprise, "Why did he come here to join in the fun?"

"That's right, he's an instructor at the Martial Arts Academy, and he's also a direct descendant of the Taihe Sect. Why did he come to Jinmen to fight in the ring?"

The masters were all very curious, they all knew Luo Yu, who had really shined in the first National Martial Arts Examination.

Although Luo Yu is a Taoist priest, he is not indifferent at all. He is very jealous of evil, and he is a person who is eager for justice and good for justice.

People with this kind of personality naturally fight with others on weekdays, so his actual combat ability is also very strong.

With Su Yi's martial arts against Luo Yu——

Su Yi's combination of boxing and sleeping skills, half-baked 64 moves plus advanced Wing Chun.

And Luo Yu is the soul breaker of the Five Poison Base Tower of the Supreme Harmony Gate, with twelve acupoint punching skills, as well as light body leaping skills and Taiyi walking water skills.

Luo Yu's kung fu sounds a bit more martial arts, but in fact it is all real kung fu.

In the contest between the two, the outcome is still unknown.

Luo Yu was in a good state of mind. Seeing that Su Yi was so popular, he didn't care. Instead, he smiled and looked around with great interest and waved his hands.

In the end, he bowed his hand to Su Yi, and Su Yi was surprised when he opened his mouth.

"Hero Geng, to be honest, I came to Jinmen because of you."

Su Yi was a little surprised, and said with a smile, "Daoist Luo..."

"Hey, hey..." Luo Yu hastily stretched out his hand to stop him, "My lay disciple, don't yell, I'm going to marry a wife."

"Mr. Luo is very straightforward," Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "You said you came here for me? Why?"

"The world is dangerous and the mountains and rivers are turbid. It's time for us warriors to stand up and fight for righteousness!" Luo Yu said seriously, "I have always wanted to do something great, but it's a pity that I am alone and alone, plus... Master refused, so I have not been able to fulfill my wish, until I learned about your deeds, I decided to come to you."

"Go to me?" Su Yi raised his eyebrows.

"That's right." Luo Yu said, "You definitely need people, especially those with good skills. One good guy and three helpers, it won't do you any harm if you accept me."

"But after all, we don't know each other well. I came here rashly because I was afraid that you would take me for a liar. I was thinking of doing something big to attract your attention. I didn't expect Master Gong and the others to come up with this elite competition. Haha, isn't it just right? Do you agree? I just signed up, and I plan to find you after I get my grades."

Speaking of this, Luo Yu couldn't help but get excited: "Speaking of which, we are destined to be destined. I didn't expect you to participate in the competition, and what I didn't expect was that you actually selected me as an opponent, haha! Really! Great!"

"You two, if you want to chat..." Seeing Luo Yu talking endlessly, the referee couldn't help but remind him.

"Okay, okay, the last sentence!" Luo Yu smiled and bowed to the referee, and then said to Su Yi, "Great Xia Geng, although I came to join you, I will not lose to you on purpose. If you think about me, you have to rely on it." Really good."

"It's natural." Su Yi said, "If you cheat me on purpose, it will only make me look down on you."

His ten-game winning streak had to be dry.

"Okay! It's the hero Geng I'm looking for!" Luo Yu praised loudly, very happy, "Don't worry, no matter whether you win or lose this battle, I will join you, but it's not good if you lose too badly, hero Geng, come on!" !"

"Come on, too." Su Yi said with a smile.

He couldn't feel any bad feeling about this layman Taoist priest.


With the referee's order, the game officially began.

The audience was noisy and chaotic, but on the stage, the two only had each other in their eyes.

With the official start of the game, Su Yi has forgotten about the killer and everything else. There is only one word in his mind - win!

This is the last battle of the day. With his lack of physical fitness, he has only one way to go, and that is a quick victory.

So as soon as the match started, Su Yi attacked without saying a word. After tricking Luo Yu into shifting his focus with fake moves, he directly landed a set of combined punches.

Luo Yu was able to keep up!

He defended every punch and palm of Su Yi, and his movements were very agile. Not only that, he also had the strength to counterattack.

This is the first time that Su Yi has come to this world and met someone who can keep up with his rhythm so easily.

But Su Yi quickly accelerated the pace and intensified his efforts.

His fists kept falling on Luo Yu's body like a torrential rain, and he swung them wantonly without sparing his own physical strength, exerting his strength and speed to the extreme.

In Su Yi's complicated and changing rhythm, Luo Yu immediately couldn't hold on.

In today's fighting arena where receiving and dismantling moves is the main fighting method, Su Yi uses traditional moves except for a few excessive transitions, and most of the time he does not move.

He integrated all the moves into his own unique and changeable combination. Under his unpredictable rhythm, it is difficult for traditional warriors to defend against his attacks.

Luo Yu's ability to keep up with Su Yi's rhythm before was due to his own talent.

But as he increased his attack speed, Luo Yu couldn't keep up.

In an instant, Luo Yu received several ruthless blows on his body and face.

He screamed "Aww" and suddenly flew back, Su Yi followed closely, but was shocked to find that the distance between himself and the other party was getting wider and wider.

Only then did he notice that when Luo Yu stepped back, his feet only touched the ground with his toes, and his whole body was almost floating backwards.

Light work!

Seeing this scene, Su Yi felt that Newton's coffin could not hold it down.

This is so unreasonable!

But unfortunately, this is the truth!
Luo Yu escaped from Su Yi's attack range in such a miraculous way, and avoided the fate of being entangled by Su Yi in a random punch KO.

In fact, it's not just light work, it's also a miracle that Luo Yu can still jump around and stay awake despite being hit so hard by Su Yi.

His ability to resist blows is completely out of proportion to his physique!

"Hiss..." Luo Yu bared her teeth and sucked in the cold air, "It's terrible... I can't fight you like this..."

Before the words fell, Su Yi rushed up again.

After swinging past Luo Yu's punch, Su Yi approached from the center line and struck out quickly with an inch punch.

This is a rhythm combination derived from Wing Chun, which is very suitable for short-term and fast attacks.

Su Yi's original intention was to entangle Luo Yu in a close combat, preventing him from escaping easily.

Luo Yu was really tired of coping, but Su Yi soon realized something was wrong.

As Luo Yu continued to confront him, Su Yi smelled a faint almond-like smell straight into his nostrils, and he soon felt his heart beating faster and he became dizzy.

Fortunately, Su Yi was alert at the first moment, bit the tip of his tongue and flew back, pulling away the distance from Luo Yu.

"You poisoned?" Su Yi frowned and said in a low voice.

The smell of bitter almonds just now came from Luo Yu.

Luo Yu smiled and raised his hands: "The hand of breaking the soul of the tower of five poisons, one of the four secret skills of our Taihe sect, haven't you heard of it? The medicine is on the palm of your hand. To practice this skill, you have to soak your palms with poison every day. When you sweat, the medicine will be released, why not call it the five poisons?"

Su Yi looked at Luo Yu's hands as white as jade, and thought that he really learned a lot.

This kind of martial arts can be regarded as thaumaturgy.

"It takes a long time for ordinary people to react to a trick, but Hero Geng is worthy of being Hero Geng, he reacts very quickly!" Luo Yu laughed.

"Your martial arts are really insidious." Su Yi couldn't help but said.

"It's none of my business, it's my patriarch's insidiousness, and I didn't create martial arts." Luo Yu said indifferently, "Besides, who stipulated that monks can't be insidious?"

"Aren't you an authentic Taoist?" Su Yi couldn't help complaining, "Isn't poisoning too much?"

"Xuanmen orthodox sects have to poison." Luo Yu said, "Ordinary people don't know how to do it. Besides, what does it have to do with Xuanmen orthodox sects? It's a matter of character."

"..." Su Yi gave a thumbs up, "It really makes sense!"

"I'm talking about the two of you, why are you still chatting with each other?" The referee on one side was even more speechless than Su Yi.

In the middle of the fight, the two suddenly stood up and chatted, but there was no one else.

The audience booed and protested.

Su Yi smiled and waved to Luo Yu: "Come again!"

"I'll attack you instead!" Luo Yu shouted and rushed forward.

As the saying goes, if there is no trick to win, there is a trick, which is talking about a state.

Is Su Yi's no move a realm?
Obviously not, Su Yi's no move is just a method, a concept.

Therefore, it is also a double-edged sword to have a move. He doesn't know how to dismantle his moves. Faced with the continuous offensive, it is naturally difficult to resolve it.

He doesn't understand various moves and routines at all, and he has little similar experience, so naturally he can't talk about cracking or defusing them.

Su Yi has only two ways to deal with it—hard resistance and recklessness.

Except for hard skills such as iron sand palm, ordinary moves can't kill people after a few hits.What's more, Su Yi's ability to resist blows has been professionally trained, so it's no problem to get hit a few times.

When your move falls on the opponent and the opponent doesn't respond at all, you should pay attention at this time, because at this time, according to the jargon-the move is already old.

The term "old" means that the best time to connect the moves has passed, there is a problem with the connection, and there is a gap.

When your move hits the opponent, naturally it cannot be said to be smoothly connected, so there will be a gap and a loophole.

It stands to reason that the technical feature of the Five Poison Base Tower Broken Soul Hand is that the movement is relatively fast, which gives people the feeling of continuous movement.

But the characteristics of Luo Yu's martial arts can't be brought into play by Su Yi at all. Su Yi didn't respond at all when he slapped him with a wave. remember hard...

Luo Yu's ability to resist blows was considered to be quite powerful among the warriors Su Yi had seen, but he still didn't dare to take Su Yi's heavy punch easily, he could only dodge.

After this dodge, the offense and defense were immediately out of position, and Su Yi's set of combined punches like a torrential rain caused Luo Yu to retreat with his lightness kung fu again, screaming "Aww".

Su Yi couldn't catch up at all, so he could only watch him go.

That does not work!

Luo Yu is like a rabbit, he will run away after being hit a few times, and once he runs away, Su Yi has nothing to do with him.

Su Yi soon realized that besides exhausting his physical strength, he was not a threat to Luo Yu at all.

So he decided to use sleeping skills to drag Luo Yu to the ground to fight.

But Su Yi quickly realized how wrong his decision was.

This grandson knows how to tap acupuncture points!

Su Yi has always been skeptical about the kung fu of acupuncture, because it is too mysterious, and he thinks it is a performance in all likelihood.

In fact, this is indeed the case. 99 out of [-] people who claim to know how to do acupuncture are all deceptive tricks.

But Luo Yu is the last real one.

(End of this chapter)

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