Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 731 Struggling

Chapter 731 Struggling
Regarding Ma Liang's views, most people present probably would never agree with them.

"The next match, Group B, Geng Liangchen will play against He Otian!"

As the referee doctor shouted, the atmosphere was instantly ignited, and the cheers on the scene rang out,
Everyone was shouting the name "Geng Liangchen". Amidst the cheers of the audience, Su Yi was about to take the stage, but Ota Tokusaburo suddenly came around from the other side and walked straight towards him.

Su Yi's expression changed, and he stopped where he was, waiting for his arrival.

His heart is clear, knowing that what should come will always come.

Suddenly feeling something, Su Yi turned his head and glanced at Yixiantian, just in time to notice that there seemed to be no murderous intent in his eyes, and immediately cast a warning look.

At the guest table, several great masters also noticed this scene, but no one thought much about it except Gong Baosen and Gong Er sitting next to him.

It is not uncommon for the two sides of the competition to have some contacts and greetings before going on stage.

But both Gong Baosen and Gong Er felt their hearts lifted.

If Ota Tokusaburo really has some conspiracy, the time to reveal the answer is now.

They stared there almost intently.

They watched Ota Tokusaburo smiling and seemed to say something, Su Yi didn't respond, but Yi Yitian was furious and suddenly shot Ota Tokusaburo.

Fortunately, Su Yi had expected it a long time ago, stopped him in time, and stopped the sky with a shout.

"Something happened!" Gong Baosen said in a deep voice.

Gong Er clenched his hands unconsciously, but his expression was still cold.

After a moment of silence, Gong Er said: "Actually, at most it is a win or loss. Isn't that what the Zhe Peng people want?"

"But this victory or defeat, Geng Liangchen is fighting with his life." Gong Baosen said quietly, "He took the risk of a gunshot wound on the stage, isn't this the victory or defeat? If Zhe Peng really wants him to lose... ... Then you have to threaten him with something more important than his life."

"What could it be?" Gong Er couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, what could it be..." Gong Baosen narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes.

Time went back to 1 minutes ago, next to the ring.

Ota Tokusaburo walked up to Su Yi, and said to him with a smile: "Geng Sang, do you still remember what we said on the phone last night?"

"Speak." Su Yi said expressionlessly.

"Does Geng Sang know about a creature called Agkistrodon?" Ota Tokusaburo said with a smile, "This kind of thing is unique to your country of Hua. It is very poisonous. As long as anyone bitten by it, There is no doubt that they must die. It is said that countless Chinese people die every year from the mouth of this poisonous snake, which is really very regrettable."

Su Yi's eyes sharpened suddenly, and Yi Yitian glared at Tokusaburo Ota even more.

Tokusaburo Ota was unmoved, and continued with a smile: "Fortunately, the doctors of our Dazhe Peng Empire have superb medical skills. They developed a drug called antivenom not long ago, which can be specially used for the treatment of infected people. Snakebite Treatment."

"In order to verify the effect of this drug, they recruited some volunteers who voluntarily dedicated themselves to medicine. Through a large number of experiments, it was finally determined that within eight hours after being bitten by a Agkistrodon, as long as the antivenom is injected in time, lives can be saved.”

"But there is another situation, that is, if someone is unfortunately injected with 50.00% diluted Agkistrodon snake venom, as long as they are injected with antivenom within 24 hours, the danger will be saved."

Tokusaburo Ota looked into Su Yi's eyes and continued with a smile: "It's nine o'clock in the morning, and there are still eight hours until five o'clock in the afternoon. There is still time for everything. Are you right, Geng Sang?"

"I draft grandma!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Yi Yitian scolded and shot in anger.

But almost at the moment Yixiantian shot, Su Yi also moved.

Su Yi's back was facing Yi Yitian, but it seemed that he had eyes behind his back. Suddenly, he moved half a step to the right side, blocking Yi Yitian's attacking position.

Then he turned sideways with his elbow upwards, and at the same time leaned back slightly, immediately dissolving Yi Yitian's fierce punch into nothing.

As soon as Yi Yitian made a move, it was the ultimate move in Bajiquan. It was obvious that he wanted to kill Tokusaburo Ota.

But Su Yi seemed to have expected that he was going to make a move, as well as which move he would make, and immediately used the most appropriate way to deal with the block.

Yi Yitian was startled by Su Yi's reaction, he didn't know it, under the personal teaching of Li Shuwen, the Baji master, Su Yi was familiar with Bajiquan to the point of using it freely, and he was familiar with Yi Yitian. Only with a good understanding can we prevent problems before they happen and make such accurate and rapid responses.

It wasn't until Su Yi blocked a ray of sky that Ota Tokusaburo reacted, his complexion changed drastically and he hurriedly took two steps back, his face flushed instantly, showing a bit of embarrassment.

"Master Geng!" Yi Yitian roared.

Su Yi took back his steps, lowered his posture, and shook his head at Yi Yitian.

How could he not know Yi Yitian's kindness?
Yi Yitian didn't want him to be in a dilemma, so he wanted to take care of this despicable Zhe Peng before Tokusaburo Ota came to power, and solve the trouble for Su Yi.

But in this way, if Yixian Tian kills people in full view, even if he doesn't die, he will have to die in the end.

How could Su Yi let this happen?
Things have gotten so bad, how can he implicate the people around him?

Zhe Peng was poisoned, he had already thought of this!
But Zheng Shanao denied this, which made Su Yi put his doubts elsewhere.

From yesterday to now, Su Yi has thought about too many possibilities.

He even wondered if Tokusaburo Ota had found relatives of his original family, Geng Liangchen's parents and sister who had lost contact long ago, so he was confident.

But in the end, the truth of the matter is both unexpected and not unexpected.

Zheng Shanao lied to him, and Zhe Peng really poisoned Zheng Shanao.

Su Yi could fully understand Zheng Shanao's greatness and devotion in doing so, and he was shocked and moved in his heart.

But if Zheng Shanao told him the truth earlier, Su Yi would definitely fight to the death, even if he used the most violent means, he would have to force the antidote from Tokusaburo Ota.

In this way, Zheng Shanao was saved.

But what Gong Baosen said was right, if one wants to achieve something in this world, how can one not pay the price?

If Su Yi really did this, what would be the consequences?
If he had to torture Ota Tokusaburo, or even kill him, in order to force out the antidote, what would be the consequences?
There may be a near miss, but it is more likely that things will completely get out of hand and get worse!

No one can predict it!

Su Yi forced himself to calm down, and he tried his best not to be influenced by his emotions.

He quickly opened the terminal in his mind, and inquired about the possibility of preparing antivenom in this era.

The answer is that it is completely feasible!

Although it takes a lot of fan points, but fortunately, Su Yi's balance is barely enough.

But the problem is - the process of preparing antivenom is extremely complicated and takes time!
Even the most experienced doctor would need at least a week to make it if all the materials and facilities are complete.

But Zheng Shanao only had less than eight hours left.

There is no time at all!

don't panic...don't panic...

Su Yi adjusted his breathing and heartbeat to keep his brain running at a high speed.

He looked at Tokusaburo Ota who was in doubt, and said slowly: "Ota, let's be straightforward. Except for this game, you can open the conditions as you like. How about it, 10 million US dollars, how about it? Trust me, I have this The ability to give you this huge sum of money, as long as you nod, we can apply to postpone the game, I can give you the money first, and then give me the serum after you get the money, as for this game, we can fight fairly."

Tokusaburo Ota showed a moved expression, his eyes were a little complicated and he said: "Geng Sang, you are really a filial person, but..."

"20 million!" Su Yi looked into Tokusaburo Ota's eyes.

Ota was taken aback again.

"30 million!" Su Yi said, "30 million dollars!"

He didn't wait for Ota Tokusaburo to bargain, and directly increased the price by himself.

"Ota, as long as you nod, I can collect 30 million US dollars for you today!" Su Yi said, "With this money, you can live anywhere in the world. With this money, you can do what you want Do anything! As long as you nod, within three hours, you can see the money!"

Tokusaburo Ota was stunned.

Not only him, but even a ray of sky on one side was suppressed.

Even he couldn't imagine that Su Yi was willing to pay such a high price to save Zheng Shanao's life.

30 million dollars!
These days, most people won't even earn $[-] in their lifetime!
What is the concept of 30 million dollars?
This is a huge and suffocating wealth.

Ota Tokusaburo's breathing immediately became rapid, and his eyes instantly became extremely hot.

He is a greedy person. Such a large sum of money is easily available in front of his eyes. If he says he is not tempted, it is a lie!
But before he could look forward to the sweet dream, Kameda Ichiro's ferocious smile instantly appeared in his mind.

Ichiro Kameda's serious warning seemed to echo in his ears: "If you can't win the championship, there is only one end for you, and that is suicide and apology! I will find you as soon as you lose the game and walk off the ring, And then personally be your intermediary!"

Ota Tokusaburo shuddered and woke up in awe.

He took a deep breath, bowed slightly to Su Yi, and said seriously: "Geng Sang, you are a person worthy of respect, but I'm sorry, I have a reason to win this match."

"Even if you give up 30 million wealth?" Su Yi couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that his money-making ability, which has always been invincible, would fail!
"If you have money, you have to have life flowers." Ota Tokusaburo smiled wryly.

He looked at Su Yi and said, "However, I can make a promise. As soon as the game is over, I will serve antivenom with both hands as soon as possible. Geng Sang, you understand what I mean, right?"

Su Yi's heart sank.

"Both of you, it's time to go on stage!" Seeing the two talking endlessly, the referee on the stage couldn't help urging.

Tokusaburo Ota took a deep breath, took a step back and bowed slightly: "Geng Sang, winning or losing a game is just a momentary honor for you, so why should you be persistent? I believe you will make the right choice, excuse me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and went to the ring.

"Master Geng! Abolish him!" Yi Yitian leaned close to Su Yi's ear, gnashing his teeth and said, "As soon as the match is over, we will tie him up and get back the antidote!"

Su Yi forced a smile, and said, "If I go to seek peace with Zhiying Er, what conditions will he offer?"

Su Yi showed pain and confusion at a certain moment, although it was fleeting, he was keenly captured by Yi Yitian.

Yi Yitian only felt a fire in his heart. In his heart, Su Yi had always been an omnipotent person, but now...

"Master Geng, we don't want people from Zhe Peng!" Yi Yitianhong gritted his teeth and said, "I don't believe that there are no other capable people in this world except people from Zhe Peng! Let's find someone else to detoxify the old man!"

But he himself didn't believe it. If the poison was really so easy to cure, how could Ota Tokusaburo be so sure that he would take Su Yi?

Su Yi is still on stage.

Looking at Su Yi's back, Yixiantian silently clenched his fists, feeling powerless.

He can't help anything...

The audience cheered loudly, and almost everyone was calling the name "Geng Liangchen".

They didn't know anything, maybe they all felt that today was the happiest time in "Geng Liangchen"'s life.

"You two, are you fighting with fists or kicks, or weapons?" the referee asked.



The two gave different answers.

Ota Tokusaburo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

"Geng Sang, do you really want to fight?" He emphasized his tone, with threats in his eyes.

"Fist and kick." Su Yi repeated.

"Okay, wait a moment, both of you." The referee turned around to get the lottery.

At this moment, Su Yi suddenly took two steps closer and said quickly: "Either hand over the serum, or I will beat you to death on stage!"

At this moment, Su Yi's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Since you can't ask for it, then kill it!
Aren't you Ota Tokusaburo afraid of death?
Then if you don't hand in the serum, I'll beat you to death on stage!

"You..." Tokusaburo Ota was startled and furious, "Geng Liangchen, you don't want to..."

"If you are willing, tell me where the serum is now!" Su Yi said quickly again, "I will not kill you, and I will also give you a sum of money that will last you three lifetimes to help you get out of here and go anywhere place that I want to go!"

Before Tokusaburo Ota could speak, the referee came back.

Tokusaburo Ota glared at Su Yi, gritted his teeth and said, "You have only one way, and that's what I said! Geng Sang, don't make mistakes, don't do things that you regret!"

Su Yi also had the same sharp eyes and emphasized his tone: "You also have only one choice, do as I say! Otherwise..."

"Both? You..." The referee saw that the two were wrong, and couldn't help asking hesitantly.

"Let's draw lots!" Su Yi exhaled and said with a smile.

He stared at Tokusaburo Ota as if he was looking at a dead person.

In this way, he kept putting pressure on the Zhepen.

Tokusaburo Ota was startled and angry, but he was really afraid of Su Yi's eyes, so he dodged unconsciously.


The referee drew out the content of the competition, raised the lottery in his hand and announced loudly.

Ota Tokusaburo's eyes were dark again.

(End of this chapter)

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