Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 764 Zhe Peng Reaction

Chapter 764 Zhe Peng Reaction
Shinzo Nozawa suddenly went crazy, pushed his subordinates away, and ran towards the small building.

He ran to the door in one breath, put his hands on the two doors, and suddenly paused for a few seconds.

Then resolutely pushed away.

Bloody and tangy!
The scene in front of him made Nozawa Shinzo unable to believe his eyes.

On the snow-white wall, a line of big characters written in blood is shocking!
In front of the characters, Xi Yiyi's head was placed upright on the flower stand where the vase was originally placed.

The expression on the head was hideous and distorted, appearing extremely painful.

The ground was strewn with dead bodies, blood flowing everywhere!

For Nozawa Shinzo, this scene is Shura hell, he opened the door to hell!
This scene will forever be engraved in his mind - if he still survives.

But he was destined not to survive, because he was the one who let go and killed Xi Yiyi and the murderer who killed so many division chiefs!

Because of him, the Eighth Division lost the chance to save their last face and dignity.

He will receive the most severe punishment from the military, and the name Nozawa Shinzo is also destined to be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Not only will he die, but his family will also be ashamed.

"Ugh..." Shinzo Nozawa, who fell into an ice cave, suddenly let out a desperate roar like a wild beast. With bulging veins on his forehead, he knelt down on the ground and yelled bitterly: "Keiichi Hasegawa, I wouldn't even be a ghost!" Let you go!"

Then he took out the gun that he hadn't sent out before, and aimed it at his head.

The shot rang out, and the bullet, mixed with blood and brains, flew out from the other side of his head.

The desperate Nozawa Shinzo knew that he was doomed. If he was still alive, he would die of all kinds of torture and humiliation, so he chose to end his life by himself to give himself a good time.

He didn't even have time to have a laparotomy, because he knew that once other officers knew what happened here, he would be arrested immediately, and he wouldn't even have the chance to die.

At the last moment before he died, what Shinzo Nozawa thought of was—at least Keiichi Hasegawa did not lie to him about one thing, that is, he really needed this gun more than Keiichi Hasegawa.

Following Nozawa Shinzo's suicide in fear of guilt, the soldiers he brought were also fully awake.

They looked around in a daze, panicked, and after a while of confusion, they finally scattered, looking for someone who could clean up the situation.

In the end, after a while of prevarication, a surviving officer who was elected to "preside over the overall situation" began to call the headquarters tremblingly.

It was not until more than [-] minutes later that the incident here was directly reported to the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army Yixin Muto through an emergency phone call.

But the incident was so bizarre that the secretary who received the report suspected it was a hoax.

"Baga! What are you talking about? This is a fantasy! This is a horrific third-rate horror story! Anyone with a bit of common sense and logic will never believe such absurd nonsense. How is this possible? ? How could such an outrageous thing happen?"

The secretary was very angry, and warned the other party that such behavior would be severely punished, and that he would definitely find out who the other party was, and let him wait for bad luck.

But what the secretary didn't expect was that not only was the other party not afraid, but he took the initiative to report his identity, military rank and location, and there were even many fellow military officers around him who could testify for him, proving that what he said was not a lie.

The secretary was dubious, and it wasn't until the other party mentioned a name that he realized that this outrageous thing might have really happened.

The name is - Er Tijiao!

Because of the deaths of traitors such as Shao Benliang, Cui Xingwu, and Li Shoushan, the Kwantung Army and the Zhepeng intelligence department have already attached great importance to this name.

In their view, Er Tijiao is an extreme, fanatical Huaguo nationalist radical terrorist organization that hates Zhe Peng and opposes Zhe Peng's rule.

The number of members of this organization is unknown, but it was able to plan two assassination cases in Nanling and Lindong at the same time, and both of them were successful. This alone fully proves that this organization is full of talents, and there are many experts in assassinations, raids and explosions among them.

The devils are not sure who the leader of this organization is, but they highly suspect that this person is the famous assassin king Wang Yaqiao.

Because He Poguang died in Nanling, the devils confirmed He Poguang's identity through the corpse. They had known for a long time that He Poguang belonged to Wang Yaqiao.

The birth of the "Second Kid Assassination Group" shocked Zhe Peng's military headquarters far beyond the simple death of a few traitors and high-ranking officials.

For them, what surprised them even more was the significance of what Er Tijiao did!

This tactic of infiltrating the enemy's rear and directly beheading the enemy's top commander aroused great interest from Zhepeng's top military officials.They realized that if a small elite force is used well, it can definitely play a huge role in a battle.

This was definitely something Su Yi did not expect, because his existence actually prompted the devils to think of the role of special forces.

In fact, the world's first special forces unit would not be around for another six years.

It was during the Polish campaign that the "Brandenburg" troops of the German state of the Axis, wearing the uniforms of the Polish army, as the vanguard of the attack on Poland, carried out infiltration and sabotage activities and achieved great success.

This operation is regarded as the world's first actual combat by special forces.

However, the special forces were officially born in the hands of the British. The founder of the British Special Air Service, David Stirling, began to intentionally train a small group of well-trained small groups to go deep into the enemy's rear to fight independently and carry out sabotage operations behind the enemy. The name of the special forces began to be used. The world recognizes.

Su Yi's several successful assassinations are undoubtedly exemplary cases of special forces beheading operations. It is not surprising that the name "Er Tijiao" is well known and paid attention to by Zhe Peng's high-level military.

In fact, not only Zhe Peng people are paying attention to Er Tijiao, but many Westerners are also paying attention to Er Tijiao. Su Yi's previous actions have become the research topics of many national intelligence and military departments.

When Muto Yixin's secretary heard the name "Er Kijiao", he shouldn't neglect it anymore, because he knew very well how much the chief he served cared about this name.

After confirming everything that happened again and again, he found Muto Yixin with great shock and panic, and reported everything to him.

The spiritual storm experienced by Muto Yixin was definitely no less than that of his secretary, and he couldn't believe this magical fact.

He immediately called the chief of the intelligence department stationed in Beipiao County and asked him to rush to the headquarters of the Eighth Division immediately.

After waiting anxiously for half an hour, Muto Yixin received a confirmation call——

This tragic scene like the Arabian Nights did happen!
This incident is bound to shake Zhe Peng's domestic base, and even alarm the emperor.

The most terrible thing is that this is the first case of this kind of incident in the world. The stink of this incident is bound to spread to all countries in the world.

Muto Yixin couldn't accept this fact at all. Originally, during the Battle of Rehe, he pushed the traitor Zhang Jinghui to the front of the stage and asked him to serve as the commander-in-chief of the Manchukuo Warring Army, while he stayed in Changchun and commanded remotely behind the scenes.

He only controls the overall situation and does not participate in specific wars.

But now, he can't sit still!
The three brigades under the Eighth Division, with more than [-] people in the three brigades, are all currently participating in the battle on the Rehe Middle Road.

One of them confronted Ye Baishou and Yu Zhaolin's troops, one was stationed in Lingyuan, which had just been captured, and the other joined the Mishan advance team of the No.14 Brigade of the Seventh Division, and quickly advanced along the Pingquan Highway to attack Chengde.

But at this time, once a Chinese army attacks Lingyuan, it can completely cut off the connection between the three brigades, and the three brigades that have lost the overall command cannot coordinate and fight in a unified manner, so they can only break through individually and resign themselves to fate!

And the greater impact of this matter is psychological.

Such "explosive" news will inevitably make the lower-level officers and soldiers of the Eighth Army feel panic and pessimism, and the senior officers will feel insecure, or they will change their minds and no longer concentrate on the battle situation.

Once such a situation is exploited by the Chinese army...

This is undoubtedly a very dangerous thing!
The situation, which was originally precarious, was reversed because of this almost absurd bloody assassination.

Will this elusive second kicker assassination group still act?
Who is their next target?
If another senior military officer Zhe Peng is assassinated, where will the outcome of this war go?
Muto Yixin knew very well that under such a changing situation, the puppet Zhang Jinghui could no longer control the situation.

Moreover, the plight of the Eighth Division also needs to be resolved urgently.

Although it was late at night, Muto Yixin reported the situation to the top military officers at Zhepeng's headquarters as soon as possible.

After obtaining thorough authorization, he immediately summoned the top Kwantung Army officials and held an emergency military meeting.

The meeting passed five emergency resolutions as quickly as possible.

First, re-arrange the troops and suspend the offensive in the middle.

Second, to convey the order of Zhepeng Headquarters, so that the commander of the North China Garrison, Nakamura Kotaro, immediately led his staff team, and quickly set off from Jinmen by military plane, landed at the Nanling temporary airport, and took over the position of the commander of the Eighth Division in the face of danger. .As for the post of commander of the North China Garrison, Zhepeng headquarters sent someone to take over.

Third, order the major intelligence agencies active in North China to work together, accept the temporary deployment of the Kwantung Army, fully investigate all the intelligence of the Second Kicker organization, confirm their identities and whereabouts, and make effective arrests.

Fourth, the Kwantung Army officially established the "Elite Warrior Assault Team" from now on. Based on the several actions of the Er Tijiao Assassination Regiment as a blueprint, it created the tactics of infiltration and assassination behind enemy lines that were in line with the Zhe Peng people.

Fifth, the Kwantung Army Headquarters took over the command of the Rehe Campaign from now on, moving from behind the scenes to the stage. The commander-in-chief of the Rehe Campaign was officially replaced by Muto Yixin.

After the meeting, Muto Yixin took a special plane to the Splendid State at dawn the next day.

At the same time as Muto Yixin went to the state of splendor, Su Yi's old acquaintances also gathered at Jinmen Airport, thousands of miles away.

Wachi Takaji and his confidant Kameda Ichiro are sending off Nakamura Kotaro who was ordered to go to Renan Ling.

The cold wind was bleak, and Kotaro Nakamura felt even more bleak.

Because of being threatened by Su Yi to shave his head, Nakamura Kotaro had the intention to retire, and wanted to transfer back to Zhe Peng's headquarters in advance.

He was so frightened that he didn't want to stay in Huaxia for a minute.

He was about to succeed. He entrusted a lot of connections and paid a lot of money before he persuaded a senior cabinet official to agree to give him the post of head of the Education Supervision Department.

He is very satisfied with this position, the Ministry of Education is not in any danger, and it is easy to make achievements.

But now, because of Rehe's accident, all his efforts these days have been in vain!
He was transferred to the Eighth Division to put out the fire.

History seems to have some kind of magical correction ability. In fact, in the history that should have happened, Kotaro Nakamura’s promotion trajectory was also transferred from the commander of the North China Garrison to the commander of the Eighth Division, and then returned to Zhe Peng as the director of education. Minister of the Ministry, and eventually promoted to Minister of War.

Now, Kotaro Nakamura has continued the trajectory of his destiny that he should have had.

It's just that he will continue the ending he should have?
At this moment, Kotaro Nakamura only felt depressed and depressed.

He didn't want to be the commander of the damn Eighth Division, not at all!

But the military order is hard to violate, and the high-ranking official he works for has also promised that his transfer to the Eighth Division is just a transition, and he will be transferred back to the headquarters for a year at most.

But this didn't make Kotaro Nakamura feel better.

As one of the participants involved in this turmoil, Nakamura Kotaro has already learned what happened to his predecessor Nishi Yoshiichi.

Two kicks...

This organization that suddenly appeared from nowhere gave Nakamura Kotaro a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

He thought of a person who terrified him to the core - Geng Liangchen!
Geng Liangchen, could it be the second kicker?

The same elusive, the same good at lurking and infiltrating, the same ruthless.

Thinking of the existence of such a possibility, Kotaro Nakamura shuddered.

Originally, Geng Liangchen was the only threat, which made him feel like a thorn in his back, unable to sleep at night.

Now that Ertijiao has become an organization, its nature has completely changed.

How could he not be terrified?
Just when Nakamura Kotaro was worried about his bleak future, Kazukakaji who came to see him off interrupted her chaotic thoughts.

"General, I didn't expect you to go to another place during such a short time under your command. It's really sad to think about it. You gave me a lot of teaching and care, which I will never forget." Zhiying Er said with some emotion.

Kotaro Nakamura came back to his senses.

His mind calmed down a little.

Looking at the humble Kazutakaji, Kotaro Nakamura knew very well that this person had a feeling of contempt for him in his bones.

So he didn't like He Zhiying Er very much, but he never showed it.

He has his own survival wisdom, and he knows that once a person like He Zhiying Er who is arrogant, seemingly shrewd, but actually stupid, offends him, he must be beaten to death completely, otherwise he will inevitably suffer his backlash.

(End of this chapter)

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