Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 798 4 Levels

Chapter 798 Four Stages

The third sister is tall and tall, with picturesque eyebrows and eyes, and the charm of her youth can be vaguely seen.

Seeing her, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

"Why is Mr. Geng sighing?" Third Sister asked with a half-smile.

"Actually, third sister, you should sing and fight on stage, instead of fighting with people offstage." Su Yi said, "This is not suitable for you."

"Whether it's suitable or not, Mr. Geng's decision doesn't matter!" The third sister sneered, "My Bagua palm is from a well-known family. Mr. Geng, my gossip hands are black, and my fists and feet have no eyes. If there is any offence, please bear with me."

"If I can hit me, I'm considered a loser." Su Yi laughed.

"Big words!" The third sister's eyes suddenly became fierce, she kicked her feet, stepped on all directions, and arrived in front of Su Yi three or two times, pointed like a knife, and stabbed Su Yi's eyes viciously, extremely fast!

As soon as the kung fu is shot, you will know if it is there.

This move of the swan geese is the most common move in Baguazhang, but it was played by the third sister in a tricky and vicious style, which shows its skill.

Moreover, this woman's Bagua palm is different from ordinary people. It is said that Bagua is poisonous, but the poison is on the bright side.But the third sister's Baguazhang is vicious.

Su Yi responded with the move of "Qin Qiong guarding the gate" in Bajiquan. The third sister's palm was pushed aside, and Su Yifei kicked her calf back when she kicked it quietly.

The third sister played two moves at the same time!Swan geese come out of the flock in the light, but in the dark they fly and kick in the dark.

Both are real moves, and both moves are very sharp and fast.

But he was blocked by Su Yi's move.

After being blocked by Su Yi, the third sister immediately turned sideways to face the enemy. She simply turned over with a big python and slammed her shoulder into Su Yi.

Su Yi pressed down on her shoulder almost at the same time as she was jumping, so that she could not move. At the same time, his left hand lowered to block Third Sister's palm that came quietly and silently from under the armpit.


After being blocked for two consecutive rounds, the third sister had the idea of ​​not admitting defeat, and with a soft drink, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Su Yi's wrist. As soon as Su Yi dodged, she suddenly got up and swept Su Yi's face with a beautiful roundabout kick.

Su Yi not only didn't retreat, but suddenly leaned forward, exhaled, and hit the third sister's abdomen with both palms as if piercing through the forest and crossing the river.

This palm, Su Yi only used two parts of force.This is also the most common move in Baguazhang - push the window and look at the moon.

The third sister was in mid-air, this palm hit her hard, and she was thrown flying immediately.

Fortunately, Su Yi didn't hurt anyone. She had time to adjust her posture in mid-air. After shedding most of the force and landing, she supported the ground with her hands, bounced lightly, and then shot at Su Yi again.

This time she lowered her body very low, before she fell down suddenly, her feet were like scissors, attacking Su Yi's lower body fiercely.

Bang bang bang!
But every kick she kicked was kicked back by Su Yi.

With the last kick, Su Yi's toes stopped at the position of the third sister's eyebrows, and both sides of the fight suddenly stopped, as if they had been hit by acupuncture points.

Su Yi retracted his feet with a smile and said, "Accept."

The third sister turned around, bit her lip, and clasped her fist at Su Yi with a complicated expression: "Master Geng, it was my class who got the axe, thank you for your mercy."

Su Yi returned the salute with a smile, and the third sister turned around and left quickly.

The white-faced Xiaosheng who was watching the battle became very embarrassed. He fisted Su Yi and hurried away.


The sisters-in-law watching on the second floor dispersed in a swarm, and there was a faint voice floating down.

"Did you see clearly?"

"The gap is too big, the third sister didn't even find out her family background..."

"This time it's hanging..."

Su Yi seemed to have never heard of it, and with a smile on his face, he walked up the stairs step by step and came to the second floor.

As soon as he got out of the stairs, Su Yi saw an old man with white face and beardless, leading a group of frail people in robes who looked like old-time scholars, waiting there.

"Mr. Geng!" The old man in charge said with a smile, "This old man's surname is Rui, which is auspicious, and represents the Accounting Department of Jinlou. Welcome!"

Said hugging fists.

Su Yi returned the salute without saying a word.

"In the early years, I went north with my master's family, and I was fortunate to be under the tutelage of Mr. Guo Yunshen, Master Guo, and learned a few hands. If you don't play well, I invite Mr. Geng to appreciate it." Mr. Rui put on a posture with a smile.


Su Yi said.

Mr. Rui restrained his smile and paced forward tentatively. At a certain moment, he suddenly stepped forward and rushed forward with a cannon punch. This punch was ferocious and domineering, hitting the essence of Xingyiquan.

It can be seen that Mr. Rui's Xingyiquan is quite hot.

But even worse than Ma San, how could he threaten Su Yi?
Su Yi swayed and swayed, and the next second, his fist stopped in front of Mr. Rui's face.

Mr. Rui froze all over, broke free from Su Yi, turned around and beat Su Yi hard with a flick of the whip.

But Su Yi went one step further and raised Mr. Rui's elbow with one hand to defuse his attack, while the other fist stayed in front of Mr. Rui again.

With a low growl, Mr. Rui stepped back three steps, stretched his body like a bow, and punched out!
This fist was issued from the chest and abdomen in the middle, short in shape and powerful, like a collapsing arrow piercing the heart, it is Guo Yunshen's famous stunt - half-step collapsing fist!
Even Su Yi was slightly moved by the power of this punch.

The fact that the old man can punch this punch shows that the sword is not old.

But not eggs.

If Gong Baosen, or even Gong Er punched this punch, Su Yi would temporarily avoid the sharp edge.

Mr. Rui is obviously not on this list.

Su Yi stepped on the gossip step and walked closer again, blocking Mr. Rui like a wall.

He was like a ghost, Mr. Rui couldn't hold back his strength at all, and suddenly bumped into Su Yi's iron tower-like body, his whole body was bounced back, and he staggered a few steps before stopping.

Mr. Rui's eyes widened with anger, he raised his fist and was about to charge forward again, but he held back.

He froze for a moment, then suddenly let out a long breath and laughed.

"No more than three punches. Mr. Geng took pity on my old age and let me do three tricks. If I don't know what to do again, I will be shameless." Mr. Rui smiled and cupped his hands, "Mr. Geng, the southern climate supports people, you might as well stay more Stay in the Golden Tower for a while, so that the old man can enjoy the friendship of the landlord."

"Thank you for your kindness." Su Yi smiled and cupped his hands.

"The road in the river and lake is dangerous, I wish you the best of luck!" Mr. Rui clasped his fists again, then waved his hand, leading the scholars away with a clatter.

There were whispers from upstairs.

"It didn't work out, did it?"

"This Geng Liangchen is really not in vain, he has two brushes..."

"It's up to Brother Yong."

Su Yi went upstairs again, and saw a shining figure sitting in the hall.

What shines is the bald head, which is shiny and very conspicuous.

"Master Geng, it's my turn to welcome you." The bald man got up with a smile and walked towards Su Yi, "My name is A Yong. I'm a handyman. I know a little about everything, but I'm not good at anything. You defeated the third sister so quickly Mr. He Rui, I guess I am not your opponent either. Please be merciful later, let me punch a few more times, so I don’t lose too embarrassingly.”

"Brother Yong is serious, please!" Su Yi smiled and clasped his fists.

As soon as Su Yi finished speaking, Brother Yong suddenly yelled and rushed to attack.

Both fists came out like cannonballs, striking fiercely and domineeringly.

Su Yi hugged the moon in his arms with one move, using softness to overcome rigidity, and dissolved the blow invisible.

The moves are not old, Brother Yong changed his moves, he advanced punches and attacked again and again, like chasing the wind and the moon, so as not to give people a chance to breathe.

This is the routine of Gongzi Fuhu Fist. It is powerful and upright. Brother Yong got three points of his essence, and he beat Su Yi so hard that he had to retreat.

But only there.

At a certain moment, Su Yi seized the gap, suddenly turned sideways to pass a punch, turned around, and pressed his elbow against Brother Yong's chest.

Brother Yong groaned and staggered back a few steps, but immediately stabilized his fists, turned his fists into palms, and assumed a double-shaped posture of a tiger and a crane.

Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he took the initiative to attack this time.

Brother Yong greeted him with a loud shout, leaping like a dragon and a tiger, attacking Su Yi again and again.

This is the double shape of a tiger and a crane, combining hardness and softness, combining speed and slowness. It is an advanced type of boxing in Hongquan, and its power is impressive.

It was also the first time for Su Yi to see this punch, and he was delighted to see Lie Xin, so he couldn't help but fight with Brother Yong a few more times, wanting to make the other party fight more.

But Brother Yong couldn't attack for a long time, so he changed his style again.

This time his boxing style has become more vigorous, but it is no longer open and close, but close to the body, which is quite the style of Nanquan short bridge and narrow horse.

This is the Hong family's Iron Line Fist. When it is used, it looks like a wild beast. Its huge strength is quite difficult even for Su Yi to handle it.

Generally speaking, when encountering an opponent with Iron Fist, no one would be so stupid as to confront him head-on. The correct tactic is to temporarily avoid the opponent.

Because the Tie Xian Fist is too rigid, it is no exaggeration to say that it was Saburo's desperate attempt to dismiss him.

A posture of injuring the enemy a thousand even if you lose eight hundred to yourself, never turn back when you are miserable.

But the iron wire fist is quite exhausting, half of which will not last long.Therefore, when encountering an opponent with the Iron Line Fist, most people would hide first, let the opponent fight enough, and then fight back when the physical strength is almost exhausted, and the situation can be reversed in one fell swoop.

But Su Yi was different.

He didn't dodge at all, he just saw the tricks and fought with Brother Yong.

He even intentionally limited Brother Yong's range of activities to the open space, because the range of activities is too large when the iron fist is deployed, and it will be bad if it breaks the delicate room.

Two minutes later, Brother Yong suddenly jumped out of the circle, waved his hands and yelled: "No more fights, no more fights! It's boring, you're using me as a trick!"

The voice was quite depressed.

He moved a chair and sat down on his own, panting violently, and beads of sweat rolled down his head.

"I think I'm quite complicated, but I didn't expect you to be more complicated than me!" Brother Yong looked at Su Yi and said, "Wing Chun, Bagua, Baji, as well as Western boxing, Dongyang Jiu-jitsu, Geng Daxia, you have practiced so many boxing. How did you become proficient in every subject?"

"Wouldn't it be good to fuse them together?" Su Yi smiled.

"How to Rong?" Brother Yong showed a blank face, "Why do you say it as simple as kneading noodles?"

"If Brother Yong is interested, you might as well come to Jinmen for a trip, and you will definitely gain something." Su Yi said with a smile.

"Me? Going to Jinmen? Forget it!" Brother Yong smiled and waved his hands, still panting heavily, "I'm getting old, and my body is not forgiving. I'm tired of traveling, I'm afraid I'm on the way to death."

"..." Su Yi smiled slightly, "Excuse me."

He bypassed Brother Yong and walked to the fourth floor.

Brother Yong looked at Su Yi's back, couldn't help laughing at himself, sighed and shook his head.

"Testing? Who the hell is trying to test whom? What the hell!"

The fourth floor is the guest room where Su Yi and Gong Baosen live.

Gong Baosen had already gone back to his room, only Uncle Deng was standing in the corridor.

Uncle Deng leaned on his crutches and smiled at Su Yi: "It's really scary for young people. Master Geng, young heroes like you are rare in ancient times. It's their honor to be able to learn martial arts with you."

"Uncle Deng, you are too serious." Su Yi laughed.

"Humility and politeness, prudence in words and deeds, young people have your qualities, it is difficult to succeed." Uncle Deng did not hesitate to praise, "Master Geng, today's show, you can't fool a discerning person like you. Our southern martial arts have always been Amuse oneself, don't communicate with people in the north. If Master Gong hadn't made the five tigers descend to the south of the Yangtze River a few years ago, I'd have lived my whole life, and I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to tell what is Xingyi and what is gossip."

"From a broad perspective, it is right for Master Gong to want the integration of the north and the south. No matter how good it is, it can't stop a bullet. Ten years of martial arts training is not as good as three years in the army. Not to mention that studying literature is the best way out these days."

"Is there any way out for martial arts? No more! There are some things that should disappear, but should disappear, and there is no need to force them to stay. What can we do if we leave these things to the younger generations? These are all outdated things, what is the use of learning them? Whoever leaves it will be harmed!"

"In the future, other people's descendants will either become officials or generals, but our descendants will inherit our tricks. Apart from juggling on stage and entertaining others, what future is there?"

"So, we really don't want to make a fuss. But the weak have nothing to say. If we want you to listen to us, we can't back down. We can't go anywhere. The only way is to defeat you, and then Stand up and speak in a rough voice."

Speaking of this, Uncle Deng paused, sighed and said to Su Yi: "Master Geng, please don't blame us, you have your ambitions, but we just want to live a good life. Everyone has different positions, but there is no hatred .”

Su Yi thought for a while and said, "Uncle Deng, if our younger generations are bullied by foreigners with their martial arts, do you think they will blame our generation for not passing on the real tricks to them?"

"I think it's their business whether the younger generations want it, but whether we can pass it on or not is our problem."

Uncle Deng chuckled: "This man, the most difficult thing is to get others to agree with him. Master Geng, it seems that we can't convince anyone."

"Master Geng, I'm a Nanzhiquan learner. I'm lucky enough to be able to catch and punch acupoints." Uncle Deng said with a smile, "As the saying goes, boxing is afraid of being young, and I'm old. But seeing a young talent like you, it would be a pity if you don't learn from each other."

"How about this, let's change the game." He smiled and raised the crutch in his hand, and continued, "As long as you can snatch the crutch from my hand, you will win, how about it?"

"Okay." Su Yi glanced at the crutches and nodded in response.

There is no doubt that this is another "literary struggle".

Su Yi once again encountered the fighting method he was least good at.

(End of this chapter)

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