Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 797 Deja Vu

Chapter 797 Deja Vu
The matter of Su Yi killing Ma San was still a thunderstorm after all.

In fact, it has already been exposed.

At that time, Su Yi's martial arts realm was still in its infancy, and he didn't understand that a real master could analyze the person who made the sword through the marks of the sword.

This is because everyone has different characteristics. In the eyes of martial arts masters, these subtle features that ordinary people can't find at all, are clearly visible in their eyes.

After Gong Baosen studied Ma San's wound, he suspected that it was Su Yi who did it.

But at first, he really couldn't think of a reason for Su Yi to kill Ma San;
Secondly, after all, this is not a DNA test, directly targeting the target, the knife mark cannot rule out that there is a murderer who looks like Su Yi's force, this possibility exists, and there is even the possibility of imitating the murder;

The third and most important point is that Gong Baosen's ability lies in a pair of fleshy palms. He is not a master of swordsmanship, and he is not fully sure about distinguishing knife marks.

He let Lao Jiang see it, but it was a pity that Lao Jiang was an executioner. Although his sword skills were powerful, he knew what was happening and didn't know why. He couldn't see the nuances of the knife marks at all.

Therefore, at that time, he suddenly wanted to bury Ma San in advance. In fact, he secretly embalmed Ma San's body and had someone transport it to Foshan.

Why did he do this?
Ma San is Ding Lianshan's nephew. He promised Ding Lianshan to raise Ma San well, but he failed to do so. Now he is not even sure of Ma San's cause of death.

He can't let Ma San die for no reason, and he knows the character of his brother Ding Lianshan, so he is more willing to believe that seeing is believing.

So he simply brought the body over and let his brother see the two knife marks with his own eyes, and then judge who the murderer is.

Ding Lianshan is a master of swordsmanship, anyone who wields a sword can't hide from his eyes.

Not only did he see the features that Gong Baosen saw more clearly, but he also saw the details that Gong Baosen didn't see.

That is, the first time this person wiped his neck was holding the knife with his forehand, but the second time he stabbed his heart with his backhand.

"Normal people don't change their tactics at all when killing people. They just go straight and leave after killing someone." Ding Lianshan said, "Unless the murderer has such a special habit, or his martial arts is special."

"If you have a special habit, you can look for a needle in a haystack, and it's hard to find a thief. But if it's a special martial art, I've seen a lot from traveling all over the years, and I'm sure I can tell one from the other. The knife marks on San'er's body are only matched by the two butterfly swords. There are a total of 46 sects of butterfly double swords in the north and south, but there are only seven schools that use butterfly double swords as their main weapon."

"Of these seven families, there are only three that have backhand holding a knife move. They are Wing Chun, Wudang Taiyimen, and Ludi Pang's Yanqing."

"I remember that in the first few years in Jinmen, a man surnamed Han won the leader of Jinmen by a martial art called holding a knife and rubbing his hands. Later, he was tricked by Shanao and ended up dead." Ding Lianshan said quietly, "This Holding the knife and rubbing the hands is also a double-knife butterfly, but the double-knife move of holding the knife and rubbing the hands, and the double-knife moves of Wudang Taiyimen and Pangshi Yanqing should be a backhand knife for wiping the neck and a forehand knife for stabbing the heart. .”

"Only because of Wing Chun's Eight Cutting Swords, because of running wildebeest, and leaning too much, can there be a forehand to wipe the neck, and a backhand to stab the heart..."

Speaking of this, Ding Lianshan stared at Gong Baosen: "It seems right and wrong is the cutting method of combining human and sword, the usage of Wing Chun's eight cutting swords, plus the grievances between him and San'er, and the fact that he was in Jinmen. The power. So much evidence points to him, but you still tell me that it is not necessarily him!"

"Okay, I know you cherish talents and are afraid of killing good people by mistake. I planned to go north to Jinmen half a year ago to meet this Geng Liangchen. If it wasn't him, I'll leave; if it was him, I'd kill him! But you still stop I, said I would bring him to Foshan and let me identify him myself!"

"I admit it now. He just used the tricks of wiping his neck and piercing his heart. You have also seen that the forehand, backhand, force, and angle of the knife are exactly the same as Saner's! But you gave me back just now. Winking, even pretending to join hands with Geng Liangchen to attack me, forcing me to let him go!"

Speaking of this, Ding Lianshan's voice became serious, his eyes were red, and his eyes were ferocious: "Bao Sen, I have entrusted my whole life to the sect, my name, my life, and my bloodline! Now even my nephew has been confessed!"

"If he was a criminal, I would have no complaints even if he was hacked into pieces. He died in vain! But he is not, Baosen!"

"I just want to avenge him now, why not? Why? Afraid that I will implicate you? Afraid that I will implicate the sect?"

"Brother, you are killing me!" Gong Baosen pointed at his heart excitedly, and interrupted Ding Lianshan, "If I, Gong Baosen, are such a wolf-hearted person who doesn't understand kindness and right and wrong, I won't do it well. die!"


Ding Lianshan fell silent instantly.

Gong Baosen breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "San'er's vengeance, of course, must be avenged, and I will tell my brother today, this vengeance, I will personally avenge it!"

"San'er is your nephew, but isn't he my disciple? He was raised at home by me as my own son! How could I let him die in vain?"

"Are you willing to kill him?" Ding Lianshan asked.

"If you don't give up, you have to give up!" Gong Baosen said, "Brother, but you have to let me and him finish this match."

"For this game, many foreign players came. We, the older generation, played in person. It didn't look good, and it didn't sound good. But how many of the younger generation can do it?"

"For this World Fighting Competition, we still have to rely on Geng Liangchen to give our martial arts circles a good face. Without him, I'm afraid it will be like the trip to Siam in the first few years, losing both face and reputation."

"I don't want to be like this, Senior Brother. Guoshu finally regained its vitality. I can't be tossed like this again, and it's gone again. I don't want to be a sinner through the ages and be scolded by future generations!"

"Brother, if you allow me to finish this competition, I will give you an explanation."

"Bao Sen, can I trust you?" Ding Lianshan asked with a sigh.

"You have to trust me." Gong Baosen looked at Ding Lianshan with a sincere face, "28 years ago, I believed in you, this time, you have to trust me."

"After the competition, I will make a final settlement with him. No matter who lives or dies, this grudge will be settled."

Ding Lianshan looked at Gong Baosen, and finally nodded slowly.


Su Yi stared blankly at the distant night, his heart fluttering.

With his mind, how could he still be kept in the dark?

In fact, he has already thought about everything, and when this day comes, how he will deal with it.

But Gong Baosen's attitude towards him and his friendship with Gong Er made him restrained and could not be cruel.

The day has finally come, perhaps, when it's time for a showdown.

There is no need to lie, lying will only be looked down upon by Gong Baosen.

But there must be a reason for killing Ma San. He has already thought of a reason. This reason is reasonable and reasonable.


The door behind him opened.

Su Yi turned his head and saw Gong Baosen stepping out.

Su Yi cupped his hands and saluted, "Ma San is..."

Gong Baosen suddenly reached out to stop him.

"Don't say anything." He sighed, and looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, "After this game is over, we two will make a break."

Su Yi nodded slowly and said, "Okay."

"Let's go back." Gong Baosen said, "In the Jinlou today, I saw that many people are eager to take you out, and there is another meaning in bringing you out, just to see if you can avoid right and wrong. At this moment, everyone who should go should have gone .Tomorrow morning, the game will start, and those who trouble you will never dare to disturb the game."

Gong Baosen's vision is good, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

It's a pity that things in this world don't go as planned.

What should come, can never be avoided.

When Su Yi and Gong Baosen returned to the Golden Building, they realized that something was wrong. The huge Golden Building was completely silent.

The door was closed tightly, and the two pushed the door in, but there was no one inside.

While the two of them were secretly vigilant and stupefied, they saw the shopkeeper of Jinlou turning around from the back hall with two assistants smiling.

Before the people arrive, the laughter arrives first.

"Hahaha! Master Gong! Master Geng! I am the shopkeeper of Jinlou. I am over eighty this year. Please call me Uncle Shengdeng."

"Uncle Deng!" Gong Baosen and Su Yi both yelled out their kindness.

"Hahaha, the two masters came from far away from the north, and our golden building is full of brilliance! Earlier, it was the Foshan martial arts circle that welcomed the northern comrades. Now, it is our golden building that welcomes the two masters! Especially Master Geng, you are awesome The famous Jinmen hero, your name, even if you are far away in Foshan, we are all familiar with it! I have heard that Master Geng is very good at martial arts, since you are here, how can you not know it?"

"Master Geng! I specially closed the hall today to meet you two with martial arts! Master Gong is a senior, so I dare not bother you, so I invite Master Gong to go up to the top floor to watch. Master Geng, I hope you don't misunderstand , In the wind and dust, most of them are gentlemen! We just want to welcome you, Master Geng, hahaha..."

Su Yi and Gong Baosen looked at each other, and they both saw the understanding in each other's eyes.

Where is this welcome?
It's clearly an understatement.

Or a test.

If Su Yi didn't answer, he would be showing cowardice, and even gain a reputation of being arrogant.

But if you pick it up, don't worry about it, you will be tested by your opponent.

When it comes to tomorrow's north-south battle, the more the opponent knows about Su Yi, the more sure he is.

Gong Baosen remained silent, as if he had handed over the choice to Su Yi.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled, and looked at Uncle Deng: "Uncle Deng is so polite, I have no choice but to be disrespectful."

"Hahaha, Master Geng, be refreshing!" Uncle Deng gave Su Yi a thumbs up, then turned to Gong Baosen and said, "Master Gong, why don't I go upstairs with you, where the view is wider and you can see more clearly? "

"No need." Gong Baosen smiled faintly, "Travel is exhausting, I'm old and need to rest. You practice yours, I won't watch it."

Saying that, he turned his head and told Su Yi: "You also come back early to rest. In the afternoon, there are still many things to do. You, the team leader, can't sneak away."

"Understood, Master Gong." Su Yi cupped his fists and bowed.

Gong Baosen nodded with a smile, turned around and went straight upstairs.

A hint of embarrassment and annoyance appeared on Uncle Deng's old face.

Gong Baosen was beating him and expressing his dissatisfaction.

Tomorrow is going to be a match, our warriors from the north have come from afar, and there is still a lot of preparatory work to be done, but you have come up with this kind of battle to test us?

No matter how nice the words are, it can't hide the fact that this is a scheming.

Gong Baosen didn't expose him because of his sympathy.

But they won't let them do their best, thinking that Gong Baosen has no temper.

Gong Baosen's words just now were full of trust in Geng Liangchen, and he asked Geng Liangchen to "go back and rest quickly", what does this mean?
It shows that he firmly believes that all Geng Liangchen encounters are chickens and dogs, which are not worth mentioning.

This relentless arrogance made Uncle Deng feel ashamed.

But just as Gong Baosen did not expose their petty thinking, at this time, Gong Baosen's sarcasm, he also had to bear it.

At that moment, Uncle Deng laughed, concealed his embarrassment, and clasped his fists at Su Yi: "Master Geng, please don't be polite, please!"

Su Yi smiled and nodded, standing with his hands behind his back.

Uncle Deng turned around and took the two guys down.


Behind him, the door was bolted from the inside.

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps suddenly came from the stairs on the second floor. After a while, the skylight lobby with the word "Jing" on the second floor was full of Yingying and Yanyan in cheongsams.

Everyone put on heavy makeup, smiled and pointed at Su Yi downstairs.

A white-faced boy with powder on his face walked up to Su Yi quickly, smiled and cupped his fists and said, "Master Geng, I welcome you to the Golden Tower with all the aunts! I wish you good luck and good luck! to make!"

"It's easy to say, easy to say!" Su Yi smiled back.

Deng, Deng, Deng...

Just as they were talking, the sisters-in-law on the second floor separated automatically, and a middle-aged woman with curly hair waved a fan while lazily walking down the stairs.

But in the middle of the walk, she suddenly pressed her hand on the handrail of the stairs and jumped lightly, and her whole body suddenly fell to the ground like a fallen leaf.

Su Yi swept his gaze and found that this woman had an exceptionally well-proportioned figure, with very long legs and bound feet.

"Master Geng, as for the third sister, she is the leader of our Beijing class and can do Baguazhang." The white-faced boy smiled and cupped his fists, "Master Geng, you are a master of Baguazhang. Third sister would like to ask you to give me some advice. Please don't be polite."

Su Yi nodded slightly, without saying much, stretched out his hand and said, "Please."

There is also such a scene in the original plot, but in the original plot, the Jinlou Fenglou and Ye Wen competed to give Ye Wen a trick.

Ye Wen has never been out of Foshan since he was a child, and he has never been exposed to northern martial arts.In order for him to know himself and the enemy, the Southern Martial Arts sent three masters who lived in seclusion in the Jinlou to teach him moves and let him familiarize himself with the northern martial arts.

But now, Jin Lou is still making such a move, of course it doesn't mean that he also wants to give Su Yi a trick.

If it is really a move, you should invite the master of the southern boxing style to fight.

They are still sending out the masters of the northern boxing style, but they actually have the opposite intentions from the original plot.

That is the way to prevent Su Yi from getting a glimpse of the southern boxing style.

Not only did they not let Su Yi get a glimpse of the methods of the southern boxing style, but they also took this opportunity to test out Su Yi's details.

It has to be said that their calculations are really loud.

Will it just do what they want?

(End of this chapter)

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