Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 832 Before the Battle

Chapter 832 Before the Battle
"As expected."

When Gong Baosen told Su Yi the rules of the final top three games, Su Yi was not surprised.

In fact, after learning that Carter had retired, Su Yi and even Zhe Peng could guess what they wanted to do.

They want to defeat Su Yi to win the championship, there are only a few ways, one or the other, it is not difficult to guess.

"Be careful of them sacrificing one and fulfilling the other." Gong Baosen warned, "Be careful and don't underestimate your opponent. On a good day, it's the last step, half a hundred miles away, since ancient times, how many people get stuck at the end One step? Be cautious, calm, don't be affected by anything, and don't be swayed by any emotions."

"I've made a note." Su Yi nodded to Gong Baosen.

"I'll keep your water bag and dry food for you." Gong Baosen looked at the things Su Yi was carrying with him, "I'll keep them with you, absolutely safe. Your foreign a foreigner after all."

Su Yi's food and water were always carried with him, and they were handed over to Jiang Tieshan or Bill Underwood for safekeeping when he went on stage.

He still trusted these two people.

But Gong Baosen was worried, and Su Yi didn't argue, but smiled, and directly handed the water bag and the cloth bag containing dry food to Gong Baosen.

"Then trouble Master Gong." Su Yi said.

On the other side, Zhe Peng people are also doing the final mobilization and preparation before playing.

Just as Gong Baosen and Su Yi expected, with Su Yi's extreme caution, the Zhe Peng people could not find a chance to play against Su Yi, and their methods of dealing with Su Yi were extremely limited.

Now that they failed to poison Gong Baosen again, they lost another way to deal with Su Yi.

"Iwata, remember your mission!" Before taking the stage, Hideo Iwaguro solemnly warned Fumio Iwata, "Your mission is not to win, but to seriously injure Geng Liangchen! I don't care what method you use, no matter what price you pay , you must seriously injure him so that he cannot participate in the match against Maeda-san intact!"

"I understand, Iwaguro-san!" Iwata Fumio nodded solemnly, with a tragic expression, "Please rest assured, I will do my best at all costs!"

"Yes!" Hideo Iwaguro nodded in satisfaction, "All for the empire!"

"All for the empire!" Fumio Iwata's eyes were full of fanaticism.

"You can use any method, the referee... will help you!" Hideo Iwaguro said to him with deep meaning.

Iwata Fumio's eyes lit up: "That's really the best!"

Hideo Iwaguro's eyes fell on Mitsuyo Maeda who closed his eyes and rested not far away.

"Maeda-san, I have done everything I can for you, and the rest is up to you."

Amidst the uproar, the contestants from both sides came to the stage.

The two sides bowed their hands in salute.

The referee was an Italian with a gloomy and stern face. Seeing that neither side of the match wanted to say hello, he immediately called out.

Almost at the same time, Su Yi moved.

He jumped in front of his opponent almost immediately, and the next moment, the violent attack landed on Fumio Iwata's body and face!
The two sides are not opponents of the same level. Fumio Iwata's strength is far behind that of Yoshihiro Funakoshi. How can he resist Su Yi's attack?
He only resisted a few times symbolically, and then completely fell!
He couldn't keep up with Su Yi's speed at all!

bang bang bang...

The muffled sound of punches to the flesh was as dense as a broken bead curtain falling to the ground, and Fumio Iwata was directly stunned.

At a certain moment, Su Yi suddenly paused and rounded his fist——

"Stop! Stop!"

Behind him came the angry shout of the Italian referee.

But Su Yi turned a deaf ear to it, and hit Iwata Fumio on the right neck with a swinging fist.

With a crisp sound, the blood vessels on Fumio Iwata's neck were blown away!
His flesh was torn apart, blood sprayed out immediately, and he flew out of the arena like a sack, and fell heavily under the ring without making a sound.

Everyone was shocked!

All is quiet!

Another extremely fast attack!

Another speedy victory!

Geng Liangchen?
Who can beat him?

This is the god of war on earth!

There was a brief silence, and the next moment, the audience became a sea of ​​boiling water!
Almost everyone roared excitedly, almost everyone clapped desperately, or waved their arms.

So hearty, so sharp and fierce, this is Geng Liangchen, the Jinmen hero Geng Liangchen!
He doesn't disappoint, never has!
And all the Zhe Peng people watched all this dumbfounded, unable to believe their eyes.

Hideo Iwaguro was even more mournful. He couldn't accept that his meticulous arrangements were useless in front of absolute strength.

This is an insult to his wisdom and a silent mockery of him!

"Trash! Fumio Iwata, you trash!" Hideo Iwaguro roared suddenly.

The Italian referee was also roaring.

He rushed in front of Su Yi excitedly, spitting at Su Yi crazily in English.

"Damn! I said STOP, why are you still fighting? You fouled! This is a futile duel! You violated the will of the referee, you have no sportsmanship at all!"

"FY!" Su Yi sneered, and greeted the referee's female immediate family with letters starting with F.

"What did you say? Damn it, how dare you scold me? You damn yellow-skinned monkey..." The Italian was stunned and immediately furious.

"Shut up!" Su Yi's eyes were cold, "Zhe Peng can give you money, can't I kill you? If you don't want to die in Foshan, you'd better shut up and don't do anything, you are greedy!" Stupid white pig! Don't force me to kill you!"

The Italian was shocked all over, seeing Su Yi's undisguised menacing eyes, suddenly like a basin of cold water poured on his head, his whole body was icy cold.

"I, you..." He stammered, unable to speak.

Su Yi suddenly smiled, like a spring breeze, as if the coldness just now did not exist at all.

He smiled and said to the Italians: "Mr. Referee, you can pronounce the sentence now."

He said this in Italian.

Not only did this not make the Italians feel kind, but it made their spines even colder.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Geng..." The Italian smiled stiffly.

"Geng Liangchen, win!"

As the Italian referee pronounced the verdict, the scene completely turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The sound at this moment can be heard in the entire city of Foshan afterwards.

After the Italian referee stepped down, he was stopped by Hideo Iwaguro.

The latter yelled at the referee: "He fouled! Damn, you shouldn't award him victory! This is not a fair game!"

The Italian referee spread his hands and said, "Sorry, I can't do anything."

Hideo Iwaguro approached the ear of the Italian referee, and growled angrily: "You took money! Don't forget, you took our money!"

"But your man is so useless, he lost too fast, he was defeated in less than three seconds." The Italian referee spread his hands and said helplessly, "Even if I want to help him, it's too late, sorry , your money, I can give you a tenth of it back..."

"Bagaya Road!"


All the opposition of the Zhepen people was in vain, because this was a game that could not find any faults at all.

In just a few seconds from the start of the game to the end of the game, Su Yi won the game, and his opponent lost the ability to fight again.

There was no suspense in this game, it was directly killed!

After winning this game, as long as Su Yi beats Maeda Mitsuyo again, he will become the champion.

On the contrary, as long as Mitsuyo Maeda wins Su Yi, the latter will directly become the champion.

The "advantage" carefully constructed by the Zhe Peng people was crushed by Su Yi with absolute strength.

The audience was still celebrating wantonly, cheering and jumping for joy, a woman in a coquettish dress suddenly crossed the cordon that was sealed off by the ring, and ran to Su Yi's side.

She was still holding a bowl of water and wine steadily in her hand, while the officer who let him over had a kind smile on his face, and showed Su Yi an ambiguous look that a man could understand.

"Hero Geng, I am Sai Zhaojun from Xichun Building. The hero is in full bloom in the arena. My little girl yearns for him. I would like to recommend myself to be a pillow mat. I don't want the earth to last forever. I only want to serve the hero. No matter whether the hero Geng agrees or not , please drink this glass of wine, I wish you a successful start and win the championship in one fell swoop!"

This woman spoke clearly, and what she said was as crisp as big pearls and small pearls falling on a jade plate. Her words also clearly fell into the ears of the people around her, causing bursts of applause.

A young hero, full of vigor and vigor, arouses the admiration of beauties and courts the one he loves.

Fame, wealth, power, and sex are all available in one day. So far in life, what more can a husband ask for?
This is the dream scene of countless men, and it is also the ultimate goal pursued by most men.

Under such circumstances, I am afraid that many people will get drunk before drinking the wine.

How could Su Yi refuse such a beauty?How can you refuse this glass of "Zhuang Xingjiu"?
However, he refused.

"How much did Zhe Peng give you?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

The woman was startled, a trace of panic flashed in her pupils.

"Hero Geng, what are you talking about?" She forced herself to remain calm, pretending not to understand.

Su Yi suddenly punched the woman in the stomach, and the latter bent down with an "ow" from the pain.

At the same time, Su Yi quickly reached out to take the bowl of wine in her hand, then tore the woman's hair, put his knees on her back, made her face up, and poured down the bowl of wine for her.

The woman was so weak from the punch just now, and she couldn't use any strength in this posture at this moment. The bowl of wine was completely poured down by Su Yi.

Su Yi's eyes were cold, and he had no intention of pity, he said with a smile: "If it is not poisonous, I will apologize to you; if it is poisonous... Hehe, if you are dead, I will also find your family and kill your whole family to be buried with you!"

At this moment, the woman's face is pale, her face is full of horror, the two are fighting, how can she still be as generous as before?

Su Yi withdrew suddenly, and the woman collapsed to the ground like a dead dog.

The first thing she did was to frantically pick her throat, trying to get out the wine she just drank. Seeing this, Su Yi kicked her on the shoulder and turned her over.

At this moment, the entire audience was stunned by this sudden change.

There are clever guesses vaguely, but most of them are at a loss.

The guarded soldiers all rushed over, and the highest officer among them had a serious expression on his face. Just as he was about to ask Su Yi what was going on, Su Yi pointed to the fallen woman and said to him: "Tie her up for me, if I get off Before she was poisoned to death in the ring, I will publicly apologize to her in all the newspapers!"

The officer immediately understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, and his expression changed drastically.

"Yes! Hero Geng! I'm sorry, this is our negligence!" the officer said hastily.

Su Yi nodded, turned around and walked to the stage.

The officer suppressed his anger and looked at the guy who let her in: "Who told you to let her in? Huh?"

"I, I thought she admired Hero Geng, that's why..."

"Bastard, you almost became a criminal of the whole country!" The officer slapped him hard in the face.

"Let me go! Let me go! Give me the antidote! Taijun, give me the antidote..." The captured woman suddenly wailed and cried in the direction of the Zhe Peng people like crazy.

If there were still many people who didn't know what was going on just now, the situation has become completely obvious now.

There was an uproar in the audience, and the Zhe Peng people actually instructed others to poison Su Yi openly under the watchful eyes of everyone!
In the situation just now, if it were any young warrior who was complacent, he would not be on guard at all, and would drink the glass of water and wine, and then he would be poisoned.

How treacherous and vicious are the Zhe Peng people?

The audience at the scene cursed one after another.

At the VIP table, the representatives of various countries also changed their colors one after another. They will never condone such a bad behavior, because condoning this kind of thing will not do them any good.

Almost everyone, including the Chinese representatives, severely condemned and denounced Zhe Peng.

But the Zhepeng people calmly argued: "This is a slander. We Zhepeng people will never do such a thing, and there is absolutely no need to do such a thing. Everyone, I suspect that this is the clumsy self-indulgence of the Huaguo people." The purpose of the plot directed by the director is to disturb the order and achieve their ulterior plot. The despicableness and stupidity of the Chinese people are well known. You should not doubt the noble quality of the Dahe people just because of the clumsy performance of this lowly and humble nation. ..."

The noses of several Chinese grandmasters were almost crooked.

This kind of plausible and shameless face can make everyone's blood pressure soar, and they can't wait to kill.

Zhe Peng refused to admit it, even if it was the woman who poisoned her, it would be useless to identify herself.

The game will continue, and in the end, this turmoil can only be let go.

Although there was a lot of scolding at the scene, the Zhe Peng people didn't care about it at all at this time.

"Unfortunately, this is the last chance..." Hideo Iwaguro sighed disappointedly, "Maeda-san, Geng Liangchen is too cautious, I have tried my best, now I can only rely on you."

When things came to an end, Maeda Mitsuyo was full of peace of mind, like still water.

He looked at Su Yi who had walked back onto the ring with a blank expression, and said lightly, "Yan Heisang, I will try my best."

The tone is decisive.

But Hideo Iwaguro gave a "thump" in his heart.

Because only a person who is not sure of victory would say "use your last strength".

He looked at the decisive Maeda Mitsuyo, and suddenly he no longer had any expectations for the result of this match.

He understood that his mission had actually failed this time.

(End of this chapter)

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