Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 729 Evaluation of the enemy

Chapter 729 Evaluation of the enemy

"Although I admire Uncle Gong and their persistence and responsibility, I can't be them. Do you know why?" Zheng Shanao took out a handkerchief and handed it to the butler, continuing with a smile.

"Because I know they're just doing it in vain, and I never want to do things in vain."

"Actually, any warrior with a bit of foresight can see clearly that martial arts must decline, and there is no solution to this matter."

"That's why today's martial arts are full of demons, and everyone wants to make money and fame. Martial arts has long since become a cesspit, and everyone wants to jump out. Only fools are focused on digging into it."

"I originally thought that only old guys like Uncle Gong and the others would be willing to be such fools. But I didn't expect that there are such fools among young people."

"My godson, do you know what he gave up in order to spread his stuff and pass it on?"

"He gave up his name. He was afraid that he was young and could not bear the doubts of the world. In order to make the new martial arts more convincing, and to promote the new martial arts faster and better, he would rather create new martial arts. Give me the name you learned! You old man won't understand, if this thing is done, it will be famous in history! But Geng Liangchen is willing not to have this famous name in order to make things happen!"

"It's all right to give up his name, but he also gave up his profit." Zheng Shanao's eyes were full of complex expressions, "He climbed to the position of the leader of the foot after a narrow escape, and at the age of 20 years old, he has reached the level of ordinary people's life. unattainable achievement."

"There are more than [-] Liba under him, and hundreds of stores. Such a big business is really making money every day! But what did he do with so much money?"

"He distributed the money to Liba under his command. There were more than [-] Liba in Jinmen. He used to earn seven or eight oceans a month, but now his income has tripled! These big bags, everyone In just one month, the money he earned was three times as much as in the past! This is money for life! He is making money at the expense of himself, old man, put it aside, my godson is so kind, and it is said that thousands of families are born Buddha , is it not an exaggeration?"

"It's not too much! Master, it's not too much at all!" the old butler wiped his tears and sobbed.

"He still has money after sharing the poor people's money. But he doesn't want the money. What is he going to do? He wants to use all the money he earns to run schools, to run martial arts schools! These days, martial arts schools are still fighting What about the foundation, but the money has already gone out over one million yuan. My prodigal son doesn’t feel sorry for him, I feel sorry for him!”

"If the money is kept, the three generations will not have to worry about food and clothing. This is all his family property. If you want to take it, you will take it out without any hesitation!"

"The thing that makes my old face the most ashamed, do you know what it is? He told me the other day that he worked so hard to become a leader in martial arts just to earn enough money to run a martial arts school!"

"Tell me, how can there be such a person in this world?"

"Master, Young Master Geng is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. Everyone in Jinmen knows it." The housekeeper said, "Everyone in Jinmen also knows that Young Master Geng is your godson! What if you make trouble for him? , aren’t you making him unjust?”

"Don't try to persuade me." Zheng Shanao shook his head and smiled, "Through the ages, the only way to die is to die. If I can live, do you think I'm so stupid that I want to die?"

"Master, let's tell Young Master Geng! He has many ways, and he must have a way!" The housekeeper begged eagerly, "Master, I kneel down for you..."

"Get up! Get up..." Zheng Shanao helped the butler up, "Geng Liangchen may have a solution, or maybe he can't. But even if he really has a solution, do you think his solution can still come from the sky?"

"These days, you have to pay a price for everything you do. There is nothing you can do for nothing. You have all seen that Geng Liangchen has many ways. Do you know how much he has paid and how many risks he has taken?"

"You only saw his reputation as a Jinmen hero, but at that time..."

In the middle of speaking, Zheng Shanao suddenly stopped talking, shook his head and smiled, and changed the topic: "Forget it, let's not talk too far. In short, my godson, in order to make things happen, I have thrown away my fame and fortune. Now, he Before the gunshot wound on his body healed, he went on stage and fought with his life. He was going to risk his life!"

"You said that he paid such a high price just to be able to do this thing, but in the end it was because of me, a useless old man, that he was in vain. He owes a lot..."

"Master, there must be other ways, there must be!" The housekeeper cried, "Let's go to Zhe Peng, let's go to that Ota Tokusaburo, let's give him money, give him all the money, the big deal I will accompany you to sleep on the street, no matter what, I will save your life!"

Zheng Shanao sighed: "You, you just can't do things with your brain. Can you hide anything you do now?"

The housekeeper wanted to speak, but Zheng Shanao suddenly flushed abnormally and coughed violently.

The housekeeper hurriedly patted him on the back, Zheng Shan'ao coughed until his veins bulged, his eyes protruded, and finally he coughed up a black, red and foul-smelling sticky blood.

"Master, this, could this happen? Isn't it time yet? How could this be..." The housekeeper panicked.

Zheng Shanao grabbed his clothes and said sharply: "Take care of the things here, and don't let anyone see them! Promise me that I will not talk to anyone about my poisoned stomach. Say!"


"Promise me!" Zheng Shan growled sternly.

"I promise, I promise!" The housekeeper burst into tears.

A sincere smile appeared on Zheng Shanao's face: "Tomorrow, I'm going to watch my godson's match. I also want to watch it when there's a thunderbolt!"

"I'll accompany you, sir," cried the butler.

It was night, after Gong Baosen returned to Zheng's residence, he planned to visit Zheng Shanao, but he was told that Zheng Shanao was not feeling well and had already fallen asleep, so he had no choice but to return to his room.

He summoned Gong Er and asked about what happened in detail.

After listening, he frowned tightly, and said: "Geng Liangchen's suspicion is not unreasonable, this matter is indeed strange."

"But the people of Zhe Peng need to go to such great lengths, what kind of conspiracy do they pay such a high price?" Gong Er asked, "They worked so hard to arrest people, but we rescued them again, and they died ten times. Many people. Even if they don’t take human life seriously, they will all die from Zhe Peng.”

Gong Baosen shook his head and said: "Yes, this point is very contradictory, and I can't see what's tricky about it."

"Maybe you are overthinking it?" Gong Er said.

"I hope." Gong Baosen sighed, "I just hope that this matter will end here, and there will be no more complications."

Maybe Gong Baosen's wish played a role. Originally, Zheng's house was a disaster, but it disappeared without them knowing it.

The Black Dragon Society is Zhe Peng's big gang. Although the status of the lower-level gang members is generally low, no one dares to stroke the tiger's whiskers of the Black Dragon Society.

The reason why Tokusaburo Ota was able to use the people of the Black Dragon Society for him was naturally because of his "money ability".

He paid the money, and the black dragon would help, and kidnapped Zheng Shanao.

As for why Zheng Shanao was rescued so easily, one reason is naturally that Tokusaburo Ota had left behind and thought it would be fine even if he was rescued, so he didn't take Zheng Shanao's security issue too seriously.

But on the other hand, it is also because in the territory of the Japanese Concession, Heilonghui is used to arrogance and arrogance, and feels that no one except the military dares to provoke them, so it develops the habit of being arrogant and lazy, and does not feel Some people dare to fight against them.

But they didn't expect that someone would dare to confront them head-on.

The four people sent by Su Yi not only rescued him, but also killed thirteen of them!

This is the heaviest loss in the history of the Black Dragon Club in China!
Imai Jiro, the leader of the Black Dragon Society in Jinmen, was furious, and immediately summoned his men, intending to go to Zheng's house in the French Concession, and kill Zheng's house to the point of chaos.

At the same time, he sent someone to find Tokusaburo Ota, intending to ask Tokusaburo Ota to compensate the Black Dragon Society for the loss. After all, he kidnapped Zheng Shanao to serve Tokusaburo Ota.

But Imai Jiro's crazy plan was aborted. He was aware of the fact that he was going to take people to the French Concession to "kill people and exterminate the family".

When calling him over, he also called Ota Tokusaburo over.

After knowing the whole process of the matter, Kazutakaji let Ota Tokusaburo go without saying anything to him, which made Ota Tokusaburo very panicked.

Then, Kazukakaji scolded Imai Jiro.

"The empire's military operations in Rehe have already started, and it is trying to win over the attitudes of the western countries. Seeing that the war is imminent, but you are leading people to the French Concession to make trouble at this time, do you want to become a sinner of the empire? Baga road! "He Zhiying scolded sternly.

"Hi! It's me! I'm sorry Kazuchi-kun!" Imai Jiro bowed and nodded in cold sweat.

"If you really missed the important event of the empire, even if everyone in the Jinmen Black Dragon Society branch apologized by cutting open your stomach, it won't help, do you understand?" He Zhiyinger asked with a stare.

"Understood! I apologize again, and I promise I won't go to the French Concession to cause trouble! It's just He Zhijun, the death of thirteen members of the commune, is it just letting the murderer go for nothing?" Jiro Imai said unwillingly.

"The life of Zhepeng people is noble, and of course they cannot die in vain. Even the lowest Zhepeng rogues should die with dignity and value!" He Zhiyinger said coldly, "What happened this time is absolutely worthless." Blame it on you and Tokusaburo Ota's stupidity! If you had reported to the military department in advance before the action, such a vicious incident would never have happened!"

Jiro Imai wiped his sweat and was about to explain, but He Zhiying waved his hands impatiently: "The blood debt must be paid in blood! Since thirteen noble Zhe Peng people were killed, then one hundred and thirty The lives of the Chinese people will pay for it!"

"Just use the name of hunting down the murderer to deal with some restless guys in the Japanese Concession, don't I need to teach you how to do it?"

"No, I understand!" Imai Jiro said hastily.

"As for the real murderer..." The shadow of Su Yi appeared in He Zhiyinger's mind, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "It would be too easy if we just let him die! He should spend his whole life to make up for the great Zhe Peng. Mistakes made by the empire..."

After Imai Jiro left, Kameda Ichiro walked in and called out "Wachikun" respectfully.

Kazutakaji said coldly: "Tokusaburo Ota is an idiot who messed up the matter, he has already lost his value."

Kameda Ichiro asked suspiciously: "Do you think Geng Liangchen will disregard Zheng Shanao's life?"

He Zhiying said: "Do you know what is a hero? The meaning of a hero is that if you don't achieve your goal, you will use any means!"

"Geng Liangchen is a hero who pretends to be a hero. From his past behavior, we can see that this person is ruthless and will not stop until he achieves his goal. He will never give up his own interests because of Zheng Shanao's life. "

There was a pause, and the corners of He Zhiying's mouth curled into a trace of sarcasm: "But he will definitely clear himself up, and then, as a victim, turn bad things into good things. Believe me, he has this ability."

"Then what should we do?" Kameda Ichiro didn't understand, so he simply ignored it and asked directly.

"There is a saying in Huaguo that it is better to be still than to move. We will do nothing for the time being." He Zhiying said with a smile, "Although Tokusaburo Ota is an idiot, he still has the final value, which is to make him a Geng A target for the outpouring of wrath on a good day."

"At my invitation this time, some of Zhe Peng's domestic martial arts missions who came to China had very naive ideas, thinking that they came to China to make friends. Let the death of Ota Tokusaburo tell them that Hua The country has only enemies and no friends!"

"This Geng Liangchen has killed many of us, but he still wants to keep him alive. Thinking about it is really infuriating..." Kameda Ichiro said indignantly.

He Zhiying Er smiled slightly: "Actually, death is the most merciful punishment for a person."

The conversation turned and he said again: "Jiro Imai, this idiot, will also be a good knife. Go and appease him for me. In the future, he should be able to use him."


On the other hand, Tokusaburo Ota, who returned to the room, was still very worried about gain and loss, and didn't understand what it meant for Kazutakaji to ignore him.

It's all right with Zhiying, the key is that Geng Liangchen didn't respond after rescuing him, it shouldn't be...

After much deliberation, he decided to call Su Yi again.

The call was connected quickly, and it was Zhao Dezhu who answered the phone. After hearing his identity, he didn't set up any obstacles, and went directly to Su Yitong.

Soon Su Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone.


"Geng Sang, it's me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you again!" Ota Tokusaburo said with a smile, "I called you this time to ask you about the filial piety I talked to you last time. Question, do you have any new ideas?"

Su Yi on the other end of the phone was slightly silent, and said: "Otian, if you have something to say, just talk about it, don't play tricks, have you done anything to Mr. Zheng? What do you mean by your saying that time is life? "

(End of this chapter)

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