Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 806 Inheritance

Chapter 806 Inheritance
The result of the game caused an uproar on the scene, and the arena was buzzing loudly, which could not be subsided for a long time.

Even the referee forgot to pronounce the verdict and watched the scene in disbelief.

It's not that people never thought that Ye Wen couldn't beat Geng Liangchen, but they never thought that Ye Wen would be vulnerable in front of Geng Liangchen!
This was a representative carefully selected by them in the south, but now, the representative was pressed to the ground by Geng Liangchen and rubbed wantonly, losing a complete mess.

Lose your face!

Too shameful!

No one could accept this reality, and some people even yelled words like "fight against fake matches" in anger, questioning that this match was a double reed performed by brothers in the same discipline.

Even the three masters on the stage were so skeptical. After all, Geng Liangchen knew all the moves Ye Wen made in advance, and Geng Liangchen was not a fortune teller. How could he predict the enemy's opportunities so accurately?
However, no matter how hard this game hit the southern warriors, it was only in face.

But for Ye Wen, it was a devastating blow!

Crushed all the way!Rolling in all directions!

Although he was defeated in just three rounds, Ye Wen also knew that if he was given another [-] rounds, or [-] rounds, the ending would still be the same.

This is not only a technical gap, but also a comprehensive crushing of consciousness.

After living for 40 years, Ye Wen doubted for the first time "whether I am not suitable for martial arts training".

Facing the questioning voices, Ye Wen reluctantly smiled at Su Yi and bowed, then turned and walked out lonely.

Su Yi looked at Ye Wen's leaving back expressionlessly, but a conversation he had with Gong Baosen before appeared in his mind.

"Liangchen, Wing Chun has your senior brother Chen Shi, let's forget about Ye Wen this time, he himself doesn't want to leave home and go north."

"Senior brother is injured and needs to be taken care of, but Ip Man is in the prime of life. The inheritance of Wing Chun is not the responsibility of my senior brother Chen Shi alone. After learning Wing Chun, Ip Man has to take on the responsibility of inheriting it. Master Gong, Even as a representative of southern warriors, Ye Wen must go north."

"He has asked someone to pass the message to me, I'm afraid he has made up his mind."

"It's okay, I'll convince him."

Su Yi finally chose the method of physical persuasion, and it seems that the effect has already shown.

Before today, Ye Wen was still a hero in the southern martial arts.

But after today, Ye Wen will become the target of the southern martial arts.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

This is the price that must be borne behind the scenery.

Ye asked whether there was a match-fixing match, even if Su Yi opened his mouth to defend him, it would probably become something that could not be proved.

The fight between dragons and tigers that the audience was expecting ended in such an almost absurd way. This match is bound to become the most controversial one in this selection competition.

So far, all the main matches of this trial are over.

The Ten Thousand Kingdoms Fighting Competition will officially start in three days, and there will be an inheritance competition tomorrow.

Originally, as long as Ye Wen survived ten rounds under Su Yi's hands, he would also accept the inheritance.

But he was dismissed after three rounds, so he naturally lost his qualifications.

The next three days were the most difficult three days in Ye Wen's life.

He became a target of criticism, and some radicals even went to his house to throw stones and rotten eggs.

On Su Yi's side, he started his journey of inheriting and learning early in the morning of the second day.

The venue for the inheritance competition is located in the Golden Building.

There are eight guest rooms on the fourth floor of the Golden Building. Originally, only Su Yi and the four northern masters lived there. Today, the southern masters also came and lived in the remaining three guest rooms.

After morning tea, Uncle Deng found Su Yi.

"Master Geng, congratulations on becoming the team leader of the World Fighting Competition." Uncle Deng smiled and cupped his hands.

"This is pressure, but also a responsibility. There is nothing to congratulate." Su Yi shook his head, "In fact, I hope that it is enough to just concentrate on playing the game well."

"It's hard work for those who are able." Uncle Deng smiled, "You may not know that after you defeated Ip Man yesterday, in Foshan, the albums about you were sold like crazy."

"Painting book?" Su Yi was startled.

Uncle Deng looked narrow-minded: "Why doesn't Master Geng know about it? Your picture album is not only in Foshan, but also in the whole south. If you are interested, I will send some copies to your room."

Su Yi keenly felt that there might not be anything good painted in these albums.

"Then there will be Uncle Deng." But he did not reject Uncle Deng's "good intentions".

"Master Geng, today there are seven masters who will pass on the inheritance and exchange with you, and all seven masters will pass on your unique skills." When Uncle Deng said this, his words were a little sour, and the jealousy in his eyes could not be concealed, "From now on Afterwards, Master Geng, you will go all the way to the top, and your future is unstoppable."

"I became famous because my predecessors created the current situation and pushed me to the cusp of the storm." Su Yi said lightly, "The raging sea is raging, whether I can stand firm, I can only rely on myself in the future."

He looked at Uncle Deng: "It's hard to feel like walking on thin ice, Uncle Deng, you were young too, you should try it."

Uncle Deng's expression was shaken, he looked at Su Yi for a long time, suddenly he cupped his fists, and said sincerely: "Master Geng, I sincerely wish you all the best and smooth sailing."

"Thank you."

One door, one inheritance.

A door, a test.

Su Yi pushed open the first door and saw Master Rong.

Master Rong is from Pingzhou, South China Sea. He studied under the famous Huang Feihong and was nicknamed "Pork Rong" when he was young.

This old man is full of peaches and plums in the southern country, and his status is very high. He is now 72 years old.

"The most proud thing in my life is to stand on my master's shoulders based on Hongquan and Buddhaquan, taking the strength and shape of a tiger, and the posture and mind of a crane, creating a double-shaped boxing method of a tiger and a crane. " Lin Shirong was wearing practice clothes, walked to the open space in the middle of the room with a smile, and waved to Su Yi, "Come, come, let's join hands. I have a pair of flying butterflies here, which can be regarded as tigers and cranes. The most powerful ultimate move of the double shape is somewhat similar to your combination of virtuality and reality, you have a good taste."

Su Yi first bowed respectfully, and then stood in the field.

"You come to attack me." Master Rong was very straightforward and did not talk nonsense.

"I've offended you." Su Yi followed suit and threw out a straight punch in a regular manner.

Master Rong slapped Su Yi's fist away casually, frowned and said, "Be stronger, be more serious, I can hold it."


Su Yi entered the state, swayed his tactics, and played a set of combinations.

At this moment, Master Rong moved!

His left and right hands quickly dismantled Su Yi's attack like wearing flowers and brushing willows. When Su Yi subconsciously made a follow-up counterattack, he was shocked to find that he had lost the trace of Master Rong!
Su Yi's surprise was no small matter, but he reacted extremely quickly, made a judgment immediately, and fell forward.

But it was still too late.

The next moment, he only felt that his legs were pinned suddenly, making him lose his balance.

At the same time, one hand with five fingers stretched out and clasped his head from top to bottom. With a pain in his lower back, the whole person suddenly bent backward like a lower back.

An elbow stopped firmly in front of Su Yi's eyes, and all attacks stopped abruptly.

Su Yi's hair stood on end, and cold sweat soaked his whole body in an instant!
For a moment just now, he once felt that he was going to be beaten to death!

Su Yi was so easily subdued by this trick, of course, it has something to do with his fighting spirit with the mentality of studying martial arts.

But there is no doubt that this move is fierce and vicious, and it is impossible to guard against.

This is also a matter of course, a unique killer move is difficult to decipher, such as the Gong family's 64-hand hidden flower at the bottom of the leaf.

With this move alone, Su Yi still can't break it.

And he knows how the opponent uses it, but he just can't use it.This is because he doesn't understand the principle of this trick and the way of exerting force.

There is also Ye Wen's self-created killing move, which is released from the hand, and Su Yi can't guard against it. He knows how the opponent fights, but he just can't guard against it.

The only way for him to restrain his ultimate move now is to make it impossible for his opponent to use it.

But in fact, this is a tricky way, so Su Yi has always been in awe of traditional martial arts, and he doesn't think that his mixed martial arts must be so powerful or advanced.

Master Rong let go of Su Yi, and said, "What do you think is the key to this move of two flying butterflies breaking chains?"

Su Yi settled his mood, thought carefully, shook his head and said: "Master Rong, I was so frightened and stupid just now, I didn't have time to think about anything."

Master Rong was taken aback, and couldn't help laughing: "You are so honest, come on, come on, this time I will slow down, and you can taste it again."

Slow down, still can't prevent it.

Su Yi got up again with lingering fear, frowned and thought hard for more than three minutes.

During this process, Master Rong didn't urge him, but just looked at him with a smile.

"Master Rong, I think the key lies in the word 'serial'." Su Yi said.

Master Rong's eyes lit up immediately, but he asked: "If you can't disassemble the opponent's moves, you can't use this ultimate move. There will be buckles and elbow bumps in the follow-up. These moves have completed the final ultimate move. Are you sure you can use it?" Why don't you think the key lies in these?"

"The three movements of dismantling, buckling, and bumping are done in one go, without gaps." Su Yi said seriously, "Especially your movement from the front to the back just now is extremely fast, like a butterfly piercing through. Such a fast movement is incredible. It seems to be launched suddenly, but it seems to be prepared in advance. On the surface, this move seems to be a killer move in his hands, but his root is in his body skills, which makes the skills chain together..."

Master Rong couldn't help applauding, and sighed: "I have only taught this trick to three people, and you are the fourth, but you are the only one who saw the key to this trick, and you did it so quickly. You can see it. Geng Liangchen, why are you not from the south, Geng Liangchen?"

Su Yi smiled reservedly.

"The posture of the tiger and the crane is the key to this trick. Have you ever seen a tiger pouncing on food and a crane walking? Come, come, I will dismantle them step by step and show you..."

Next, Master Rong broke apart the two-flying butterfly, dismantled the chain buckle and smashed it, crushed it, and explained it to Su Yi in detail.

Su Yi spent half an hour in the first room, and finally kowtowed respectfully to Master Rong as a thank you to Chuanyi Ende, and then went out.

Before leaving, Master Rong finally said something to Su Yi, which was quite meaningful.

"It's a good thing that the southern boxing is passed on to the north. Master Gong made this happen out of good intentions. This competition showed me that the warriors in the north are better at fighting than the martial artists in the south. Will there be good results? The current situation is turbulent and the flames of war are spreading. In such a big environment, whatever you do will eventually be used by those ambitious people and change your taste."

"In these days, no one can see who will succeed and who will be destroyed. The martial arts world is just a small ant. Once they stand in the wrong team, they will be crushed to death. At that time, what we martial arts practitioners will face is the disaster of extinction. what……"

"Geng Liangchen, innovation is not necessarily good, and keeping the old is not necessarily bad. We are all in the game and can't see clearly. Who is right and who is wrong depends on what remains of the national art after a hundred years."

Su Yi doesn't know what is left of the national art a hundred years later, but Su Yi knows the current state of the national art after eight or ninety years.

All that was left was chicken feathers!
Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, Muay Thai, Western, Oriental, Nanyang, all foreign martial arts are popular.

Only Chinese martial arts have become aerobics for the elderly, or a tool for scammers to cheat.

According to statistics from later generations, the average age of young disciples of all sects and sects is over 50 years old.

So what exactly is the martial arts of later generations?
Maybe it's just a small square dance.

Master Rong couldn't see the way back, but Su Yi had already seen it clearly and came back.

In fact, up to now, Su Yi is also working hard to complete the tasks of this world as a career.

He wants to try, can he find a way out for Guoshu, so that it can be carried forward and blossom everywhere in the future generations after 100 years?
Chinese martial arts should not just disappear like this, and martial arts should not eventually become a third-rate deception and a niche square dance.

In the second room of Su Yijin was Master Dong, an old man with white hair and a youthful face, hale and hearty.He was waiting in the living room with his sleeves rolled up ahead of time, as if he couldn't wait.

Before Su Yi could finish his reasoning, he waved his hand and shouted: "No need for stupid things! Come on, let me weigh your weight first, and see if you are qualified to learn my unique skills. "

As he spoke, he breathed out, and Yun Jin put on a fist pose.

"Undefeated in ten moves, I will tell you Wei Tuo to offer a staff!" Master Dong yelled, and then attacked Su Yi with a move of a vicious eagle.

Master Dong fights Tiexian Fist, Tiexian Fist itself is a foreign boxing, but generally Tiexian Fist will practice Shaolin's internal strength, use Shaolin internal strength to drive Tiexianquan's strength, so as to achieve one plus one greater than two Effect.

Tie Xian Fist is rigid and fierce, but it is not ignorant of rigidity. In fact, it is also a boxing method that combines rigidity and softness.

It's just that this boxing method requires every move and every form to be spared no effort, and every move should be done with all its strength, and every move is as fierce as a wolf.

In this way, it is very difficult for practitioners to achieve "combination of hardness and softness", and they usually rush to the path of rigidity and never return, just letting go and not taking it back.

But in fact, iron wire boxing is the highest state of this martial art if it can be retracted and released at a high level, and it is the highest state of this martial art to raise a sledgehammer to slap mosquitoes.

It's a pity that in the entire southern country, except for one Master Dong, no one has practiced Iron Wire Fist to the point where both hardness and softness are combined.

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any.

As soon as Su Yi put his hands together, he was shocked backwards by the huge force. It was hard to imagine that an old man who was nearly seventy years old would have such great strength.

(End of this chapter)

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