Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 831 Top 3 Armour

Chapter 831 Top Three

Gong Baosen hurriedly ate something at noon, then got busy.

Hosting an event is never as easy as imagined, there are so many things to do.It is necessary to coordinate with other organizers, supervise the handling of large and small matters, and put a lot of things on paper and record them so that they can be used as evidence in the future.

Copywriting is the most labor-intensive task. For Gong Baosen, writing and memorizing these things is more tiring than fighting with others.

But there is no way, people must do things that they don't like to do in this life, this is a kind of practice, and it is also a kind of responsibility.

He has to do these things well, record everything about the game, and leave a good text file for future generations, so that they can operate again, so that they won't be so blinded and groping hard like the first time.

dong dong dong.

"Come in!"

Hearing the knock on the door, Gong Baosen yelled first, and only after the door opened did he look up.

It was Xiaoman, the employee of Jinlou, who was still holding a steaming kettle in his hand.

"Master Gong, let me add some water to your room, it's just boiled." Xiao Man nodded and bowed.

"Okay." Gong Baosen nodded and left him alone.

Xiaoman was appointed by the owner of Jinlou to serve the masters, and he is very clever.He is alone, has worked here for seven or eight years, and is a trustworthy old man.

The thermos bottle was placed in the other corner of the living room, Xiaoman filled the thermos bottle with water, went to Gong Baosen's desk again, and said with a smile: "Master Gong, I will also add some warm water to your teacup, so as to save you later You have to pour it yourself."

"Well, thank you." Gong Baosen looked up at him, nodded and smiled at him.

"It should be, it should be, where can I give you a thank you?" Xiaoman smiled repeatedly, lifted the lid of Gong Baosen's teacup, and filled the inside with hot water.

"Master Gong, drink it while it's hot." Xiao Man said.

"Okay, you go out first." Gong Baosen continued to write and draw without raising his head.

Xiao Man smiled and went out.

After Xiaoman left, Gong Baosen continued to do his own work, and he stopped after a few minutes of busy work. He put down the fountain pen and let out a long sigh of relief, rubbed his sore eyes, and moved his wrists.

His throat was a little dry, he picked up the cold tea on the table, and gulped down a cup of tea.

Smacking his lips, he felt that today's tea was bitter, maybe it had been brewed for a long time.

He stood up, went to the thermos to get another glass of water, filled up the teacup, and put it in its original position.Then he continued to pick up the pen and began to write and draw.

Been busy for more than ten minutes - tuk tuk tuk...

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Gong Baosen called out.

It was Xiaoman again, this time with a plate of dim sum in his hand.

"Master Gong, do you want to try the chestnut cake just made in the kitchen?" Xiaoman walked to the desk with a smile and a smile.

Gong Baosen gave him a strange look, and said: "Don't eat, Xiaoman, what's wrong with you at noon today? So diligent?"

"Isn't it because I'm afraid I won't be able to serve you well?" Xiaoman said, then lifted the teacup again, "I'll add some more for you..."

Halfway through speaking, Xiaoman was stunned.

"Master Gong, did you drink any water?" Xiao Man looked at Gong Baosen.

Gong Baosen suddenly became alert.


The water in the room is usually refilled once in the morning and once in the afternoon. At noon, Xiaoman never comes to the room to add hot water, because he is afraid of disturbing the guests' nap.

But today, Xiaoman suddenly came at noon uncharacteristically!
This is the first thing that's wrong.

The second suspicious point is that Xiao Man is a very winky person and knows how to measure. He never touches the guests' things, and in order to avoid suspicion, as long as there is something on Gong Baosen's desk, he will never approach it.

But just now, when Gong Baosen was writing something on the desk, Xiaoman took the initiative to come to the desk to add water to Gong Baosen, and now he came to deliver snacks, without Gong Baosen's permission, he took the initiative to go to Gong Baosen desk.

Why didn't he know how to avoid suspicion today?
During the water delivery trip before, Gong Baosen took a look at Xiao Man after he walked over, because he felt that Xiao Man's behavior today was a bit abrupt.

However, at that time Gong Baosen was completely immersed in his work and did not think about it.

Looking back on the details at that time now, Xiaoman seems a little too obsequious, and a little nervous?

And now?He came in to deliver snacks for no reason, but without waiting for Gong Baosen's permission, he took the initiative to lift Gong Baosen's teacup, saying that he wanted to add water.

Reminiscent of the cup of tea that tasted bitter just now,
Thinking of this, Gong Baosen's heart sank.


He was a little uncertain and a little dazed.

Su Yi reminded him to be careful, and he was indeed careful, but he had too many things to do, and it was impossible to put all his energy on how to prevent the enemy's small moves, so he was inevitably a little negligent.

How to do?
Go for a gastric lavage right now?
Maybe it's too late?After all, it has been half an hour since he took the poison. If the poison really got into his stomach, he should have absorbed it long ago.

In an instant, Gong Baosen's heart turned a thousand times, and all thoughts were shattered.

He fixedly looked at Xiao Man, making the latter's heart tremble.

"Master Gong, why are you looking at me like that?" Xiaoman asked with a stiff expression.

"You feel a little strange today." Gong Baosen said.

"Ah? No, no way?" Xiaoman hastily explained with an apologetic smile, "You can't think I'm weird just because I'm more diligent."

"That's right." Gong Baosen smiled, "Okay, you go out first."

"Yes, yes..." Xiao Man smiled apologetically, hesitated a little, and then said, "Master Gong, I poured you some tea, why don't you drink it? Why don't you drink some, and I'll refill it for you of?"

Gong Baosen smiled, stood up, picked up the tea cup, walked straight to the trash can, raised the water cup, and poured all the tea in it.

"Hey..." Xiaoman exclaimed.

Gong Baosen turned around, smiled and said to him: "I haven't been sleeping well recently, so I don't drink tea anymore. Xiaoman, thank you for your kindness. I don't want to eat any snacks. The afternoon game is about to start, I have to go now It's the game, you go out first, I'll wash up and change clothes."

"Yes, yes..." Xiaoman backed out with a smirk, a bit unwilling and disappointed on his face.

After Xiaoman exited the room and closed the door, the smile on Gong Baosen's face gradually faded.

After a long time, he sighed faintly: "Fate..."

Xiaoman left the Golden Building, and soon came to an ordinary house near the Golden Building.

Hideo Iwaguro was waiting for him here impressively.

"Taijun, you have failed." Xiaoman looked at the latter in fear and tremblingly said.

"What's going on?" Hideo Iwaguro's eyes were sharp.

"I successfully poured the potion into his teacup, but Gong Baosen didn't drink any water." Xiao Man explained, "Not only did he not drink it, but he also poured the tea, saying that he didn't sleep well recently and stopped drinking tea. There is only one portion of poison, and he is about to leave, I, I can't do anything... Majesty, I really tried my best."

Hideo Iwaguro let out a long breath and asked, "Are you sure he didn't drink water?"

"No." Xiaoman nodded, "The cup is always full, and it hasn't been touched in the same place."

"Did you show some flaws and was discovered by him?" Hideo Iwaguro asked again.

"No, no, absolutely not!" Xiaoman hastily denied, "Taijun, I am very careful, he trusts me very much and is very enthusiastic about me, it is absolutely impossible to doubt me, this matter - it is just a coincidence, who can tell me?" Guess he won't drink tea today? If I had known, I should have asked him first whether to drink tea or water..."

"Baga, Lu!" Hideo Iwaguro didn't want to listen anymore, and waved his hands after cursing, "Go out!"

"Yes, yes." Xiao Man bowed again and again, and asked tentatively with a smile, "Taijun, then Xiaolian...can you let her go?"

Hideo Iwaguro bared his teeth and said, "Of course, you and your friend are good friends, and we will meet soon."

"Thank you Taijun! Thank you Taijun!" Xiaoman bowed excitedly, "Thank you for your kindness, thank you..."

"Go." Hideo Iwaguro smiled and waved his hand.

Xiaoman walked out the door full of expectation.

But at this moment, a knife pierced his heart fiercely, Xiaoman froze all over, and looked at the hideous face in front of him in disbelief.

puff puff!

With the knife pulled out and stabbed twice, Xiaoman lost all consciousness.

"You bastard, don't be at the door!" Hideo Iwaguro scolded angrily, "Drag the corpse away! Don't stay here!"

"Hi!" The murderer's face changed, and he hurriedly stood at attention respectfully.

Hideo Iwaguro sighed and said, "Geng Liangchen, there's really nothing you can do about it?"

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the top six matches officially started.

The first game was Fumio Iwata vs. Carter. I thought it was the only game that would actually start in the top six, but unexpectedly, Carter didn't show up at all.

It was a Chinese man who came, and he stepped onto the stage and announced loudly: "Mr. Carter suffered a sudden illness and was unable to participate in the competition. He entrusted me to admit defeat to his opponent, Mr. Fumio Iwata, and expressed his regret."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar!
What kind of sudden illness, this is the word of hell!

The only possibility is that the Zhe Peng people did something wrong.

The crowd was furious, and the audience was very emotional. They were irritated by the shamelessness of the Zhe Peng people.

On the other hand, the envoy of the lighthouse was also very angry. He single-handedly dominated the situation that was most beneficial to Carter, just to let him get the top three rankings and add luster to the honor of the lighthouse.

But now, Carter actually "retired from illness", which made everything he did before useless, so how could he not be inexplicably angry?
"Damn Zhepen people, it's them, they must be playing tricks! If you let me know what they did to Carter behind my back, I will make them pay the price!" The lighthouse envoy roared angrily.

The rest of the Westerners were also filled with righteous indignation, and they "complained against the injustice" for Carter one after another.

On Zhe Peng's side, the corners of Hideo Iwaguro's mouth curled up, showing no concern at all.

"How did you convince Carter?" Maeda Mitsuyo asked curiously.

"One hundred thousand dollars." Hideo Iwaguro said, "There is a saying in Huaguo that money can turn ghosts into millstones. That black man is very greedy for money, and I promised to send him to Edo and prepare a villa for him."

"Such a big deal!" Maeda Mitsuyo was moved.

Hideo Iwaguro glanced at him, as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person: "When we arrive in Edo, there is no need for this person to exist, and the money can be recovered. As for the villa... Hehe, I don't even have a villa in Edo. Why?"

Although Carter's sudden retirement caused an uproar in the audience, the matter was a foregone conclusion, and everyone could only hold their noses and admit it.

Fumio Iwata advanced and became one of the top three!

The second game was Su B against Bill Underwood, who also took the stage and conceded defeat.

In the third round, Hiroki Otsuka, as the founder of Wado-ryu karate, is on par with Mitsuyo Maeda in strength.

Hiroki Otsuka was obviously not happy to admit defeat to Mitsuyo Maeda without even comparing, but in the face of the big situation, he had to compromise.

In this way, the top three were all born, namely Fumio Iwata, Su Yi and Mitsuyo Maeda!

Two Zhe Peng people, one Chinese.

Amidst the huge controversy, the representatives of the organizer came to the stage again, preparing to draw lots again to decide the order of appearance of the three players.

"Hmph, people from Zhe Peng, I want to protest! You used despicable means, which caused Carter to withdraw from the race!" The Minister of the Lighthouse said with a dark face.

"Sir, if there is no evidence to prove that what you said is true, it is slander! I hope you will be responsible for your words! At the same time, I am deeply sorry for Mr. Carter's retirement due to illness." Representative Zhe Peng smiled said.

"I will find out the truth!" The lighthouse man said angrily, and then left the scene directly to show his dissatisfaction.

Zhe Pengren shrugged and looked at Gong Baosen: "Since there are only three people left, I think the lottery session should be cancelled. It is better to follow the order of appearance in the previous round and face each other one by one. This is convenient and fair."

The order of appearance in the last round was Fumio Iwata, Su Yi, and Mitsuyo Maeda.

In other words, first Fumio Iwata VS Su Yi, and then the winner of the two VS Mitsuyo Maeda.

"Rules are rules, let's draw lots!" Gong Baosen rejected Zhe Pengren's proposal.

The people from Zhe Peng obviously wanted to engage in a wheel battle, how could Gong Baosen agree?

However, there is a [-]/[-] probability of drawing lots, and Maeda Mitsuyo and Iwata Fumio will face off.

Zhe Peng people paid such a high price to push Iwata Fumio to the top three, not to make him and Mitsuyo Maeda internal friction, they must let the two Zhe Peng people take turns to fight Su Yi, only in this way is the best for them .

Therefore, Zhe Peng people are definitely not willing to draw lots to determine the number of matches.

"This is not a matter between you and our two countries. Why don't you vote for it?" Representative Zhe Peng suggested with a smile, as if he was sure of winning.

This is indeed the case. The result of the final vote was that most people agreed with the proposal proposed by Zhe Peng.

Unless their own interests are involved, Westerners will confront the Zhepen people.But in matters of insignificance, Westerners are more willing to sell the face of the Zhe Peng people than the Chinese.

Whoever wins among the top three has no influence on the Westerners at all, and there is no such thing as them anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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