Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 818 Two Koreans

Chapter 818 Two Koreans

On the first day of the equipment competition, there were seven Chinese players, three of whom advanced, and four of whom were eliminated.

Three people from Zhe Peng played in the battle, and all three qualified.

The remaining ten foreigners played, and four advanced.

Today's record of the Chinese is somewhat unsatisfactory, but the people of Zhe Peng are in the limelight.

On the other hand, the second kicker's operation in Ludi Quancheng was a great success, Hanagu Jiro was awarded the title, and Yang Songlin took the achievements of Luo Yu and Hua Ke and retired without any damage.

After this operation, Su Yi discovered Yang Songlin's commanding talent, and Su Yi was very proud of this, because this person was discovered by himself.

Deputy Chief Sun, the representative of the Guofu, did not show up at the match today, and Su Yi estimated that he would not come in the next few days.

If you want to come, at least you have to wait until the swelling on your face subsides.

That night, Su Yi held a meeting for all the warriors of the Hua Kingdom, and suggested that the warriors who signed up for the two competitions should distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and determine the direction they are better at, so as not to lose the other because of this, and the two sides will not please each other.

With today's example, most warriors listened to Su Yi's suggestion.

Almost all the reports on the game on this day revolved around the theme of "Geng Liangchen's master and apprentice both win and become a good story", and Su Yi once again became the cusp of public opinion.

The third match day is the unarmed match, which is still ten games.

The protagonists of this day's competition were neither Chinese nor Zhe Peng, but foreigners.

Five of the ten games were duels between foreigners and foreigners. There were thirteen foreigners who played that day.

In the end, there were six foreigners who advanced, and seven of them were eliminated.

Today, there were only four Chinese in the fight. One of them was a southern warrior vs. Lighthouse Boxer, and the other was a northern warrior vs. Zhe Peng. The former won and the latter lost.

There is also a Chinese "civil war".

The result of the four Chinese contestants was that two qualified and two were eliminated.

There were only three Zhe Peng people in the battle, one against the Chinese and one against the Belarusians, and they won two victories; unexpectedly, the one against the Koreans, the Zhe Peng lost and died.

The dead Zhepeng man was called Akutagawa Sanhe. Judging from the scene, the Koreans fought back after being pressed every step of the way, and killed Akutagawa Sanhe by mistake.

It was an accident.Before the start of the competition, all the contestants signed the "Liability Agreement". As long as the two sides compete in the ring in strict accordance with the rules of the competition, and there is no violation of the rules, the casualties caused will be borne by themselves.

Although the Korean man killed someone, he did not violate any rules during the whole process, so the Zhe Peng man could only admit that he was unlucky.

After the victory, the Koreans were terrified and left the field early.

That night, the Sanqingtuan knew ahead of time the Zhepeng people's plot to assassinate the Korean man named Jia Renming, and told Su Yi the news, and Su Yi decisively sent Yixiantian to rescue the man.

At the same time, Su Yi called Liu Xuwen, the head of the intelligence station of the Three Youth League in Foshan. He had previously commissioned the Three Youth League to investigate the backgrounds of all the contestants.

Intuition told Su Yi that this Jia Renming was not simple.

The thing is really like this, Liu Xuwen told Su Yi that Jia Renming is a fake name, and this Korean also has a name called Hawaii Pictor.

Together with this Hawaiian pistol, there is an old Korean man named Pomadou. The two have been inseparable since they came to Foshan.

After being rescued by Su Yi, the former offered to see Su Yi.

"This Hawaiian Pisto is a killer. He has been active in Shanghai since four years ago, and Pomadou is his assistant. But these two names must be pseudonyms, and the real Korean names are not like this." Liu Xuwen Introduced to Su Yi, "This man's business is very good, because he is cheap, efficient, and takes on any job without hesitation, so he is well-known in the underworld in the magic capital."

"Korea has always been our intelligence weakness, so it's not clear who this person is... Why he came to participate in this martial arts competition this time, the reason is also unclear. My suggestion, Mr. Geng, is to stay away. This kind of guy who only recognizes money but not people, sees his reputation."

Su Yi was noncommittal, looking at Yixiantian: "What do you think?"

"He put on makeup when he came to the martial arts competition today." Yi Yitian only said one sentence.

"See you then." Su Yi smiled.

Going on stage for a game and need makeup?This is a bit interesting...

Su Yi met these two Koreans in the Jinlou, one old and one young, the old ones had mischievous eyebrows, and their expressions were wretched. When they saw Su Yi, they kept nodding and bowing, and called "Master Geng" in blunt Mandarin. More like choking.

The young Hawaiian Pictor looked serious, but his eyes were shrewd and sharp. After looking at Su Yi, he bowed respectfully and said in fluent Chinese: "Mr. Geng, I am Hawaii Pictor, and I specialize in Come to thank you for saving your life. Presumably, with your status and identity, you already know who I am?"

Su Yi smiled irrefutably, and asked, "You want to see me just to say thank you?"

"There is one more thing I want to tell you." Hawaii Pictor said, "I received a murder commission not long ago, and the target person is you. But I gave up this mission because I was going to Jinmen on a business trip. But according to I estimate that the client will send another killer to deal with you, please be careful."

After a pause, Pictor said again: "But please forgive me for not being able to tell you the name of the client. My professional ethics does not allow me to do so."

As soon as the words fell, Poma Dou behind him smiled and said: "But if the price is right, my professional ethics will often be lowered."

"He's my uncle." Hawaii Pictor sighed, "When he insists on doing this, I can only turn a blind eye."

"Mr. Geng is our life-saving benefactor, so we can give you a benefactor price." Poma Dou laughed and said, "How about three hundred dollars? You are innocent, this money is nothing to you ..."

Su Yi had a half-smile, and the two came to him to talk about cross talk.

Non-famous Korean comedian.

"Master Geng, when I went to rescue them, they were already on guard against the Zhe Peng people." Yi Yitian said, "They can escape without me."

"Although this is the case, I have to repay Mr. Geng's kindness." Hawaii Pictor said, "In addition to telling you the news just now, I also plan to tell you that if there is anyone you want to get rid of but If it’s not convenient for you to do it yourself, I can do it for you for free.”

"But the price-performance ratio must be within three hundred dollars." Poma Dou said with a smile, "If it exceeds the standard, you have to make up the difference. After all, business is business, and favors are favors."

"But please rest assured, as long as you entrust us, we will definitely help you do a good job." Hawaii Pictor said, "You can kill the target any way you want, vigorously, or without anyone noticing .”

"Unknown?" Su Yi smiled, "It's like this time you were entrusted to kill Jiechuan Shanhe, but you pretended to be a fair match and killed by mistake, right?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two Koreans moved, but they pretended to be calm.

"Mr. Geng, you misunderstood me. I really just killed him by mistake." Hawaii Pictor smiled wryly, "It is said that this Zhepeng man just came to China from Zhepeng. I have never met him before, and he There shouldn't be any enemies in China."

"That's right, Lord Geng, you can't talk nonsense about things without evidence, it will kill you..." Poma Dou hurriedly apologized.

"Although Akutagawa Shanhe just came to China, his father was Akutagawa Ryuichi, the instructor of the Hongkou dojo in the magic city. This Akutagawa Ryuichi has many enemies in the magic city..." Su Yi smiled but not a smile.

Hawaii Pictor was about to explain, but Su Yi stretched out his hand to stop him, and then said calmly: "As for the person you mentioned who entrusted you to kill me, if I guessed correctly, it should be Yuan Xiaoliang, right? This person is Jinmen The son of gang leader Yuan Wenhui. His father was killed by me, and he found a killer to kill me for revenge, which is only right and proper."

The faces of Pictor and Pomadou from Hawaii finally changed.

Su Yi looked at the former, and continued to say with a half-smile: "But you should be glad that you didn't accept this commission. He sent four killers, all of whom are among the best in the killer world in the capital city. Maybe you still know them."

Hawaiian Pictor said with a cloudy expression, "I do know them. I thought they hadn't found a chance to attack them yet, but now it seems that they should fall into your hands."

After a pause, he asked, "May I ask, what did you do to the four of them?"

"The wormwood on their grave should be three feet high." Su Yi said quietly.


The expressions of the two Koreans suddenly became stiff.

"I have always believed that the most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy." Su Yi said with a smile, "So I sent Yuan Xiaoliang and his father to reunite soon."

"Didn't Yuan Xiaoliang die suddenly from a heart attack?" Poma Dou subconsciously blurted out.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly understood, his expression changed suddenly, he looked at Su Yi in horror and suddenly said: "I understand!"

Hawaii Pictor also understood, his face turned blue and purple for a while, and finally exhaled: "Well, in front of people like you, I shouldn't lie, Akutagawa Shanhe was indeed killed by me. A descendant of a Chinese in his hand will buy his life."

"This man has been with the Zhe Peng Martial Arts Troupe all the time, and they are not separated from food and lodging. We have no chance to do anything, so we have to sign up for the competition and follow him to Foshan. I have never found a chance to kill him in private, so I had no choice but to join the competition. Hands on the ring."

"Mr. Geng, I'm sorry to deceive you before, but the reason why I came to see you is really to repay you, and there is no other meaning."

"If it weren't for this, you wouldn't be standing here and talking to me right now." Su Yi said lightly, "You should also be thankful that the death of the Zhepeng people didn't cause much impact, even the Zhepeng people themselves thought that It was an accident. Otherwise, I would never have allowed the man who brought scandal to this game to walk away."

"Grandpa Geng, we have always paid attention to following the rules. Don't worry, we did it very smart!" Poma Dou smiled and said, "You are a big shot, and our strength is too small to help you, so, again Thank you for your help, I will repay you when I have a chance in the future! Shush..."

The last two sounds were signaling to Pictor Hawaii, and winked at him, signaling him to leave quickly.

"Mr. Geng, let's go first..." Hawaii Pictor was halfway through speaking, but Su Yi smiled and stretched out his hand to stop him from continuing.

"Want to leave after doing something bad? That's not acceptable." Su Yi said.

Yi Yitian calmly blocked the door.

Poma Dou looked back and forth, sighed and muttered: "I told you to be a wolf-hearted person, are you okay now?"

Hawaii Pictor looked at Su Yi calmly and said, "Mr. Geng wants to hand us over to the Zhe Peng people?"

"No." Su Yi shook his head, "I want you to continue the game."

The two Koreans were startled together.

"The problem now is not that you kill the Zhe Peng people, but that the Zhe Peng people threaten and assassinate the contestants." Su Yi said lightly, "Even if they didn't kill you, but you ran away, but from the outside world, it is You were dealt with by the Zhe Peng people, or forced away. This is not good for the atmosphere of the next game."

"The Zhe Peng people will become more arrogant, and the contestants who fight against them will worry about their fate outside the arena, and they will be timid and unable to let go when they fight."

"I will not allow this to happen."

The two Koreans looked at each other.

Pomadou asked hesitantly, "You stayed with us just for the consideration of the competition?"

Su Yi laughed and said, "You want me to consider Zhe Peng people?"

"No, no, no..." Poma Dou hastily waved his hands and smiled apologetically, "You are an upright person, how could you join forces with the Zhe Peng devil? Haha..."

"Leaving the game will show that I have no ghosts in my heart, and it is more beneficial to me." Hawaii Pictor hesitated, "But Mr. Geng, I am sorry, I have an appointment with someone else, and I have already received the money and received it." Money does things."

"Go to Kyoto?" Su Yi smiled and looked at Pictor in Hawaii, "Kill the three killers sent by your Koryo resistance organization to assassinate pro-Japanese officials?"

Hawaii Pictor and Pomadou's complexion changed drastically, and they almost touched their waists at the same time.

"Don't move!" But the next moment, a low voice came from behind them.

The two of them froze, and Qi Qi looked back, and saw Yi Yitian was holding two guns, and the two black muzzles were pointing directly at their heads.

Su Yi waved his hand: "Xiao Han, put down the gun."

Only then did Yixiantian close the gun.

Su Yi said to the two Koreans: "Don't be nervous, if I want to kill you or do you harm, I just need to inform Zhe Peng, and you will not stand in front of me alive now."

"But you're investigating us!" Hawaiian Pictor said with a serious face, "You even know everything about the commission we received in Shanghai not long ago, Mr. Geng, this has to make us doubt your position and intentions .”

"Stand?" Su Yi seemed to laugh mockingly, "Does a killer who only cares about money need to care about other people's positions?"

"When it's my life, I'll care." Hawaii Pictor said.

(End of this chapter)

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