Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 816 The Equipment Competition Begins

Chapter 816 The Equipment Competition Begins

When a person is calm and chatting with you at your home, this person may not be your friend.

"Mr. Geng, it's worse than your family!" Deputy Chief Sun's voice already contained some pleading.

"Do you care about your family, Deputy Chief Sun?" Su Yi sneered and shook his head, "In front of me, these useless pretense can be avoided. Last autumn, your wife took your youngest son back to the hometown to visit relatives, and it turned out that On the way, you were kidnapped by bandits who extorted one hundred thousand oceans from you, how did you react?"

Su Yi smiled and looked at Deputy Chief Sun: "You told your secretary at the time that you can remarry if your wife is gone, and you can have another son if you are gone, but how many hundred thousand dollars can you earn in this life?"

"It's him! He betrayed me!" Deputy Chief Sun gritted his teeth, "When I said that, there were only the two of us present!"

"Not necessarily." Su Yi said with a smile.

Sun Cichang looked at Su Yi with fear in his eyes: "Mr. Geng, this time I offended you, a true Buddha, because I didn't know Mount Tai. I apologize to you, and I am willing to compensate you for the loss. You can tell me the number. I try to satisfy..."

Su Yi stretched out his hand again to stop Deputy Chief Sun from continuing.

"To put it bluntly, the wealth you have saved in this life may not be as much as my annual income. You should keep the little money for you as a coffin book." Su Yi said with a smile, "The reason why I came to you was not to blackmail you, nor to threaten you, but to tell you why I didn't kill you this time."

Deputy Chief Sun shivered for a moment, and said with a wry smile, "Geng, Mr. Geng, don't scare me."

"You still misunderstand me up to now, thinking that I am scaring you." Su Yi sighed, "This makes me a little disappointed, Deputy Chief Sun."

"No, no, no, I didn't think you were scaring me. Yes, I was timid and scared." Deputy Chief Sun explained hastily.

"It's okay." Su Yi said with a smile, "Actually, I won't kill you, but I'm here just to keep you from messing around during the competition, because I value this competition very much."

"If a deputy minister of foreign affairs dies during the competition, it will inevitably affect the failure of the competition to be held as scheduled. This is not what I want to see." Su Yi said with a smile, "Deputy Minister Sun, let's have a discussion. During the period, you will be a spectator honestly, and after the game, let's fight to the death, how about it?"

"No, no, no..." Deputy Chief Sun waved his hands hastily, "Mr. Geng, I absolutely dare not provoke you again! If I still dare to provoke you, I will be a pig!"

"Really?" Su Yi asked.

"It's true, it's absolutely true." Deputy Chief Sun said firmly.

"But I slapped you." Su Yi frowned.

"This is a blow!" Vice President Sun said solemnly, "Mr. Geng, I also want to thank you for waking me up! This kindness is equivalent to rebuilding, please accept my worship!"

As he spoke, he really stood up and bowed deeply.

Su Yi looked at him, nodded slowly and said, "I believe you."

Deputy Chief Sun breathed a sigh of relief and was about to speak, when Su Yi continued: "I believe you should not dare to move around during the game. If you want to deal with me, it should be after the game is over. Or wait for me One day when I encounter disaster, you will give me a fatal blow."

Deputy Chief Sun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "Don't dare! I never dare..."

"Don't deny it." Su Yi said with a smile, "If you don't think so, I will look down on you instead. When a man is a husband, he has revenge and revenge, and it is only right and proper. It is only temporary."


"Okay, I've achieved my goal today." Su Yi got up suddenly, walked up to Deputy Chief Sun, stretched out his hand and patted his face, "Remember, don't make trouble for this game anymore Moth! The [-] U.S. dollars that the Zhe Peng people gave you can be carried..."

Deputy Chief Sun's pupils shrank and his whole body froze.

Su Yi smiled and continued: "But things are not allowed to be done, do you understand?"

"Listen, I understand." Deputy Chief Sun smiled stiffly and nodded.

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, walked around him and walked out the door.

Deputy Chief Sun trembled uncontrollably.

He was about to turn around when he saw the knife still on the table.

"Mr. Geng, Geng, you forgot your knife—your bottom line." He forced a smile and said with an apologetic smile.

Su Yi smiled and looked back at him, saying, "It's your bottom line."

dong dong.

He knocked on the door, the door opened, the officer nodded to Su Yi, and made way for Su Yi, who strode out.

Then the officer closed the door again, and never looked at Deputy Chief Sun in the room from the beginning to the end.

As soon as Su Yi left, Vice-Chang Sun's legs went limp, and he fell limply to the ground.

He was shaking like a sieve, and tried to stand up several times, but failed.

"Geng, Geng Liangchen..." He was terrified, his teeth chattering.

"Come on! Come on!" He suddenly yelled like killing a pig.

The officer walked in and asked blankly, "Deputy Chief Sun, what are your orders?"

"Throw that knife out for me! Throw it far away!" Deputy Chief Sun screamed.

"Yes!" The officer nodded and walked towards the tea table.

"Stop!" Deputy Chief Sun suddenly called the officer to a halt.

He stared at the officer's face, showing a sick smile: "You really dare to throw that knife? It's the knife left by Geng Liangchen!"

The officer showed doubts: "Who is Geng Liangchen?"

"..." Deputy Chief Sun's expression froze on his face.

"Is there any order from the deputy chief?" the officer asked.

Vice-Chang Sun's lips twitched, but finally he said dejectedly: "Put down the knife, and call all my entourage over."

"I would like to follow your instructions." The officer nodded humbly and exited the door.

Deputy Chief Sun sat on the ground blankly, and after a long time, he spit out two words: "Terrible..."

Back in the Golden Building, Su Yi saw that Gong Baosen's attendants were still waiting for him at the door of his room.

"The master ordered that you go see him as soon as you come back."

"it is good!"

Gong Baosen hasn't rested yet, and seems to be writing a letter.

Seeing Su Yi coming in, he cut to the chase and asked, "What about the one surnamed Sun?"

"Next, he should be honest." Su Yi said.

Gong Baosen was startled, looked at Su Yi fixedly, and said with deep meaning: "You know the chief of the garrison in Foshan, and you can also deal with the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Is it because you are hiding too deeply? Or am I unable to keep up?" time?"

"Master Gong, if I don't have any skills, I, Geng Liangchen, wouldn't be able to make it today." Su Yi said seriously to Gong Baosen, "It's not that I hide deeply, I just do a lot."

Gong Baosen was silent, and then slowly nodded: "The surname Sun originally wanted to bypass us and directly control you, but now that you have blocked him back, you should also be careful that he bypasses you again. Don't trust his words, just say It's the trick of these officials."

"I've made a note." Su Yi nodded.

"You're going to play tomorrow." Gong Baosen looked at Su Yi, "You're a smart person, so you don't need me to mention it. But you're getting old, so you can't help nagging."

"Please give me some pointers!" Su Yi bowed.

"Zang Zhuo." Gong Baosen said slowly, "No matter what time it is, don't forget to save one hand for yourself. You don't need to be old, you can only punch three times. In the ring, the most important thing is never how to defeat the opponent, but how to protect yourself .”

"Of course, this is not to tell you to play conservatively, but to tell you to pay attention to proportion, recruit and release, and have the ability to take it back at any time."

Su Yi nodded thoughtfully.

"Have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's game." Gong Baosen said, "By the way, I see that you get along well with the southern warriors, which is very good. If they can all go to the north with you, in the future, this will be your team gone."

Su Yi clasped his fists and gave a deep salute.

Gong Baosen smiled: "Go."

After Su Yi walked out of the door, Gong Baosen thought about it for a while, then picked up his pen again, and wrote the last four words of this letter - don't ask for grudges!
He checked the letter one last time and put it in an envelope.

On the envelope are four golden hooks and iron paintings with six big characters—loved daughter Ruomei personally signed.

Silent all night.

At [-] o'clock in the morning of the next day, the equipment competition officially opened.

A total of 94 players participated in the equipment competition, including 31 Chinese, 23 Zhe Peng, and 40 foreigners.

The competition rules are the same as the unarmed competition, and the lottery was drawn at the opening ceremony yesterday.

The first match of today's game is Huaguo Warrior vs. Zhe Peng Warrior.

To be honest, Su Yi is not optimistic about the result of this game.

In this match, the contestants from Huaguo are masters of Yanqing boxing. They are good at punching and kicking, and their skills in equipment can only be said to be average.

Signing up for the equipment competition is purely based on the idea of ​​​​playing one shot if you have a date or not. In fact, many martial artists who apply for two disciplines at the same time have this idea.

Su Yi actually didn't agree with them doing this. Unless they said they were proficient in fists, feet and equipment, signing up on both sides with the idea of ​​focusing on participation would probably distract their energy, and even cause injuries, which would affect the Both sides of the game.

But he, Su Yi, took the lead in signing up for two courses, and other players also did the same, so he couldn't persuade him anymore, otherwise people would think "why can't I sign up if you can sign up"?
"The Tai Dao used by the Zhe Peng people is about five feet long, which is about the same length as the Yue Fei Dao you use, but the Tai Dao is thinner, lighter, and has a longer blade." Su Yi introduced to the Yanqing boxing contestant who is about to enter the field, " I don't know which school your opponent is, but don't be fooled by someone who uses a big sword, his sword technique must be very light and flexible, you must pay attention..."

The Yan Qing boxing player nodded repeatedly and wrote down what Su Yi said.

It's a pity that after he came to power, he still lost.

What he met was Takagi Masamo, the orthodox successor of Zhe Peng's "Baoshan Style" kendo. This person is one of the best kendo masters in Zhe Peng's country.

One round!
Takagi Masamori had no intention of wasting time with his opponent at all, the warrior of Huaguo yelled and dragged his sword to slash at the beginning of the game, and his momentum was heavy.


Takagi Masaru didn't draw his sword until then.

There was a flash of silver light, and the next moment the blade struck first, slashing fiercely at the Hua Guo warrior.

Incredibly fast!

Zhe Peng Kendo pays great attention to the speed of drawing the sword and drawing the sword, and even has special skills, such as the technique of drawing the sword.

Gao Muzheng's sword has the shadow of drawing the sword, but it is more sharp and simple than drawing the sword. This sword cannot be mastered without ten years of hard work.

Ten years of continuous drawing and drawing of the sword, the boring to crazy training, created this lightning strike.

On the other hand, the successor of Yan Qingquan who used Yue Fei's sword, he practiced the sword only because "the skills are too many to overwhelm his body".

Whichever is higher and which is lower, it is natural to make a judgment.


The blade slashed on the protective gear and armor, and the flames burst out. The Hua Guo warrior screamed and flew backwards, falling heavily under the ring.

He struggled a few times, blood foam spewed out of his mouth, collapsed on the ground and passed out.

"To that trash!" Takagi retracted his knife, and cursed disdainfully in Zhe Peng's language.

There was an uproar at the scene, not only because of Takagi's sharp knife, but also because of his ruthlessness.

With this knife, Huaguo Wuren's ribs were at least broken, and he vomited blood on the spot, indicating that he injured his lungs. With such a serious injury, let alone participating in the competition, it is God's blessing that he can slowly recover.

"Mother's little devil, isn't it too cruel?"

"Bastard, he wants to kill someone!"

"beat him!"

The Hua Guo warriors who came up were very angry and very excited.

"Enough!" Su Yi shouted angrily, "Can't afford to lose?"

In a word, everyone fell silent.

"If you want to get back the stage, see the real chapter in the ring!" Su Yi said coldly, "Send him to the hospital!"

"Yes, Lord Geng!"

The stadium staff quickly lifted the man on a stretcher and left.

"Takagi is winning!"

The referee announced loudly in the arena.

"Hooray! Hooray!"

On Zhe Peng's side, they all cheered, their elation was in stark contrast to that of Hua Guowu's side.

"Look at those who entertained them, isn't that just winning a game? Devils who have never seen the world!" Some people in Huaguo couldn't understand the bravado over there, and couldn't help cursing.

"That is, people who don't know think they won the championship, as for?"


The Zhe Peng people's record yesterday was not very good. Out of four players, only one won.After going back in the evening, these contestants were scolded bloody by Zhe Peng's senior management, and warned them that if they still have such poor results today, those who lose the game will have to pay the price.

Zhe Peng's fighters competed under great pressure, and now they have a good start, how can they not be excited?
The match would continue, but the second match had nothing to do with the Hua people. It was a master fencing master of Zhe Peng, who was against a master of fencing in Britain.

In western fencing, especially British fencing, the biggest disadvantage of most fencers is that some tricks are too flashy.

They devoted themselves to the stretch and beauty of their movements, but sacrificed their speed and efficiency. As a result, they were completely vulnerable in the ring.

It took only two strokes of Zhe Peng's master swordsman to put the knife on the neck of the British fencer, who had to admit defeat.

Fierce applause erupted at the scene, and Zhe Peng, a swordsman master, shook hands with the British fencer very politely, showing his "competitive spirit".

To Westerners, Zhe Peng people are very docile.

(End of this chapter)

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