Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 817 The first day of the equipment competition

Chapter 817 The first day of the equipment competition

The Zhepeng people won the equipment competition for two consecutive games, which made the Zhepeng people very excited. They chanted long live again and even danced.

They didn't stop the celebration until the third game started, after repeated requests from the referee.

The third game was a match between Bi Guowuren and Indian Wushu.

Bi Guowu is tall and strong, and he is very strong, using an iron chain with a thick arm.

The Indians hold spears, are short in stature, and slightly bow their waists, standing in front of the Indians in stark contrast.

There was nothing to watch in this game. The Indians tried to attack twice, but they were blocked by the Belgians.

If the people of the country move a little, the iron chain will rattle and rattle. Each link is the size of a fist. If it hits a person, it will definitely smash the bones. Device protection is close to none.

The iron chain is very intimidating.The Indian people were afraid that the iron chain would fall on them, so they resisted a few times symbolically, and quickly jumped off the ring to admit defeat.

For the Indians, of course, nothing is as important as their own lives.

Although this game is nothing to watch, it is worth pondering for the players - how to crack heavy weapons like iron chains in a limited space arena.

This is not an easy task, even for Su Yi.

The fourth game in the morning was another Sino-Japanese war!
This time Hua Guo's warrior is Li Yuanzhi, and Zhe Peng's kendo master is named Yoshimaru Qingxue.

Li Yuanzhi used a big gun, while Yoshimaru Qingxue still used the iconic weapon of the Zhepeng people-the Odachi.

"According to the information I got, this Yoshimaru Yoshitomo has defeated Takagi Masaki twice, and this is a stronger master than Takagi Masaki."

Before taking the stage, Su Yi said to Li Yuanzhi, "Just now you saw Gao Muzheng's sword attack. The general style of Zhe Peng's sword skills is very flexible and quick, and has great explosive power. Don't underestimate the opponent's speed and strength!"

"Hero Geng, when you say that, I'm a little confused..." Li Yuanzhi said awkwardly, "You know me, I'm better at punching and kicking than a big gun. Weapon skills are okay for ordinary people, but if you're really a master ...I'm afraid I won't be able to take it off."

Su Yi was speechless.

This is a typical mentality of "playing two poles first if you have a date or not". Originally, you must have thought of reporting an extra equipment competition. If you lose, you will not lose, and if you win, you will earn. In the scene where the fist passer was severely injured, these people began to retreat.

"Then just admit defeat!" Su Yi said, "Don't compete, lest you get injured, which will affect your unarmed competition."

"This won't work. It's too embarrassing to admit defeat without fighting, isn't it too embarrassing?" Li Yuanzhi subconsciously refused, "Great Xia Geng, my idea is, no matter what, go up and try, surrender without fighting, it's not our style..."

"A weapon is no better than a fist or a kick. A weapon is more than a move. The outcome is only a fraction of a second away. You can't find anything." Su Yi said, "It's shameful to admit defeat directly, but isn't it shameful if you are defeated and injured? Since both Shame on you, why don't you save your energy?"

Li Yuanzhi was speechless.

"Oh, if I knew it, I wouldn't have reported for the equipment competition." He sighed a long time, accepting Su Yi's proposal.

If there was no Su Yi's introduction to Yoshimaru Qingxue, maybe Li Yuanzhi would still want to try on stage.

But when he heard that Yoshimaru Keixue was stronger than the previous Takagi Masamo, he completely gave up his luck.

Li Yuanzhi thought he would never be able to catch the knife that Gao Muzhengchao slashed, even if he went up in that match, he might be seriously injured and retire.

Li Yuanzhi had already advanced in the unarmed competition. He didn't want to ruin the unarmed competition that he was bound to win because of the icing on the cake.

"In this match, Huaguo Li Yuanzhi surrendered, and Zhe Peng Guoji Wan Qingxue won!"

As Li Yuanzhi conceded, the referee announced the result loudly.

The whole audience was in an uproar, and the camp of the Zhe Peng people burst into laughter, and the mocking sound in the laughter was not concealed at all.

Li Yuanzhi slipped down the stage in disgrace, and said bitterly to Su Yi: "I don't care about them like them! Hmph, in the main match, I'll see the truth in my fight with him!"

"So ambitious!" Su Yi gave him a thumbs up.

The last game in the morning is Su Yi's game.

His opponent was a Portuguese fighter who used a police stick.

Different from the burly and strong of other western martial artists, this person is rare and thin and flexible.

When the referee announced the names of the two sides, the audience burst into cheers.

Even though Geng Liangchen is a warrior from the north, and he only made the southerners lose face not long ago.

But when it comes to foreigners, whether they are northerners or southerners, everyone has a common name—Chinese.

"Senior Brother Ye, I'll leave the rest to you." Su Yi smiled at Ye Wen, "After the match, I won't come to the arena this afternoon, and you will take over from me and give on-the-spot guidance to those who are in the ring. "

"I will try my best!" Ye Wen nodded, and he looked at the weapon in Su Yi's hand - a big pole.

"Why not use the Ba Zhan Dao?" Ye Wen asked.

"How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer?" Su Yi smiled, turned and walked onto the stage.

Compared with the big pole, Su Yi is of course better at the eight chopping knife.

Su Yi has not been practicing big poles for a long time. Although he is very talented, he can only be regarded as proficient.

But it is more than enough to deal with the opponent in this game. Su Yi has this confidence.

As Su Yi stepped onto the stage, cheers broke out again from the audience.

In the Zhepeng camp, Funakoshi Yoshiho looked at Su Yi on the stage with a sneer and said, "I'd like to see what he is capable of."

Maeda Mitsuyo also showed anticipation in his eyes: "Master, the old man told me this sentence, he said that Geng Liangchen is best at martial arts with fists and feet, but the reason why he has the reputation of a young master is because of his prowess in weapons. martial arts."

"Young master..." Funakoshi Yoshihiro sneered, "It sounds like a joke."

"Whether it is a joke or a myth, let us wait and see!" Maeda Mitsuyo said with a smile.

On the ring, the two sides shook hands and saluted, and the game began soon.

Su Yi's weapon was a large pole nearly three meters long, while the opponent's weapon was only [-] centimeters long at its longest. There was a huge difference between the two.

In fact, before the game even started, Su Yi knew he had won.

Because he saw the lack of self-confidence in the eyes of the Portuguese.

Su Yi knew that his opponent had signed up for both barehanded and equipment events at the same time. The Portuguese registration for equipment should also be a ticket.

Not focused, not confident, how can such a warrior stand invincible in the arena?
Furthermore, one inch long and one inch strong, Su Yi had the upper hand in terms of weapons alone.

The facts were indeed as Su Yi expected. As the referee announced the start of the game, the Portuguese roared and rushed forward.

But Su Yi shot out like a dragon, a little cold light was nailed to the opponent's iron neck guard, and there was a crisp sound of "clang".

Although the armor blocked the fatal piercing, the huge force still penetrated the armor and acted on the opponent's neck.

The Portuguese staggered backwards and fell to the ground, throwing away his weapon and covering his neck, coughing violently in pain.

Before Su Yi could move again, he raised his hand to signal that he would surrender.

one move!
No, just one hit!
Just one blow and the game is over.

The referee called to start, but the lingering sound did not disappear, and before the vigorous gesture could be retracted, the game was over.

After a short silence, the audience was in an uproar.

too fast!
Most people expected Su Yi to win, but no one expected him to win so quickly.

There was a loud buzz at the scene, and everyone was talking about Su Yi's shot just now.

"What a quick shooter..." Maeda Mitsushi's eyes were filled with admiration, "Look at his shot just now, he didn't seem to use much strength, but his opponent was so painful. In the martial arts of the Chinese people, this kind of force The method is called Anjin, which is what is said in calligraphy to penetrate the back of the paper."

"I can do this too, it's nothing unusual." Yoshihiro Funakoshi shook his head in disappointment, "The opponent is too weak, and he didn't test out his true level at all. What a disappointment!"

"Why is Yoshiho-kun so angry?" Maeda Mitsuyo comforted him with a smile, "This is just the elimination stage before the main match. For you and me, this stage is the same as Geng Liangchen. It's just a process. Our real strength. Our real stage has not yet begun."

"Mitsushi-kun is right, I was too anxious." Yoshihiro Funakoshi chuckled.

Su Yi on the stage had already clasped his fists to his opponent and left the stage.

This game is over, and the morning game has come to an end.The next game will not start again until the afternoon.

What Su Yi told Ye Wen before was not an excuse, but that he really had something to do today.

The Second Kid Assassination Group had an operation this afternoon, and the location of the operation was Ludi Spring City.

According to the information received by the Sanqingtuan, Han Fuqu had secret contact with Special Envoy Zhe Peng, and seemed to have the tendency to defect to the enemy.

In history, although this person was not a traitor, he supported himself and tried his best to please the Zhe Peng people. He was not a good bird.

The target of the second kicker this time is not Han Fuqu, but Hanagu Jiro, Zhe Peng's special envoy who has a close relationship with him.

Only Hua Kezhi, Luo Yu and Yang Songlin acted in this operation. Because of Hua Ke's previous mistakes, Yang Songlin was the team leader and team commander for this operation.

As a native of Zhepeng, Yang Songlin is very grateful for the trust he has gained from Su Yi. He also cherishes this opportunity. After arriving in Quancheng, he made a detailed investigation and combined with the actual situation, he formulated three sets of plans. Get in touch with Su Yi by telegram and ask for Su Yi's opinion.

Four 10 minutes later is the agreed time for Su Yi to receive the telegram. After Su Yi receives the telegram, he must call back Yang Songlin and the others as soon as possible to confirm the plan and put forward his own opinions, and then wait for the news of the results of their actions.

The reason why Su Yi arranged for the second kicker team to act at this time is naturally for the task, and the second reason is also for the purpose of setting up a maze, so that He Zhiyinger and the others continue to wonder how much the second kicker team is compared to himself relation.

In the afternoon game, Bill Underwood, the second disciple of Su Yi, participated in the competition. This is Su Yi's most assured apprentice. Bill Underwood has rich practical experience. After taking Su Yi as his teacher, his skills and tactics have improved. The improvement, the strength soars.

There are only one or two people who are qualified to be Bill Underwood's opponent in this game.

In the remaining four games, there was a "civil war" between the Chinese and the Chinese, and there was a match between the Chinese and the foreigners.The remaining two games are foreigners vs. foreigners.

It is worth mentioning that there were no Zhepeng people participating in the afternoon competition, so Su Yi did not go in the afternoon, and the Zhepeng delegation did not go to the competition site in the afternoon, and the competition site was much deserted.

While Su Yi was anxiously waiting for the result of Ludi Spring City's action, the competition here was also in full swing.

The first game in the afternoon was the left-handed dagger player from Xiguo against the giant axeman who thought he was a lighthouse.

The lethality and deterrence of the heavy weapons in the arena are huge. There is no suspense in this match. The Lighthouse Giant Axeman won, and his opponent was injured and retired directly.

The second game is still foreigners against foreigners.One side of the competition is an Italian fencer, and the other side is a British warrior, using a clawed spear.

Although it is one inch long and one inch strong, it also scores no one.

At the end of this match, the Italian swordsman had the last laugh. His body shape and swordsmanship were very flexible, and he fought close to body throughout the whole process, making it impossible for the opponent to distance himself from him, and it was impossible to use long weapons at all, so The match lasted less than ten seconds, and the Italian swordsman won.

This is also the "second fastest" race today.

The third game in the afternoon was a southern warrior against a sword and shield player from France.

Southern warriors use long sticks. Before going on stage, Ye Wen formulated a tactic for him of "strike from a long distance, fight without getting close".

It's a pity that this southern warrior lost respect for Ye Wen because of the previous incident, and ignored Ye Wen's words.

In the end, under Francie's rigorous offensive and defensive tactics with sword and shield hands, and a straight-line approach, he chose to face his opponent head-on, and the Francie directly carried his body with a shield, and slashed several times on his shoulder firmly. Sparks flew from the protective gear, causing him to scream and hastily surrendered.

But by then it was too late.

This southern warrior is also a contestant who signed up for both barehanded and equipment, and is better at barehanded.

But now, due to a small loss, he missed the competition on both sides.

This game made the Chinese quite disappointed. As of now, the results of the Chinese today are not satisfactory.

In the fourth game in the afternoon, Bill Underwood played, and his opponent was a spearman from the West Country.

Bill Underwood did not use the sword he was good at, but used a cane, which is a civilized crutch.

In this game, the strength of the two sides was very different. Bill Underwood defeated his opponent with an overwhelming advantage and won a victory on behalf of Huaguo.

It is worth mentioning that Ip Man formulated corresponding tactics for Bill Underwood, and Bill Underwood followed suit and carried out Ip Man's ideas.

The success of this match and the loss of the last match made the warriors have some changes in their perception of Ye Wen.

Today's last match was a duel between two northern warriors. According to the rules Su Yi had set before, the two had already fought against each other in private, and one of them simply conceded defeat after entering the field.

Thus, the first day of the equipment competition was all over.

(End of this chapter)

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