Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 825 Quick Hands

Chapter 825 Quick Hands
"Huaguo Zhu Jingu took the initiative to admit defeat, and Zhe Peng Xiaoxi Kang Yu won this game!"

As the referee announced the verdict loudly, the audience fell into an uproar.

Taking the initiative to admit defeat again?

Lost without a fight?

People can accept failure, but not such shameful cowardice.

Immediately, the scene was full of cursing and shouting.

With anger and fear suppressed on his face, Zhu Jingu walked off the stage trembling all over, and walked in front of Su Yi.

"He said, that mole on my daughter's neck is very beautiful... Beast! Beast!" Zhu Jingu said with tears in his eyes, "If my daughter loses a hair, I will fight with them if I risk my life." Already!"

Su Yi was silent, and said: "It's true, it's false, it's false, it's true, the Zhe Peng people really kidnapped your daughter before they knew it. Master Zhu, please be safe and don't be impatient."

Zhu Jingu was stunned, and said: "You, you mean, I might be bluffed by the Zhe Peng people?"

"Isn't that better?" Su Yi smiled, "That means that your daughter is fine, and Master Zhu should be happy."

"But if that's the case, wouldn't it be wrong for me to admit defeat?" Zhu Jingu's eyes widened.

"Do you dare to bet?" Su Yi asked.

Zhu Jingu froze again, then shook his head dejectedly.

"The little devils succeeded by catching us." Su Yi said, "We can't be sure if they really caught someone, maybe they just got our detailed information, maybe they really caught someone, we didn't I can't be sure. Fortunately, there are only three games against them today. After these three games, we will not give them such a chance again!"

After finishing speaking, Su Yi patted Zhu Jingu on the shoulder, walked over him to the stage.

This time, it was Su Yi's turn to play.

This is also the last match this morning, the last match between China and Japan in this round.

The one fighting Su Yi is Funakoshi Yoshihiro, the son of Funakoshi Yoshijin, the father of karate.

This person is the deputy leader of the Zhe Peng martial arts delegation, his status is second only to Mitsuyo Maeda, and his combat power should not be underestimated.

Later generations of karate became an Olympic event, but in fact the nature of performance is greater than the nature of actual combat. This is because all martial arts that can be staged in modern society have basically castrated powerful killer moves, and some martial arts still maintain their strength after castration. Combat power, but a ring competition is a group arena competition, and actual combat is actual combat. These are two different things.

Some martial arts have basically become ostentatious after being castrated, such as taekwondo, such as karate.

It's not that castrated martial arts can't be played at all, it's just that their practicality has been greatly weakened.In the arena, the two sides can perform well in the competition under the same rules, but if there are no rules, their practicality will be greatly reduced.

This is somewhat similar to the status quo of martial arts these days. Everyone is a martial artist, and after seeing each move, they can play very well, because everyone has a fixed routine.

But once the opponent doesn't know martial arts, doesn't have any moves, and uses Wang Baquan to fight randomly, these masters of martial arts don't know what to do, because they are dismantling moves, but now they have no moves to dismantle, and they don't know how to fight.

But regardless of whether it is able to fight or not in later generations, when this kind of martial arts was first created, it must be able to fight, otherwise it would not be possible to gain a foothold in the world.

As Su Yi came on stage, the atmosphere on the scene was ignited, and many people were chanting the name "Geng Liangchen".

Today's competition was too unfriendly for the audience. There were five matches in total, and the Zhe Peng people won four games, but the Chinese lost two of three games, and they still lost without a fight.

This result made the audience shocked and angry, and their emotions were extremely dissatisfied.

However, Su Yi's coming to power rekindled the hope and enthusiasm of the people.

Even the people in the south are now full of goodwill and pride for the "Heroes of Jinmen" from the north. In this arena, "the country has no distinction between north and south".

Su Yi's opponent, Funakoshi Yoshihiro, also came on stage. This Zhepeng man looked at Su Yi on the opposite side with an arrogant and mocking smile, and suddenly laughed and said in Zhepeng language: "Geng Sang, I know you can speak Zhepeng language, so I will Straightforward. Do you still remember your senior brother Chen Shi?"

"You Zhe Peng people really lack imagination. Can't you think of any other way than catching your opponent's relatives and friends?" Su Yi said blankly, and he spoke in Chinese.

"As long as it works, it doesn't matter what method you use." Funakoshi Yoshihiro said with a chuckle, "Gengsang, I actually disdain to do this, because even if it's a fair fight, you are definitely not my opponent. But this fight won't stop It is related to my personal dignity, and it is also related to the comparison between the martial arts inheritance of our Great Zhe Peng Empire and your Zhi Na martial arts, so I have no choice but to surrender without fighting."

"Geng Sang, is the life of your senior brother Chen Shi, his wife Zhao Guohui, and the child in her womb, a family of three, worth a mere defeat?" Funakoshi Yoshiho said with a smile, "I must regret I would like to inform you that if you refuse, you will receive parts of the bodies of the family of three every day for the next period of time, until you can piece together three complete bodies, hehehe, hahahaha..."

Funakoshi Yoshiho thought that even if his words could not cause Su Yi to be in chaos, they would definitely irritate him.

But what he didn't expect was that the mocking look on Su Yi's face became more and more intense, even full of disdain.

"It's impossible for you to catch my senior brother and the others, so you are really threatening us with empty teeth." Su Yi stared into Funakoshi Yoshiho's eyes and said solemnly, "It's good, because you can say goodbye to your martial arts career Already!"

The meaning behind Su Yi's words made Funakoshi Yoshiho's eyes a bit angry, he laughed and said, "Do you think I'm lying to you? Hehe, Geng Sang, your self-righteousness will kill three innocent people!"

"It's time to start." Su Yi looked at the Belgian referee in English.

The referee could neither understand Chinese nor Zhe Peng's words, and was at a loss.

Listening to Su Yi's words, he nodded and stretched out his hands to signal the players on both sides to get ready.

"Gengsang! You really don't care about their life or death?" Funakoshi Yoshiho asked hastily, his eyes turned cold.

"You should care more about your own life!" Su Yi said coldly.

"Start!" The referee swung his arm vigorously.

Almost at the same time, Su Yi rushed out and punched Yoshiho Funakoshi in the face.

This punch was swift and abrupt, but Funakoshi Yoshiho was not an easy guy, he reacted extremely fast and blocked it immediately.

But immediately following Su Yi's stormy attack came, his fist hit Funakoshi Yoshiho like rain hitting a plantain, and the latter was also regarded as Zhe Peng's top master, but under Su Yi's fierce and intensive offensive, He can only be tired of coping, clumsy left and right.

With Su Yi's combination of traditional martial arts such as Wing Chun, Bagua and Baji, the rhythm can be described as unpredictable.

This was Su Yi's first full firepower, and even Yoshiho Funakoshi couldn't keep up with Su Yi's rhythm at all.

Six seconds later, Yoshihiro Funakoshi's defense completely failed!

He couldn't see Su Yi's hands at all, couldn't keep up with Su Yi's speed at all, and soon Su Yi's fists kept falling on Funakoshi Yoshiho's head, face, and body!
He kept waving his arms desperately to defend, and retreated in horror.

But Su Yi's fists can always attack through his arms from various tricky angles and hit his body accurately.

In modern times, a qualified professional boxer can punch 6-10 punches per second when the output power of each punch is guaranteed to be more than [-] kg, while a top boxer can punch more than [-] kg per punch. Under the condition of , it can hit a super high speed of more than ten punches per second!

Su Yi didn't test it specifically, but as a top boxer, he must have more than ten punches per second.

In just ten seconds, he threw more than a hundred punches!
At such a speed, ordinary naked eyes cannot capture the trajectory of Su Yi's hands!
This is the first time Su Yi has shown his "fastness" without reservation!
In this era when there is generally a lack of professional training and guidance on punching speed, Su Yi's punching speed is unique and shocking!
Seeing Su Yi's arms full of phantoms on the stage, while his opponent Funakoshi Yoshihiro staggered and kept retreating, the audience and the contestants were all shocked to the point of an uproar at this moment, and they couldn't believe what they saw!
bang bang bang...

The dense sound of punching and punching was constantly transmitted from the ring to all directions.

In fact, at the ninth second, Funakoshi Yoshiho was completely stunned, unable to make any blocking or resisting movements at all.

With his arms hanging down, he let Su Yi's fists rain down on him, and he fell backwards.

But how could Su Yi spare him?

At a certain moment, Su Yi suddenly retracted his fist and took a step back, bent his knees sideways and bent over, his whole body suddenly felt like a tightened spring, and all the bones in his body were buzzing.

The next second—

His whole body shot out like an arrow from the string, and hit Yoshiho Funakoshi's chest with his left shoulder.

With a muffled sound, Funakoshi Yoshiho was thrown out like a broken sack.

The person was in mid-air, and the blood from his mouth, nose, ears and even eyes suddenly gushed out.

Then his whole body hit the ground heavily, and he didn't move again.

Su Yi stands with his feet in a T-shape, standing straight like a javelin, with his hands behind his back.

He looked down at Yoshiho Funakoshi, who had been kicked off the ring by him, with a cold smile on his lips.

And behind him was the referee who was dumbfounded and unable to respond.


With the flashing spotlight, this scene was frozen forever.

next moment--

The scene completely exploded!

From the start of the game to now, more than ten seconds will pass!
However, in just over ten seconds, Su Yi beat the deputy leader of the Zhe Peng Martial Arts Troupe helplessly, and beat the son of Yoshijin Funakoshi, the father of karate, like a dead dog!
Everyone's blood was ignited.

Even Zhe Peng's scalp was numb from the shock of what happened just now!

The audience at the scene roared wildly, raised their arms and shouted wildly, venting their excitement.

It is difficult for them to cool down their inner frenzy.

Even the Huaguo contestants in the competition area rushed to Su Yi, crazily hugging him and screaming and jumping excitedly.

Even the grandmasters and distinguished guests on the VIP platform were beyond shocked by this scene.

As Ma Yingtu stood up and applauded in shock, all the masters and distinguished guests stood up and applauded Su Yi.

After a while, the applause rang out from the scene!
Long lasting!

Su Yi clasped his hands in salute, and then walked off the stage amidst the cheers of the audience.

The voice of the referee yelling "Geng Liangchen wins" excitedly was completely submerged in the din.

The Zhepeng people quickly rushed to Yoshiho Funakoshi, who had fainted, to check his injuries.

When Maeda Mitsushi arrived, he saw that all Zhe Peng people were full of grief and indignation.

There was a thump in his heart.

"How is Yihaojun?" He asked in a deep voice.

Little Xi Kangyu shook his head with a serious expression: "Except for the spine and neck, almost all the bones of the upper body are broken, including the shoulder blades and two arms!"

"How could this happen!" Someone yelled in grief and indignation, "Even if Mr. Yihao can survive, with such an injury, he will never be able to practice karate again!"

"Geng Liangchen, the devil! He did it on purpose! He must have done it on purpose! Maeda-san, we must not let him go! Kill him and avenge Xiao Chuan Yue-sang!"


"Kill Geng Liangchen!"

Everyone in Zhe Peng was filled with righteous indignation, and their emotions were extremely excited.

"Enough!" Maeda Mitsuyo shouted angrily, suppressing all voices.

His eyes passed over the Zhe Peng people surrounding him, and fell on Su Yi who was also surrounded by Chinese warriors not far away.

Su Yi in the distance seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around.

The two looked at each other from a distance, Su Yi's eyes were deep, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he turned his head quickly.

Maeda Mitsuyo took a deep breath and said: "All this happened within the rules of the game! If we want to avenge Yoshiho-kun, we must also be within the rules! At least within the superficial rules! Otherwise, we will lose We lose the face of the Great Zhe Peng Empire! Do you understand?"

"But even the boat Yue-san was beaten by him helplessly... We are hopeless, Maeda-san, we can only rely on you!" Someone said pessimistically.

"Yeah, he's so fast, I can't even see his hands."

"There's no way to fight, that's not human speed at all!"

"How can there be such a powerful person in such an inferior nation?"

Zhe Peng expressed despair and pessimism one after another. Maeda Mitsuyo's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help being slightly silent.

The battle just now made him tremble in his heart!

If it was him on stage, he was horrified to find out that he might not be able to handle it at all!
That kind of speed, that kind of rhythm, cannot be stopped by manpower at all!

Although he is stronger than Funakoshi Yoshio, he is not strong enough to completely crush him.

He had a sparring with Funakoshi Yoshiho, and if he didn't take it seriously, he would even capsize the ship in the gutter.

But Su Yi beat Funakoshi Yoshio so much that he was unable to fight back the whole time.

The gap between the two is like the difference between clouds and mud.

Maeda Mitsushi doubted himself very much, would he really be Geng Liangchen's opponent?
(End of this chapter)

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