Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 730 Before the Game

Chapter 730 Before the Game
"You seem to care about Zheng Shanao? But he is just your adoptive father." On the other end of the phone, Ota Tokusaburo's tone was slightly joking.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, Ota. If you have something to say, you'd better express it directly. If you make me play this guessing game again, I will lose patience."

Su Yi said calmly: "Believe me, Ota, you never want to face an impatient Geng Liangchen, because at that point, the occasion for us to decide the winner is no longer limited to the ring."

Tokusaburo Ota felt chills in his heart, and the scene of Hu Desheng standing at the window on the third floor, pierced through his head by a knife from the first floor from bottom to top appeared again in his mind.

"Are you willing to do anything for your adoptive father, Geng Liangchen?" Ota Tokusaburo asked in a deep voice.

"As long as it doesn't violate my principles and morals." Su Yi said.

"Okay." Ota Tokusaburo felt relieved, "Tomorrow, tomorrow I will tell you the answer."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi stopped for a long time, until Zhao Dezhu reminded him that he should take a rest, then Su Yi turned and went back to his room.

That night, Su Yi rarely suffered from insomnia.

Early the next morning, Su Yi got up early to practice swords in the yard.

He practiced the Sun Moon Qiankun Knife.

Yi Yitian watched quietly for a while before stopping Su Yi from saying, "Grandpa Geng, you are injured and should not practice more."

The edge of the blade was reversed, and the tip of the blade pointed straight at the sky. After staying for a long time, Su Yi stopped and said: "Tokusaburo Ota's fists and feet are weaker than swordsmanship. He will definitely compete with me today."

"You often practice the Eight Cutting Saber, but you don't practice the Sun Moon Qiankun Saber much." Yi Yitian said, "This is a strange weapon with great lethality and strange moves. It is difficult for ordinary people to handle it."

After a pause, Yi Yitian asked, "You want to kill Ota?"

Su Yi smiled: "Why do you see it? Just because I changed weapons?"

"Murderous intent." Yi Yitian looked deeply at Su Yi, "Your knife has murderous intent, Master Geng, did something happen?"

"Tokusaburo Ota did have a conspiracy. He said he would tell me the answer this morning." Su Yi said, "I can foresee that there will be a dilemma at that time. Xiaohan, I can do what I want for fish, and I can do what I want for bear's paw." , you can’t have both.”

Yi Yitian was silent for a while before asking: "Master Geng, if you lose the game..."

"I will die." Su Yi said.

"Why?" Yixiantian was surprised, not expecting such an answer.

Su Yi looked at him and didn't speak.

Yi Yitian smiled wryly: "Master Geng, then you should win."

"But if..." Su Yi hesitated.

"That's no wonder you!" Yi Yitian interrupted him.

Su Yi smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "It's getting late, let's go."

After finishing speaking, he bypassed a line of sky, turned around and walked towards the house.

Yi Yitian looked at Su Yi's back, with a look of deep worry in his eyes.

In fact, things have come to the present, even Yi Yitian himself can guess that Ota Tokusaburo must have a plan.

But what is the last move?

He couldn't guess.

But Mr. Geng has always been exhaustive, will Mr. Geng guess it?

What if Tokusaburo Ota really threatened Lord Geng to lose the game?
Mr. Geng risked his life to go on stage...

While on the road, Yi Yitian, who was driving, suddenly said, "Master Geng, why don't I get rid of Ota so that he can't get on stage?"

These words startled Luo Yu who was also in the car, as well as Su Yi.

Su Yi was stunned for a while, then smiled and said: "It's simple and rude, just a little careless."

Luo Yu laughed with a "poof", but Yi Yitian didn't laugh, but looked at Su Yi from the rearview mirror from time to time.

Su Yi smiled at him and said, "Don't worry."

Zheng house.

After Gong Baosen got up in the morning, he wanted to visit Zheng Shanao and ask about the kidnapping by the way.

This incident always made him a little uneasy and uneasy.

But he missed again.

"Master Gong, my master went out with the butler early in the morning."

"Gone?" Gong Baosen was stunned, "Why did he..."

On weekdays, Gong Baosen is usually busy and goes out first in the morning.But Zheng Shanao, as nephew and master, got up on time every morning to accompany Gong Baosen to eat breakfast.

Occasionally, Gong Baosen was fine, but Zheng Shanao would come early to greet Gong Baosen in the morning when Zheng Shanao was going out to do some errands, by the way.

This is the first time that such a situation of leaving without saying goodbye has happened.

"Master must have something urgent to leave in a hurry, but I specifically told you that I will let the little ones take care of you, Master Gong."

Gong Baosen frowned and nodded, then turned and left.

Gong Er and Lao Jiang were fighting each other in the yard, Gong Baosen took a look, and found that his daughter's martial arts were more and more like Geng Liangchen's casual fusion, the charm of simplicity.

He passed on the martial arts of Geng Liangchen's palace family through his daughter, and Geng Liangchen also unreservedly showed his martial arts philosophy and foundation to Gong Er, which was reciprocal.

To put it bluntly, in this matter, the Gong family really took advantage of more, because Su Yi taught Gong Er that he had no reservations, but Su Yi did not learn the trick of the Gong family's hidden flowers at the bottom of the leaf. The value of Gong's 64 moves will be greatly reduced.

"Father, are you going out?" Seeing Gong Baosen approaching, Gong Er and Lao Jiang stopped moving, and they all greeted him.

Gong Baosen nodded: "Today is the final final day, and the top three are about to be born. With fame and fortune, I'm afraid that some people can't help but cause trouble. Ruomei, I know that you and Lao Jiang have been running away secretly these days." Going to the game..."

As soon as these words came out, Gong Er was taken aback, his face turned a little red, and he couldn't help but glared at Old Jiang.

"Oh, this is not what I'm suing, girl..." Lao Jiang hurriedly shouted for grievances.

"It's not Old Jiang, I saw you in the arena." Gong Baosen said angrily.

"Then why..." Gong Er was stunned and asked embarrassingly.

"How can a father dismantle his daughter?" Gong Baosen said.

"Aren't you going to demolish it now?" Gong Er said, showing a rare coquettish expression.

She will only do this in front of her father.

Gong Baosen laughed and said: "I'm breaking this matter now because the final winner of this martial arts competition will be determined today. If you don't watch it, there will be no more."

"This is the first time in the history of Guoshu that such a successful competition has been held. Although it was an accidental result and there were various problems, this competition must be the most in history and will be recorded in history. "

"Although Father doesn't want you to take the road of martial arts, but as a martial artist, you can't miss such a grand event."

"That's why Dad came to invite you, to accompany Dad, sit in the guest seat, and watch the game openly, instead of hiding in secrets and sneaking in the crowd, in case Dad finds out..."

"Okay, I'll go!" Gong Er interrupted his father, and couldn't help complaining, "Father, the first half of your sentence is enough."

"My daughter thinks I talk too much." Gong Baosen smiled and looked at Old Jiang.

Lao Jiang scratched his head and laughed happily.

Soon, the father and daughter of the Gong family took Lao Jiang out and came to the arena.

Today's arena is extraordinarily crowded, and there are huge crowds of people outside the gate. The people of Jinmen can't enter the arena, and they are even willing to wait outside for news from inside.

The popularity of Chinese martial arts is indeed unprecedented.

In fact, everyone is very clear that such a hot atmosphere certainly has the attraction of a new competition system, but most of the reason is because of the words "Heroes of Jinmen".

Almost 90.00% of the audience came for Su Yi.

This can be seen from the enthusiastic people outside the door pulling banners and shouting slogans.

"Punch heroes from all walks of life, kick the four masters, who is the number one in Jinmen? I am the only hero!"

"Geng Liangchen, the number one in Jinmen, Geng Liangchen, the unparalleled scholar of the country!"

"Geng Liangchen, a kid from Jinmen, we support you!"

"Jinmen Girls' High School wishes Geng Daxia the honor of being a national scholar!"

Banners and shouts were all expressing support for Su Yi.

This unprecedented enthusiasm has long surpassed that of Huo Yuanjia in the past.

This is the case outside the arena, and the atmosphere inside the arena is even more enthusiastic.

Logically speaking, there should be nine games this morning, three games for each of the three groups.

But in fact, each of Group A and Group C also had one player retire due to injury, so they only played two games.

As for Su Yi's Group B, the three matchups are Chang Dongsheng VS Zhu Guofu, Tong Zhongyi VS Benny Leonard, and Su Yi VS Ota Tokusaburo.

There is no need to fight in the first two games, and the winner will be eliminated directly, so the only highlight in Group B is the match between Su Yi and Tokusaburo Ota.

This game was scheduled for the fourth game. The first three games were played in two games in Group A and one in Group C.

There is nothing to say about the first match of Group A. Both winners and losers are facing elimination. Their appearance on stage can only be regarded as a warm-up match. However, the result of this fight has led to Xiao Xizhi, who has the most advantage in Group A, locked in advance The number of places really excited the audience who were paying attention to this matter for a while.

Immediately following the match in Group C is the highlight.

This game is for the players in Group C who currently have four points, Tan Zu Zhao Lian and VS Button Shu Bill Underwood.

The two of them came through all the way, and their strengths cannot be tolerated. Now that they are facing each other, it is sparks hitting the earth.

The attention of this game is also very high, because Bill Underwood's style is very similar to Su Yi, but compared with Su Yi, it is a bit less aggressive and subtle.

Zhao Lianhe is good at leg skills, so naturally he needs to compete with fists and feet.And Bill Underwood is actually better at punching and kicking, but he chose to beat weapons.

This is entirely a tactical consideration.

Bill Underwood's punches are great, but it depends on who you compare with.

If he is against Zhao Lianhe's Twelve-Road Tan legs, then his Baton technique will be restrained, because Zhao Lianhe's leg skills are quite amazed even by Su Yi, and he feels that he will be quite difficult to match. .

But Zhao Lianhe's short board is obvious, that is, he is not good at weapons.

Previously, this contestant's matches had always been about boxing and kicking. Only one match was drawn and he was forced to use weapons.At that time, he used the club single-handedly against an opponent who was supposed to be a surefire opponent. As a result, Zhao Lianhe almost overturned.

Because of this incident, Zhao Lianhe exposed his weakness. In the next few games, his opponents kept trying to compete with him, but he was lucky, and all the draws were fists and kicks.

This time, Zhao Lianhe's good luck came to an end, and he got the weapon.

After the start of the game, the two sides did not try, and directly began to compete for the advantage.

Bill Underwood's English fencing looks elegant and quick. In fact, in the eyes of everyone in martial arts, it is a very simple move, which only accounts for the words "fast" and "accurate".

But unfortunately, it posed a great threat to Zhao Lianhe, who was not good at weapons.

The fight between dragons and tigers that the audience was expecting turned into a mediocre fight. In the end, Bill Underwood was even better and won as he wished. He qualified from Group A with five victories and five points, and booked the top three. a seat.

This disappointed the audience. Compared with each other, it turned out that the foreigners won in the end.

These days, no matter what foreigners are involved in, it will always give people a very negative impression. The scene was full of boos, and many people even scolded Zhao Lianhe, making this tan-legged master feel ashamed and humiliated. Had to leave early.

In the third match, it was the turn of Group A's "leader" Xiao Xizhi to play.

Different from the other two groups, because of the result of the first match, Xiao Xizhi has already qualified.

But he only has four points now. If he appears with this result, he will miss the first place, so he will definitely pursue a complete victory.

His opponent was not strong, with two wins and three losses in five games, and only two points, one of which was won by his opponent forfeiting the game.

So there is no suspense in this game.

Xiao Xizhi responded to the enemy with his self-created ten-way black tiger cha fist, crushing the whole process, and easily won the battle, achieved a record of five victories, and entered the top three with his head held high!

Ma Liang at the guest table burst into laughter.

Xiao Xizhi is his apprentice, if he can win the championship, it will undoubtedly give him face and allow him to gain enough political capital.

In fact, all the masters could clearly see that Bill Underwood would not be Xiao Xizhi's opponent, because Xiao Xizhi was too comprehensive, whether it was fists, feet or weapons, they could all be regarded as top-notch.

The reason why Bill Underwood has come to the present is because of a "novelty" to win.The more he hits to the back, the harder it is to fight, and his ability to fight is because his strength can no longer keep up with his name.

To be able to enter the top three, he has a lot of luck.

So no surprises, Xiao Xizhi should definitely win against Bill Underwood.

In the second group, Su Yi and Tokusaburo Ota compete for the front. No matter who wins, the two sides still have five points and need to play an extra game.

In Ma Liang's view, no matter who wins or loses between these two people, it will not affect Xiao Xizhi's championship.

Su Yi has injuries and obvious weaknesses.It's a miracle that he didn't cause the old injury to recur on the spot all the way.But against a master like Xiao Xizhi, his injury became a fatal threat.

As for Ota Tokusaburo, although this person is considered a first-class master, his knowledge is spotty, and he does not have the ruthlessness and determination of a warrior who goes forward indomitably.Although he showed the characteristics of being strong when he meets the strong in the competition, in Ma Liang's view, he should not be his apprentice's opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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