Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 807 3 Test

Chapter 807 Three Tests
What is the current level of Su Yi's martial arts?
Let's put it this way, the realm may not be as high as that of the Grandmaster, but in a real fight, the outcome is also at a [-]-[-] level.

The lack of realm, relying on skills, physical fitness, talent, and on-the-spot performance is completely enough to make up for it.

But the masters all have their own unique tricks, and Su Yi hasn't cracked any of them so far, which is a big problem.

Master Dong's iron wire fist is indeed hard and soft, and can be retracted freely, but so what?

Fist is afraid of being young and strong, after seven or eight moves, he was so tired that he wheezed and gasped, but Su Yi handled it with ease and kept it airtight.

At this moment, Master Dong decided to use a unique move.

Because he found that relying on the conventional style of play, he is no match for Su Yi...

At the eighth round, Su Yi's moves were slightly stagnant.

The next moment, Master Dong's tricks poured out.

The most domineering and mighty move in Iron Wire Fist, Wei Tuo presents his staff!

No matter what kind of tricks they have, they all have a common feature, that is, to use them, they must need to accumulate momentum or energy. The performance of a trick is definitely not that easy, and it is not just as simple as making a move.

If you were just doing movements, others would have learned your tricks long ago.

Whether it is gathering momentum or accumulating energy, there are signs or preparation time.

A real master will hide the preparation time in the front move, so that the opponent will not see it; or try to cover up the signs before the trick.

But a real master can also sense the other party's intention to launch a unique move. For example, the reason why Su Yi's moves are slightly stagnant now is that he has stopped his desire to interrupt Master Dong's unique move.

This is a battle of inheritance, not a competition in the arena. What he has learned is his unique skills, how can he not let them reveal it?
So he let Master Dong do the trick.

It's just that Su Yi still made all the preparations, because he hasn't reached the ten moves, if he can't catch this move, he will lose the chance to get the inheritance from Master Dong.

Now Su Yi wants to learn any trick!

Master Dong, who had been unable to attack for a long time, suddenly opened the middle door, and slapped Su Yi with his palm, his body stretched like a bow.

In the middle of the palm, he suddenly changed his move and grabbed Su Yi's arm with lightning speed.

This is the second hand to prevent running away. Usually when this step is reached, it means that the big move will arrive in the next moment.

Sure enough, the bow is full and the arrow is set, and the sharp arrow leaves the string!

In the next second, Master Dong advanced like a bull. At the same time, his tongue burst into thunder, and the other palm slapped out loudly.

Su Yi's arm was caught, and he lost the chance to dodge immediately, so he could only take it hard.

And as long as you don't hide, you can't defend against this move, because the strength contained in this move is too great.

The iron fist struck heavily on Su Yi's crossed arms protecting his chest.

In an instant, Su Yi felt as if a truck hit him, and he flew backwards.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and immediately let go of most of his strength. In addition, Master Dong didn't use up all his strength, so he staggered back a few steps, stood firm, and vomited in his chest and abdomen. In a fit of anger, he sincerely praised: "Amazing!"

This time it was Master Dong's turn to be surprised.

Although he put in [-]% of his energy, under this punch, Su Yi should have been lying on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up.

It is even possible to dislocate both arms, and he needs to take action to set Su Yi's bones.

But after Su Yi took this blow, he opened his mouth to speak as if nothing happened!

Then what did he kill with this ultimate move?
The agreement was ten moves, but there were still two moves left, and Master Dong didn't want to fight anymore.

It doesn't make sense anymore.

"You and Ye Wen didn't fight fakely. I will guarantee you after you leave this room." Master Dong said to Su Yi with a complicated expression.

It turned out that the reason why he started the fight without saying a word, and even made the ultimate move in the eighth round, was because he suspected that Su Yi and Ye Wen had punched fake punches.

But now Su Yi has proved with his strength that he doesn't need to do this at all.

How can a person who can practice such martial arts bother to do such a thing?

Su Yi smiled and said, "Thank you, Master Dong."

"The one you caught just now is the trick I want to pass on to you," Master Dong said, "Do you want to learn it? If not, I'll change it."

"That's the trick." Su Yi said with a smile, "If Master Dong hadn't been merciful, I would definitely not be able to handle this trick."

"But you can dodge it." Master Dong looked deeply at Su Yi, "You froze for a while before making the move in the eighth round, don't think that my old eyes can't see it."

Su Yi cupped his hands and stopped talking.

"Come on, I'll teach you the technique of Wei Tuo's presenting the stick." Master Dong stopped talking nonsense.

To learn a trick, you must master all kinds of tricks from the inside to the outside, from the way of exerting force, to the tricks and tricks, and then it is considered mastered.

In the second room, Su Yi also delayed for about half an hour before leaving the door and entering the third room.

Su Yi took a deep breath, feeling slightly agitated.

He dared to say that this encounter was definitely the greatest benefit for him in this world!
At least the ultimate skills of seven types of boxing are taught to him. Who can get such treatment?

Throughout the ages, I am afraid that he is the only one!

The third room is the last of the three elders in the south - Master He.

Master He is the successor of Wujiaquan. Wujiaquan pays attention to not leaving the seven holes in hand, hitting three points with hands and chasing seven points with feet.Take advantage of the air and attack when there is a gap!
This is a very tricky and fast boxing method, with a compact frame and no exposed strength, the momentum is connected and intertwined, and the routines are mostly straight-line back and forth, without fancy movements such as tumbling, rolling and jumping, which is very practical.

Wu family boxing is not very famous, but the actual combat performance of this boxing is definitely among the best in southern boxing.

Huang Xing, one of the leaders of the Revolution of [-], and Qiu Jin, the "Heroine of Jianhu", all practiced Wujiaquan.

Master He is a relatively introverted and low-key person. He doesn't talk nonsense, and his attitude towards Su Yi is just right. He passed Su Yi a trick called "lion with ball", which made Su Yi amazed.

When we got to Room [-], it was the turn of the northern masters.

"Good day! Hahaha! Come on, come on, let's help each other out, I've wanted to fight with you for a long time!"

The person in Room [-] is Ma Yingtu and Ma Ruanzi. This person's temper suits Su Yi's taste very well, and the two have always gotten along very well.

"Master Ma, this place is too small to be able to use it well." Su Yi smiled, "Besides, I'm still greedy for your unique skills, why don't you teach me first, and then learn from you when you have a chance?"

"Don't delay, don't delay!" Ma Yingtu said with a smile, "While fighting and teaching, you can use your mixed martial arts, and I only use chopping and hanging. Let's see who is better!"

Su Yi had no choice but to look left and right and said, "This house is expensive, and it's not good if it's broken... Otherwise, whoever breaks something among us will be considered the loser?"

Ma Yingtu's eyes lit up: "This is fun! Well, let's do it!"

After all, I couldn't wait to make a move.

Ma Yingtu, nicknamed Ma Ruanzi, also known as Lightning Hand, is famous for his vicious and quick martial arts, while Pi Gua Quan pays attention to long strikes from a distance and whipping from a distance, which can be retracted or released, long or short.

Therefore, Ma Yingtu's boxing style is full of "toughness", because he can fight from far and near, and he can come from both long and short. No matter what kind of opponent he encounters, he does not have too many shortcomings.

In the world of martial arts, the only thing that can't be broken is fast, this is very reasonable.

A fast word has achieved the name of Ma Yingtu's master.

That is Su Yi, otherwise few of the younger generation could keep up with Ma Yingtu's fast pace.

You come and I go back and forth, you fight fast, the fight is very fierce, and in the end, Su Yi stepped on a piece of wood, which is considered a half-stroke and defeated.

Here I have to talk about another shortcoming of mixed martial arts, that is, it is not as "slender" and "delicate" as Chuanwu, similar to technical work such as ghost knife piercing needles, spear embroidery, and sledgehammer slapping mosquitoes. There is nothing in the mixed martial arts system.

So this time Su Yi lost convincingly, and there was no excuse to make.

As long as Su Yi is immersed in fighting, it is inevitable to break things. His style is rough and unrestrained, and he doesn't care whether he breaks things or not.

Although Ma Yingtu was still enjoying the fight, he also knew that there were three people waiting for Su Yi.

He directly passed Su Yi all the way to the fist, which is relatively generous.

After Ma Yingtu came Yang Chengpu.

Su Yi didn't have much contact with this master, and there was something wrong with their temperament.

But there is nothing wrong with this person's character, and a minimum of respect and politeness has been maintained between the two of them.

Yang Chengpu taught Su Yi his famous mastery of cloud-handed movement, and he taught it with all his heart. Su Yi, who was exposed to Taijiquan for the first time, felt that he had benefited a lot.

After saying goodbye to Yang Chengpu politely, the next thing Su Yi saw was Li Shuwen.

Li Shuwen said happily: "Boy, I have passed everything I know to you, but I didn't keep any of it. I don't have anything to teach you today. Why don't you two practice?"

"Old Li, I've been practicing all the way." Su Yi smiled wryly.

This is true, even Yang Chengpu and Master He couldn't help but compete with Su Yi for a few rounds.

"Haha, that's because your stuff is new. Who doesn't want to try something new?" Li Shuwen said with a smile, "Those people who can teach you martial arts today, who can't see the meaning of your martial arts? You teach apprentices After half a year, you have already taught this level, but among those who practice martial arts, who is not curious about your martial arts?"

"" Where is this?There will be many people looking for you in the future.Let me ask you, did the three old guys in the south mention that they didn't want to come to the north? "

"It's true." Su Yi thought for a while, and Mr. Rong said that it might not be good to pass the South Fist North, but he didn't say he didn't want to come.

"Hehe, before this, these three old guys made up their minds not to come." Li Shuwen said, "Why did they change their mind? It's because they saw your martial arts!"

"They are closed and old-fashioned, but they are not stupid! They know that you are out of the north. If they close the door and play with themselves in the south, they will play with themselves to death sooner or later."

"So even if you don't let them go to the north now, they won't be happy! Haneda made a good move, and the matter of spreading from south to north is stable."

Su Yi said: "It's a good thing."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, come, come, let me see how much your martial arts has improved compared to that time." Li Shuwen said enthusiastically.

"Yes, then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman!" Su Yi laughed.

One old and one young began to learn from each other.

Both sides did not exert any strength, and they played very restrained and casual.

Sometimes when they are fighting, they will stop, argue, and then resume the fight.

More than forty minutes passed without knowing it before Li Shuwen became alert.

"Hey, you have to go to Haneda quickly, he should be in a hurry, go quickly, we will practice again some other day." Li Shuwen urged.

"Okay, then you just rest, I'll go first." Su Yi bowed and bid farewell to Li Shuwen.

"Go, go." Li Shuwen smiled and waved his hands.

Gong Baosen had indeed been waiting for Su Yi for a long time.

But he didn't look anxious at all.

When Su Yi came in, he was drinking tea, with his back turned to Su Yi, without turning his head, he said: "Are you here?"

"Master Gong!" Su Yi cupped his hands in awe.

"How are you doing?" Gong Baosen asked.

"The three elders in the south, as well as Master Yang, each taught me a unique move." Su Yi said, "Mr. Ma taught me a punch, and Mr. Li gave me all the skills of Bajiquan and shaking the big pole before." Granted."

"Your good fortune is not shallow, you are a person with great luck." Gong Baosen turned around and looked at Su Yi, "I have two unique moves here, one is the old ape hanging seal of Xingyiquan, and the other is There is a trick, which is the unique skill of our Gong family's 64 hands, hidden flowers at the bottom of the leaf."

"Liangchen, I plan to teach you both of these two tricks. After passing on these two tricks to you, whether it is to you or to the martial arts world, I will be benevolent to you..."

Su Yi was a little moved: "Master Gong, I will never forget your great kindness to me!"

"What I leave to you is not grace, but responsibility!" Gong Baosen's tone suddenly became severe, "It is the burden of inheriting the martial arts and carrying on the past!"

"I've carried this burden all my life. No one knows better than me how heavy and difficult it is! But now, I've taken it off and handed it over to you! Geng Liangchen, I'm not helping you, you can even say I'm I'm hurting you!"

Gong Baosen's tone was very excited.

Su Yi looked at him quietly, and slowly said: "Master Gong, Ma San..."

"You must perform well in the World Championship!" Gong Baosen interrupted Su Yi again, "This is the first test I will give you!"

"After the World Cup, I want to fight with you. We will decide whether to compete, or to decide whether to live or die! I will ask my elder brother Ding Lianshan to be a witness. This is the second test I will give you! This test has passed, You live, you have not lived, you die! No matter who lives or dies, the grievances and grievances between you and the Gong family will be written off!"

Just as Su Yi was about to open his mouth, Gong Baosen stopped him from speaking again.

"I don't know how you want to explain to me, Liangchen, I don't need to explain." Gong Baosen looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, "No matter what grievances you have with Ma San before, no matter how much reason you have for killing him Plenty, no need to explain. Of course, you don't have to deny it anymore, it doesn't make any sense."

"The principles of our martial arts practitioners must ultimately be told with our fists!"

Su Yi was silent.

"I still have a third test for you, but I probably can't see it." Gong Baosen said to Su Yi, "Do you still remember what I said when I came to Jinlou just now? What I haven't finished, you want Help me finish it. Liangchen, would you like to?"

(End of this chapter)

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