Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 813 The Deputy Chief's Hostility

Chapter 813 The Deputy Chief's Hostility

"Master Geng, this Deputy Chief Sun has a lot of background, even if we get to know some of his shady activities, we may not be able to threaten him." Liu Xuwen said, "And he has a big diplomatic mission on his shoulders this time. He has great power to make temporary decisions, even Chen Bonan has to fully cooperate with him."

"With a chicken feather as an arrow, Chen Bonan, the dignified frontier official, will spoil him?" Su Yi sneered, "How many warlords are willing to listen to what the Jinling government says now? As long as this surnamed Sun is not stupid, he will never dare He really thinks of himself as an imperial envoy holding Shang Fang's sword. It's true that he doesn't interfere with each other. You said he borrowed a company of soldiers? Hehe, I bet Chen Bonan didn't know about it at all!"

Liu Xuwen's eyes moved: "Grand Geng, how do you know that Chen Bonan didn't know about his deployment?"

Golden House.

Deputy Chief Sun listened to his subordinate's report with a gloomy face.

How dare a group of mud-legged people dancing with guns dare to refuse his summons and not give him face?
I really don't know life and death, I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth...

Is it because the image of being close to the people that I deliberately created caused these mud-legged people to misunderstand, thinking that I am a benevolent person?
Vice-Chang Sun endured Su Yi not once or twice!

He was scolded before as a drunkard, but this time he was actually let go. He is a dignified deputy minister of foreign affairs. In ancient times, he was considered a third-rank official. A mere head of a local society, how dare he treat him like this?
If Su Yi is not dealt with, where will his prestige come from?How does his work develop?
Don't say this is Foshan, not Jinmen.Even in Jinmen, the dignity of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs must not be so lightly insulted!

In fact, Deputy Chief Sun's desire to engage Su Yi is not purely a personal grievance, a dispute between emotions.

He came this time with a major diplomatic mission.

After the fall of Rehe, the ambitions of the Zhepeng people remained undiminished, and they looked down on North China.

The West has always had an ambiguous attitude towards Mr. Hu of the Jinling authorities, and even cut off aid to the Guofu.Now people in the Guofu are in panic, and they have been making various efforts to try, hoping that the West can resume foreign aid, and can negotiate with the Zhepeng people, but they will give up coveting North China.

It is a pity that the Guofu authorities have not made any breakthroughs in diplomacy.

This time, after the Guofu authorities learned that the envoys of various countries stationed in Guangdong and Guangxi were going to attend the fighting competition, they immediately attracted enough attention. Vice Minister Sun volunteered to come here, hoping to make diplomatic progress and win over the Western world. His sympathy and goodwill also made the Zhepeng people calm down and give up attacking North China.

Since he came here with this purpose, Deputy Chief Sun naturally didn't care about the game itself.

And in order to please the foreigners and the Zhe Peng people, he didn't want the Chinese warriors to win at all.

He hoped that the Westerners and the Zhe Peng people would win. In this way, when the Westerners are happy, they may give aid and withdraw troops when they should, and the world will be peaceful and everything will be fine.

If he can complete this "great feat", he will be promoted and named in the history books, just thinking about it makes him excited...

But to do that, he has to control the game.

If you want to lose the game, you have to lose with knowledge, and you can't lose casually.

Losing too falsely and too quickly may be counterproductive and make the foreign students even more unhappy.

The doorway is deep here, how do mud legs understand?

So he must control the overall situation of the game.

Before he came, he dismissed Zhang Zimin, the curator of the Martial Arts Academy, without Zhang Zimin, those so-called masters were all white men, none of them had official positions, and he didn't pay attention to them at all.

But to Deputy Chief Sun's surprise, a group of old guys that he thought he could handle easily turned out to be very stubborn and cunning.

Facing his behavior of wanting to seize power, these grandmasters fought back and forth without accepting the move at all, which made him lose all his thoughts.

But the way is one foot high and the devil is one foot high. In the end, Deputy Chief Sun still relied on his identity as the representative of the Guofu to collude with the foreign adults and forcibly changed the competition system and rules of the game that had been set. Even if several masters strongly opposed it, it was nothing. For eggs.

By changing the rules, Deputy Chief Sun found that he could completely bypass the Grandmasters, and there was no need to get entangled with these old things.

So he directly found the team leader of the contestants, that is, Su Yi, and wanted to negotiate directly with Su Yi, using lures to make Su Yi submit, obey his orders, and help him control the game.

But what Deputy Chief Sun didn’t expect was that he hadn’t said anything about it yet, but just made a probe—that is, he asked Su Yi to bring some contestants to the diplomatic dinner to perform martial arts. Su Yi refused even for such a condition. !

Not only did she refuse, but she also called him a fool!

Deputy Chief Sun was strangely angry. In his opinion, performing martial arts for the ministers of various countries is an honor for this group of mud-legged people to smoke from the ancestral graves, and it is a great thing to glorify their ancestors!He was the one who gave this group of mud-legged people such an honor, but this group of mud-legged people not only didn't know good people's hearts, didn't know good and bad, but rejected him and scolded him, it's really unreasonable!

From this moment on, Deputy Chief Sun hated Su Yi.

But personal feelings are personal feelings, and business matters are business matters. Until then, Deputy Chief Sun still did not give up hope of wooing Su Yi.

He tried a few more times, but it was a pity that Su Yi didn't take over at all.

The time is limited, and this back and forth has dragged on until today.

Then, the scene where Su Yi told him to get out of the previous conflict with Zhe Pengwu happened.

At that moment, Deputy Chief Sun's resentment was second to none, he completely understood that it was impossible for Su Yi to be drawn over by him.

Not only that, but this person will ruin his big business and become the biggest obstacle for him to do things!
Because everyone is saying that if it weren't for Su Yi's on-the-spot guidance, at least half of Hua Guo's warriors would be promoted on the first day.

Su Yi's purpose is to let more Hua Guo warriors win, but Sun Deputy Chief's purpose is to let more Hua Guo Wu people lose.The purposes of the two are diametrically opposed and cannot be reconciled at all.

Therefore, Deputy Chief Sun understood one thing - if Geng Liangchen is not eliminated, great things will never happen!

So he left the arena early and returned to the Golden Building to arrange everything.

He wanted to slander Geng Liangchen as an underground party, execute him in secret, and then support an obedient warrior to become the leader of these participating warriors.

He has already found a candidate, and it is Ip Man!
Ye Wen has investigated this person, he is low-key and cautious, and he has a family and a family, so he is easy to be controlled.

When the time comes to arrest his wife and children and force him, I am not afraid that Ye Wen will not submit.

Deputy Chief Sun had a good idea. First, he called all the mud-legged warriors to a meeting, then arrested Geng Liangchen in public, searched his room, confirmed his identity as an underground party, and left everyone speechless. Liwei's purpose.

But he didn't expect that his plan would fail at the first step.

The mud legs didn't give him face at all, and refused to come to Jinlou to participate in the meeting!
How could this allow him to expose Su Yi's identity as an "underground party" in public?

"Thugs in the mountains, you really don't know how to live or die..." Deputy Chief Sun gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "If they weren't useful, I really want to arrest all these lawless things!"

"Deputy Chief, I'm risking my life to catch Geng Liangchen alone, and you want to catch them all? Then I really dare not accompany you!" A man in a lieutenant's uniform smiled wryly.

Deputy Chief Sun looked at him dissatisfied and said: "I'm just talking, and I'm not really so irrational. Besides, Geng Liangchen is just a mere gang leader, and his power is still far away in Jinmen. You are afraid of him!" "

"You, you only know the spring and white snow, and you don't eat the fireworks of the world. You don't know what the name Jinmen Hero means." The officer sighed, "This kind of reckless rivers and lakes, even if he dies, some people will work for him. Come on... besides, my deployment of troops in the name of training is actually a violation of military law, and if I am investigated by the superiors, I will definitely go to a military court."

"With me here, who would dare to pursue you?" Deputy Chief Sun snorted coldly, "If Chen Bonan knew that you belonged to me, not only would he not dare to touch you, he would even promote you!"

The soldier sighed with gloom on his face, "Forget about being promoted, Deputy Chief, this time it's repaying your kindness for your kindness. What should we do now? You speak."

"If it's not just me, I'll be the mountain!" Deputy Chief Sun sneered, his eyes flashed brightly, "Geng Liangchen, if I can't clean up even a mere Geng Liangchen, I, the deputy chief, will be in vain!"

"Understood! I will lead the troops to arrest people." The officer nodded, "Do you want to go with me, Deputy Chief?"

"No, I'm here, waiting for the good news." Deputy Chief Sun said with a grim smile.

In the restaurant where all the warriors gathered, there was a lot of wine and wine, and everyone was in a good mood.

Of course, not all martial arts practitioners are pure people, but at least most of them are bold and forthright.

If we say that in the previous trials, the confrontation between the northern and southern warriors was still very serious, but today, the warriors have basically eliminated the gap between the north and the south.

Everyone has a common name - Huaguo Wuren!
Although Su Yi's age is considered to be relatively young in the audience, not only no one regards him as a junior, but no one even regards him as an equal.

Everyone even regarded him as the older generation like the masters, and showed respect towards him.

This is not only because Su Yi's apprentices have strong strengths and can be equal to them; it is also because Su Yi created the art of "Mixed Martial Arts", and he can definitely be regarded as the master of the school.

Therefore, at the dinner table, although Su Yi drank alcohol in a limited amount, he was still frequently toasted by the warriors.

It is impossible for Su Yi to accompany everyone to have a drink, but he has to comment on everyone who comes to toast.

Review what?
Comment on their upcoming opponents.

Today's lottery drew out all the opponents, and Su Yi also asked people to make a battle list early.

For Western boxing, including Siamese boxing and jujitsu, as well as various foreign equipment, Su Yi does not say that he is familiar with it, but he still has a good understanding of its basic styles.

But the warriors present were basically blind-eyed and knew nothing.

So for those who come to toast him, Su Yi must tell him what your opponent's martial arts are and what his style is.

I didn't say much, just a few words, but for these warriors who don't know anything, this is undoubtedly very valuable information, and they feel like a treasure.

As a result, the warriors lined up to toast Su Yi.

When the officer led his troops to break in, he saw such a scene.

Su Yi was talking about his opponent to a southern warrior.

"Your opponent is an Indian. Indian martial arts is called Kararipayat. This is a very clever kung fu. It combines martial arts, yoga, and wrestling. The style is very flexible..."

"Hero Geng, what is yoga?"

"Yoga is similar to our Huaguo's cartilage exercises..."

The door was slammed open, and heavily armed soldiers filed in, dividing into two teams to outflank the left and right sides.

"Don't move!

"Everyone sit where they are, and no one is allowed to move!"

"Sit down! Sit down, are you courting death?"

The soldiers, yelling and cursing loudly, took control of the situation.

The warriors at the scene were taken aback, and they couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Sure enough, I found it." Seeing this, Su Yi didn't feel flustered or surprised at all. The corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm, and he picked up his teacup and took a sip with a calm expression.

"Masters, please sit where you are and don't move! Don't hinder me from carrying out the military order!" At this moment, the officer who had talked with Deputy Chief Sun came in and said loudly.

"I got a tip that one of the masters present has infiltrated an underground party, intending to use this game to sabotage the assassination! We have already obtained conclusive evidence that this person is indeed an important figure in the underground party! Everyone, please Don't prevent us from arresting the underground party! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless, and punish me as an accomplice!"

The officer's voice was so harsh at the end that everyone was silent.

Everyone was not frightened by his prestige, but by the word "underground party".

After the Jinling Incident, Hu Zhantang not only did not relax his control over the underground party, but intensified it and squeezed it out even more.

In the territory controlled by the Guofu, the underground party has been publicly arrested, and the living environment is very harsh.

Once a person is labeled as an underground party, this person will have no way out.

It is better to kill the wrong than to let it go. This is not the patent of someone Chang alone, and someone Hu will also.

Therefore, almost everyone talks about the underground party changing color.

As soon as the officer said that he was here to arrest the underground party, everyone was startled and suspicious, and dared not say a word.

The officer was very satisfied with the effect of his words, looked around, walked slowly to Su Yi, put his hand on the holster around his waist, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Geng, come with me, Are you going by yourself? Or should I ask you to go?"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

"How could Master Geng be an underground party? You are slandering me!"

"This is retaliation! This must be the trick of the deputy chief surnamed Sun?"

"It's so shameless to say that Geng Daxia is an underground party? He has the ability to arrest us all!"

"That's right! If you want to catch it, catch it all. Tomorrow's game, you will compare yourself!"

The warriors were filled with righteous indignation, even at the point of gunpoint, they all expressed their dissatisfaction and opposition one after another, and even some excited people came to Su Yi's side with a "crash" together with Su Yi's seven apprentices.

(End of this chapter)

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