Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 808 The 1st World Fighting Competition

Chapter 808 The First World Fighting Competition

The pass of the old ape's hanging seal lies in "looking back at the moon", and the pass of hiding flowers at the bottom of the leaves lies in "creeping shadows and hiding shapes".

Gong Baosen imparted these two unique moves to Su Yi without reservation.

Gong Baosen even gave Su Yi the notes he had compiled on his martial arts throughout his life.

"Grudges are grievances, right and wrong, right and wrong, grievances are small, right and wrong are big." At the end, Gong Baosen said to Su Yi, "In my life, I have no regrets about right and wrong. Enmity and resentment are still unbreakable. .You don’t want to learn from me in the future. Those who achieve great things must be hard-hearted.”

"Master Gong, do you have to do this?" Su Yi said in a low voice, "I can promise you that you give me ten years, ten years later today, no matter whether I have finished what I want to do or not, I will do it." Bind my hands, let you kill me in front of you, and end this grievance!"

Gong Baosen was a little moved, but smiled gratifiedly: "You can say this, it means that I, Gong Baosen, have not misjudged the person! I believe that you must have your reasons for killing San'er. It's a pity that good luck tricks people. what……"

"San'er is my disciple and nephew of my senior brother Ding Lianshan. His revenge must be avenged, and he can't wait ten years, let alone ask right and wrong. This is a personal grievance, not justice." Gong Baosen's tone Tranquility, "Liangchen, it's the best result to end this matter with me. If it's not me, then it's my elder brother Ding Lianshan, my daughter Ruomei, Lao Jiang, and everyone in the Xingyi Bagua Sect."

"This hatred is like snowballing, getting bigger and bigger, and finally getting out of hand. Do you want this? I don't want this either."


"No but!" Gong Baosen interrupted Su Yi's words, "This is also my last bit of selfishness. You killed San'er, but I promoted you to Qingyun. I feel ashamed of him... and you, Geng Liangchen , I gave everything to you, you have to live on for me, for the national art, and for me."

"But don't think that I fight you just to seek death! If you have learned so many things and you can't even beat me, an old man who is about to die, then you can't bear such a big thing, and you should die!"

Su Yi sighed deeply: "Master Gong, have you ever thought that if you really die in my hands, how can you just leave it at that? If you say something that offends you, with Miss Gong's character, you will definitely die." I won't let it go. If you do this, you may kill her for the rest of her life..."

Gong Baosen's expression became a little gloomy, and he remained silent for a long time.

"Then you marry her!" Gong Baosen suddenly looked at Geng Liangchen, "Do you dare? Do you dare to marry a woman who has revenge for killing your father?"

Su Yi was shocked, and said: "Then I won't be able to attack you! Master Gong, in fact, you really don't need to..."

"Is it necessary, is it worth it, I think about it more clearly than you." Gong Baosen interrupted Su Yi, "Although I am old, I haven't lived enough. If I didn't think clearly, I would How could you make this choice? You don't have to persuade me anymore! Not to mention..."

Gong Baosen's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Su Yi and slowly said: "It's still unknown who will win the battle!"

Su Yi persuaded Gong Baosen not to move.

In the next three days, Su Yi tried various methods, but he couldn't persuade Gong Baosen to give up his idea.

This stubborn old man firmly believes that only a life-and-death battle is the best way to eliminate grievances, so that he can be worthy of his own heart.

No matter what Su Yi said, he was determined to do so.

In fact, Su Yi understands that some knots in this world cannot be untied.

Maybe Gong Baosen didn't really want revenge, he just wanted to untie the knot in his heart.

Martial arts delegations from various countries arrived in Foshan one after another on the day when the trials ended.

The venue of the competition is still chosen in the ancestral temple, and the warriors in the south hope to defeat the enemy under the witness of their ancestors.

Blessed by the ancestors, the warriors of the younger generation can defend against bullying and fight against powerful enemies together.

Because the previous conflict in Shanghai was not small, this time the World Fighting Tournament, as the final solution to that conflict, received a lot of extra attention.

Many foreign journalists came to Foshan to report on this martial arts event.

The film company that filmed the whole process of the Guoshu Elite Competition in Jinmen tasted the sweetness before. This time, it has joined forces with several companies and plans to film the video of this competition again and show it nationwide.

This kind of action gave interested people a glimpse of business opportunities, and Xiyang and Zhepeng colleagues followed suit.

As delegations from all over the world arrived in Foshan, this peaceful town became bustling and bustling.

Maybe it was too much commotion, the envoys stationed in Guangdong and Guangxi all expressed their intention to attend this competition and planned to come to watch the battle.

As a result, the Jinling authorities couldn't sit still anymore, and sent representatives from Guofu to treat the event as a diplomatic event.

Everything that involves Zheng Zhi will become extremely troublesome.

The competition was postponed for five days, and Su Yi, as the team leader of the contestants, had to socialize everywhere, accepting interviews with officials and meeting foreign guests...

To be cautious, Su Yi specially called Liu Haiqing and contacted the head of the intelligence station of the Sanqing League in Foshan, asking him to secretly protect himself and his apprentices.

Su Yi also contacted Yixiantian to let him hide in the dark and deal with the crisis that may occur at any time.

The day before the competition officially started, Su Yi got news that there was a person named Konosuke Oshita in Zhe Peng's delegation, whose real identity was Hideo Iwaguro, the head of Zhe Peng's bamboo organization.

What does a secret agent leader want to do in the Zhe Peng martial arts delegation under his name?
This aroused Su Yi's vigilance.

Because of Zheng Zhi's participation, the specifications of this World Fighting Competition have become much higher, and even an organization called "European Fighting Association" has also participated.

The slightly exaggerated name of "Wan Guo" was also changed, and the event was officially renamed "The First World Fighting Competition".

The organizer of the event has become a tripartite joint sponsor of the Huaguo Martial Arts Museum, the European Fighting Association and the Zhe Peng Judo Association.

Under Zhe Pengfang's "strong suggestion", some changes have been made to the rules of the competition.

The original one-round game has become a two-round system. If there is still no winner in the two rounds, there will be an extra match until the winner is determined.

The original rule that one loses even if one is knocked down has changed to only one party losing combat effectiveness or admitting defeat.

Originally, this competition was only held with bare hands, but the Zhe Peng people persuaded the representatives of Guofu, Siam, Korea and some western countries, and finally the competition system was divided into two types: bare hands and weapons.

A total of 69 contestants are free to sign up for the unarmed competition or the weapon competition, or both. The rules of the weapon competition are roughly the same as those for the unarmed competition, except that a "life and death certificate" must be signed before going on stage.

In addition, the original rule of stopping the game when one side falls to the ground has also changed, and it becomes that the game cannot be stopped for any reason unless one side admits defeat.

In short, all the rules are becoming favorable to Zhe Pengfang.

Although Zhang Zimin and Gong Baosen argued with reason, but the representatives of the Guofu were afraid of the Zhe Peng people. Instead, they reprimanded and suppressed the people of the country, and even threatened them. In the end, all the "suggestions" of the Zhe Peng people were adopted by the competition organizing committee.

As a player, Su Yi had to avoid suspicion about the formulation of the rules, and he was not qualified to participate, so he could only watch all this happen.

For such a small matter, he would not turn into a second kicker to kill the representative of the Guofu, or secretly threaten the representative of the Guofu.

Moreover, Su Yi felt that although Zhe Peng's changed competition system was beneficial to Zhe Peng Fang, some of the rules improved the competition system to a certain extent and played a positive role. It is likely to exist as a standard rule for international competitions in the future go down.

It's not a bad thing for Huaguo warriors to adapt to these rules in advance.

Of course, the changes made by the Zhe Peng made the game more brutal. They preached the so-called Bushido spirit and believed that a real man should be fearless.

Perhaps they still have the purpose of scaring away opponents with such rules, but it is a pity that no one, whether Chinese or foreigners, retired because of this.

In addition to the competition system, the competition process has also undergone major changes.

Originally, there were a total of 69 contestants. Three rounds of elimination were required to select the top 32 to enter the main competition, and then the ranking was determined through the points system.

But the Zhe Peng people incited many countries to oppose such a competition system, thinking that such a competition system is very unreasonable, especially the points system, which is only beneficial to the Chinese people.

They felt that the Hua people had the largest number of participants, and if it was a point system, there would definitely be fake matches, and the Hua people would take advantage of the loopholes in the competition system to maximize their own interests.

So they proposed to use an elimination system.

In other words, as long as you lose, you will be eliminated.

Except for Hua Guo and Zhe Peng, the number of participants from other countries was very small, and some countries even had only one person participating. The one-elimination system was too unfriendly for them, so they were unanimously opposed.

In the end, the Zhe Peng people compromised, and the competition system became a one-elimination system for the knockout match, and a two-elimination elimination system for the main game.

The selection competition aims to select 32 players to participate in the main competition, whether it is unarmed or equipment competition.

The opponents of the competition are randomly selected, so there will definitely be civil wars among the Chinese.

In the process of lottery drawing, Su Yi proposed that all lottery signs be made on site, the boxes were sealed on site, and notaries elected by representatives of various countries were invited to draw on site, so as to eliminate all black box operations.

Su Yi is sure that if there is a loophole in the lottery rules that can be exploited, the Zhe Peng people will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

Su Yi's suggestion was supported and adopted.

At the same time, under the suggestion of Zhe Peng and Xiyangren, the referee team also joined foreign referees.

After the rules of the competition system were negotiated and determined, the people of Zhe Peng made another moth.

They proposed that at the opening ceremony of the competition, Manchukuo would appear as an independent national team.

Hua Guo resolutely opposed it from top to bottom, and even threatened to withdraw from the competition.

This time, even most of the Western representatives chose to stand on the side of Huaguo. The plan of the Zhepeng people failed in the end. Two traitors and warriors who came from the northeast finally left Foshan overnight in desperation.

The time for players to sign up is set on the first day of the competition. There are a total of 69 players, 22 people who signed up for the unarmed competition and 94 people who signed up for the equipment competition.

Among them, 47 players signed up for both the unarmed competition and the equipment competition.

Among the 47 people, Hua people accounted for 23, Zhe Peng people accounted for [-], and people from other countries accounted for a total of six.

It is worth mentioning that, except for Bill Underwood, all of Su Yi's apprentices only registered for the unarmed competition and did not participate in the equipment competition.

Early in the morning of the second day, the grand opening ceremony began grandly.

Martial arts delegations from various countries entered the arena one by one, and the organizers of the competition and representatives of ministers from various countries all delivered enthusiastic speeches.

This was followed by the lottery ceremony. The numbers of the contestants had been determined at the time of registration. Su Yi was the No. 13 player—an unlucky number in the eyes of Westerners.

This number represents Satan.

The method of drawing lots is very simple. It is to crumple all the paper strips with numbers written on them, put them into a sealed box, and then the notary grabs two paper balls at a time. The words written on the two paper balls are The player represented by the number is the opponent to be duel.

The notary draws out the opponents, and the guy who sings the names of the dishes in the Jinlou sings the numbers aloud, and there are special clerks on the side to write down the games and names of the two sides.

In today's lottery, only the opponents scheduled for the hand-to-hand competition will be drawn.

According to the schedule, the unarmed competition and the equipment competition will be held one day apart.

For example, today is the hand-to-hand competition, tomorrow is the equipment competition, and the day after tomorrow is the hand-to-hand competition...

The order of the duel is also carried out in accordance with the order in which the notary grabs.

Su Yi's number was drawn later, and his opponent was a Zhe Peng named Hengyuan Xiong Zhi.

If you haven't heard the name, you shouldn't worry about it.

After the draw, some people cheered, some cheered, and some complained.

As Hua Guo and Zhe Peng, who have many contestants, both sides have their own people beating their own people.

Among them, Zhe Peng got four groups, and Hua Guo got seven groups!

Even out of Su Yi's seven disciples, two were drawn together by coincidence, and they wanted to fight in pairs!
You can only consider yourself unlucky. After all, there are 61 matches in the knockout round, and there are 52 contestants in Huaguo. Only seven groups are drawn together, which is actually not too many.

There is only one arena set up for this event. One game plus the time for players to get on and off the field and preparations, plus the time for two rounds, the plan is about 15 minutes.

The schedule stipulates that there are only [-] games per day, [-] games in the morning and [-] games in the afternoon, and the knockout round has a total of three days.

Including the equipment competitions at intervals, it will take six days to complete the knockout rounds.

After the lottery was over, the first group of contestants to compete was a duel between a Chinese native and a Belgian boxer.

The referee is a Zhe Peng.

This Hua country player is a southern warrior named Deng Long, he is the heir of Xiajiaquan.

Xiajia boxing is different from other southern martial arts. It is rare and powerful, with long bridges and big horses.

(End of this chapter)

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