Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 800 Tryouts Begin

Chapter 800 Tryouts Begin

The rules of this trial are similar to the first round of the Guoshu Elite Competition in Jinmen, and both adopt the challenge system.

Because sixty people will be selected to participate in the main competition, the rule this time is that there are only sixty champions.

Still, only by winning three games in a row can he be called the champion. If he loses in three rounds, although he loses the status of the champion, he still has the qualification to continue to challenge the champion for one more time. As long as he can win three more games in a row, he can still become the champion host.

The difference from the previous elite competition is that after becoming the champion, you only need to accept three challenges, and if you win two of the three, you will be considered as one of the contestants in the main competition.

In other words, if you want to be selected as a contestant in the World Fighting Competition, you need to play a total of six games, you must win the first three games, and you only need to win two out of three games in the last three games.

This kind of competition system is much gentler than the Jinmen Guoshu Classic.The reason for such regulations is that one does not want the intensity of the competition to be too high, and the other is that the competition is not too intense and causes injuries to the contestants.

But in fact, because there are only [-] entries, first-served, first-served, the competition is destined not to be dull.

The second biggest difference between this trial and the Jinmen Guoshu Classic is the "North-South Battle".

The warriors in the south can only choose the warriors in the north as their opponents.

Similarly, warriors from the north can only fight against warriors from the south.

This regulation completely eliminates the possibility of using the loopholes in the rules to "guide" one's own people to the top.

At the same time, competition has also increased.

The competition venue is set in front of the Foshan Zumiao Gate. Due to the size of the venue, only ten arenas can be set up.

The ten arenas are divided into five in the north and five in the south. For the sake of fairness, the five arenas in the north belong to the northern warriors, while the five arenas in the south belong to the southern warriors.

The ten arena competitions will be held at the same time. The north and the south each select five people to defend the arena, and at the same time send warriors to attack the opponent's arena.

Each person can take the stage up to three times a day, and if they lose two times, they will be out.

"Liangchen, as the team leader, you don't need to participate in the trials, but how our boxers in the north will fight and who will come first, you need to worry about and arrange it."

In a certain room in the Jin Building, Gong Baosen, Li Shuwen, Ma Yingtu and Yang Chengpu were discussing with Su Yi about the competition.

"The ultimate goal of this competition is to select talents for the World Fighting Competition, but it is actually a dispute between the North and the South." Yang Chengpu said, "Southerners have a lot of resistance to going to the north to pass on their skills. It was something that Baosen had finally negotiated before. They backed off again, saying that they wanted to see the result of this World Fighting Competition."

"What are you looking at? Let's see who is overpowering whom in the north and south, and see if the warriors of our country can show their faces in this game." Yang Chengpu continued, "Listen to Master He, Master Dong and Master Rong. We northern warriors are overwhelmed by the south this time, so the matter of transferring art to the north is probably hanging in the air. At most, they will agree to the northerners going south, and will not allow the southerners to go north again."

"If in the end we Chinese lose all face in this competition and are beaten to the ground, then this matter will probably come to naught."

"They really have a lot of shit!" Ma Yingtu couldn't help but snorted coldly, "It's obviously a big event in the entire martial arts world, why does it seem like we're begging them?"

"Now we are forcing people to agree with our ideas, of course we are begging them." Gong Baosen said.

As soon as he answered, Ma Yingtu immediately snorted coldly.

The contradiction between the two is still there, but they still stand on the same position on major issues.

"Competition in the arena depends not only on ability, but also on who the opponent is." Li Shuwen said to Su Yi, "There are many situations where various types of boxing compete with each other. If a good seedling is not lucky, he could have defeated Most of the people present, but it happened to meet two opponents who restrained his martial arts in a row, which resulted in being brushed down, that would be a pity."

"So you, the team leader, have to know how to arrange troops so as not to be targeted by the opponent, and you also need to know the situation of all our competitors in the north. The burden is not small."

"The formation of troops should be done by the seniors, right?" Su Yi asked suspiciously, "I'm a junior, so I just want to be the vanguard of the battle."

"Let us old people do everything. When will you young people be able to make their mark?" Gong Baosen said indifferently, "This is the arena for you young people. We old fellows, if we can't make decisions, we should try not to make decisions."

"Liangchen, you can do it with confidence and don't have any psychological burden!" Ma Yingtu encouraged, "It doesn't matter if you don't do well. The south and the north are all Chinese, and the rotten meat will rot in the pot."

"The words are rough, but the reasoning is not rough." Gong Baosen said.

"Rough imitation! You are so rude!" Ma Yingtu immediately replied, "Did I tell you and you just take my word for it?"

Gong Baosen's face immediately turned dark.

"Haha, anyway, Liangchen, I will leave everything to you this time!" Seeing that the situation is not good, Yang Chengpu hastily said haha ​​and changed the topic, "We have also explained to the people below, let them listen to you of."

Su Yi looked serious, and said slowly: "Masters, I will definitely do my best."

The masters in the north completely delegated power, but it was completely different in the south.

Although Ip Man led the team, Wing Chun is originally a small sect, and he was only selected because of Ip Man himself.He does not have the prestige of Su Yi, and with the conservativeness of the south, he will not hand over the "power of command" to him.

Tomorrow's battle will be decided by the three elders with the highest seniority in the south, Master He, Dong Master and Rong Master. Ip Man was only called to observe.

Ye Wen didn't feel that there was anything wrong or uncomfortable about this, on the contrary, he felt that it was only natural.

If the "Three Elders" entrusted him with the important task of arranging troops, Ye Wen would not have such great prestige in the southern martial arts, and secondly, he himself would not be willing to take on such a big task.

Ip Man has a relatively cautious personality. It cannot be said that he has no responsibility, but at least he will not take responsibility if he can.

For Ye Wen, his task is very clear, which is to fight against Su Yi at the end of the trials, and then bring the masters who entered the main match from the south to fight foreigners together.

The rest is none of his business.

"This is at our doorstep. The Yankees must not be allowed to show their power."

"Give them a show of authority, and take the lead!"

"That's right, regardless of offense or defense, go to the strongest first!"

The opinions of the three elders quickly reached a consensus.

Ye Wen frowned when he heard this, feeling faintly that something was wrong.

Turned out the hole cards at the beginning, then what to do after that?
Isn't it a bit—

Don't care about the head and the tail?
Of course, this kind of questioning will only be in the heart, and Ye Wen will not say it out of his mouth.

And the three elders didn't mean to ask his opinion at all, so the matter was settled like this.

In the early morning of the second day, the Foshan Ancestral Temple danced with dragons and lions, and firecrackers were fired, making it very lively.

Southerners are very particular about rituals. Before the start of the race, the older generation and the young people first worship the ancestral temple and pray to the gods to bless the race.

The ceremony lasted for two hours before the race began.

The older generation of masters enjoyed themselves and occupied the best perspective, overlooking the audience, Ye Wen and Su Yi were also on the list.

After the two sides greeted each other, with the sound of a gong, the game officially started.

There was no movement on the south side, but on the north side, there was a long row of people standing every five meters from Su Yi's side to the arena.

These people with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that they are used to deliver news, but as for such a big battle?

The competition in the arena is about real skills. Is it really useful to engage in these fancy things?

The three elders in the south didn't say anything, but they looked at each other, and they all saw the mockery and disdain in each other's eyes.

On the contrary, when Ye Wen saw this scene, a gleam of worry flashed in his eyes again.

Just in terms of importance, the north completely compares to the south.

He had a premonition that the warriors in the south might suffer a big loss today.

The game officially begins!
There were ten rings, and the first-generation ring masters chosen by both the North and the South took the stage one by one.

Needless to say in the south, the three elders have sent what they think is the "strongest lineup".

As for the five arenas in the north, the lineups sent by Su Yi are both strong and weak.

The referees came to the stage and began to roll the names.

"Beiyi Arena, Chen Style Tai Chi Ma Chengzhi!"

"Northern Second Ring, Split and Hang Guo Dekun!"

"Northern third ring, Xiliang palm Wu Yingdan!"

"Northern Fourth Arena, Lin Pinru in mixed martial arts!"

"Northern Fifth Arena, Bajiquan Li Yuanzhi!"

The five "starters" were naturally specially arranged by Su Yi.

He divided the warriors into three ranks, the first rank was the seed players that Su Yi thought must advance to the main match, such as Ma Chengzhi from the Beiyi Arena and Fang Pinru, his apprentice from the Beisi Arena.

The second class refers to players who are expected to advance, but the probability is divided in twos, such as Guo Dekun from the North No. [-] and Li Yuanzhi from the No. [-] North.

The third class is those who Su Yi thinks will accompany the runners. The reason why these people come to the South with the team is that some are related households, and some are because Gong Baosen specially gave some places to some small sects to participate in the competition.For example, Wu Yingdan from Beisan.

The reason why Su Yi made such an arrangement is because today's first match has just started, and the two sides don't know each other very well, so he has to try his best to be stable.

Tai Chi is stable, hard and soft, and there are almost no martial arts that can completely restrain Tai Chi. In addition, Ma Zhicheng is a master and has plenty of physical strength, so Su Yi sent him as the finale master of this round, which can almost guarantee a victory.

Baji and Pigua both belong to the kind of martial arts that are fierce and violent, open and close. No matter how many ways you come, I will only go all the way. No matter how you fight, I will fight first.

Both Li Yuanzhi and Guo Dekun participated in the elite competition in Jinmen before. Both of them have the characteristics of "the peak is at the beginning". Go ahead and see if you can get ahead.

Wu Yingdan is from a small sect, and he came here this time with a mentality of gaining knowledge. Su Yi talked to him and personally taught him some tactics and styles of play. This person is very grateful to Su Yi, and he himself Admiring the Jinmen heroes, he readily agreed to be the cannon fodder in the first round.

The reason why Wu Yingdan was arranged as cannon fodder was that Su Yi was based on the mentality of "Tian Ji's horse racing". He wanted to win against a master of the opponent, consume one of the opponent's rounds, and observe the opponent's martial arts characteristics.

Even placing Wu Yingdan in the Beisan ring is intentional, because according to psychological probability, if the opponent chooses a master, they are likely to place this master in the middle and most eye-catching ring.

The last Fang Pinru is Su Yi's secret weapon.

Now I'm afraid that no one in the world is optimistic about Su Yi's apprentices. After all, Su Yi has only taught them for less than half a year.

In half a year, for any martial arts school or sect, the disciples haven't even mastered the basic skills, so no one thinks that Su Yi's disciples can learn anything.

In the first round of his own arena, the bottom line goal Su Yi set for himself was to keep the second and fight for the third.

Keep two victories and try to win three games, even if you have accomplished the set goal.

But for the opponent's arena, Su Yi has higher requirements.

His eyes turned to the ring to the south, and the referees there also began to roll their names.

"Nanyi Ring, Hong Quan, Yan Dianxiong!"

As the referee sang the first name, the audience burst into amazing cheers.

On Nanyi's arena, a burly middle-aged man clasped his fists in all directions, his spirits flying high.

"So it's him!" Su Yi's eyes showed a clear look.

This Yan Dianxiong is a famous contemporary Hongquan master, and he can be regarded as a first-class master in the south. Even in the north, Su Yi has heard of this person's name.

This is definitely one of the best masters in the south.

Su Yi quickly made arrangements.

"Nanyi surpasses Shiliu!"

Shi Liu, who was born under the famous Baguazhang master, is considered to be Gong Baosen's nephew, and was given the nickname Thief Shi Liu.

Hong Fist Zhou Zheng is mighty and mighty, and his flashes and movements are flexible, and he has restrained himself from the North's wide opening and closing long fist.But against Baguazhang, it doesn't have an advantage.

Su Yi asked Shi Liu to face Yan Dianxiong, and the outcome should be on June [-]th.

Su Yi issued an order, and the warriors who sent the message quickly passed on the news one by one.

Ye Wen could see it clearly, and only then did he realize that Su Yi was actually commanding the battle, dispatching different opponents for different people.

On the other hand, the three elders in the South, the top [-] people who will fight today, they all pre-arranged and notified yesterday.

"The south is going to be bad..." Ye Wen looked at himself, this cheap junior, and his biggest opponent this time with a complicated mood.

"Nan Er Ring, Cai Jiaquan, Cai Yongming!"

Amidst the cheers, Su Yi made another arrangement: "Let Monk Huitong go!"

Cai Yongming is still a famous Nanquan master, and Su Yi has also heard of this person.

Cai Jiaquan mainly attacks sideways, is good at attacking from the bridge, and focuses on the vital points, very tricky and vicious.

And the monk Huitong sent by Su Yi practiced a very cumbersome martial art - iron cloth shirt.

This person is also proficient in Shaolin Changquan, and his style and characteristics are just restrained by Cai Yongming.

The outcome of this game should be on the [-]rd of July.

"Nan San Ring, Mo Jiaquan Mo Liang!"

"It's a famous artist again..." Su Yi was a little surprised when he heard the name.

There are three rings in the south, and the three people sent are the most representative martial arts masters in the south. What are they going to do?
The king exploded at the beginning?

Get a head start?

Su Yi couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, where did the bomb come out at the beginning?
The remaining two arenas should also send famous experts from the south, right?

 It's the end of the month, here comes a wave of monthly ticket support (manual dog head)
(End of this chapter)

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