Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 709 Winning streak, assassination!

Chapter 709 Ten consecutive victories, assassination!

Is such a thing as acupuncture real?

This question is not only asked by Su Yi, in this era, many people are also asking the same question.

Some people got the exact answer, but most people were disappointed in the end, because there are very few masters of acupoints, and cheaters are common.

Last year, when Dai Chunfeng set up a special training class for special agents in Jinling, he invited masters of folk martial arts to train students.

Dai Chunfeng was very surprised and asked him to perform on the spot.

After a demonstration by this acupoint master, Dai Chunfeng and others believed in the existence of acupoints, but they were also disappointed in the kung fu of acupoints.

There's nothing magical about it.

The person who received acupuncture was not at all motionless as written in the book, or laughed wildly, had epilepsy or even died on the spot.

It was only temporarily paralyzed and recovered on its own within a few minutes.

The so-called acupoint relief is not to tap the acupoints again, but to pat and massage by experts, and the person who is tapped will recover faster.

The acupuncture experts that Dai Chunfeng encountered may not be really masters, but there is no doubt that this is acupuncture.

There is nothing magical about acupoint acupuncture. We suddenly encounter numb tendons in our daily life, resulting in numbness in the entire arm, and in severe cases, half the body is numb. This is actually a type of acupoint acupuncture.It's just that we usually encounter it by accident, but the master of acupuncture points your numb tendons on purpose.

Suddenly being hit by a numb muscle during a fierce fight, causing half of the body to go numb, what is this concept?
Of course, acupuncture is definitely not as narrow as light numb tendons. There are 36 "dead acupuncture points" in the human body.

For example, the Shenque point is located in the middle of the umbilical fossa. After tapping on it, the body in motion will lose its sense of balance and leak urine.

Another example is the Tanzhong acupoint that we often hear about. It is located in the middle of the chest. After you hit it with acupuncture techniques, it will make your energy flow unsmooth, and you will feel flustered and bored, which will affect your actions.

Of course, there are also very dangerous places, such as the temples. After being hit, it can cause dizziness, black eyes, and fainting, or even life-threatening.

In addition to the numb tendon, that is, the ulnar nerve, and the 36 death points, the specific targets of acupuncture experts also include certain special parts on the vagus nerve.

The method of acupoint acupuncture is not just poking with sword fingers, but also includes punching with water hyacinths, slapping with palms or even kicking or kicking, and the above methods are combined with each other.

The acupuncture points are different, the methods used are also different, and the strength of the acupuncture points is even more different.If the method is wrong, if the force is too light or heavy, it will not achieve the effect of acupuncture, and it will become an inexplicable action of tickling the other party.

Therefore, acupoint acupuncture has specific techniques and methods for each acupoint, and it is by no means random.

Luo Yu's acupoint acupuncture is called Twelve Acupuncture Techniques, which means that this martial art contains twelve kinds of acupuncture techniques, targeting twelve acupoints.

The effect after being hit by acupuncture points is not only local numbness of the body, but also dizziness, blurred vision, rapid or slow heartbeat, incoordination or numbness of limbs, sweating or chills, tearing, nosebleeds, temporary blindness or Deafness and a series of other symptoms.

Acupuncture acupuncture is very difficult to practice. When you see a lively person in front of you, you have to seize the lightning-like moment when he is moving fast, break through his dodge or block, and use specific techniques and appropriate strength to touch it. A certain "point" in him.

Think about it and know how difficult this skill is.

Luo Yu is considered a talented player, but he has only practiced four strokes of the twelve acupuncture points over the years, so the difficulty of this skill can be imagined.

Isn't it very powerful to practice such a difficult acupressure technique?
It is very powerful, but acupuncture and iron sand palm are the same. Although it is kung fu, it is actually "enchanting". It is the icing on the cake.

In fact, this kind of "enchantment" technique in martial arts also includes grappling. Speaking of it, acupuncture is more similar to grappling.

There is an old saying, "Punch first and then grab with the legs." This sentence not only refers to the sequence of practice, but also means that it is impossible to practice grappling without mastering the punches and feet.

If you only know how to grasp, it's like you can only know how to tap acupuncture points, a useless person.

You need to hit and grab in succession, and you need to hit and touch in acupuncture points.

Practicing grasping only needs to master fists and feet, but the requirement for practicing acupoints is that at least your own kung fu must be perfect and reach the state of perfection.

In other words, non-martial arts masters will definitely not be able to perform acupoint kung fu.If you don't know how to transform energy, even if you learn acupressure, it's useless, and you have no chance to use it.

The threshold for acupuncture is so high because of the difficulty.In the competition, if you see the opponent's acupuncture points, you should immediately press them. No matter how fast you react, you will never hit the acupuncture points.

This is because the opponent is moving all the time, and acupuncture points vary by a thousand miles. The accuracy requires extremely high precision. Certainly not.

How about that?
If you are a master of martial arts and know how to transform energy, you will understand the opponent's way of exerting force, so as to predict the opponent's movement, follow the opponent's strength, and "intercept" him at the place where his movement trajectory must pass. This is the correct way to open acupuncture points.

The real acupoints are not tapped, but bumped.

The method of acupoint acupuncture is not chasing others to acupoint it, let alone looking for the acupoints to acupoint, so that you will never hit your opponent for a lifetime.

In the fight between you and me, if you want to hit the opponent's acupuncture points, you can only predict, predict his movements, and hit it with one blow.

Therefore, there is another purpose of acupoint acupuncture, four words-just in time.

Su Yi created such an opportunistic opportunity for Luo Yu.

Luo Yu knows light work, is extremely fast, extremely flexible, and has a good ability to resist blows, which makes it difficult for Su Yi to make a difference in standing skills.

But to use sleeping techniques, he had to be in close contact with Luo Yu.

Getting in close contact with a acupuncture expert, you are not delivering food, what are you?
Su Yi used the changing combination to get close to Luo Yu, and threw him to the ground with a hug.

But at the same time as the embrace and fall, Su Yi's back was exposed within Luo Yu's attack range.

It was too late and then quickly, Luo Yuquan hit Su Yi's middle of the back in the shape of a phoenix eye.

Between the spinous processes of the second and third lumbar vertebrae in the lower back, there is an acupoint called Mingmen acupoint.

Hearing the name, one knew that this acupoint must be a fatal acupoint.

If it is acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating the Mingmen point can treat symptoms such as weak low back pain and female imbalance, and it can also strengthen the body and strengthen the waist and knees.

But what will happen if you hit the Mingmen acupoint with Luo Yu's technique?
Su Yi suddenly lost strength for an instant, and his entire lower body lost consciousness, and then Luo Yu easily flipped it over, just like flipping over a broken sack.

At this moment, Su Yi was extremely terrified. No matter how strong his psychological quality was, he couldn't bear the blow of suddenly losing consciousness in his lower body at the critical moment of the competition.

Su Yi's mentality almost collapsed!
After Luo Yu knocked Su Yi to the ground, he didn't give up, turned around and punched Su Yi in the chest.

At this time, Su Yi was lying on his back on the ground, while Luo Yu put his left elbow on the ground, turned over and punched Su Yi in the face.

Luo Yu's speed was extremely fast, and he didn't even consider whether Su Yi could block it.

What is the purpose of his hard work on acupoints for more than ten years?
It is to allow the opponent to be at the mercy of him after he is recruited, and to establish the victory.

Acupuncture often does not make people lose consciousness all over the body, that is to say, there is still a part of the body that is active.

Just like Su Yi, he only lost consciousness in his lower body, but his upper body is still normal.

But the greatest power of acupressure is its psychological effect.

To survive in this world, the most basic condition for survival is to control one's own body. If one cannot control one's own body, it means one cannot survive.

The function of acupressure is to temporarily deprive this basic condition, so the person who is acupointed will inevitably feel panic and overwhelmed.

A disturbed person cannot make any correct response at all.

So when Luo Yu fights with others, as long as he can hit the opponent, the round is basically considered stable.

If there is no accident, his punch will definitely fall on Su Yi!
But something unexpected happened to Luo Yu.

Su Yi actually blocked the punch!
Su Yi's mentality was a bit broken, but he was not completely in a panic. Blocking Luo Yu's blow was almost an instinctive reaction.

Then he immediately realized that Luo Yu's punch was very casual, without thinking about the follow-up moves at all, he suddenly woke up like an electric shock, and after blocking Luo Yu's punch with his left arm, he took advantage of the momentum to wrap his arm upwards Buckle his collarbone.

Luo Yu bent over in pain, but Su Yi punched right, hitting Luo Yu's right neck exposed in front of Su Yi's eyes.

The angle of this punch was extremely straight, and the strength was extremely accurate. With a muffled sound, Luo Yu fell to the ground on the spot with a "gu dong", and passed out without even groaning.

After the punch, Su Yi sat on the ground with his arms propped up, his lower body still unconscious.

The referee hurriedly stepped forward to check, and after confirming that Luo Yu was unconscious, he immediately announced excitedly: "Geng Liangchen wins! Geng Liangchen wins again! Ten consecutive victories! Ten consecutive victories! We are the first competitor to successfully defend the ring in this competition." The Lord is born!"

There were enthusiastic cheers from the audience, and the atmosphere reached its peak in an instant!
Ten consecutive victories!
Su Yi fought ten games in a row and won ten consecutive victories!

This is definitely an unprecedented feat of passion, and everyone present has witnessed this historic moment!

Everyone was cheering, everyone was shouting wildly, and the scene fell into madness.

Such a warm atmosphere, even Yixiantian couldn't help being infected by it, and couldn't help but glance back, seeing Su Yi on the stage showing a motherly smile.

boom! boom! boom!
It was at this moment that the gunshot rang out suddenly.

The moment Zhao Lijun looked back at Su Yi at Yixiantian, he decisively drew out his gun and shot at the stage, without any hesitation, he fired three shots in a row!

At this moment, Yi Yitian turned his back to him, and Su Yi on the ring also turned his back to him. Everyone was raising their arms and shouting wildly, which happened to completely cover his figure.

Zhao Lijun realized instantly that this was the best time to shoot and kill Geng Liangchen!

Fleeting perfect opportunity!

If you don't kill at this time, when will you wait?
The first shot hit Su Yi in the back!

There is no pain when the bullet penetrates the flesh and blood.

But Su Yi had been shot before, and he was very familiar with the feeling of being shot.The moment he felt a numbness in his back, he realized something was wrong, and quickly fell to the side.

Su Yi's rich experience saved him. If he fell forward, the second shot would probably go right through the back of his head!

He fell to the right, causing the second shot to miss his left flank!

The third shot was completely empty and hit the referee's thigh.

If it was normal, Su Yi avoided death, his first reaction would be to turn over and step down, and then wait for the opportunity to fight back.

But not now!
His lower body was completely numb, he couldn't move at all!

If you crawl down the stage, not only will your speed be slow, but it will also be a living target for the opponent!
The only thing Su Yi could do was to cover his head with his hands, and his body was pressed against the ring, without moving.

In this way, even if he was shot again, at least his life would not be in danger.

Su Yi's choice saved his life again!
After Zhao Lijun shot three shots, he didn't know whether Su Yi was dead or not. He subconsciously wanted to continue to shoot, but at this time Su Yi was completely flat on the ring, and his shooting angle was just blocked by the audience in front of him. .

He tried his best to move forward to push away the audience in front of him and was about to continue shooting, but at this moment, Yi Yitian had spotted him.

A crossbow arrow went straight into Zhao Lijun's eyebrows.

Kill with one arrow!
Zhao Lijun's hand was still on the trigger, but he fell to the ground unwillingly.

Only then did the audience realize that someone had shot, and there was an uproar and chaos!
Yi Yitian, who killed Zhao Lijun, didn't bother to check the body at all. He jumped onto the ring and pushed aside the referee who was crying for his father and mother while hugging his bloody thigh, and then squatted vigilantly beside Su Yi, looking around. Shouted: "Protect Lord Geng!"

As he yelled, more than a dozen members of the pistol team jumped onto the stage and surrounded Su Yi from all directions.

At this time, the arena was completely chaotic, almost everyone was shouting and running away.

Even those who were unwilling to run out were coerced by the dense crowd and ran out.

Soon someone fell, a stampede occurred, and there was a mess of crying and screaming.

It wasn't until this moment that Su Yi felt his legs gradually regain consciousness.

He beat his legs hard, trying to make himself recover faster, but to no avail, his legs were so numb, as if he had lost consciousness after kneeling on the ground for a long time.

"What's the matter? What's the situation?" Luo Yu, who was fainting from one side, woke up and looked around in surprise.

He was knocked out and didn't know anything. When he woke up, he found that the whole world seemed to have changed.

Yi Yitian dragged him over, pointed at Su Yi and said, "Release the acupoint, hurry up!"

When Luo Yu saw Su Yi's half body soaked in blood, his expression changed immediately.

Without further ado, he squatted down and massaged Su Yi's waist for about [-] seconds. Su Yi felt his legs start to heat up and sweat, and he completely regained consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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