Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 811 Conflict

Chapter 811 Conflict
If the Zhe Peng people can really win an overwhelming victory in this fighting competition, then there is too much room for maneuvering in this matter.

How big is it?
I'm afraid Su Yi knows better than Zhe Peng himself.

In later generations, he has seen many such public opinion tactics of pointing out the surface, and the consequences can really be serious enough to subvert a country.

Su Yi just gave a general idea, and Ye Wen's world view was subverted.

He was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

He intends to refute Su Yi as unfounded and alarmist, but everything Su Yi said is well-founded and logical, and it is really very likely to happen.

And he thought further, even an outsider like Su Yi could think of so much, how could Zhe Peng himself not think of it?I'm afraid they have more vicious thoughts!
Living in a peaceful place for a long time, the southerners actually have no idea of ​​the threat to the Zhepeng people. Not to mention them, even a considerable part of the northerners think that defeating Rehe is the limit of Zhepeng, a tiny country.

This is the first time in his life that someone intuitively told Ye Wen that the threat of the Zhe Peng people is imminent, but the Chinese are ignorant and unaware that the trap is just around the corner!

"Do master Gong and his seniors know about your speculations?" Ye Wen asked in surprise.

"I'm afraid the old people can't think of it so deeply." Su Yi said, "I don't need to tell them this."

"Why?" Ye Wen asked subconsciously.

"Because I'm here, how can the Zhe Peng people succeed no matter how many schemes they have?" Su Yi smiled lightly.

Ye Wen's body was shaken by the domineering arrogance coming towards his face, and he was quite moved.

He suddenly understood why his junior brother was called a "hero"!

"Things that are destined not to succeed, why should I speak out to make everyone worry?" Su Yi said with a smile, "The reason why I tell you this is because I actually admire senior brother's character and martial arts."

"You admire me?" Ye Wen laughed at himself, "Stop flattering me, I'm old enough to know how much I am. To put it nicely, it's called seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, and being alone; at a bad tone, it's called selfishness. To be honest, if I hadn’t been in the limelight this time, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be the representative of the Southern Martial Arts. If I had known that I would go to the North no matter whether I win or lose, I wouldn’t have taken even half a step towards Pedri if I was killed!”

"Do you know what the biggest lesson this incident has taught me?" Ye Wen looked at Su Yi, "Right and wrong are only caused by speaking up, and troubles are caused by being strong. I have always believed that people will not offend me, and I will not offend others. I don't harm anyone, and others don't come to harm me. But this time, because of a moment of enthusiasm, I got into the game after all and tasted the bitter fruit. So junior brother, I am not as good as you in martial arts, and I am not as responsible as you. What do you admire about me? ?”

While the two were talking, a fight had already started on the stage.

It was Zhe Peng warrior Bo Gu Zhenyang who launched the onslaught, and he took the lead in launching a onslaught on Jiang Tieshan.

However, Jiang Tieshan seemed to be in danger, but in fact he was not in any danger. He defended very steadily, and counterattacked from time to time to control the rhythm.

Su Yi took a look and knew that as long as Jiang Tieshan was not careless, the game would be stable.

That Zhe Peng man's footing is unstable, and he seems to be eager for success. Now he is not hesitating to use his physical strength to attack, but how long can he last?

After a long time of attacking, if he can't attack for a long time, he will inevitably become impatient and self-doubt.

If the attacking time is short and the tactics are temporarily changed, then Jiang Tieshan's rhythm will be entered.

"Do not harm others, do not bully the weak, this is a good character." Su Yi turned his head and continued to talk to Ye Wen, "In this troubled world, everyone is like a tiger and wolf. How many people do not harm others? At least I am not."

"People who practice martial arts must be hostile in their hearts, and they have skills in their bodies. How can they hold back and not show them? If you can not bully others with force, who can say that you are not a good person?"

Ye Wen smiled wryly: "Maybe I'm just afraid of trouble."

You are afraid of trouble...

Su Yi complained silently in his heart, but he said: "Senior Brother Ye, some troubles can be avoided, but some troubles cannot be avoided. For example, Zhe Peng people, for them, any capable Huaguo, even if It's wrong to be alive."

Ye Wen looked at the stage and suddenly said: "Your apprentice is about to win."

"Yes." Su Yi saw that Ye Wen didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he also smiled and stopped talking.

He wanted to win Ye Wen over, as he said just now, this person is not a bad person, and he will be a good teacher, who can be used by him.

With Ye Wen's current situation, it is a good time to win him over.

But it doesn't stop there.

He won't force it too much.

Jiang Tieshan really won.

When Bogu Zhenyang couldn't attack for a long time and wanted to slow down the pace and look for a fighting opportunity, he suddenly broke out to get close with the gossip swimming step. A set of fierce combination beat Bogu Zhenyang tired of coping, and was finally seen by Jiang Tieshan. On the left carotid artery, one hit KO.

Bogu Zhenyang fell straight and fell heavily on the ground.

"Ahhh!" Jiang Tieshan raised his arms and shouted wildly, very excited.

"Baga! You are cheating! Despicable guy!"

Just when the people of the country cheered, suddenly a Zhe Peng rushed out, yelling and cursing, while pulling out a gun and pointing it at Jiang Tieshan on the stage.

Jiang Tieshan, who was celebrating his victory on the stage, froze all over and dared not move.


Almost at the same time, Su Yi's eyes lit up, and he picked up the tea cups and teapots prepared for the contestants on one side of the table, and threw them at Zhe Peng.

Then Su Yi rushed over there as well. !
The teacups and teapots were almost in no particular order. The teacup hit the Zhe Peng man's gun-holding wrist, and the gun in his hand flew out immediately, and the teapot also hit the Zhe Peng man's head in a second, with a "boom" With a sound, boiling water splashed out and poured the Zhe Peng man's head.

"Ah..." Zhe Peng screamed and staggered to the ground.


In the next second, the enraged Zhe Peng stood up with a "chuckle", but before he could stand up, he felt a silver light flashing in front of his eyes, his neck felt cold and painful, and a knife had already been placed on the Zhe Peng's chest. neck.

The Zhepen froze immediately, gritted his teeth and raised his head.

What he saw was Su Yi's cold eyes.

"Try again?" Su Yi said suddenly, slightly exerting force on the wrist holding the knife, and blood oozed from Zhe Peng's neck immediately.

"You dare not kill me!" The Zhe Peng man grinned wildly, "Geng Liangchen, I know you, do you dare to kill me? I am an active soldier in Zhe Peng! If you kill me, you will be buried with me! Hahaha, hahaha..."

He laughed wildly, recklessly and arrogantly, and looked at Su Yi with confidence in his eyes.

Su Yi stared into his eyes for a few seconds and suddenly grinned, leaned down and whispered in his ear: "I can kill you by just finding someone, why bother doing it myself?"

The Zhe Peng man froze all of a sudden, and his smile stopped.

Su Yi smiled and patted his face with the back of the knife. Just when the Zhe Peng thought that Su Yi would say a few harsh words and let him go, Su Yi suddenly kicked him in the face hard. superior!
The man flew out like a cannonball, rolled on the ground for several weeks and passed out.

Su Yi put away the knife leisurely, and watched a group of Zhe Peng people and Hua people running towards this side at the same time with cold eyes.

"Baga! What are you doing?"

"The little devil dares to draw a gun? Fight them!"

"Draw a gun if you can't afford to lose? Despicable and shameless!"

"Baga, road, to the place where that person is dead!"

The scene was noisy and noisy.

Huaguo Wuren and Zhepeng Wuren pushed each other, and a conflict seemed to be imminent.

"Stop! Back off!" At this moment, a Zhe Peng shouted angrily from behind.

This man seemed to be very authoritative, and the Zhe Peng people immediately stopped pushing and cursing, and stepped back.

"What are you doing? Rebellion? Go back! Go back!" At this moment, the representative of the Guofu also ran over and shouted angrily, "Who told you to offend the Zhepeng people? Ah? The competition is the competition. Who asked you to do it? You are doing bad things to the party and the country!"

The Guofu representative rushed up to Su Yi, pointing at Su Yi and about to scold him.

"Get out!" Su Yi's tongue burst into spring thunder.

The representative of the Guofu froze all over, and was frightened, as if he had been scolded for being stupid, and he didn't move.

Su Yi gave him a disgusted look, and walked directly around him to the Zhe Peng who had just shouted.

On the other side, the Zhe Peng people who shouted also greeted Su Yi.

"Geng Sang!" The middle-aged Zhe Peng bowed slightly, staring seriously at Su Yi's eyes, "I am Mitsuyo Maeda, and my teacher is Jigoro Kano."

Su Yi was startled, looked at the middle-aged man with a beard in front of him, also stood still and slightly bowed to show respect: "Mr. Maeda, I have admired your name for a long time, I am Geng Liangchen."

In the mixed martial arts world of later generations, strictly speaking, Mitsuyo Maeda is more well-known than Jigoro Kano.

Because the famous Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, who once ruled the MMA ring, was developed because of Maeda Mitsuyo's teaching in Brazil.

He is the undisputed father of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

The various sleeping techniques and twisting techniques that Su Yi has learned belong to the category of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

Therefore, no matter what, Su Yi was bequeathed by Maeda Mitsushi, he had to recognize this origin, and he must have due respect for Maeda Mitsuyo.

Maeda Mitsuyo naturally felt Su Yi's respect, and his solemn expression softened, and he said, "Geng Sang, first of all, I want to apologize to you for Osamu Noguchi's irrational act of pulling out a gun. This is wrong and not in line with philosophy. An act of Peng Bushido spirit!"

Su Yi looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"But you shouldn't do anything to him no matter what!" Maeda Mitsushi said seriously, "We Zhe Peng made a mistake, and we will naturally punish him ourselves. You should not and have no right to do anything to him! Geng Sang, you You must apologize to Osamu Noguchi for your actions! And pay the corresponding price!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding Hua Guo warriors were in an uproar, each filled with righteous indignation.

It was Osamu Noguchi who drew the gun first, shouldn't he have shot?Now instead of asking the Hua people to apologize to the guy who pulled out the gun, what's the point?
Su Yi raised his palm to stop the uproar that angered the people of the country.

At this time, Gong Baosen and other masters also arrived, leaving the crowd and walking towards this side.

On the other side, the representative of Guofu stared at Su Yi with gloomy eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Mr. Maeda, are you kidding me?" Su Yi smiled, "Osamu Noguchi is going to shoot the contestants in the ring. As a member of the event organizer, it is reasonable for me to stop him from shooting. I don't Do it? Do you want to be like you and watch him kill people?"

"He hasn't killed anyone yet!" a middle-aged Zhe Peng who is beside Mitsushi Maeda interrupted suddenly, "Did he really kill someone? Hmph, he just took out his gun to frighten you, understand? To that person !"

Su Yi glanced at him and ignored him, and continued to say to Mitsuyo Maeda: "This is definitely a scandal for this event. Reporters from all over the world are staring at us now. Mr. Maeda, I suggest that you stop talking about who is right and who is wrong , turn the big thing into a small one, turn it into a small one, don’t bother with this matter anymore! Otherwise, you will be the ones who will be discredited! You don’t want to be ridiculed by the whole world because you can’t afford to lose, right? Point your gun at the contestants in the ring? You Zhepen people set a precedent in the whole world!"

Maeda Mitsuyo looked deeply at Su Yi, and said, "What if I insist that you apologize to Osamu Noguchi?"

"Then suspend the competition." Su Yi said with a smile, "A despicable villain who is going to shoot at the contestants in the ring, he should be expelled from this competition and deprived of his qualifications! Mr. Maeda, if I also Are you going to stick to it?"

Of course, this is not what Maeda Mitsuyo wants to see. He chuckled: "I can represent our Zhe Peng delegation, but what about you Geng Sang? Can you represent your Hua Guo delegation?"

"He can!" Gong Baosen has arrived at Su Yi's side at this time, with a serious expression on his face, "Geng Liangchen can represent our Chinese delegation to negotiate with you on this matter! And we are sorry for your despicable and arrogant just now." This behavior is severely condemned!"

"Can you also represent your country's government?" Maeda Mitsuyo looked at the Guofu representative on the other side with a half-smile, "Maybe I should talk to your government's representative about how to handle this matter."

"Of course you can." Su Yi said, "You can talk to him now."

"Do you listen to what he said?" The middle-aged man next to Mitsuyo Maeda interjected again.

Su Yi gave him a half-smile, not a smile, like looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Baga, what kind of eyes do you have!" The unruly middle-aged man was immediately enraged.

Maeda Mitsuyo waved his hand, and then said seriously to Su Yi: "Geng Sang, even if you were trying to stop Osamu Noguchi from shooting, why did you kick him in the end? Isn't this a malicious act of revenge?"

"I kicked him away because I judged that he had the intention of taking the knife from my hand." Su Yi said lightly, "His behavior poses a threat to me, so I want to distance myself from him."

Seeing that Maeda Mitsushi wanted to argue, Su Yi impatiently waved his hand and said: "Mr. Maeda, are you sure you still want to argue with me about who is right and who is wrong? If you really decide to do this, then I have no choice but to stick with you to the end! "

Maeda Mitsuyo looked deeply at Su Yi, and suddenly smiled and said: "Geng Sang, for the sake of Master, I will give you this face."

(End of this chapter)

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