Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 826: A Few Games

Chapter 826: A Few Games
"Maeda-san, can you defeat Geng Liangchen?"

After Zhe Peng carried Funakoshi away, Hideo Iwaguro walked up to Mitsuyo Maeda and asked with a serious expression.

Maeda Mitsuyo was silent, so Hideo Iwaguro understood.

"If you don't defeat Geng Liangchen, no matter how much we do in this game, it won't help. It won't help at all!" Hideo Iwaguro said solemnly, "Mr. The most important part of this plan is to attack the national self-confidence of the people in all directions!"

"Now the people are very clear that they are inferior to us in terms of military, technology and other aspects. They think they are superior only in cultural heritage and martial arts. We must let them know that an inferior nation is an inferior nation, In any respect, our Great Zhe Peng Empire is a mountain that they cannot reach!"

"Maeda-san, Geng Liangchen, must be defeated!"

With the end of the Su B game, the five games in the morning are all over.

When the audience exited the arena, they were still discussing the battle with great interest.

"The Jinmen hero is so powerful, who else is his opponent?"

"I think the world martial arts champion this time is Hero Geng! Besides him, who else can there be?"

"His punches are so fast that no one can guard them..."

Because of Su Yi's full-fire game, the Chinese's confidence in Su Yi has greatly increased, and they are also full of optimism about the prospects of this event.

Not only ordinary audiences see it this way, but many warriors also see it this way.

But it does not include the older generation of masters.

When Gong Baosen came to find Su Yi, the latter had just finished being interviewed by the reporters at the scene and was giving them a final explanation.

"Everyone, the two comrades who admit defeat have unavoidable difficulties. I hope that everyone can try to downplay this matter, don't report it, don't dig deeper, I can make a promise to everyone, I will try my best to solve this matter, and at the right time When the time comes, I will reveal all the truth to everyone.”

"Great Xia Geng, are they threatened by the Zhe Peng people?"

"Everyone, please consider our difficulties. I can't tell you anything now, because changes in public opinion may lead to some irreparable tragedies. Believe me, our warriors can stand on the stage of the main game, and everyone is lacking." If the courage to fight to the death is not for reasons more important than their lives, they will never easily admit defeat."

"Okay! Hero Geng, since you have spoken, we will save face for you by not reporting them!"

"Don't worry, Geng Daxia, your manuscript is enough to occupy an entire page!"


After Su Yi finished communicating with the reporters, he walked up to the grandmasters and bowed to them one by one with fists cupped.

Li Shuwen looked deeply at Su Yi and said, "You are taking all the danger on yourself, can you bear it?"

Outsiders only saw that Su Yi broke out suddenly and won a hearty victory, and saw that Su Yi became a martial arts master admired by the situation because of this.

But how could they understand that behind the infinite scenery, there is a deadly danger hidden!
The Zhe Peng people have already started to use out-of-the-box tactics to deal with the Huaguo warriors, which shows that they attach great importance to the result of this game.

At this time, Su Yi suddenly showed his absolute strength, how could we prevent Zhe Peng's people from focusing all their attention on him?
Su Yi has always been low-key and calm. He obviously didn't have to win this game so conspicuously, but he changed his usual style and was so high-profile. If it wasn't for some reason, he would never do it!
Why on earth?
In fact, anyone who knows Su Yi knows why.

He's drawing fire for everyone!

Compared with Su Yi's inhuman speed punch just now, this fact is even more shocking to the masters.

"On a good day, fortune and misfortune depend on others, but you don't have to do that." Ma Yingtu said, "Your life is also your life, and it's unfair to you to shoulder all the dangers yourself! Say something If it doesn't sound good, to us, your safety is more important than theirs!"

"Ying Tu, be careful with your words!" Gong Baosen scolded with a frown.

"None of your business?" Ma Yingtu snapped back immediately.

"Seniors, in fact, I have nothing to fear." Su Yi smiled and said, "Other colleagues have family and friends, but I am alone and have nothing to worry about. The Zhe Peng people have nothing to threaten me. Moreover, compared to them , I have dealt too much with the Zhe Peng people, and I have more experience in how to deal with them."

"But now the Zhepeng people pay more attention to you, the more dangerous you are!" Yang Chengpu said, "Zhepeng people have always used everything to get things done, and now they may concentrate on dealing with you. It is easy to hide with a bright gun , Hidden arrows are hard to guard against, even if you are covered in iron, how can you guard against secret tricks?"

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to soil, it's nothing to be afraid of." Su Yi smiled lightly.

Su Yi's intention was indeed to concentrate the firepower of the Zhe Peng people on himself, and let him act as a human shield for the remaining warriors.

He did this not because of how great he is, but only doing so is the most correct choice.

First of all, even if Su Yi doesn't reveal his martial arts, Zhe Peng people will focus on dealing with himself, the "leader of Huaguo".

Second, to accomplish his ultimate mission, Su Yi must unite the majority and allow more capable and promising warriors to join him and become one of his ranks.He did this not only to protect his future team, but also to buy people's hearts with kindness.

Thirdly, the great chivalrous ones serve the country and the people.

If Su Yi wants to become a stable and well-known hero master, he must pay attention to his own personality and cultivate his own responsibility.

The last and most important point is that Su Yi really has the confidence to fight the Zhe Peng people here.

"Seniors, I have to check some things as soon as possible, so I'm sorry." Su Yi said, "I don't have much time to participate in the afternoon competition. Fortunately, there will be no confrontation between us and Zhe Peng in this round. There will be no problem."

All the masters know that Su Yi has an unusual status, has a wide range of friends, and is very reassuring in his work.

Since Su Yi is willing to take the initiative to deal with this matter, no matter whether it succeeds or not, there will be a result soon.

Seeing the back of Su Yi leaving, even Yang Chengpu, who has always been indifferent to Su Yi, couldn't help admiring: "Liang Chen is capable and responsible. It is a blessing for us in the martial arts world to have him here..."

"We old guys, we can't just let a child stand in front." Gong Baosen said with a cold face, "We have to get ahead in this matter, let the little devils know that we are not cowards who are manipulated and submissive ! The martial arts world is not a place where they can do whatever they want!"

"How come?" Li Shuwen frowned, "The reason why Liangchen told the reporters not to report and tried to control the situation is because this incident put us in a dilemma!"

"If everyone knows about the incident, the Zhepeng people will definitely kill people to cover up the scandal in order to cover up the scandal, cover up the truth, and then deny it to death! So the matter must not become a big one!"

"But if they don't make a big fuss, they will be confident and unscrupulous. No matter how we intervene, it is wrong."

Gong Baosen said: "It is because this matter is difficult that we should not let a child fight alone. When we go back, let's discuss a countermeasure. If it is really not possible, we Huaguo can not say any reasons, but we retreat collectively. Sai, in protest."

"Zhepeng people attach so much importance to this game, this method is not impossible..." Yang Chengpu pondered.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go and discuss in another place!" Ma Yingtu waved his hands.

The grandmasters and Su Yi were busy solving Zhe Peng's tricks. In the afternoon game, only one Chinese team leader, Ma Yingtu, was present. The other three grandmasters and Su Yi were not present at all.

On the side of Zhe Peng, Hideo Iwaguro and Mitsuyo Maeda also didn't come, so I don't know what to do.

The first match in the afternoon was between Siamese boxer Saman and Zhe Peng karate master Hiroki Otsuka.

This Hiroki Otsuka is also a descendant of Funakoshi Yoshijin, the father of karate, but he is just a "rebel".

Because of the different philosophy from Funakoshi Yoshin, he created his own "Wadao-ryu", which pays more attention to actual combat and the fighting method of fighting with bare hands.

This is an absolute master, and his temperament is very withdrawn.

His Siamese opponent originally didn't want to fight against the Zhe Peng people and wanted to admit defeat directly, but Hiroki Otsuka refused and threatened the Siamese boxer Shaman to fight him with all his strength, otherwise he would kill him.

Shaman was forced to fight with all his strength.

The two dedicated a thrilling and exciting match, and it was Hiroki Otsuka who won in the end, and the Zhe Peng again occupied a promotion seat.

The second match was between Rong Canghai and an Indian warrior.

Indian martial arts is called Kararipayat, and it is also a practical martial art. This martial art not only has the sharpness of Muay Thai, but also has the wide opening and closing of Shaolin Changquan, and also has the softness and toughness of yoga.

The mix of various styles made Kararipayat's martial arts look extraordinarily weird and tricky. This martial art that even Su Yi didn't know very well caused Rong Canghai a big loss. He was almost passive throughout the whole process, and even once He was beaten to the point of blood, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was in danger.

But until the end, Rong Canghai seized an opportunity to fight back, and successfully fought back with his own boxing skills, turning defeat into victory!
Hua Guo won a round with difficulty, but the Indian player named Imura Khan was not convinced. It can be said that he lost Jingzhou completely carelessly in this round.

And Rong Canghai injured his right leg during the game, hurting his muscles and bones.

Although he won the game, his injury made his prospects in this event extremely slim.

Maybe the third round is the end of his time.

The third game in the afternoon was Zhe Peng's judo master Chojun Miyagi against Carter, a lighthouse black fighter.

This black man is proficient in boxing, French kickboxing and American wrestling, and his ability to go all the way to the present proves that his strength cannot be underestimated.

Although the black Carter looks a little thin, but his strength is surprisingly large, and his figure is also very flexible.

Miyagi Chojun is a well-known senior master in later generations, but in front of the black Carter, his martial arts were completely suppressed.

In the end, the black Carter defeated Miyagi Changjun with his flexible skills and multiple attack methods, and won the game.

Miyagi Chojun, who lost the game, was very angry and left the ring cursing.

The fourth game in the afternoon was Su Yi's big disciple Jiang Tieshan against Siamese boxer Naipong.

Until the first two minutes after the start of the game, Jiang Tieshan thought that he would win the game.

In fact, it seemed so from the scene alone. Jiang Tieshan seemed to have an overall advantage in terms of physical fitness, speed, and technique, completely suppressing Naipeng.

Naipeng is like a solitary boat in a stormy sea, which may capsize at any time.

But this person was full of tenacity, and his defense was extremely tight, so it was incredible to resist Jiang Tieshan's stormy attack.

Jiang Tieshan became more and more courageous as he fought, and in the end he was eager for success, and his subordinates no longer stayed strong.

The delusion that "just push harder and the opponent will fall" has killed him.

Nai Peng seized the flaw that Jiang Tieshan's moves were too open to close in time, took advantage of the gap between Jiang Tieshan's middle door, and used the most famous Siamese boxing method of "kneeling and jumping to kill" to complete a counter-kill with one blow !

He jumped up and pressed his knees heavily on Jiang Tieshan's chest.

Before Jiang Tieshan could even hum, he was pushed off the ring and passed out.

The participating Chinese hurriedly surrounded him, and upon inspection, they found that Jiang Tieshan had broken at least three ribs.

This injury is not light.

A fiasco that was reversed!
This afternoon when Su Yi was away, the two games had one win and one loss, but the victory was difficult and the loss was miserable, which really made the audience unhappy.

Especially Jiang Tieshan's fiasco, it's a pity to lose.

This is competition, and in the ring, anything is possible.

There are definitely many examples of the strong being killed by the weak.

The last game of the afternoon and the last game of the second round.

After this round, the second round will be completely over.

Ip Man VS British fighter Bernie Wright!

This Bernie Wright was also a friend of Bill Underwood's. He had been a soldier and was very strong. He had learned Siamese boxing, boxing and wrestling, and had dabbled in jujitsu.

It is worth mentioning that his kung fu has already had the embryonic form of mixed martial arts.

Bill Underwood once mentioned in a chat with Su Yi that this Bernie Wright was not outstanding before. The reason why he has made such great progress and his fighting style has the shadow of mixed martial arts is that he was influenced by Su Yi. .

After the Jinmen Guoshu Classic, the videotape of Su Yi's contest was widely circulated.Because this Bernie Wright paid attention to Bill Underwood, he specially watched the video of the match between Su Yi and Bill Underwood.

Seeing this, he was immediately shocked by Su Yi, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

The various martial arts he has learned can only be described as mixed, but after being inspired by Su Yi, he studied all of Su Yi's martial arts videotapes painstakingly, breaking his original stereotypes, and miraculously embarked on the correct path of mastery. the way.

So far, have today's achievement.

(End of this chapter)

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