Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 799 Failed Temptation

Chapter 799 Failed Temptation

Su Yi had experience with acupuncture.

Of course, it is a regular point.

Luo Yu is good at this kind of kung fu. In the arena in Jinmen, Su Yi was very passive and suffered a lot.

After becoming his own person with Luo Yu, Su Yi discussed this kind of kung fu with Luo Yu, but he found that he couldn't practice it.

There is no other reason, it is too time-consuming to practice advanced acupressure skills.

Even with outstanding talent, it takes ten years to start. How to practice this kind of kung fu?
Being able to tap acupuncture points is every man's martial arts dream. Who hasn't imagined tapping a delicate witch, and then subdue the demon?

So Su Yi also wondered if he could come up with some tricky way.

But there is really no tricky way for a purely manual work like acupuncture, at least Su Yi can't think of it now, so he has no choice but to give up.

Although acupuncture in reality is different from acupuncture in Su Yi's fantasy, Su Yi is still very envious of people who know this kind of kung fu, because this kind of kung fu is really very versatile after practice.

And there are very few masters who can really tap acupuncture. Before today, Su Yi had only met Luo Yu.

Now he saw the second one.

Uncle Deng wobbled forward with one foot, pointing forward with the crutch in his hand, pointing at the center of Su Yi's eyebrows.The other hand is raised backwards in a flying swallow to maintain balance.

"Master Geng, please!" Uncle Deng said with a smile.

What please?
Please come, please come, please don't be shy.

Of course Su Yi would not be polite.

But as soon as he made the movement of sinking his shoulders, he immediately found that Uncle Deng's crutches also moved accordingly.

Move to where he is going!

Su Yi swung lightly in the other direction, and the top of the crutch in Uncle Deng's hand was still moving with Su Yi.

Su Yi looked solemn, and began to pace around Uncle Deng.

But wherever he went, Uncle Deng's crutches followed him.

He turned, and Uncle Deng followed suit, without hesitation.

He sped up suddenly, then stopped suddenly, making tactical swing progress, but quickly flew back.

Because he found that under his series of movements, the tip of Uncle Deng's crutch was pointing at his eyebrows from beginning to end, flying with his movements.

Like breathing, like a shadow.

Su Yi stopped, took two steps back, took a deep breath and made a gesture, and did not act rashly again.

Wing Chun has a kung fu called Tingqiao. Su Yi has not mastered it yet, but Su Yi is very clear about the principle of this kung fu. It is to use every part of the body to feel the opponent's movement, predict the opponent's movement, and then make a quick move. respond accordingly.

In the original plot, in the exchange between Ip Man and Mr. Rui, Ip Man used Wing Chun's kung fu to listen to the bridge, and closed his eyes to repel Mr. Rui's half-step punch.

But if Ip Man's Wing Chun Tingqiao meets Deng Shu, it will definitely be misfired.

Because Uncle Deng's kung fu is better than Wing Chun Tingqiao.

This is the most profound kung fu in Nanzhi boxing, called "round bridge".

This kind of kung fu can predict the opponent's movements and moves in advance through subtle changes in the opponent's body, so as to take the lead.

For example, sink your shoulders, turn your neck, lift your knees, twist your waist, etc.

That is to say, at the moment when you are about to make a move, someone has already predicted the move you are going to make based on the subtle movements of your body, and then quickly pre-empted it, waiting for you at the place where you made the move.

Sound awesome?
That's right, no one has mastered this skill except Chen Nanzhi, the founder of Nanzhiquan.

One is that practicing this kind of Kungfu requires excellent talent, and secondly, this kind of Kungfu itself is extremely difficult to practice, and one needs to be familiar with the moves of various sects and have experienced many battles.

What about Uncle Deng?

Uncle Deng has only learned superficially.

If he had really achieved the great achievement of Yuanqiao, Su Yi would just hand over and admit defeat, because it is impossible to win.

Su Yi had heard of this kind of kung fu, and he also found out the information before he came here. At that time, he sneered, thinking how could there be such a martial art in the world?

It's like an antivirus software firewall.

But since his martial arts became more and more advanced, he also began to understand that there are indeed such martial arts in the world, and it depends on whether anyone can practice them.

But Su Yi also understands how difficult it is to practice such a magical skill.

He didn't believe that Uncle Deng had really mastered it!

If Uncle Deng has really mastered it, even if he doesn't go to the north, he will still be a famous master all over the world, instead of being a shopkeeper in a golden building in Foshan.

When a person's ability reaches a certain level, it cannot be hidden at all.

If you want to hide it, no one will let you hide it. This is the rule of Vanity Fair, and no one can avoid it.

If Uncle Deng can hide it, it means that his ability is not high enough to a certain level.

Su Yi cleared his mind and relaxed his body.

This is the trick that Li Shuwen taught him, and it is used to practice shaking big poles.

The whole body is in a relaxed state, the muscles are relaxed, and no one is tense.

The mind is clear, and there is nothing in his mind. Any reaction he encounters later will be Su Yi's own stress reaction.

Su Yi kept walking forward in this state, and Uncle Deng frowned.

Su Yi's guess was right, he didn't master the round bridge at all, he only knew a little bit.

Therefore, his round bridge kung fu has a fatal flaw, that is, once an opponent like Su Yi does not have any warning before striking, he will be ineffective.

Although there are not many people who can achieve Su Yi's state, they are not too few.

There are not too few people who can see the flaws in Uncle Deng's kung fu.

But as Su Yi noticed so quickly, there was only one.

Uncle Deng didn't believe that Su Yi's eyes were so poisonous, and the two sides would see his flaws within half a minute of confrontation, so he guessed that someone should have confessed to Su Yi on purpose.

There is really no martial arts, how can someone else talk about it casually...

Uncle Deng muttered in his heart, but he didn't take it seriously. Seeing Su Yi approaching, he raised his stick and hit!

Yuanqiao is just the icing on the cake for Uncle Deng's kung fu, his real kung fu is not bad at all.

Goro gossip stick!
As soon as Uncle Deng made a move, Su Yi recognized that it was a move in Wulang's gossip stick, sheep pounce on hungry tiger.

Uncle Deng's real skills are all on the stick!

He is a master of cudgel, besides Wulang Bagua stick, he is also good at Eighteen Tiger Zhuang stick in Nanzhi boxing.

What he is best at is hitting acupuncture points with sticks, fine, ruthless, fast, accurate, and steady!

What Su Yi is now facing is the situation of using bare hands against equipment.

Facing Uncle Deng's beating with a stick, Su Yi took a step back and let the stick fall through the air.

Uncle Deng didn't chase, but smiled and held up his stick, signaling Su Yi to continue.

Weapons already have the best advantage over bare hands, if he chases and kills him again, he will be shameless.

But Uncle Deng is old, and he is powerless to chase after him.

If he really chased him, he would be taken advantage of by Su Yi.

Su Yi laughed suddenly, moved his hands, ankles and wrists, and leaped over with a sudden progress.

Uncle Deng raised his stick to hit him, but Su Yi was like a fish swimming in loach, his body kept moving flexibly, almost "wrapping" the stick and rushed to Uncle Deng quickly.

This is the rhythm of a combination fist, a tactical swing that Uncle Deng has never seen before. As soon as Su Yi performed it, Uncle Deng was caught off guard.

Uncle Deng was so experienced that he reacted very quickly, and immediately let go and clasped Su Yi's shoulder.

Su Yi shook his shoulders and punched Uncle Deng, but Uncle Deng's grasp was immediately missed.

His unique grappling hand is useless at all.

Su Yi's fist landed on Uncle Deng's temple, then suddenly stepped back half a step, picked up the crutch that fell on the ground with his feet, held it in both hands respectfully to Uncle Deng, and said: "Uncle Deng, thank you for your guidance."

Uncle Deng was stunned for a while but didn't react, as if he didn't expect that he would lose so badly.

He really wanted to "point out" Su Yi, but now, he was pointed out by others instead.

He lost.

Lost not only in martial arts, but also in age.

If he was young, his reaction speed must be several times faster than it is now, and he would not be able to get it done by Su Yi's sudden change of speed.

If he is not ignorant of Su Yi's martial arts, he will not fail.

"Fist is afraid of being young, the ancients never deceived me..." Uncle Deng sighed with emotion, took the crutches, turned and left.

Su Yi watched him go away, and returned to his room with a smile.

This "exploration" is over now.

In Gong Baosen's room, Gong Baosen, who said he had come back to rest, was still sitting at the desk writing and drawing.

His entourage knocked on the door and came in, and told Gong Baosen about the situation of Su Yi's four previous fights, and he explained it in great detail.

After hearing this, Gong Baosen just nodded to show that he understood.

The entourage withdrew wisely, but Gong Baosen in the room was upset, hesitated to throw a pen, and murmured: "You are so measured with your opponent, then why are you..."

On the other side, several masters who tested Su Yi just now, as well as other boxers in the south gathered together to discuss what happened before.

Ye Wen was also on the list.

Everyone's faces were a little embarrassed.

The four masters were sent out to test other people's martial arts, but none of them came out.

It's embarrassing to spread the word.

"This Geng Liangchen really deserves his reputation." Seeing that no one spoke, the third sister took the lead to break the embarrassment, "You are young, but your martial arts are so powerful, no wonder people say he is a young master."

"If he is really a grandmaster, there is no need to fight this fight." Brother Yong said, "The grandmaster is good enough, and he is still young? Who will win? Whoever wins will lose!"

"He is definitely not a grandmaster." Mr. Rui said slowly, "But with all due respect, Mr. Ye, it is difficult for you to win against your junior..."

"Why raise others' prestige and destroy your own morale?" Brother Yong said unwillingly, "Ye Wen is the one we elected, Geng Liangchen is strong, but Ye Wen is not bad, it's really not certain who will win!"

"That's right. In the ring, whoever loses can win." Uncle Deng took the words slowly and said, "But Geng Liangchen's martial arts are ever-changing and varied, making it hard to guard against. Sigh, as for Wing Chun, just three With a sharp axe, spread out, and people will hold a plenum, how can you fight?"

"That's right, alas, we're doomed!"

"This face is definitely going to be lost, why don't we have a Foshan hero?"

"Anyway, if the senior brother loses to the junior fellow apprentice, it can be regarded as a fig leaf."

Everyone was talking about it, almost everyone was very pessimistic,

Ye Wen originally listened with a smile on his face, but when he heard this, the smile on his face gradually faded.

Seemingly noticing the change in his expression, Uncle Deng asked, "Ip Man, what are you thinking now?"

The scene quieted down, and everyone looked at Ye Wen.

"Wing Chun is indeed a three-handed axe, but three-handed axe is enough." Ye Wen raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't tell me how much kung fu you know, how famous you are, and how many people you have beaten. Kung fu, two words , one horizontal and one vertical! Wrong, lie down, only those who are standing have the right to speak, are you right?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, completely silent.

"Whether you can fight or not, you won't know until you have fought. It is too early to predict the outcome. We are martial artists, not hexagram masters." Ye Wen continued, "Everyone, it is not our Foshan that is defeated before a fight. Human manner."

"Ye Wen is right!" Brother Yong said loudly, "Geng Liangchen is amazing, but Ye Wen is not bad! Ye Wen, you just need to prepare for the battle with peace of mind, I am optimistic about you!"

"I like you too!"

"We are all optimistic about you, even if you lose, it's okay..."

After coming out of Jinlou, Ye Wen's expression gradually became serious.

He is a smart person, how can he not see that Uncle Deng and the others are deliberately arousing his desire to win?
He knew this, but he was still provoked, why?
Because of one breath!

When Ip Man was apprenticed to his master, his master Chen Huashun was over seventy years old.

On the day of apprenticeship, his master tied a belt for him by hand.

The master told him that a belt is a breath, and wearing this belt is a martial arts practitioner. From now on, you have to be a man with this breath.

Ye Wen dared not forget this sentence.

This tone is still there today.

That night, the selection rules for the World Fighting Competition were posted on the outer wall of the Golden Building.

The competition rules this time were still discussed and drafted by Gong Baosen, Su Yi and several grandmasters, and then they were shown to several respected people in the south for review, and after unanimous approval, they were promulgated.

The foreigners who have been confirmed to participate this time come from 17 countries including Belgium, Italy, Britain, Germain, Beacon, Belarus, Siam, North Korea, and Zhepen. The total number of participants is [-] people.

Among them, only the Zhe Peng Wushu delegation accounted for 32 people.

Since it was a fighting competition of all nations, the number of Hua people should not be too many. After many parties agreed, it was decided to set the number at 60 people.

This number is actually too much, but firstly, Huaguo is the host country, and there is nothing wrong with the large number of people; secondly, the upper-level people of the Guofu even sent 100 people to participate in the competition for the sake of insurance. It was a rogue, a gang fight, and the victory was not by force. This made the officials give up their thoughts and reluctantly agreed to reduce the number of people to 60 people.

According to Gong Baosen and Li Shuwen's original intention, they wanted to have the same number of people as Zhe Peng's delegation, only 32 people.

But the official life and death are not unified, so they took this compromise number.

60 people is naturally too much for the World Fighting Competition, but if it is included in the large base of Chinese warriors who want to participate, it is too little.

There are more than [-] delegations from the north alone. This is the territory of the southern warriors, and the number of southern warriors must not be much larger.

Even with six hundred people, it's one out of ten.The fierce competition can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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