Chapter 824
Albert can advance to the second round, his level is beyond doubt.But when he met Mitsuyo Maeda, his journey was doomed to come to an end.

After Albert's three unsuccessful attacks, Maeda Mitsuyo used a level of sudden change to deceive Albert's center of gravity, and then used strangulation to control the enemy, tightly controlling Albert.

Albert struggled for a while to no avail, feeling that he was about to suffocate to death, and finally had no choice but to give up in despair.

Even those who dislike Mitsuyo Maeda the most have to admit that he played too steadily and beautifully in this round.

Not a single unnecessary movement, not a single meaningless shot.

Three defenses and one counterattack will directly establish the victory.

After the game, I don’t know what Mitsuyo Maeda said while holding Albert’s hand. The Frenchman was very moved, hugged Mitsuyo Maeda fiercely, and gave Maeda Mitsuyo a lot of words like an Asian. After bowing and bowing, he stepped down from the stage.

It seems that Mitsuyo Maeda not only won the game, but also "convinced" his opponent with his charisma.

"This Zhe Peng man is a strong enemy." Ye Wen came to Su Yi's side and said seriously, "He may be the most powerful one among the Zhe Peng people."

Ye Wen still has a good eye for people. Maeda Mitsuyo played very low-key in the few games after he took the stage. He almost always dodged a few times and then countered the enemy with a few moves. It was difficult for others to notice him.

But Ye Wen was keenly aware of the danger of Maeda Mitsuyo.

"Zhepeng people worship the strong. If he doesn't have two brushes, why should he be the leader of the Zhepeng martial arts delegation?" Su Yi said, "If you fight against him, remember to fight steadily. This person is very good at fighting Set up traps in the arena, and then use the loopholes to counterattack to win."

Ye Wen nodded in agreement.

The third game of the second round was the "civil war" of the Zhepeng people - Yuji Nakamura played against Kei Nagakawa. The former didn't even go on stage, and the latter went up and conceded directly.

So far, the first three games have all been from Zhe Peng.

The sound of cheers and singing has already been heard from the Zhe Peng Wushu delegation.

These ethnic minorities all have the custom of singing and dancing.

The fourth game was Bill Underwood vs. Belarusian strongman Valentin.

The latter is 1.9 meters tall and weighs [-] kilograms. He is stronger than a bear.

This is the real Belarusian Hercules, with extremely abnormal physical fitness.Valentin said in an interview before that he started capturing adult bears for wrestling training when he was 14 years old, and he has killed sixteen adult bears so far.

This person is too rough and thick. He had a fight with the southern Hongquan master before. He stood still and let the Hongquan master punch and kick for more than ten seconds. Then he lifted his opponent and threw him to the stage. , to win the game.

Another time when he faced a Belgian wrestler, the [-]-kilogram wrestler exhausted all his strength and couldn't let him move half a step. He punched his opponent so hard that he passed out.

This person is simply a bug. If he were placed in modern times, he would be classified as the top heavyweight class, five weight classes away from a player with a normal physique like Su Yi.

"Do you still remember the method I taught you?" Su Yi and Bill Underwood exhorted before going on stage, "To deal with this kind of opponent, don't hope to hit his weaknesses. He knows his own shortcomings better than you. Where, usually his short board is the trap he preset for you."

"Don't continue to find your own rhythm, follow his rhythm first, synchronize with him, adapt to his rhythm, and then, turn his rhythm into your common rhythm! The most important point is, use his strength for you Use it! Because if it is not like this, it is impossible to shake him with your own strength!"

Bill Underwood nodded cautiously, taking down Su Yi's words.

Although he can be regarded as a master, he lacks the experience of playing against such a heavyweight player. The method Su Yi taught him is extremely valuable to him.

With the referee's order, the game officially began.

Valentin grinned and hooked his fingers to Bill Underwood, motioning him to attack.

Bill Underwood weighs about 65 kilograms and is about 1.8 meters tall. He is a thin-looking foreigner.

The two of them stood on the stage, as if there was a pole next to the door.

Facing Valentin's random provocations, Bill Underwood didn't dare to be negligent. He began to shake his body and move forward, launching an attack.

His agility is obviously a gossip-style walk, very flexible and erratic.

The fighting style also completely abandons the straight-forward and concise fighting style of Wing Chun and Western martial arts, but adopts the way of fighting, one hit and retreat, no matter where you hit, it will have no effect, and you will never love to fight.

So what the audience saw was that Bill Underwood kept attacking Valentin like a flea, but his attack fell on Valentin, who didn't even have the slightest reaction.

The muscle fat on his body was like a natural shield, no matter how much force hit him, it would be dissolved by the violently trembling fat.

If this guy really has been fighting with the bear since he was a child, it means that he has even gotten used to the bear's hitting power.

Let alone people?

Although it is the most primitive mixed martial arts, the competition still restricts the moves to attack the "features and vital points", in other words, it is not possible to kick the balls.

In this way, Bill Underwood could hardly attack Valentin's vitals.

Valentin was very patient, and he didn't mean to be angry at all because of the "little flea" in front of him.

He has become accustomed to the opponent's "provoking" tactics, because when his opponents find that no attack can shake him, they usually use the method of provoking him, trying to make him lose his mind and mess up.

But in the face of absolute power, everything is futile.

He kept his pace, patiently playing cat and mouse with Bill Underwood.

The mouse may be very flexible, he can escape from the cat's claws nine hundred and ninety-nine times.

But the cat only needs to catch the mouse once to completely end the game.

Valentin was not in a hurry, he knew very well that he was only one effective attack away from victory.

The game on the stage gradually became stalemate. Valentin was not in a hurry to win, and Bill Underwood didn't seem to be in a hurry.

He tirelessly made ineffective attacks again and again, and jumped up and down tirelessly to avoid Valentin's pressing step by step.

He seemed to be planning to spend his time on stage like this until the end of the game.

But he seemed to have forgotten one thing. He was constantly jumping up and down like this, exhausting a lot of energy.

On the other hand, Valentin waited for work with ease, maintaining a tight rhythm without rushing.

It's like a predatory cheetah driving its prey in a hurry, waiting for the prey to be exhausted and unable to run before killing it easily.

Time passed by every minute and every second. This was the longest game in this event.

And it's not exciting at all.

Because the final competition system is a one-round system, there is no time limit for the competition.

Seven minutes later, Bill Underwood finally slowed down.

He seemed to realize the problem and began to take risks.

He no longer pursued the rhythm of fleeing away if he missed a hit, but began to selectively fight with Valentin, and also began to try to hit Valentin's head, neck, temples and other vital parts.

When he tried to do this, because of his height, he had to raise his hand or jump slightly to hit the opponent better and more accurately.

But in this way, one more movement in his attack will undoubtedly delay his speed.

This also gave Valentin a chance to fight back.

At a certain moment, when Bill Underwood suddenly jumped and hit Valentin on the left neck, the latter activated!

This kind of attack, which can usually knock out an opponent with one punch, hit Valentin without any reaction.

Even Valentin chose to be shot on purpose just to lure Bill Underwood.

When Bill Underwood's fist landed on Valentin's neck, Valentin suddenly slapped Bill Underwood's face with a big hand like a cattail fan quickly and violently.

This slap felt like it could break a person's neck!

But although his attack was abrupt and quick, it had been brewing for a long time, but Bill Underwood's reaction speed was too fast!
As if he had been prepared for a long time, Bill Underwood's foot slipped the moment Valentin made his move, and he fell to the ground.

Valentin's blow immediately missed.

But Bill Underwood's hasty dodge did not have time to adjust his figure, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Immediately after landing, he rolled over in embarrassment, got up and ran, trying to distance himself from Valentin.

The inevitable blow was dodged by Bill Underwood, and Valentin was unwilling to be reconciled. Seeing his opponent fleeing in a panic, he immediately caught a glimpse of the opportunity, cheered up and hurried to chase.

He quickly drew closer to Bill Underwood, and reached out to pat Bill Underwood on the back.

If this slap is real, Bill Underwood must be slapped to the ground.

But at this moment, Bill Underwood, who was running away at high speed, suddenly stopped and took two steps back!
Valentin, who was already slow to react, couldn't react at all to this sudden and inertial movement.

As a result, the two bodies were stuck together like this.

Bill Underwood seemed to have eyes behind his back, and his short body tucked his right shoulder under Valentin's right armpit, while holding Valentin's arm tightly with both hands from the front.

Valentin was still leaning forward due to inertia, while Bill Underwood bent over, pushed his hips, grabbed his right arm and slammed it over his shoulder!

Under normal circumstances, even if Bill Underwood was killed, he wouldn't be able to defeat Valentin!

But now Valentin leaned forward on Bill Underwood's back because he couldn't control the inertia of his body.

Bill Underwood used Valentin's own strength to easily make the latter's body roll in the air.

When Valentin was hit hard on the ground, the entire ground of the arena seemed to shake.

This scene was extremely shocking, like a big bear being thrown out by a monkey.

Although Valentin is resistant to blows, he is not resistant to falls.

When he fell, he felt that his internal organs were dislocated, his brain was buzzing, and he couldn't react for a while. He was breathing heavily like a fish out of water.

But before he could react, Bill Underwood was already kneeling on his chest, raining fists on his head and face.

Valentin was beaten flat and unconscious.

By the time the referee hurriedly pulled Bill Underwood away, the entire scene had become a sea of ​​noise.

Many spectators were roaring and cheering excitedly, for the shocking fall just now.

Bill Underwood's fall just now can be called a masterpiece, even an ignorant outsider can easily tell how rare and beautiful his fall just now is.

How boring the original game was, how exciting this fall was!

Such a victory of reversal and sudden death seems to have an unparalleled magic power, which has made many people intoxicated and fascinated by it.

Bill Underwood himself was also very excited. He raised his arms and shouted wildly, running and jumping around the ring.

Being able to beat Valentin so beautifully, Bill Underwood is also very satisfied with his performance.

He felt that he played very well.

The warm celebration lasted for a long time before the audience gradually calmed down, but they were still discussing excitedly about the excitement of the game just now.

Especially when they saw Bill Underwood hugging Su Yi excitedly after leaving the field, the audience couldn't help cheering.

This outstanding foreigner represents the country of Hua, and is an apprentice taught by Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen.

This thing is double layer comfort.

Valentin walked off the stage dejectedly after being woken up.

He just passed out from the beating and was not injured.

His expectation for himself was to get the top three, but he didn't expect to fall in the second round and lost to Bill Underwood.

He is not reconciled, but this is the game.

The competition came to today's fifth match - Zhu Jingu, the descendant of Huaguo Nan Tanglang Quan, against Xiaoxi Kangyu, the descendant of Zhe Peng Judo.

Su Yi finished his celebration with Bill Underwood, calmed down his emotions, took a deep breath and said solemnly to Zhu Jingu who was standing in front of him: "If you can fight, remember to keep your feet steady. Judo's twist is very powerful. Once you lose the chassis, it's all over!"

"I remember, Master Geng." Zhu Jingu nodded.

He hesitated slightly: "If..."

"Admit defeat directly." Su Yi knew what he wanted to say, "Whether the Zhe Peng people are threatening people or coming for real, you can choose to admit defeat directly. I will greet the newspaper reporters and tell the truth, and will not let They attack you wantonly."

"I've already sent someone to check the situation. It would be best if nothing happened, but if something happens, don't worry, I won't sit idly by."

"Master Geng, thank you for your kindness!" Zhu Jingu was very moved and bowed deeply to Su Yi.

"Go." Su Yi nodded to him.

Looking at Zhu Jingu's back, Su Yi secretly sighed in his heart.

In fact, Zhu Jingu and Xiaoxi Kangyu are almost equal in strength. Under such circumstances, how can Zhe Peng not make small moves just to be safe?
Zhu Jingu couldn't play this game, and Su Yi didn't report any luck.

(End of this chapter)

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