Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 820 2 Kicking New Members

Chapter 820
Wang Yaqiao gave Su Yi an answer that night.

"Fortunately, it's a shame!" His voice was full of joy, "I hinted at your identity as the second kicker, Jin Yuanfeng shouted excitedly, I couldn't believe it, I confirmed it with me several times, and kept saying It's pie in the sky, haha..."

"Zheng Zhi's words are only three points." Su Yi said with a smile, "This only shows that he has the intention of cooperation."

"That's true." Wang Yaqiao smiled, "I mentioned your plan to him, but he didn't agree with it at all at first, and insisted on the cooperation between the two parties, regardless of priority. It can be seen that this person is still very calm in his bones. But in the end He still compromised, because for the Koreans, the signboard of the second kicker was too important to them. They needed continuous success to inspire their nation to resist the Zhepen people, but their tragic success was not enough. Often it backfires."

"Now they need you more, so he can only compromise, but Liangchen, Jin Yuanfeng is still very shrewd, you still have to hold back when dealing with him."

"Thank you Brother Jiu for your suggestion." Su Yi smiled.

"I'm just a reminder, what's the point?" Wang Yaqiao laughed and said, "He is very anxious to come to see you, and at the same time, he attaches great importance to the traitors under his opponent, so I arranged for him to take a military plane flying to Yangcheng. They are four Personally. If all goes well, I will arrive in Foshan tomorrow night."

"Ninth brother is really happy to do things," Su Yi praised, "This time I came back to the south, thanks to ninth brother who escorted me, everything went smoothly for me."

"You don't flatter me, don't blame me for not greeting me well, I will be satisfied." Wang Yaqiao laughed loudly.

"how come?"

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi was in a good mood, turned his head and smiled at Yitiantian, "Your new team member is coming soon."

"Korean? Can it work?" Yi Yitian expressed doubts.

"Our team is short of experts in sniping and blasting. There are talents in this field among the people who came back here." Su Yi said, "You will know when they arrive."

The fourth day is the equipment competition again.

This is the second competition day of the equipment competition, and there are still ten competitions throughout the day.

Among the twenty contestants, eleven are Westerners, five are Chinese, and four are from Zhe Peng.

The first two games of the game were foreigners against foreigners, all with swords.

The equipment competition is different from the unarmed competition. The competition process is very short, and the winner is almost always determined in one round.Two games were lackluster, nothing to say.

The third match was a northern warrior fighting against a foreigner. This northern warrior used a strange weapon, a sword, a large guillotine that was as thick as a threshold.

This man is a master of Zhanshen Dao, and even Su Yi is afraid of using Zhanshen Dao. A soft sword in a foreigner's hand can't do anything to the opponent. In the end, Zhanshen Dao almost smashed his shoulder blades, screaming Hastily admit defeat.

The fourth game was a battle between the Chinese and the Zhe Peng. In this round, the Chinese were considered second-class, and they were easily defeated by the Zhe Peng with their spears.

It is worth mentioning that it is rare among the Zhe Peng people to use guns, and this Zhe Peng people's marksmanship is quite outstanding.

The fifth game was still a battle between the Chinese and the Zhe Peng people. This time the Chinese played against Guo Changsheng, the leader of the Jinmen martial arts. This man used a Miao knife and danced vigorously. He easily defeated him. The Zhe Peng people won a victory, which attracted endless cheers and applause from the scene.

The five games in the morning were over, and only one in the afternoon was related to the Chinese.

There was a "civil war" between a northern warrior and a southern warrior. The two had already competed off the court in advance, and the northern warrior went directly to the stage to admit defeat.

Of the remaining four games, two were between the Zhe Peng people and the foreigners. The Zhe Peng people won one and lost the other, and the remaining two games were all against foreigners.

At the end of the day, five foreigners advanced and six were eliminated.

Three Chinese advanced and two were eliminated.

Two people from Zhe Peng advanced and two were eliminated.

That night, Jin Yuanfeng from Korea came to Foshan with a woman, two men and three people.

The person who went to pick them up personally by Yixiantian took them to Jinlou, settled them in the room, and brought Jin Yuanfeng to see Su Yi alone.

"Who would have thought that the famous Jinmen hero would be the leader of the second kicker who made Zhepeng devils fearful!" Jin Yuanfeng was really excited when he saw Su Yi, as if a fan had met his idol, "Geng hero, I am from Korea." Jin Yuanfeng, it's an honor to meet you!"

"Mr. Jin, I have admired your name for a long time." Su Yi also expressed due respect to Jin Yuanfeng.

The entire Koryo has been reduced to a colony of the Zhe Peng people, which actually means that the country of Koryo has been destroyed.

These very few Koreans who dared to stand up against the Zhe Peng people can definitely be regarded as the true national heroes of Korea and true warriors.

The Righteous Regiment formed by Jin Yuanfeng is actually a death squad, and Yoon Bong-gil and Ahn Jung-geun are members of the Righteous Regiment.

What is the Righteous Regiment?
It is an assassination team composed of righteous men and martyrs.

For Huaguo, the outcome depends on the frontal battlefield.

But for Goryeo, which has already subjugated, assassination is their frontal battlefield.

That's why Jin Yuanfeng was shocked by the "King of Assassination" second kicker team, and worshiped Su Yi, the leader of the second kicker team, like a god.

Although Wang Yaqiao communicated with Jin Yuanfeng in advance, this Korean native is still fighting for himself, hoping to participate more deeply in the second kicker team.

Naturally, Su Yi unceremoniously refused.

Seeing that Su Yi had made up his mind, Jin Yuanfeng had no choice but to give up.

"Hero Geng, I heard Brother Nine say that you found a killer here who was going to assassinate one of my subordinates, and this person is also a Korean. Is it true?" Jin Yuanfeng asked seriously.

"It's true." Su Yi nodded and waved to Yixiantian, who immediately understood and walked out the door.

After a while, he came with Hawaiian Pictor.

"Mr. Jin Yuanfeng? It's really you!" Pictor Hawaii was very surprised to see Jin Yuanfeng.

"It's you?" Jin Yuanfeng obviously recognized the other party.

"It seems that I don't need to introduce each other." Su Yi smiled and got up, "You guys talk, I won't bother you."

After finishing speaking, he and Yi Yitian both left the room.

The affairs between the Korean people are left to the Korean people to solve by themselves.

Jin Yuanfeng will definitely not let it go, and this Hawaiian Pictor actually respects Jin Yuanfeng very much. How does Jin Yuanfeng plan to deal with the killer who is about to assassinate him?

If Su Yi was Jin Yuanfeng, he would definitely choose the method of "recruiting security".

If Pictor of Hawaii is recruited by Jin Yuanfeng, most likely, he will stay with Su Yi as a member of Jin Yuanfeng's side and join the second kicker team.

This is Su Yi's good plan.

Facts have proved that Su Yi's prediction is very accurate.

An hour later, Jin Yuanfeng brought Hawaii Pictor, Poma Dou and his other three subordinates to meet Su Yi.

Hawaii Pictor's face was calm, but Poma Bean's face was ugly and very reluctant.

Jin Yuanfeng's other three subordinates all looked at Su Yi in awe.

It seems that Jin Yuanfeng has already told them about Su Yi's identity.

"Hero Geng, the five of them are the first batch of members of our Koryo Yilie Regiment to join the second kicker team!" Jin Yuanfeng said solemnly, "You already know them in Hawaii, let me introduce the remaining three."

"An Yuyun, Li Qingtian used to be a sniper in the third detachment of the Korean Independence Army. Don't underestimate her just because she is a woman. Her marksmanship is very good." Jin Yuanfeng pointed to a tall, slender woman with glasses who looked cute. road.

Su Yi looked her up and down, nodded slightly to her, and asked, "Would you like to join Er Ti Jiao?"

As soon as he spoke, it was pure Korean.

Everyone present was stunned, with surprise written all over their faces.

Jin Yuanfeng was both surprised and delighted: "Hero Geng, you can actually speak our Korean language, and the accent is so pure!"

"There are people from all over the world at Jinmen Wharf." Su Yi smiled lightly, "I have lived there for more than ten years, so it is not surprising that I can speak some foreign languages."

This sentence is also spoken in Korean.

"If you weren't a very smart and studious person, you wouldn't be able to reach the level of Geng Daxia." Jin Yuanfeng said pleasantly, "That's great! How about the three of you, I said Geng Daxia is one of your own, right?"

The gazes of several Koreans looking at Su Yi were no longer the strangeness and alienation before, but became much closer.

"Ms. An hasn't answered my question yet. Are you willing to join the second kicker team?" Su Yi looked at An Yuyun and said, "I know that you have been selected by Mr. Jin, which has proved your bravery and fearlessness. But for Struggles to restore the country and simply fighting for the sake of resisting Japan are two different things.”

"If you join Er Ti Jiao, you will have only one mission from now on, and that is to kill the Zhe Peng people! You must temporarily forget your Korean identities. You only have one name, and that is Er Ti Jiao!"

"Second kicker has the rules of second kicker, and in the second kicker's team, no one with two masters in mind is allowed to appear!"

This is an ugly statement. It means that once you agree to join Ertijiao, then Jin Yuanfeng will never order you in the future, and you will never obey the orders of Jin Yuanfeng and the Koryo government-in-exile.

An Yuyun was stunned for a moment, and said: "As long as it's killing Zhe Peng, it doesn't matter what it is for or who you listen to. I'm willing to join the second kicker team!"

Jin Yuanfeng smiled wryly and said: "Hero Geng, don't worry, I have already made it clear to them that when they agreed to join the Erqijiao team, they had only one superior, and that was you! They are representing Koreans, and they are here to participate. Such a great team, this is their honor, and it is also an honor for the Korean people!"

"Mr. Geng, I still can't believe your identity." Hawaiian Pictor looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression, "If I had known that you were the leader of the second kicker, I would have done it anyway." Not doing things that make you laugh."

There is an idiom in Huaguo, which is called Ban Men Nong Fu, hey, I made you laugh at Geng Daxia. "Poma Dou nodded and bowed to Su Yi with a smile.

This wretched posture caused the rest of the people to cast contemptuous glances.

Without waiting for Jin Yuanfeng to introduce again, a burly middle-aged man with a square face stood up and said to Su Yi seriously: "Qiu Shangwo, nicknamed Rapid Fire Cannon, is the last student of Korea Xinxing Military Academy. He is good at assault and fire cover. I am willing to join the second kicker team, because this is the best assassination team in the world, and I will be proud of it!"

"Huang Desan!" Another thin Korean man also stood up and said with a flattering smile, "Demoman, leader, I am very happy to serve you."

He speaks Mandarin.

"I am willing too." Hawaii Pictor looked at Su Yi solemnly, "Mr. Geng, I am already in my thirties, and it is time to do the right thing."

Poma Dou forced a smile, and muttered: "But the right thing doesn't make money..."

"Who says you can't make money?" Su Yi said with a smile, "In our second kicker assassination group, everyone is paid according to the task and settled in US dollars."

As soon as these words came out, Poma Dou's eyes lit up, but the others were all stunned.

"Don't forget what my superficial identity is. I'm not short of money, so why do I make my team members work hard without the rewards and guarantees they deserve?" Su Yi said with a smile, "As long as you become an official member of the second kicker , for each mission, the basic salary starts at [-] U.S. dollars, and the bonuses will be adjusted according to the status of the target. For example, if you assassinate a Zhe Peng, ordinary team members can get about [-] U.S. dollars. If you have outstanding performance, you can Get two thousand. If the assassin is a Major General Zhe Peng, the number just now will be doubled."

As soon as these words came out, Boma Dou was overjoyed: "Leader! You are really the most generous and kindest leader in the world!"

Everyone else showed joy, but An Yuyun hesitated and said, "Mr. Geng, we didn't beat Zhe Peng for money."

"I know," Su Yi smiled, "but I can't stop giving you money just because you don't do it for money."

These words made everyone in the room stand in awe.

"If you really don't want money, you can donate your income to those in need, such as your compatriots." Su Yi said with a smile.

An Yuyun's eyes lit up, and she nodded immediately: "That's great, in Manchuria, many of our compatriots are starving."

"Mr. Geng, are they members of the second kicker team from now on?" Jin Yuanfeng asked.

"No, they still have to face another test." Su Yi shook his head, "The second kicker team is all elites, and no mediocrity is accepted. If they can't prove their ability, they can only be used as a peripheral organization of second kickers, not Core member."

After a pause, Su Yi said: "Of course, if you don't plan to become core members, with Mr. Jin's guarantee, the test for you will be exempted, and you can directly become the peripheral organization of the second kicker team."

The five Koreans looked at each other.

An Yuyun was the first to raise his hand and said, "Mr. Geng, I am willing to accept the test!"

"I would too!"

"We are all willing!"

Five people scrambled to express their attitude.

"Very good." Su Yi smiled and clapped his hands.

Yi Yitian walked in from the door.

"His name is Yixiantian, and he is your examiner." Su Yi introduced to the Koreans, "Your mission goals and action plans will be formulated by him, and he will supervise the whole process until you complete the mission, and then According to your performance in the task, you will decide who will become a full member and who will not be qualified for the time being."

"Hawaii, you have to stay and continue the competition, so you don't need to participate in this assessment. The rest of you can follow Yixiantian now."

(End of this chapter)

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