Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 765 The outside world is boiling

Chapter 765 The outside world is boiling
"Hezhi-kun..." Nakamura Kotaro's eyes were a bit complicated, "After I leave, you will have to worry more about the intelligence work in Jinmen."

"Hi." He Zhiying Er bowed his head respectfully, but his heart was full of disdain.

Since he took office, Nakamura Kotaro has been busy running for himself, and has never cared about his intelligence work.So where did he say "more trouble"?
I'll feel more at ease when you're gone, right?
Nakamura Kotaro seemed to see what Kazuchitakaji was thinking, and his eyes seemed to have deep meaning: "Hezhi-kun, sometimes letting go is the greatest support."

"Yes, what the general said is true." He Zhiying Er said respectfully.

Kotaro Nakamura shook his head, knowing that Kazuchitakaji didn't listen to his words at all.He changed the topic: "I heard that the headquarters has already confirmed a candidate to replace me, and he is the former Director of General Affairs of the General Staff Headquarters."

He Zhiying was slightly silent, and said: "General, I also heard that your successor is called Umezu Yoshijiro, and I heard that he is a very capable person."

How could Kotaro Nakamura fail to recognize the soft nails in this sentence, but instead of being angry, he couldn't help laughing.

Xia Chong is beyond words, and people like He Zhiying Er are too self-righteous. Does he think that a capable leader must be a good leader?

Being capable does not mean having a heart, or having the capacity to accommodate others, let alone being knowledgeable.

In fact, Nakamura Kotaro no longer wants to say anything to Hezhiyinger, but he knows that Hezhiyinger has been paying attention to Geng Liangchen. This guy seems to want to win over Geng Liangchen and take Geng Liangchen, a wolf, as his own. use.

How can this be?

But at least Geng Liangchen and Zhiying Er never relaxed their surveillance.Then, Geng Liangchen's whereabouts, and Zhiyinger should be very familiar with it.

Nakamura Kotaro's face was a bit serious, and he said, "He Zhijun, where is Geng Liangchen now?"

He Zhiying was stunned, he didn't expect Nakamura Kotaro to ask this question before parting, and he suddenly became concerned about Geng Liangchen.

But he still answered truthfully: "Geng Liangchen is recuperating at his home, and he hasn't been out of the house for the past few days."

"Are you sure?" Nakamura Kotaro questioned, "Did your people see that Geng Liangchen was at home? Maybe he just pretended to be at home, but in fact it was just to clear himself of suspicion."

"Suspect? The general means..." He Zhiying Er asked in confusion.

"Don't you think Er Tijiao, who committed heinous crimes in Rehe, is very similar to Geng Liangchen's behavior?" Nakamura Kotaro stared at Kazutakaji, "Maybe they are the same person!"

"It's impossible!" He Zhiying Er shook his head and flatly denied, "General, this kind of suspicion is groundless and unreasonable."

"Why?" Kotaro Nakamura frowned.

"First, Geng Liangchen is now in his Geng mansion." He Zhiying said, "He takes a walk in the yard every noon and afternoon, and my people can even see his face through the telescope, unless he They are twins, otherwise they have the same face, so it is impossible to appear in two places at the same time."

"Second, as we all know, Geng Liangchen suffered a serious gunshot wound. He should have been recuperating, but he ran to participate in a martial arts competition and won the championship. But the price of doing so is that for a long time to come , he is very weak, he must honestly stay at home to recuperate, otherwise his life will be in danger."

"Furthermore, he also took a drug that stimulates his potential. This drug can allow him to compete on stage with injuries, but the price is that he will have to lie in bed for a long time."

"Thirdly, the assassination team in Rehe was obviously Wang Yaqiao's masterpiece. Wang Yaqiao himself was in the summer resort city, and the terrorist who was killed in Nanling was also confirmed to be He Poguang, Wang Yaqiao's subordinate, so , why do we have any reason to doubt a person who is far away in Jinmen and has nothing to do with this war?"

No matter how good-tempered Nakamura Kotaro is, he was also irritated by Kazutaka's indifferent tone and attitude.

He just proposed a possibility, but He Zhiying Er listed one, two, and three to refute him, showing no respect to him!

"Hmph! You are too self-righteous, always thinking that you are very smart...I hope you and the new Umetsu-san can get along well!" Nakamura Kotaro said coldly with a dark face, and then walked away.

The humble smile on Wachitakaji's face did not weaken in the slightest. He bowed slightly to Nakamura Kotaro's back, and said with a smile: "General, I will not send you far away."

When Kotaro Nakamura boarded the plane, the sarcasm and disdain on Kazutakaji's face no longer concealed it.

Kameda Ichiro said with some concern: "Kazuchi-san, is it really okay for you to offend Nakamura so much?"

"This kind of cowardly person will have no future. If he is offended, he will be offended. What can he do to me?" Go to the Ministry of Education, I offended him, can he threaten me?"

"That's it." Kameda Ichiro nodded, showing a relaxed smile, "But Kazuchi-san, before you came, didn't you say that you wanted to see him off? Why did you break up in the end?"

"Originally, I wanted to have a good get-together, but I'm really fed up with this hypocritical, mediocre, stupid and vain guy!" He Zhiying's eyes showed disgust, "You think he doesn't know that Geng Liangchen can't be the second Is it kick? But he still wants to imply that I link these two people together, why? Because whoever can provide the news about Er Tijiao is a great achievement in the military! This Nakamura is crazy to want to make meritorious deeds!"

The self-righteous He Zhiying Er, with prejudice against Kotaro Nakamura, scoffed at the suspicion that Geng Liangchen was the second kicker, thus giving up the opportunity to further verify the matter.

But in fact, it’s nothing for him to verify, he will really see a comatose Geng Liangchen, but Zhao Dezhu will not let him in, he will only let him see Geng Liangchen lying on the bed at the door or outside the window from a distance .

The Zhe Peng people certainly hope that the "tragedy" at the headquarters of the Eighth Division will not be known to the outside world, but even if they know it well, it is impossible.

At dawn on the second day of the night when Xi Yiyi conferred the first poem, Su Yi and Hua Kezhi gathered together and simultaneously sent reports to Ye Baishou, Chifeng and Summer Resort City, announcing the victory.

"As soon as Xiyi confers the leadership, don't give up the opportunity to fight." The telegram only had nine words, but the three sides couldn't believe it, and even suspected that it was a trap set by the enemy.

"Er Tijiao killed Xi Yiyi? This is a big joke, impossible! Absolutely impossible!" Tang Yulin didn't believe it at all, and he stared at Wang Yaqiao with unkind eyes, "Wang Jiuguang, even if you want to trick me into staying You don’t have to come up with such outrageous excuses when you come down to beat the Zhepeng people? Do you think I’m a three-year-old? Who is Xi Yiyi? Is he so easy to kill? Do you think he’s the same as Li Shoushan? Easy to kill? Are you kidding me?"

"It's true, Commander!" Wang Yaqiao hurriedly said, "Er Tijiao will never joke about this kind of thing! Commander, now that Zhe Peng's crowd is leaderless, it's a good time to counterattack! Please send troops immediately, If it's too late, the Zhe Peng people will probably run away!"

"Run away? It's better to run away!" Tang Yulin raised his eyebrows, "But will they run? They have already eaten the fat in their mouths, and they can still spit it out?"

"They have to vomit!" Wang Yaqiao said anxiously, "Marshal, don't come again if you don't miss this opportunity!"

"I think you are trying to harm me!" Tang Yulin was furious, and jumped up against the case, "Wang Jiuguang, I have been patient with you, but my patience has a limit! You'd better not bully others too much, or you will be killed! You're so numb, do you really think I, Tang Yulin, am a Bodhisattva made of clay?"

Wang Yaqiao took a deep breath and said, "Commander, even if you don't believe me, you can send out a partial division to attack the Zhe Peng people. This will not cause any loss to you..."

"You said that if there is no loss, there is no loss?" Tang Yulin sneered, "When the soldiers and horses move, that is money! Who will give me this money? Hu Zhantang will not give it to me, and Zhang Shaoshuai will not give it to me, or you will give it to me? Stand Talking without pain in the back! Wang Jiuguang, you are good at doing some sneaky tricks. But when it comes to fighting, you should stop pretending to be a wolf with a big tail in front of me!"

"I promised you to guard the summer resort city for two days, and today is the second day! I have done my best, and after today is over, whether I stay or leave, it has nothing to do with you! Hmph, see off!"

Wang Yaqiao was blasted out by Tang Yulin.

He was so angry that he yelled at the gate of Tang Mansion: "Tang Yulin, you cowardly bastard, you are a sinner of the party and the country! You should apologize for Rehe! Everyone wronged the country, everyone wronged the country..."

However, his anger was useless, not to mention that Tang Yulin didn't believe his words, even if he believed his words, how could this general who had been frightened by the Zhepeng people really dare to fight a tough battle with the Zhepeng people?
Force Tang Yulin again?
Wang Yaqiao knew very well that if he really dared to force the palace again, Tang Yulin, a bastard, would really be cornered. In the end, he slandered him, Wang Yaqiao, for taking refuge in the Zhepeng people, not talking about Wude and attacking him, an old man...

"Liangchen, you have worked so hard to create a great battle situation, but I failed to persuade Tang Yulin to grasp it. I owe you..." Wang Yaqiao looked up to the sky and sighed, unable to control himself.

Kawahara Jin, head of the [-]th Brigade, who had already arrived in the summer resort city, received the retreat order directly from the headquarters of the Kwantung Army three hours ago, and also learned of the tragedy that occurred at the headquarters of the Beipiao Division.

He is now going deep alone, once an army cuts off his retreat from Lingyuan, and Tang Yulin's troops in the summer resort city take advantage of the situation to confess, then he will face the crisis of being surrounded and wiped out.

So Chuan Yuanjin was worried, and arranged a lot of puzzles and suspicious soldiers, trying to confuse Tang Yulin and make him make a wrong judgment.

At the same time, he hurriedly marched back, and even gave up some supplies to speed up.

In addition, he also asked the friendly army stationed in Lingyuan to cooperate with him in retreating, and the two armies merged into one place and worked together to "overcome the difficulties together."

But in the end Kawahara Jin found out that all his precautions were useless. He withdrew to Ye Baishou with the Lingyuan garrison, and joined Ye Baishou's other brigade and regiment, and he didn't even see the shadow of the pursuers.

On the contrary, Yu Zhaolin, the garrison guarding Ye Baishou, organized his own troops to launch several waves of counterattacks against the Zhe Peng people after receiving the good news of the second kicker, and achieved some results.

But unfortunately, Chuanyuan Jin and Lingyuan garrison soon arrived, and the three armies merged. There was no other way, so Yu Zhaolin had no choice but to give up the great battle situation, and lead his troops to hide in Yebaishou City, watching the Zhe Peng people slipping from under his nose Walk.

Tang Yulin had no intention of chasing him at all.

When Tang Yulin's subordinates learned that the Zhe Peng people had retreated voluntarily, they even cheered and rejoiced, even happier than the New Year.

When the news was reported to Tang Yulin, the lord of Rehe was stunned for a while, his first reaction was not to let the wrong one chase after him, but to be afraid!
"It's so numb, it really killed... These two kicks, are they people or ghosts..." Tang Yulin's hairs stood on end, and a cold breath came out from the bottom of his heart.

Then he immediately telegraphed the whole country, claiming that under his wise and mighty command, the Zhe Peng people fled and the summer resort city was defended.

Not only that, he also beat the devils to throw up their armor and armor, and fled all the way.

He "fighted hard" to regain Ling Yuan, and also relieved Ye Baishou's siege, and drove the devils behind the Chaoyang defense line.

Once this clear-coded telegram was announced, the whole world was shocked and the whole country rejoiced!
For a moment, Tang Yulin's bad reputation immediately reversed, and the whole country praised him for his meritorious deeds.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and soon, newspapers from the British and Germans broke out reports that the headquarters of the Eighth Division was bloodbathed by the Second Kid Assassination Group.

The newspaper basically restored all the facts that happened, except that they didn't know how the assassination group got in, and they didn't know how many killers there were.

But the newspaper published photos of the Shura hell-like scene in the small building!

In the photo, there are corpses strewn all over the ground, and a line of blood on the wall is shocking-"This is the end of the invasion of Huaguo! Tick it and leave it!"

The newspaper introduced in detail the previous achievements of the Eighth Division, and highlighted the "brilliant" resume of Xi Yiyi. Then, in a tone that seemed regretful but actually gloated, he said that such a person with great military exploits should have What a bright future, but lost in the hands of a string of firecrackers.

Westerners don't understand the difference between Ertijiao and ordinary firecrackers, so they translate Ertijiao as "firecrackers".

In addition, the Westerners also listed the "death list" of the Zhe Peng people in a serious manner. In addition to Xi Yiyi, 37 senior officers of the Eighth Division died in this assassination. The British and the Germans They all "expressed regret" about this, and believed that the act of assassination was not a gentleman in war.

As soon as the newspaper published it, it immediately caused an uproar all over the world!

If these two newspapers were not known for their rigor, people would almost suspect that they were publishing a fairy tale!
Even so, this incident was so absurd and explosive that many people were skeptical, until the "China Daily", which symbolizes the throat of the country, also made an exception.

Extra title - "Happy News!The second kicker assassination regiment of civil righteous men in our country bloodbathed the headquarters of Zhepeng's Eighth Division, and 38 invaders such as Xiyi First Class were killed in Rehe! "

(End of this chapter)

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