Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 815 Bottom line problem

Chapter 815 Bottom line problem
What would you think if you were alone at home reading the newspaper, and suddenly a voice spoke to you?
Deputy Chief Sun was scared to death anyway!
After he saw clearly that the person sitting opposite was the smiling Su Yi, he was frightened half to death again!
"You—Geng Liangchen!" Vice-Chairman Sun's tone changed. The next moment, he stood up and backed away, yelling in horror, "Come here! Come here! Help! Help..."

The guard outside opened the door and came in, while Su Yi sat on the sofa with a smile, motionless.

"Senior Commander, what are your orders?" The officer who came in asked expressionlessly.

"He! Can't you see him!" Maybe the guards gave him a little courage, and Deputy Chief Sun pointed at Su Yi and roared angrily, "When did he come in? How did he come in? What are you doing? Hurry up." He got it under control! Immediately! Immediately!"

However, the officer remained expressionless, not even looking at Su Yi.

"Deputy Chief Sun, if there is no other order, I will go out first." The officer said.

Deputy Chief Sun's eyes widened, disbelief written all over his face: "What did you say? Are you deaf? You..."

In the middle of the sentence, Deputy Chief Sun suddenly understood as if struck by lightning, and his eyes widened in horror.

"You, you are in the same group!" Deputy Chief Sun pointed at him and Su Yi tremblingly in horror.

The officer remained expressionless, and saluted Deputy Chief Sun: "Please rest assured, Deputy Chief, no one will disturb you."

After that, he turned around and walked out.

"You bastard! You are treason! How dare you..." Vice-Chang Sun jumped three feet high, screaming in horror and wanting to run out.

But the officer closed the door directly after going out.

There was a sound of locking the door.

Deputy Chief Sun was shocked again and froze in place.

His face turned pale at this moment.

The body also trembled uncontrollably.

This is a scene that he could never have imagined!
He is a majestic deputy minister of foreign affairs, but he was blocked in his residence by a gangster from Jinmen.

Even if he was beaten to death, he couldn't figure out why the guards were in cahoots with this Jinmen gangster?
What he couldn't accept even more was that just a moment ago he was still fantasizing about this scene of Geng Liangchen kneeling in front of him and begging for mercy.

But now, the other party is dictating his life and death!

"Deputy Chief Sun, this is your residence, so you don't need me as a guest to invite you to sit down?" Su Yi said lightly.

Deputy Chief Sun took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, forced himself to look back, and said with a sneer, "Geng Liangchen, I don't believe you dare to kill me!"

Su Yi smiled: "How can I answer your words? If I refute you, I have to kill you to prove that what you said is wrong. If I approve of you, will you become a man because I don't kill you? Have no fear?"

"Senior Minister Sun, you are from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The specialty of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is negotiation. You should be very good at talking, but why do you talk to me, and you will push the current situation between you and me to the point of either-or ?”

As Su Yi said, he took out a knife and put it on the coffee table.

The horror in Deputy Chief Sun's eyes could no longer be hidden, and he shouted fiercely, "What do you want!"

"This knife is the bottom line of our conversation today." Su Yi looked at him with a smile, "If we can reach an agreement today, everyone will be happy. If we can't, then I can only use the bottom line."

"I don't believe you dare to kill me!" Deputy Chief Sun yelled again in horror.

"Look, you said that again." Su Yi looked at him reproachfully, "How about I chop off your hand first to prove my courage?"

"..." Deputy Chief Sun widened his eyes in horror, and trembled again.

"Come on! Come on! Help! Help..." He suddenly ran out the door again, screaming in panic like killing a pig.

bang bang bang...

He banged on the door hard, screaming in terror.


The door opens.

The officer who had come in before stood at the door, and said to Deputy Commander Sun with a solemn expression: "Senior Commander, please don't make loud noises that will affect the soldiers standing guard! They are tired of protecting you, why are you still making such noise and disturbing them? Tolerate?"

"I..." Vice-Chang Sun's eyes widened, his face was blank, and he was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that the officer was about to close the door and go out, Deputy Chief Sun woke up like a dream, grabbed the officer's arm, and shouted in horror: "You can't go! He's going to kill me! Geng Liangchen is going to kill me! You can't ignore it! Are you Commander Zhuo sent me to protect me, if something happens to me, you will be dealt with by military law! You take me away, take me away immediately!"

The officer frowned and looked at Deputy Chief Sun's arm, and said, "Senior Chief, if you drag me again, I will have to tie you up."

"You—" Deputy Chief Sun couldn't believe his ears, "He wants to kill me! Are you not afraid of being punished by military law?"

The officer said coldly: "Deputy Chief Sun, please let go!"

"Didn't you see that knife? Look! That knife on the table! He's really going to kill me!" Deputy Chief Sun broke down and roared.

"Isn't it normal to have a knife on the table?" The officer was impatient, pushed Deputy Chief Sun to the side, broke away from him, then stared at him with warning eyes and said: "Secretary Chief Sun, Stop banging on the door, or I'll have to do something about it!"

The door closed again.

Deputy Chief Sun froze in place for a moment, then ran back through the living room like a madman.

"Go back!" After a while, a scolding voice came from the backyard.

Su Yi who was sitting in the living room couldn't help smiling, picked up the teapot on the table, got himself a clean cup, filled a cup of tea, and then sipped leisurely.

Not long after, Deputy Chief Sun came back in a daze, and sat tremblingly opposite Su Yi.

"You, who are you?" Deputy Chief Sun looked at Su Yi in fear, and asked in a trembling voice.

At this moment, he finally realized that he had greatly underestimated Geng Liangchen. The identity of this Geng Liangchen was definitely not as simple as a leader of a foreign society and a warrior!
He made a mistake, a fatal mistake!

Su Yi put down his teacup and leaned forward slightly, smiling at Deputy Chief Sun and hooking his fingers.

Deputy Chief Sun hesitated for a moment, then came over.

"You ran out twice just now, and asked for help twice." Su Yi looked at him, "You ignored the existence of me as a guest, you have bad intentions for me, and..."

He pointed at Deputy Chief Sun: "You don't respect me."

"I, I didn't," Deputy Chief Sun swallowed hard, "It's not a question of respect or disrespect, Mr. Geng, to be honest, wouldn't you be afraid if I changed you?"

"You are afraid, it just means that you don't respect me." Su Yi said seriously, "You only know that you are afraid now, which proves that you didn't have the slightest reverence for me before. You put yourself in a superior position, thinking You can kill me, this is the main source of the current confrontation between us, do you admit it?"

Deputy Chief Sun squeezed out an ugly smile: "I, I admit it, but..."

"No but," Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him from speaking, "You have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten. This is the truth that every child understands. Vice President Sun, are you wrong?"

"I, I was wrong, I'm sorry." Deputy Chief Sun followed suit and immediately admitted his mistake and apologized.

"Very good." Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, and the next moment, he suddenly slapped Deputy Chief Sun on the face with a backhand.

Deputy Chief Sun staggered and fell directly on the table, his whole body was stunned, and he couldn't react for a while.

Su Yi smiled and leaned back, looking at Vice-Chairman Sun who had half of his face swollen rapidly, and said, "For the sake of your sincerity in admitting your mistakes, I won't use the bottom line."

Deputy Chief Sun was alert all over, subconsciously glanced at the knife on the table, squeezed out a smile uglier than crying, and said in a crying voice: "Mr. Geng has a lot of adults, Mr. Sun is deeply impressed."

"Very good, I can see that I am a big-hearted person, which means that you have begun to understand me a little bit." Su Yi said with a smile, "Deputy Chief Sun, let me answer your previous question, who am I?"

"This is a very general question. In fact, I don't understand what you want to ask me." Su Yi seemed to be very talkative, "Identity is just a sign and symbol of the difference between individuals in the social structure. A title, but in fact it represents a kind of order. This kind of order is often changing as the situation changes.”

"For example, you and I, you are an official, I am a commoner, this is a kind of difference and order; but now you and I are sitting here, who are you? Who am I? What is the order and difference between us? Can it be generalized simply by using the identities of officials and common people?"

Vice-Chang Sun's eyes were filled with bewilderment.

Are you fucking giving me philosophy?

"Deputy Chief Sun, you made this kind of metaphysical mistake. Your perception of me is always based on the symbol of 'common people'. For you, officials oppressing the common people is a normal social order." Su Yi sighed, "It is based on this wrong perception that you have been bullying me as an ordinary person. When you found out that I am not easy to bully, you still haven't realized that I am not an ordinary person. That leads you to a second mistake."

"What's wrong?" Deputy Chief Sun asked subconsciously.

Damn it, he actually listened to it...

"You have broken the bottom line of order!" Su Yi looked at him seriously, "Officials oppressing the people can barely be regarded as a kind of bad order, but officials carelessly disregarding human lives and murdering the people are breaking the bottom line!"

Deputy Chief Sun swallowed hard, and the cold sweat broke out on his back: "Mr. Geng, please listen to my explanation..."

"No need, let's talk about the truth first, and then listen to the explanation." Su Yi smiled and waved his hands, "Where did I just say?"

"Bottom, bottom line." Deputy Chief Sun reminded, and subconsciously glanced at the knife on the table again.

"Yes, the bottom line." Su Yi nodded, "Breakthrough the bottom line is a very dangerous thing. A person who breaks through his own moral bottom line means that this person is exiled and self-destructed in the spiritual world; a person breaks through the social order. Bottom line, it is bound to cause your social relationship to collapse."

"Look at you, breaking through the bottom line to harm me caused me to break through the bottom line to deal with you in order to protect myself. As a result, our original normal social relationship had to fall into a zero-sum game of life and death. So the bottom line really cannot Feel free to break through..."

Su Yi spoke with a bit of earnestness, but Deputy Chief Sun was sweating profusely when he heard it.

While wiping his sweat, he said in an embarrassing way: "Mr. Geng's kind words, golden words... But, but, there is still room for maneuver between us. I apologize for my previous behavior, I..."

Da da da……

Su Yi knocked on the table to interrupt him, and flicked the knife on the table with a smile: "The reason there is room for maneuver between us is because I have set a new bottom line for our relationship, and this is the knife. If the bottom line is broken again this time, either you will hack me to death with this knife, or I will hack you to death with this knife, there will never be a third result, do you understand Deputy Chief Sun?"

"No, no!" Deputy Chief Sun wiped his sweat with a smile, but his voice trembled again, "I will stick to the bottom line this time and never let up..."

"No, you're just talking about it. Now you just want to perfuse me, deceive me, and deal with me." Su Yi smiled half-smile, "Then after you regain your senses, think of a way to kill me, because Until now, I still haven't earned your respect."

"No, no, Mr. Geng, I, I really respect you, really, I swear!" Deputy Chief Sun said tremblingly, looking at the knife on the table in horror from time to time.

"Hehe..." Su Yi smiled and shook his head, "Is your attitude now exactly the same as when you knelt down at the Dafa official Zhanchao's house and begged him to let you go on the night of July 16rd in the 23th year of the Republic of China? "

Deputy Chief Sun's eyes widened instantly.

Su Yi looked at him and said with a smile: "You cried bitterly and begged Fang Zhanchao to give you an hour to settle down at home, and you told him that you would surrender yourself for your corruption and perverting the law, and you deceived him into trusting him, and then went out to find a man named Hu Lansheng. The desperadoes killed all fourteen members of his family and burned his mansion..."

"Don't talk nonsense! This matter has nothing to do with me!" Deputy Chief Sun raised his voice.

"Hu Lansheng definitely doesn't think so." Su Yi smiled. "Last year, he asked you to blackmail 1 million oceans. You promised on the surface, but actually wanted to kill him, but he ran away. You know where he went Yet?"

Deputy Chief Sun gritted his teeth: "Who would believe a lunatic's words?"

"In the summer of the 18th year of the Republic of China, Hu Zhantang was appointed as the head of the Legislative Yuan. He was framed and framed as soon as he took office. Does Deputy Director Sun know about this?" Su Yi smiled.

"I don't know anything!" Deputy Chief Sun stared at Su Yi in horror, "Who the hell are you?"

"You want to kill me, but you don't know who I am. It's really ironic..." Su Yi said leisurely, "But I'm different. I know everything about Deputy Chief Sun. Chu, I know how old your two sons and one daughter are, where they go to school, and what their grades are."

After a pause, Su Yi seemed as if he just remembered: "Sorry, I made a mistake, you have three sons and one daughter, and you have a concubine in Hangzhou who also gave birth to a son for you, ha ha, A fat boy with a thick head and a thick brain, his nickname is Junjun, right? By the way, at noon today, Junjun ate too much watermelon and had diarrhea, so he ran to Deshengtang to prescribe medicine. The doctor Liu who sits in the hall may see your concubine is good You lied, you cheated him by an extra three dollars. Sigh, this quack doctor, don't spare him..."

Deputy Chief Sun trembled like chaff, like falling into an ice cave.

(End of this chapter)

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