Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 766 Public opinion

Chapter 766 Public opinion
In recent years, although the Guofu has repeatedly deceived the people, whitewashed peace, corruption and other bad scandals broke out, in general, the people still have basic trust and expectations for their own government.

As the mouthpiece of the party and the state, "China Daily" naturally represents the authority and official voice in the hearts of the people.

Therefore, with the voice of the "China Daily", the vast majority of the people finally believed in the fact that this is like a fantasy.

There really is a patriotic assassin organization named Er Ti Jiao!
This two-kick assassination group really did something earth-shattering in the enemy's headquarters surrounded by heavy troops!
In an environment of domestic public opinion that is generally pessimistic about the Battle of Rehe, the sudden occurrence of such a "countercurrent" reversal undoubtedly greatly boosted the morale and confidence of the Chinese people in this war.

In particular, the conferment of the head by Nishi Yoshiichi, the chieftain of the Japanese bandits, made the people of the country cheer for joy, and they all rushed to cheer loudly.

In such an atmosphere of nationwide celebration, newspapers from all over the country published their numbers one after another. In addition to reporting this "good news", they also wrote enthusiastically praises to the Second Kid Assassin Group.

Er Tijiao is hailed as "the number one hero in China". Although people don't know who Er Tijiao is and how many people there are, this does not prevent it. Many Chinese people have already regarded Er Tijiao as their idol. Became the most loyal supporter of the Ertijiao Assassination Group.

Gradually, some newspapers began to speculate who the leader of the Erkijia assassination group was.

Some newspapers listed several candidates, including Geng Liangchen.

But the newspapers generally ruled out the option of Geng Liangchen, because in their view, although the "Hero of Jinmen" assassinated the traitor Zhang Jingyao, now he is injured and he is recuperating in his apartment with peace of mind. river.

Moreover, the fact that Geng Liangchen was recuperating at home was confirmed by some people.

The most vocal suspicion is Wang Yaqiao, known as the number one killer in the Republic of China.

On the surface, Wang Yaqiao is very likely to be the leader of Er Kijiao!
First of all, others are in Rehe.

Secondly, as the number one killer, especially nine months ago, he successfully assassinated the army general Shirakawa Yoshinori in Shanghai, seriously injured Shigemitsu Aoi, and caused the deaths and injuries of thirteen Zhepeng senior officials and senior generals. There are "successful precedents".

Finally, and the most important point, He Poguang's sacrifice and the confirmation of his identity almost clearly point to Wang Yaqiao.

Most of the newspapers are just guessing, and the wording is ambiguous, using uncertain words such as "maybe", "possible", and "very likely".

However, there are also a small number of newspapers who have conclusively assigned the name of Er Tijiao to Wang Yaqiao, and have written a lot of special books, boasting that Wang Yaqiao is unique in the world, and saying that Wang Yaqiao is the "secret" of defeating the Zhepeng people. Weapons", or "Key Persons".

To a certain extent, these newspapers cater to the rising nationalist sentiment of the Chinese people, but there are also discerning people who can see the sinister intentions of these newspapers at a glance.

"This is flattery! This is killing with a knife!" An honest scholar said to the reporter indignantly, "They speak with certainty about things that are clearly uncertain, and they know that saying such things will only make Zhepeng people pay more attention to it. The Er Tijiao organization, they are still making alarmist remarks, and they have promoted the Er Tijiao Assassination Group as the hope of the whole country!"

"Why do they say this? Do they really think that the eyes and hearts of the people all over the country are blind? Shameless, shameless! From ancient times to the present, such a despicable and shameless person is rare in a hundred years! It is no exaggeration to say , This is the act of a traitor! The disguise is full of flowers, but the act of a traitor in it is actually ruined!"

These raging controversies have been staged almost all over the country.

Wang Yaqiao has many enemies, and there are countless people who want him to die. There are indeed cases of people pretending to be loyal and flattering him, but who is behind the scenes?

It's like a cloud of fog, making it hard to see what's going on.

In addition to Wang Yaqiao, there is another person who has also become a hot spot in the national public opinion and has become a "man of the hour".

This person is Tang Yulin.

How much praise he received earlier, now his infamy is returned tenfold.

The name Tang Yulin stinks in the streets.

After "General Opium", he succeeded in winning a new code name for himself - Marshal Wang Ba.

The king and the eighth, the tortoise, this thing loves to shrink its head, so as to gain longevity.

Before the name "Er Tijiao" was known to the outside world, Tang Yulin's "good news" made people all over the country look at him with admiration, and a lot of praise came to him like a torrential rain.

Many people were so excited that tears filled their eyes, and there were even some literati and poets who were planning to write poems for him.

But now, these literati and poets can't wait to tear up the paper and burn it, and then crush the pen they just used and throw it away.

Those who rejoiced and burst into tears for Tang Yulin's "resisting the Japanese invaders and protecting our country" are as disgusting as if they were forcibly fed a pile of shit.

What they thought was a "patriotic and iron-blooded general" whose prodigal son turned his back on money, was in fact still the old man who couldn't change his old shit-eating appearance. Before Er Tijiao gave him a great opportunity to turn the tide of the war with his life, he huddled in the summer resort city, fearing the enemy. Not moving forward, sitting back and watching the fighters lose all their strength, the three brigades of the Eighth Division retreated calmly without any damage.

He lived up to the results of Er Tijiao's hard work, and also failed to live up to the expectations of the people of the whole country.

That's all, at best he is incompetent, stupid and cowardly.

However, he also shamelessly put the credit on himself, claiming that he himself was responsible for guarding the summer resort city, and made the Eighth Division "frightened and fled at the wind"!
This is not stupid, this is shameless and bad!

The scolding was overwhelming, but did it affect Tang Yulin?

There are still follow-up effects, but at least not now.

As an opium general, Tang Yulin has long since stopped caring about the infamy of the common people. Instead of being ashamed, he feels complacent about his wit.

Even for his own "credit", he feels justified.

Zhang Shaoshuai called to question him, but he just asked back: "Have you retreated, the devil?"

As long as it is a fact that the devil retreated, this is Tang Yulin's credit, and no one can take it away.

He really thinks so, although he does not deny that his credit "has an element of luck."

The battle situation in Rehe seems to be turning around, but the high-level officials of Guofu are still busy fighting for power and profit. Including Young Marshal Zhang, they are still generally not optimistic about the situation in Rehe.

The reason is naturally because of the all-round gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves, as well as Tang Yulin, the unreliable chairman of Jehol.

They believe that partial temporary success or failure cannot affect the final result and the overall situation. The fall of Rehe is almost a foregone conclusion.

Moreover, since Tang Yulin's reputation had become so bad on the street, they had someone to take the blame for, and boldly interrupted the delivery of supplies to Rehe.

As for Zhepeng, because the photos of the Eighth Division Headquarters' scene appeared in Western newspapers in a grandiose manner, it completely discredited them.

Muto Yixin, who had just arrived in the Splendid State, was furious when he heard about this incident, and personally called the head of the highest secret service of the Special High-Tech Co., Ltd., Doi Enka, and ordered him to conduct a thorough investigation. No matter who is involved, he will never tolerate it!
Dohi Madoka quickly gave Muto Nobuyoshi the answer - a Dazuo officer who coveted dollars and became an intelligence broker, and more than a dozen officers were abandoned and escorted back to China. What awaited them was a severe trial by the Edo military court.

Because of the unfavorable public opinion environment, Muto Yixin once again asked Dohi Madoka, the spy chief, to cooperate to reverse the negative image caused by this incident.

Doi Yuan was ordered in danger and began to launch a public opinion war.

He cleverly used some "traitor public intellectuals" and began to express doubts in some newspapers close to Zhe Peng.

For example, some people questioned that war is a major national event and represents the image of the country, while assassination is a despicable and vicious act that should be cast aside.Will the second kicker assassinate the enemy general, will this surprise the "allies" and have an impact of distrust or even contempt on the Guofu?

Some people also questioned, can killing a few enemy generals really change the war?If it is really possible, then all countries should simply train assassins, why waste money and material resources to build an army?Assassination is a small way after all, whether it is Erqijiao or Wang Yaqiao, they are just skins that do not understand the overall situation. Such a momentary bravery does not deserve too much praise from people.

What's more, some people even accused the second kicker of being reckless and ignorant, and that everyone was wronging the country.Because they felt that the assassination would not solve any problems, but would infuriate the Zhepeng people, make the Zhepeng people take their anger out on the people and carry out bloody revenge on the people.

Therefore, Er Tijiao did this only for his own pleasure, regardless of the life and death of the people.This person appealed to the second kicker not to act any more, and gave the Zhepeng people an excuse to hurt the people and handed him the knife.

There is still a follow-up to this point of view. Some people agreed with this statement and said that if Er Tijiao is really a hero who is willing to serve the country, then he should "be a good man and do things like a good man" and take the initiative to go to Zhe Pengren to surrender. It's not that you enjoy the cheers yourself, and let innocent people become victims of the second kicker's "fishing for fame".If Er Tijiao really did this, this person might even praise him as a "man", otherwise, he would despise Er Tijiao...

Is it true that someone's mind can be distorted to the point of disregarding facts and right and wrong?
Can someone's point of view go against morality and common sense?
In fact, it is not. As an intelligent and advanced creature, human beings have been educated to be good since childhood, and it is impossible to have at least the concept of right and wrong and morality.

But he still said so, even thought so...

That's bad.

Or talk nonsense with your eyes open.

In order to match what these traitors said, Madoka Dohi also suggested that Muto Yixinzhen executed [-] people at one time and attacked more than [-] people in the newly occupied places in Chaoyang, Nanling, Kailu, and Beipiao. The "anti-Japanese elements"!
These "anti-Japanese elements" were all randomly arrested by them on the street!
This is Hong Guoguo's bloody revenge!
Not only did they retaliate, but the Zhepeng people also acted uncharacteristically this time, allowing the media to publicize their atrocities.

They categorically said that this was just a "violation of law and discipline" by some stubborn anti-Japanese elements, and they "executed according to the law" in accordance with the wartime laws, but the sensitive number [-] simply revealed their intention to retaliate undoubtedly!
Tenfold revenge!
This is the attitude that Zhe Peng people want to express!

This incident caused an uproar in public opinion across the country, and all walks of life were outraged by Zhe Peng's bestiality.

But at the same time, the voice against the second kicker also began to grow because of this incident.

Many well-known people jumped out and said that Er Tijiao should be responsible for the tragic death of more than a thousand innocent people. If it were not for his reckless behavior, more than a thousand innocent people would not have died tragically.

Although the public felt that the goddamn little Zhepeng devil should be blamed for this incident, they also complained about the second kicker under the subtle influence of the wind of public opinion.

After all, so many well-educated gentlemen say that Er Tijiao is reckless.

The hero who was originally praised by everyone has become mixed overnight.

The unpredictable changes in the world can be seen from this.

When Su Yi found out about this, he had joined Hua Kezhi and the others in Yebaishou County, at the intelligence station of the Three Youth League.

The news was told by Liu Haiqing. As the country's largest intelligence leader, although Liu Haiqing's wings are still shallow, the scale of the stall has already been expanded, and the news is naturally very well-informed.

"Xiao Geng, why don't you stop for now." Liu Haiqing persuaded on the phone, "Public opinion is not good for you now, and if you kill someone again, the devil is already prepared. It's hard not to say that you succeeded. The devil's bloody revenge will be counted on you again."

Su Yi sneered: "It's my fault? Did I kill people? Could it be that these innocent people were not killed by devils?"

"Devils are beasts, but you are a good person..."

"Good people should be pointed at by guns? What kind of bullshit is this?" Su Yi sneered, "I don't care what the so-called public opinion describes me as, I only do what I think I should do! The people killed are very pitiful, but this is a troubled time! This is the tragedy that subjugated slaves will inevitably face!"

"I knew I couldn't persuade you." Liu Haiqing sighed, "But can your body still hold it? Tomorrow, your medicine will pass and you will enter a period of weakness. You will never really want to take your My life is here, right?"

"Of course not." Su Yi said, "I've asked Luo Yu. He has a way to stabilize me in my situation. And now I'm not alone, and I don't need to do everything myself. What's more, what you did before You are right, the devils are now on guard against me, and if they try to assassinate me again, I am afraid it will not be so easy. In the future, their actions will definitely slow down."

"Who do you want to deal with next?" Liu Haiqing asked.

"I wanted to deal with Lingyuan's Zhe Peng defenders." Su Yi said, "But now they have all retreated to Chaoyang City, so it's not easy to do anything. How is your situation?"

"I can't stand the stalemate." Liu Haiqing sighed, "There is an urgent need for supplies, and there is still Zhang Shaoshuai in Jinling who only said to find a way to coordinate, but there has been no further action."

Su Yi sneered: "Maybe they don't want to have anything to say."

 I was warned by a yellow card again, this dungeon will be changed in the future
(End of this chapter)

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