Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 830 Conspiracy

Chapter 830 Conspiracy
Ye Wen lost!

He lost to Mitsuyo Maeda, in an unseemly way.

He originally thought that Maeda Mitsuyo was a decent person like him, because this Zhepeng man had always been polite, very polite and well-bred.

But unexpectedly, this Zhe Peng man actually bit his ox!
At that time, he still felt strange, why Maeda Mitsuyo suddenly drilled his crotch, why his shoulders and hands passed, and only his head remained, which left a fatal flaw, which gave him a chance to hit his Baihui acupoint.

Unexpectedly, this guy had already planned to use Ye Wen's crotch to cover his face, and then spoke in an extremely cryptic manner.

This guy's bite is as strong as a fucking dog's mouth, Ye Wen thought it was broken at one point.

That's why he lost his strength, he no longer had the ability to fight back, and that's why his opponent seized the opportunity and kicked him off the ring, securing the victory in one fell swoop.

No one except Ye Wen knew about Maeda Mitsushi's biting, because no one saw it.

Even Su Yi could only guess a little bit, especially when he noticed that Ye Wen's crotch was oozing blood.

He only felt a cold down below, and his scalp was numb.

What's wrong with Mitsushi Maeda?
I can really talk about it...

Amidst the uproar in the audience, Su Yi hurriedly ran to Ye Wen, and supported Ye Wen who was sweating from the pain and couldn't even stand upright.

To be honest, Su Yi had a strange feeling seeing a Ye Man who hit ten so miserable.

"Senior Brother Ye, I'll help you go back first." Su Yi said.

At this time, I am afraid that what Ye Wen is most worried about is his characteristic injuries. As a man, if something goes wrong in this place, it will be a blow like heaven and earth falling.

"Despicable! Despicable!" Ye Wen still looked bitterly at Maeda Mitsuyo on the stage, gritted his teeth and said tremblingly.

"Winner and loser, Ye Sang, please rest assured." Maeda Mitsuyo said with a smile, there was no sign of embarrassment or guilt on his face.

Ye Wen wanted to say something, but was stopped by Su Yi.

"Let's go, Senior Brother Ye."

"Thank you, Junior Brother." Ye Wen sighed and left with Su Yi's support.

"Mr. Mitsuyo Maeda wins!" On the stage, the referee announced loudly.

Maeda Mitsushi looked at Su Yi's back amidst the cheers of Zhe Peng people and the uproar in the audience, with a strong look of fear in his eyes.

His family knew his own affairs, and he had to use such disgraceful methods to win even when he beat Ye Wen. What if he could defeat Ye Wen's Geng Liangchen with three moves?

Geng strong are you?
Why, don't you die?
Murderous intent boiled in Maeda Mitsuyo's heart.

After this game, there is only the last game left in the third round, the civil war of the Zhe Peng people- Hiroki Otsuka vs. Yuji Nakamura.

Yuji Nakamura directly conceded defeat, facing Hiroki Otsuka, the founder of Wadoryu Karate, no matter his status or strength, the former was much inferior, so naturally he did not dare to compete with him.

So far, the top six of the unarmed competition of the World Fighting Championship have all been released, namely - Bill Underwood, Iwata Fumio, Geng Liangchen, Carter, Maeda Mitsuyo, Otsuka Hiroki.

The lottery for the top six began after the game. This time, representatives from all countries voted and agreed that the lottery should still be drawn by the Lighthouse Country.

The result of the lottery will be announced to the public immediately after it comes out.

The three duels are all in the afternoon, and they are respectively——

In the first game, Fumio Iwata played against Carter;

In the second game, Su B played against Bill Underwood;

In the third game, Mitsuyo Maeda played against Hiroki Otsuka.

As soon as the result came out, the dogs would not believe it if the lighthouse people did not play tricks on the lottery.

Among the top six, Fumio Iwata was relatively the weakest. This guy won the second and third rounds without a fight. In the previous rounds, he did not perform at a high level. Apprentice Hong Shixian and the others are comparable, not even top-notch.

He can be promoted to the top six, the main reason is luck.

It happened that Carter had drawn such a weak opponent. As long as he played steadily, there would be absolutely no problem in the whole game, and he would win the game.

In contrast to the other two games - two civil wars!
In this way, no matter how you fight, who wins and who loses, the final result is that a Lighthouse man, a Zhe Peng man, and a Hua Guo man will become the top three and compete for the final championship.

If it is not arranged in this way, the final result may be two Huaguo people and a lighthouse man, or two Zhe Peng people and a lighthouse man, then for Carter, he may face being forced by two people to join forces" Get rid of the possibility of the game.

One wasted time and physical strength fighting him, or caused him to be injured, and the other just picked up the ready-made.

But for Carter, the two civil wars are the most favorable outcome for him, because it is absolutely impossible for the Zhepen people and the Hua people to unite.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to take advantage of the contradictions between China and Japan and benefit from it.

As far as Huaguo is concerned, as long as the Zhe Peng people do not benefit in the end, any outcome can be reluctantly accepted.

For the Zhepen people, they have no way to win the support of the West, they can only bear the situation of facing the full opposition.

According to the practice of the previous games, the compatriots can't fight each other, and one side will directly admit defeat. Therefore, in the fourth round of the top six matches, there will only be one match in all likelihood, which is the match between Carter and Fumio Iwata.

In this way, the final championship game can be played directly after this game.

The rules of the championship battle are simple-the winner of two games is the champion, the runner-up with one win and one loss, and the third runner-up after losing both games.

All rankings can be determined by duels in pairs, and the final championship battle will be a maximum of three matches.

As a result, the tournament organizing committee unanimously agreed to hold the fourth round of the semi-finals and the fifth round of the championship competition in this afternoon.

Because Su Yi helped Ye Wen back first, he learned the result of the lottery from his apprentice Bill Underwood later.

"The lighthouse people want Carter to get a good ranking?" Su Yi understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. Carter's skill is good, but he has reached his limit gone."

"Master, whether it's the Lighthouse people or the Zhe Peng people, they are undoubtedly playing with the rules and undermining fairness. Why don't you express your attitude and object to this kind of thing?" Bill Underwood asked.

Su Yi smiled and said: "Bill, I am a contestant now. Regarding the rules and the competition system, I will try not to participate if I can. This is something that the referees and the event organizers should worry about."

"Where a person is, he should worry about something. If I speak out, I will give people a handle."

Of course, this is not the whole reason. The real reason is that although this status quo is not good, it is within the acceptable range of Su Yi, and he does not want to cause extra problems.

It is right to pursue fairness and justice and maintain the rules and regulations, but we must do what we can and weigh the pros and cons.

For adults, right and wrong are not important, but doing the right thing is the most important thing.

Right doesn't mean it's just.

Su Yi now protests, even if the lottery is drawn again, is there any point other than offending the Lighthouse people?

And for Su Yi, after entering the top six, other than the championship, the ranking is meaningless.

To be a champion, one is destined to defeat everyone, and who to fight against is actually just a matter of priority for Su Yi, and he doesn't care about it at all.

Of course, Su Yi and Bill Underwood are playing against each other, which is unfair to Bill Underwood.

Except for Su Yi, he thinks that he has a chance of winning against six others, and he has the ability to advance to the top three.

But now...

Su Yi looked at Bill Underwood and said, "Actually, if it wasn't for the troubles of the Zhe Peng people and the lighthouse man, it is possible for us master and apprentice to meet in the final. If the lighthouse man does this, you will become a victim."

"For me, there is no difference between second and sixth except for the championship." Bill Underwood sighed, "But with you, Master, I know that the championship is definitely not mine. I don't think I am a victim, I just hate it." This kind of black box operation."

"No one likes to play with the rules." Su Yi said, "I think the reason why they don't care about the feelings of you, a Briton, is because you have represented the Hua Kingdom from the very beginning."

"Yes, the British envoy and the lighthouse envoy approached me, wanting me to represent the West, because they knew I would be better than Carter." Bill Underwood said frankly, "But I turned them down, and I told them that the second In the fighting competition, I will represent Britain, but now I am a member of the martial arts gym, and I want to fight for my master."

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction: "You are very nice, I saw the right person."

"Respect the teacher, and pass the torch on from generation to generation." Bill Underwood grinned, "I understand the meaning of this sentence, Master."

Ye Wen's injury is not too serious, mainly skin trauma, but also hurt the sponge, I don't know if it will affect...

Maeda Mitsuyo's mouth was too heavy. According to the doctor, the guy was bitten to pieces, and there were two layers of pants.

Ye Wen was very depressed. He lost the game and hurt his son. This was a double blow for him.

He was a respectable man, and it was a great disgrace to him.

He didn't want others to know about it, but Su Yi was not a discerning person at the game site. A reporter saw the blood on Ye Wen's crotch, guessed the truth of the matter, and reported the matter.

This incident has already caused a sensation in Foshan, and now everyone in Foshan does not know that Pedriye's cow was bitten by an old man Zhe Peng...

While scolding Zhe Peng people for being despicable, people also spread gossip enthusiastically. .

I heard that Jinlou's cousins ​​had already formed a team to visit Ye Wen in Pei Deli with the ointment and powder for external application.

The world can learn from the heart of fist.

Inside the residence of the Zhepen people.

"Geng Liangchen must be contained!" Maeda Mitsuyo said solemnly to Hideo Iwaguro, "I don't know what level this person's strength is, but I am sure to win the championship! Our Great Zhe Peng Empire also needs this honor! I To become the best player in the world! Only in this way can our goals be better achieved!"

"Geng Liangchen is like a tortoise, shrinking himself in the shell, there is no flaw at all!" Hideo Iwaguro said in a deep voice, "He is also alone in Jinmen, and his senior brother's safety could not threaten him before. , He Zhisang from Jinmen told me that this person is cold-blooded and cold-blooded, and there is no one in Jinmen that Geng Liangchen cares about. On the contrary, Gong Baosen has always favored him and is kind to him. Live in Gong Baosen, maybe..."

"Gong Baosen?" Maeda Mitsushi frowned, "I saw that the four Huaguo Grandmasters are all protected by fully armed soldiers, and they have been there since the start of the main match."

"This is also Geng Liangchen's handwriting," Hideo Iwaguro said, "He has a very close relationship with the local garrison in Foshan."

"Why does everyone know this guy?" Mitsuyo Maeda frowned even more, "The game is coming up this afternoon, can we still find a chance to catch Gong Baosen?"

"Impossible." Hideo Iwaguro shook his head. "He has been living in the Golden Building. The Golden Building is surrounded by layers and is heavily guarded. Our agents have no way to sneak in, let alone arrest people!"

"This won't work, that won't work, so let's forget it?" Maeda Mitsuyo was a little annoyed, "I'm not afraid of [-], just in case, I am not sure about Geng Liangchen, once I lose this game, Yanhei-san, you and I must bear the responsibility for failure!"

"Of course I know." Hideo Iwaguro said calmly, "Actually, I have already thought of a way."

"Oh?" Maeda Mitsuyo cheered up, "Iwaguro-san, please guide me."

"Poison!" Hideo Iwaguro looked at Mitsuyo Maeda and said word by word.

"Poison?" Maeda Mitsushi raised his eyebrows, "How? Geng Liangchen is too cautious, didn't you say that? All his food and water were prepared a few days ago, and he always carried them with him, even when he was on stage. During the martial arts competition, it was also handed over to the person I trust the most. We have no chance to poison him."

"Who said he was going to poison Geng Liangchen?" Hideo Iwaguro smiled slightly, "I'm talking about Gong Baosen!"

"Gong Baosen?" Maeda Mitsuyo was startled.

"Yes, Gong Baosen." Hideo Iwaguro said, "Do you still remember what I told you about the matter of infiltrating the Golden Tower, and I already have some clues?"

"I bought a person from Jinlou. Although he can't get close to Geng Liangchen, he can get close to Gong Baosen. I have already asked him to meet later, and I will persuade him to let him poison Gong Baosen , the next type of potent poison developed by the water supply troops, as long as the antidote is injected within three hours, Gong Baosen can survive, otherwise, he will not survive 24 hours!"

"Then we threaten Geng Liangchen with Gong Baosen's death?" Maeda Mitsushi's eyes lit up, "What if he doesn't care about Gong Baosen's life or death?"

Hideo Iwaguro looked at him, sighed and said: "Maeda-san, you can't completely rely on these methods to defeat Geng Liangchen, if Geng Liangchen really doesn't care about Gong Baosen's life or death, or if the poisoning plan fails, then you have to take Show the courage to break the boat and fight to the death!"

Maeda Mitsuyo frowned and remained silent.

"But you don't have to worry too much. In order to ensure the title of the champion, I have made additional arrangements." Hideo Iwaguro looked at him, "I will let Fumio Iwata do my best to protect you."

"Iwata Fumio?" Maeda Mitsuyo was taken aback, thinking of something, and nodded if he realized something.

(End of this chapter)

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