Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 821 Final Stage

Chapter 821 Final Stage
That night, under the arrangement of Su Yi, Jin Yuanfeng secretly left Foshan.

And An Yuyun, Qiu Shangwo, Huang Deshan, and Boma Dou also followed Yixiantian and left Foshan through another way, and went to Hebei Province to do their investigation tasks.

They're going to assassinate a notorious Zhepen diplomat, experimenting with the possibility of a long-range assassination.

Long-distance sniping and assassination operations have always been the shortcoming of the second kicker team, including blasting and assault, which also need to be improved.

Su Yi's introduction of these Koreans is to make up for the shortcomings of the team and make the team's business capabilities more diversified.

Of course, how effective it is remains to be tested.

The first World Fighting Competition is still in full swing.

In the next few days of the competition, the competition was uneventful and proceeded in an orderly manner, without any surprises.

Outside reports are still uninterrupted throughout the whole process, and some popular players in the event are gradually becoming known to the public.

Newspapers from various countries basically publicized the contestants from their own countries. The six-day unarmed elimination competition and the five-day equipment elimination competition came to an end soon.

A total of 61 players successfully advanced to the main competition of the freehand competition, but 44 had to withdraw due to injuries, and only [-] players finally entered the main competition.

Among them, 13 people from the Hua Kingdom advanced, including 3 apprentices of Su Yi.

In the knockout round, the remaining four apprentices of Su Yi were eliminated, one of them was eliminated in the civil war between the seniors, two of the remaining three lost to the Zhe Peng, and one lost to the Belarusian Hercules.

Among the thirteen contestants, Su Yi alone accounted for four places, nearly one-third.

Such a shocking answer sheet shocked the entire martial arts world!
Twelve people from Zhe Peng advanced, and the rest of the foreigners occupied the remaining 12 places.

In the knockout stage of the hand-to-hand competition, 44 Huaguo Wuren signed up for the competition, 31 were eliminated, and less than one-third of the players advanced.

This result is not excellent, but it is not bad, and can be accepted by the Chinese people.

Compared with the unarmed competition, in the equipment competition, Huaguo warriors can be said to shine.

After the knockout round of the equipment competition, 47 people advanced, of which 13 people withdrew due to injuries, and the total number of people who finally advanced to the main match was 34.

Among them, there are 16 Chinese warriors!

11 people from Zhe Peng advanced to the competition. Foreigners are weak in the equipment competition. In the end, only seven people advanced to the competition.

The martial arts competition has gained unprecedented attention, but the lengthy competition system has also been complained by many people.

The organizing committee of the competition went through an emergency consultation before the start of the main competition and decided to change the competition system again. Under the unanimous efforts of the Chinese and foreigners, it will not include the semi-finals and the final two key games. The winning and losing competition system was changed to one round to determine the winning and losing, and added the clause that as long as you are knocked out of the ring, you will also be judged as a loser.

In terms of unarmed competition, 44 main contestants will fight each other for three rounds, and only six will remain in the end.

Since there are only 11 people left in the third round, there will be a player who has no opponent to choose from, so this player will choose a "lucky guy" from the eliminated players to compete, and the winner will advance to the next stage.

The rules of the equipment competition are roughly the same. After 34 players fight each other for one round, there will be 17 people left. If there is no injury or retirement, a "lucky person" will be selected from the losers to make up 18 people for the second round. Competition.

If there is a single player in the third round, one lucky person will be selected as usual, and six or four people will win in the end.

In fact, the lengthy schedule is more due to the fact that there are too many participants, and countries have no restrictions on the number of participants.

The three organizers of the event, Huaguo Martial Arts Museum, European Fighting Association and Zhe Peng Judo Association, are planning to invite more official martial arts associations to join, establish the World Fighting Association, and continue to hold the World Fighting Competition.

Under the instigation of Su Yi's little wings, the development of world martial arts has entered a new corner.

Where is the way forward?

No one knows yet.

The main competition will start soon, and the competition system will change to bare hands first, then equipment.

After all the unarmed competitions are over, the equipment competition will be held.

In fact, the first two rounds of competition were still knockout matches in nature, and the fighting was very intense.

After a two-day competition, the first round was over, and 44 of the 22 contestants advanced.

However, the two retired due to injuries, and only 20 people finally advanced to the competition.

Among the 20 people, Huaguo was eliminated again with six people, leaving seven people, namely Su Yi, Ye Wen, Jiang Tieshan, Bill Underwood, Ma Chengzhi, Rong Canghai and Zhu Jingu.

Eight Zhepeng people advanced, including of course the leader of the Zhepeng Wushu Troupe, Maeda Mitsuyo and Funakoshi Yoshihiro.

In addition, famous judo and karate masters such as Otsuka Hiroki and Miyagi Chojun are also on the list.

In terms of foreigners, seven of all foreigners advanced to the second round, including two yellow-skinned Siamese and a black lighthouse boxer.

After the first round, domestic public opinion had more criticisms against Hua Guo's players.

In the knockout round, 52 people from Huaguo participated, but now it is the first round of the main match, and there are only seven people left, including Bill Underwood representing Huaguo to participate in the battle.

The number of participants from Zhe Peng was [-] fewer than that of the Chinese, but now there are one more people who have advanced than the Chinese.

There are more bad-mouthing voices from all walks of life for Chinese warriors.

In fact, even these seven people are the result of the efforts of the warriors.

In the general environment of exaggerated and false martial arts in China, martial arts are gradually reduced to juggling and performances. Some "masters of dismantling tricks" are popular, but it is difficult for real martial arts to stand out.

In addition, there are many factors that affect the final victory in the ring, and some martial arts are actually not suitable for the ring.

For example, Monkey Fist, the power of Monkey Fist is unquestionable, but this time, except for Su Yi, almost all of them opposed Monkey Fist to represent the Chinese in the competition because it was too despicable and too embarrassing.

There are also warriors who were eliminated miserably due to negligence or inability to adapt to the rules of the ring competition, and their own strength is very strong.Such as Chen Sufeng, Shi Liu and Guo Dekun and other masters.

All in all, in this game, the Chinese warriors still lost more than they won. It is hard to say whether there are some off-court factors. Even if Su Yi tried his best to maintain the fairness of the game and protect the Chinese warriors, it is inevitable that there will be negligence or unpredictable times.

However, the seven who advanced basically represent the highest level of Hua Guo's younger generation of warriors.

The outside world is not very satisfied with the fact that only seven Chinese warriors have advanced, but they don't know that the Zhe Peng people are also very dissatisfied.

On the day before the second round of the unarmed competition was about to start, in the mansion where Zhe Peng lived, Hideo Iwaguro, the person in charge of the bamboo mechanism, had a serious talk with the eight Zhe Peng martial arts celebrities who had advanced.

"Everyone, seven people from Zhina are promoted, this is something we simply cannot accept!" Hideo Iwaguro said seriously, "If you want to conquer Zhina, you must mercilessly attack their national pride! Let them fall into the dust , Let them be as humble as maggots! We must make Zhina people think that they are inferior people who are inferior in every way, and they are useless in front of our great Yamato nation!"

"Only in this way, they will be afraid of us and passively face our offensive. We must not give them any chance to enhance their national self-confidence, otherwise this seemingly insignificant matter will give us a sense of rebellion once they awaken their sense of resistance. Jehol and Manchurian armies are causing great trouble!"

"Now this game has attracted the attention of the news media in various countries around the world, and its influence is huge. The more this is the case, the more we cannot let Zhina stand out! We must let Zhina stand in front of people all over the world Shame on them and make them the laughing stock of people all over the world, only in this way can they be hit so hard that they can't hold their heads up!"

"When they lose confidence in their own martial arts and no longer believe in their martial arts, at this time, our martial arts dojo can take the opportunity to open all over China and replace their martial arts culture!"

"So everyone, this is not just a contest, but also a different kind of war launched against Zhina people! You are all outstanding elites of the Yamato nation, and it is your duty to fight for the country..."

Maeda Mitsuyo said solemnly: "Yanheisan, whether it is for the honor of the country or for the dignity of the individual, of course we will do our best to fight hard, but the opponent should not be underestimated. Huaguo's martial arts are extensive and profound. With their unique skills, it is very difficult to crack."

"Although we eliminated a group of Huaguo masters through other means before, such as Chen Sufeng, Zhang Xiaocai and others, this is the territory of Huaguo people after all. Do that, let their entire army be wiped out..."

"We must be careful not to show our feet, otherwise, once our actions are exposed, it will be even more detrimental to us. In fact, the current result is the result of our martial arts delegation's full cooperation with your bamboo organs."

"No, this is far from enough!" Hideo Iwaguro shook his head, "Maeda-san, I hope you understand that in the world of soldiers, there is no such thing as doing one's best, only the result of having to complete the task! Even if it is a huge monster, if you want to swallow it Under it, we must guarantee victory in every link! If we can completely kill them, we must not give that person a chance to live!"

"But with all due respect, in a frontal arena, it's hard to predict the outcome." Maeda Mitsushi said, "If you want to guarantee victory, Iwaguro-san, you have to repeat what you did in Siam, and do it more covertly. , even better."

"All the people who advanced from Huaguo this time lived in the Golden Building," Hideo Iwaguro said with a dark face, "Their team leader Geng Liangchen is a very careful person. He prepared food and water in advance and put them all in his room. , and prohibits all contestants from going out, and also prohibits contestants from contacting anyone, which has brought great obstacles and troubles to my work."

"Geng Liangchen..." Maeda Mitsuyo showed a strange look on his face, "He is indeed a cautious person, and this person is very smart, and his martial arts are also unfathomable. He is definitely the most difficult enemy in this competition."

"The Golden Tower has some protective power, which should belong to Geng Liangchen." Hideo Iwaguro snorted coldly, "My people have suffered a lot from these people, and the Golden Tower is now built like a fortress of copper and iron, unless armed attacks, Otherwise, it will be difficult to infiltrate. This Geng Liangchen, did he expect that we would use other means to deal with them? Otherwise, how could he be so cautious?"

"Maybe." Maeda Mitsushi said, "Then Iwaguro-kun, what are you going to do? How do we need to cooperate?"

"Geng Liangchen doesn't allow those contestants to have contact with anyone. He protects the contestants very well, but they are going to compete on stage..." Hideo Iwaguro sneered, "I really need your cooperation, Maeda-san, Hua I have formulated different strategies for the seven contestants from China, including the Briton named Bill."

"Oh?" Maeda Mitsuyo raised his eyebrows, "I probably understand what you mean. But there are two people who are old-fashioned, and I'm afraid they won't cooperate with Iwaguro-kun's plan."

"This is the time to do things for the Da Zhe Peng Empire, and to serve the emperor, not to care about personal honor and disgrace!" Hideo Iwaguro snorted coldly, "I know who you are talking about, don't worry, I will convince them!"

"In addition to this method, I am also trying other things, and I have made great progress. But Maeda-san, everything I do is just support. The key to victory lies in the people who compete in the ring!"

"Now all our news media are hyping you eight people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs means to make you the gods of the world's martial arts world, so show yourself in the ring to your heart's content!"


He grew up listening to Huo Yuanjia's stories since he was a child, how could Su Yi not guard against the despicable and shameless Zhe Peng people?
As Hideo Iwaguro said, Su Yi protected the contestants very well, and they almost ate and lived together, especially in terms of food and water. He had already made preparations, was self-sufficient, cooked his own meals, and boiled his own water , does not depend on anyone outside.

Moreover, he deliberately cut off the flow of information between the contestants and the outside world, just because he was afraid that something bad would reach the contestants' ears through other people's mouths and affect the contestants' playing.

This decision is actually a bit cold-blooded and selfish, but kindness does not command soldiers, and every one more person in Huaguo advances to the next round is a great thing for Su Yi and the martial arts world.

Some people think that what Su Yi has done is a bit of a fuss, but the older generation of masters and warriors feel that Su Yi is cautious and prudent, and it should be so.

At this stage of the competition, the characteristics and strengths of all the contestants have been exposed, including Su Yi.

Everyone lived in the same room, so Su Yi simply summarized the technical characteristics of all the other players and explained them to everyone in order to increase the probability of winning.

Players who can reach this stage of the game are considered masters, and no one can guarantee that they can win 100%, including Su Yi.

There are several strong opponents, even Su Yi feels fearful.

For example, the father of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu-Mitsuyo Maeda.

(End of this chapter)

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