Chapter 812
You give me this face?
You Zhe Peng people were stopped from drawing guns on the field. I don't want to hold you accountable, but I want you to give me face to calm things down?

Su Yi looked deeply at Mitsushi Maeda, who was admired by many MMA fighters in later generations, and suddenly understood a truth.

As a Chinese, you should never respect the Zhepeng people in the war years, no matter how great things you think this Zhepeng people did, and don’t care how much the things this Zhepeng people did benefit you.

Personal small favors and small righteousness are not worth mentioning in front of the great rights and wrongs of the nation.

But why didn't Su Yi pursue it to the end?Why did he even give up on punishing Osamu Noguchi despite being reasonable?

First, Su Yi is very clear about the consequences of pursuing it to the end, and it will still be nothing in the end.A weak country has no diplomacy, let alone Su Yi is not a diplomat.He wants to pursue it here, and the Guofu has already apologized to the Zhepeng people, and then mobilized public opinion to scold Su Yi for destroying the "diplomatic relationship between the two countries", labeling him as ignorant...

Not to mention the Guofu, even the grand masters will not pursue it to the end. The older generation seeks stability. Their thinking mode is not to distinguish right from wrong, but to solve troubles.Once the matter itself is regarded as a trouble to solve, the usual way is to calm down or make peace.

So in the end, only Su Yi and his supporters will be left to pursue, and even his own people will oppose him, which is meaningless and useless.

Second, although the organizer of this event has become a "co-host", in the final analysis it was initiated and hosted by the Chinese.

If the Zhe Peng people make a big noise on the field, disrupt the game, or even incite other countries to strike, and finally make this game a joke, who will lose the most?
And third, for Su Yi, the game is the most important thing now, and all disputes and conflicts can be resolved on the field.Is Noguchi Shukai an exception?

I'm afraid it won't happen. With Zhepeng people's contempt for Hua people and their usual arrogance and domineering, I'm afraid that such cases as Osamu Noguchi will happen again.

So to deal with this kind of thing, it is best to cut the mess quickly and let the players return to the game first.

Of course, there are some preconditions that are not pursued, such as Noguchi Osamu's gun is not safe, but there is no need to mention it.

The verbal dispute was futile, and Su Yi did not argue with Maeda Mitsuyo any more.

The unruly middle-aged man next to Maeda Mitsushi seemed very upset, but he seemed to be a little jealous of Maeda Mitsushi, and in the end he didn't say anything, glared at Su Yi viciously, and withdrew.

A conflict is resolved.

"Liangchen, this matter was handled very well." Gong Baosen patted Su Yi's shoulder, "It's well-founded, neither humble nor overbearing, the key is that the proportion is just right."

"It's really reassuring to do things on a good day." Master Dong, the third elder in the south, also said with emotion, looking at Su Yi with kindness in his eyes.

"We in the martial arts world can be regarded as successors." Li Shuwen laughed.

This evaluation could not be said to be low, Su Yi hurriedly handed over his hands and said that the seniors praised him absurdly, not daring to dare.

"Liangchen, Deputy Chief Sun left the table suddenly just now, and he was not very satisfied with you in the words before he left. Did something unpleasant happen between you?" Yang Chengpu asked suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of all the masters fell on Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled: "Seniors, don't worry, I will do a good job of internal unity, and I will go to convince him with Deputy Chief Sun."

"This person is sinister, don't underestimate him." Gong Baosen said in a deep voice, "Liang Chen, don't be impulsive if you have something to do, don't worry, we in the martial arts world will stand with you and will definitely not let you be wronged."

"That's right! Liangchen, don't mess around and you'll be fine, a group of us old guys will stand up for you!" Ma Yingtu warned.

"Stay far away from people surnamed Sun." Master Rong said.

Su Yi's heart was warmed by the concern of the seniors, and he thanked them one by one at the moment.

After they left, Jiang Tieshan on the side came over, cupped his hands and said gratefully: "Master, you saved my life."

"He didn't dare to shoot, so it's not life-saving." Su Yi shook his head, "At most, it's to help you vent your anger."

After a pause, Su Yi smiled and said, "You played well."

Jiang Tieshan smiled shyly: "Master taught me well."

"Don't go out alone these days, be careful of devils playing tricks." Su Yi instructed, "You must be on guard against others, do you understand?"

"Understood, Master!" Seeing Su Yi's seriousness, Jiang Tieshan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said.

After a short farce, the competition on the stage continued.

This time it was against a Zhepen and an Italian.

I don't know if it was affected by the last game, this warrior Zhe Peng was like sleepwalking the whole time, and he was beaten to death by the Italians in less than three minutes, and passed out.

The Italians roared excitedly, but all the Zhe Peng people present were ashamed.

"Bastard, you useless thing, you have completely disgraced our Matsumoto martial arts school! You should cut open your stomach!"

As soon as the defeated warrior Zhe Peng stepped down after being awakened, a middle-aged man rushed up and slapped him, yelling at him.

There have been eight matches since the morning. Among them, four of the Zhe Peng people played, and three of them lost. Only in the game against the Siamese, the Siamese deliberately gave way, so that the Zhe Peng people won the game.

Such a record is really not glorious.

Even Mitsuyo Maeda looked a little unhappy, stood up immediately, and left the table early.

Almost all Zhe Peng people stood up with a "crash" and followed Maeda Mitsuyo out of the stage.

The next two games have nothing to do with the Zhe Peng people, and it is not a bad idea for them to leave the field early.

It's just that it seems petty to do so, and it's not that respectful to other players.

The exit of the Zhe Peng people made the Hua Guowu people very happy, and they felt a little bit of schadenfreude.

Today's ninth game is the Jeppen against the Britons.

Bill Underwood knew the Briton who was fighting, and went to the sidelines to cheer for his friend.

The skills of both of them are the same as those of the army. The British's moves have the shadow of Barton technique, which is obviously influenced by Bill Underwood.

In the end, the British flag won the game with one move.

The final match of the match was a northern warrior against a Siamese boxer.

Although Su Yi gave on-the-spot guidance in this game, the northern warriors still lost the game.

The gap in technology cannot be completely made up by a few pointers.

Another addition to the history of the disastrous defeat of the Huaguo warriors against the Siamese warriors.

So far, the first day of the game is all over.

In today's competition, eight Chinese players played, three were eliminated, and five advanced, namely Deng Long, Li Yuanzhi, Ma Chengzhi, Zhang Xiaocai, and Jiang Tieshan.

Zhe Peng played four players, three were eliminated, and one advanced.The name of the winner is Konishi Yasuhiro.

The rest of the foreigners played eight people, four advanced and four were eliminated. Those who advanced were Britons, Italians, White Russians and Siamese.

After the first day of the competition, the major newspapers immediately spread the news to all parts of the country. That night, the hot and fresh extras were released!
The impressive achievements made by the warriors of Huaguo made every Chinese very proud, especially in Jinmen. The name Jiang Tieshan made people very excited. Jiang Tieshan's father was so happy that he arranged a banquet in Dengyinglou for his relatives and friends. guests.

Foreign newspapers also published the news of today's match. Although it was not the headlines, there were already many martial arts enthusiasts in the West, or those who were interested in fighting, began to pay attention to this match.

When leaving the arena, a staff member of the Guofu informed all the contestants in Huaguo to go to the Golden Building for a meeting, saying that it was Deputy Chief Sun who wanted to give a lecture.

At this time, the masters left first, and only the contestants were present.

"What kind of words did he teach us? Don't go!" Some people directly refused to save face and refused on the spot.

"That's right, we're not his subordinates, can he control us?"

"I really treat myself like an onion!"

Heroes are forbidden by martial arts, most of them are rebellious, especially those who have a good face and loyalty. In this kind of occasion where peers gather, no one will be cowardly.

"You dare to reject Deputy Minister Sun? He is the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs! You are so brave!" The staff was shocked and angry, and couldn't believe that these mud-legged people dared to refuse.

"I don't care about his deputy chief. Even if the president comes, I won't pee on him!" Li Yuanzhi said impatiently, "Get lost! Don't disturb our party!"

"That's right, let's go! What!"

"Go away!"

The staff left in despair, and the warriors cheered triumphantly.

"Master Geng, let's go, let's go to dinner together as we agreed!" A southern warrior shouted, "Dear fellows from the north, our southern warriors have invited you to this meal, everyone must show respect!"

"Haha, of course I have to save face!"

"That's right, the North and the South are one family, so we should get closer!"

"Master Geng, say something! You are the team leader, if you don't speak, no one will dare to move!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "Everyone is serious, it's a good thing for everyone to get close, but you can't drink too much, so as not to cause trouble after drinking. In this way, I will set a quantity, and no one has a maximum of three glasses, how about it?"

"Three cups? Okay, three cups is three cups! But you didn't say how big the cup is!" Someone said slyly.

"Fuck you! If you use a vat as a wine glass, do I have to admit it?" Su Yi scolded with a smile.

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Up to three bowls!" Su Yi waved his hand, "That's it!"

"Long live Hero Geng!"

The warriors cheered, and happily surrounded them and went to the agreed place.

Su Yi deliberately stayed at the end.

Ye Wen came to him and asked worriedly: "Junior Brother Geng, is it really okay to ignore that Deputy Chief Sun? After all, he is a member of the government, and a high-ranking official."

"If the sky falls, I will support it, what are you afraid of?" Su Yi said with a smile.

"This kind of person may not be able to accomplish anything, but he can do bad things. We have to guard against it." Ye Wen persuaded patiently, "Junior Brother Geng, I think you can't be careless."

Su Yi smiled: "Senior Brother Ye, don't worry, I have a way to deal with it."

Ye Wen was startled, and said, "That's good."

"Brother, I have my match in the equipment competition tomorrow, and I want to prepare for the match. You can act as an on-the-spot coach for me, okay?" Su Yi suddenly suggested.

"Me?" Ye Wen didn't expect Su Yi to make such a suggestion, and subconsciously refused, "I don't..."

"That's it!" Su Yi couldn't help but say, "Today I chatted with my senior brother about the characteristics of martial arts in various countries. With my senior brother's talent, it's no problem to formulate targeted tactics."

"I know you don't like to be in the limelight, but it's not about being in the limelight, it's about helping everyone win the game and contributing to the country."

Ye Wen pondered for a while, and finally nodded cautiously: "Then I will try."

Ye Wen took the initiative to communicate with Su Yi today, asking all kinds of questions, looking very positive, obviously he has "resigned to his fate" and is ready to transfer his art to the north.

This was a good sign, so Su Yi pushed the boat forward and asked him to take on more responsibilities.

In fact, it's not that Ip Man didn't take responsibility, it's just that his responsibility has to be avoided.

All the way to a well-known restaurant in Foshan, all the warriors immediately became lively, but Su Yi went to the back hall, and in the aisle next to the kitchen, he saw a thin middle-aged man with no good appearance.

"Master Geng!" The thin middle-aged man was very respectful to Su Yi.

"Just call me by my name, it doesn't have to be like that." Su Yi said.

"The bureau chief specifically told me to respect you, and I dare not make mistakes in a humble position." The thin middle-aged man said respectfully.

He is the head of the intelligence station of the Three Youth League in Foshan, named Liu Xuwen.

"Is the surname Sun causing trouble?" Seeing Liu Xuwen's insistence, Su Yi stopped talking and went straight to the point.

"Mr. Geng, you are so good at predicting things!" Liu Xuwen complimented, and then said in detail: "Deputy Chief Sun is very dissatisfied with you, and decided to teach you a lesson. He put a **** promotional material in your room, There is also a manifesto of the underground party, which wants to slander you. He has already called Chen Bonan to transfer a company of troops, and wants to arrest you directly."

"It's true that a biting dog doesn't bark." Su Yi sneered, "Just because I let him go, is he going to put me to death?"

Liu Xuwen smiled wryly: "Grandpa, you have never paid attention to this Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since he came, have you given him a good face? He suggested that you take our Chinese contestants to the diplomatic dinner Performing martial arts, what you said was not pleasant, and it was passed on to other people's ears intact. Since then, you have offended him."

"We are soldiers who fight for our country, not actors who make people laugh!" Su Yi said coldly, "Let us perform for foreign devils? Thanks to him thinking of it! I call him a drunk and a rice bag, which is considered light!"

"You're cursing Shu An, but he is the deputy chief. Whoever builds a building usually flatters him in every possible way? It's no wonder that he can forgive you if you scold him like that." Liu Xuwen continued with a wry smile, "Great people have the dignity of big people , if you are in the first day of junior high school, don’t blame others for doing the fifteenth day.”

"From what you mean, should I let him go?" Su Yi narrowed his eyes.

"No, no, I don't mean that." Liu Xuwen waved his hands hastily, "Master Geng, I will definitely stand on your side, otherwise I wouldn't have revealed to you what Sun did, right? "

"I just think that if you were more polite to him, the matter wouldn't be as deadlocked as it is now."

"A person who doesn't understand farts will point fingers at this game and want to take away the decision-making power. Do you think this is something that can be solved politely?" Su Yi said, "I know that I have to deal with a deputy chief." How big the risk is, you and the brothers are both responsible, and I owe you a favor for this matter."

"Oh, Mr. Geng, what you said just touched my heart." Liu Xuwen was moved, "With your words, it's worth it for me to go up the knife mountain and down the oil pan!"

(End of this chapter)

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