Chapter 838

Zhe Peng, Edo.

The flames of the Imperial Palace have been burning all night, and the sky has turned pale.

But Su Yi and Yixiantian still didn't get rid of the chasing soldiers.

This time, there were a total of four members of the second kicker assassination group, all of whom were elites among the elites. They were led by Su Yi himself, and they made such a shocking feat that was destined to change the world.

But Su Yi is not a god after all, so he cannot be considered exhaustive.

Although he had made the most complete plan, it was all secrets and sparse. The moment the assassination succeeded, the enemy noticed the clue.

When the enemy knows what they have done, these devils are completely crazy.

They didn't care about any casualties and losses at all, and at any cost, they almost dispatched the entire Edo guard army to chase and intercept Su Yi and others.

Thousands of troops pursued Su Yi and the other four people, not hesitating to use guns and shells, not to mention injuring innocent civilians, and wanting to leave their lives in Edo.

Not only the soldiers, but even the people of Edo spontaneously organized and cooperated with the military to chase and intercept Su Yi and others.

Su Yi and the others were already bitten by the tail by the enemy. Now there are interceptions ahead and pursuers behind them. They are stuck in a quagmire and cannot escape at all.

After finally escaping into a private house and lurking, the enemy immediately surrounded the entire area and began a carpet search of the area.

In order to pursue efficiency and concealment in this operation, the four of them did not carry those heavy weapons, but succeeded with their amazing skills and ingenious strategies.

But right now...

Under the enemy's heavy firepower encirclement, the four of them were seriously short of long-range firepower, and they had almost no power to fight back, so they could only flee in embarrassment.

This is an izakaya. In a small room, a family of four is crowded - an old father, a middle-aged couple, and their 13-year-old daughter Michiko.

The intrusion of the four uninvited guests greatly frightened the family, and they huddled together tremblingly.

Yi Yitian pointed a gun at these four people, and Su Yi supported Luo Yu who was shot twice.

Zhu Jingu searched the whole house, and after confirming that there was no danger, he asked the four of them in broken Japanese if they had any medicine to deal with the trauma.

But the four were trembling with fright, and Ren Zhu Jingu repeated that they just knelt down and begged without any other reaction.

"Don't try too hard, I can't go anymore, Brother Zhu!" Luo Yu held his bleeding chest, waved his hands weakly, and panted violently, "Ma De, the little devil is really crazy this time!"

The reason why Luo Yu was shot was because when the four escaped before, Luo Yu had the courage to hold a Zhe Peng officer hostage under the rain of bullets, trying to delay time and win everyone a chance to get rid of the pursuers.

Unexpectedly, the devils were not threatened at all, so they shot and killed the hostages, and then shot at Luo Yu indiscriminately.

Luo Yu was caught off guard and was shot twice.One shot was shot in the abdomen, and the other shot was shot in the left chest, hitting the vital point.

Su Yi immediately rescued Luo Yu in the hail of bullets, but when he saw Luo Yu's injury, Su Yi knew that Luo Yu was doomed and could not be rescued.

"Xiao Luo, what's on your mind?" Su Yi asked in a deep voice.

After many years of life and death, Su Yi's heart has long been as hard as iron after seeing so much life and death.

Not only him, who is not present?
The Er Kijia Assassination Regiment has terrified the enemy over the years and has become a nightmare for devil officers, but such a deterrent force has been exchanged for the fresh lives of the Er Kijia Assassination Regiment.

How many comrades-in-arms have they bid farewell to over the years?

Maybe more.

Just three months before coming to Edo, Su Yi lost three close comrades-in-arms Yang Songlin, An Yuyun and Sun Fengming forever because he fell into the enemy's trap in the assassination against Dohiyuan.

Assassination is not a treat, it involves bloodshed and sacrifice.

Behind the scenery, there are blood and tears every step of the way.

After joining Ertijiao and embarking on this path, no one can guarantee whether he will be alive tomorrow.

All of them had their heads tied to their belts.Sacrifice is just a matter of time for everyone.

Including Su Yi.

"Master Geng, if you have time to visit my master, there is nothing else to do." Luo Yu grinned, his mouth full of blood, "Leave me a gun and a grenade, you go first! There is still a short distance from the No. [-] evacuation base." The devils have already surrounded this area, if you don’t leave, the devils will gather more and more.”

Su Yi rubbed his head vigorously, hugged him, and said, "See you in the next life, Xiao Luo!"

"In the next life, I will still follow you!" Luo Yu gasped.

"Xiao Luo, goodbye!"

"Goodbye brat!"

Zhu Jingu and Yixiantian also waved goodbye to Luo Yu.

This is the last farewell, there is no pain, and there is no time for pain.

"Go!" Luo Yu waved his hands vigorously.

"That person is here!" Just as Zhu Jingu was distracted, the old man in a family of four who was held hostage suddenly jumped up and ran to the gate like crazy, shouting loudly.

Zhu Jingu opened the back of his head with a single shot.

"Bastards, I'll fight with you!" The middle-aged man's eyes were tearing apart, and he rushed towards Zhu Jingu screaming in despair.

Zhu Jingu cut his neck with a knife.

Seeing this, Yixiantian frowned slightly, and suddenly took a wrong step forward and turned his palm into a knife, knocking out the remaining two mother and daughter.

"Go, it will be too late if you don't go!" Su Yi waved his hand.

Finally, he took a deep look at Luo Yu.

Luo Yu smiled brightly and waved to Su Yi.


The three of them didn't say anything more, turned around and left, and left in a hurry through the back door.

Only Luo Yu, the unconscious mother and daughter, and two corpses were left in the room.

He struggled to come to the main entrance, checked the bullets, and planned to fight the enemy in the end.

"The gunshot just now came from here. There are five people in this family..."

"Grenade strafing, then throwing grenades! I just want to kill those brutes, don't tell me other unimportant things! Shoot now! Fire is here!"


Officer Zhe Peng's conversation came from outside the door. Luo Yu couldn't understand Zhe Peng's words, and was still concentrating on holding his breath, waiting for Zhe Peng's people to come in, and then fought them desperately.

But the next moment...

da da da da...

The dense bullets covered the whole room in an instant, and Luo Yu, who was caught off guard, was beaten into a sieve immediately, and fell unwillingly in a pool of blood.

Boom boom boom...

The bomb that was thrown in immediately razed the house to the ground.

On the other side, Su Yi and the other three continued to fight and flee, but the enemy bit them to death, and from time to time, people from Edo spontaneously surrounded them, which greatly delayed their escape speed.

It was about to arrive at one of the designated evacuation locations. At this moment, the three people who had just rushed out from an alley and dozens of heavily armed devils met unexpectedly and collided with each other.

The three of them froze at the same time.

"Come on!"

With a roar, Zhu Jingu drew his sword and rushed into the crowd, and the enemy's camp was in a mess of blood splattered instantly.

bang bang bang...

There was a lot of gunfire, but there were crowds of people in all directions, and Zhe Peng's soldiers came here in an endless stream.

Just looking at this scene is depressing.

"Go!" Su Yi gritted his teeth, and ran away with Yi Yitian.

Behind him, Zhu Jingu was overwhelmed by dense Zhe Peng soldiers.

Too late to say goodbye, too late to say goodbye, the word "go" is Zhu Jingu's last words.

seven days later.

The scarred Su Yi and Yi Yitian drifted to the shore, both of them were dying, Su Yi was even in a coma for four days, and never woke up.

"Master Geng, we're going ashore. If you persist, I'll go find medicine and food." Yi Yitian struggled to carry Su Yi on his back, talking to himself, and staggered towards the building not far from the sea. Go to the small village.

"Stand up! あなたはwho desu か?" At the entrance of the village, Yi Yitian was stopped by two Zhe Peng militiamen with guns on their backs.

At this moment, Rao's nerves were a little desperate.

He escaped from Edo after a narrow escape, and wandered in the sea for another seven days. Finally, he saw the coast. He thought he had returned to Huaguo, but unexpectedly, he floated back to Zhe Peng again!

Should life end here?

Yi Yitian, who was already at the end of his strength, slumped on the ground with a sad laugh, and was about to accept this final fate.

But his action caused Su Yi to fall to the ground, making a slight pained sound.

A ray of sky's eyes fell on Su Yi's pale face, and the despair that was originally full of heart suddenly gave birth to a trace of unyielding.

"I have a humble life, and if I die, I will die, but Lord Geng can't die! Even if he dies, he should be vigorous and stand upright, not this way of death!"

Two Zhepeng militiamen approached with shouts and came to Yixiantian's side.


At a certain moment, Yi Yitian suddenly swooped up like a leopard, throwing the two militiamen to the ground.

After more than twenty days, Su Yi finally woke up from his coma.

Still dizzy.

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of water fell on Su Yi's lips, and he licked his lips subconsciously, only then realized that his lips were very moist, and his throat didn't seem thirsty.

In the dim light, Su Yi realized that he was in a cave with strange rocks.

On the top of Su Yi's head, two big tree branches made a simple bracket, and a large iron bucket was hung on the bracket. A drop of water would drip from the bottom of the iron bucket every few seconds, without deviation or slant. Dripping into Su Yi's mouth.

Su Yi was stunned for a while, and was about to struggle to get up, but failed.

Only then did he notice that he was actually tied to the ground by straw ropes.

But the binding is not strong, and you can break free with a little effort.

Su Yi looked at the "water dripping device" above his head, and then at the rope that had been broken free, and he realized something in his heart. This should be because he was afraid of moving and rolling in a coma, so he tied himself up to ensure that the water droplets on it could drip accurately. fell into his mouth.

Su Yi's last memory is that he and Yixiantian were drifting in the sea. Don't think about it, this device must have been made by Yixiantian.

Making such a device to ensure that he can always replenish water, does this mean that Yixiantian has to be forced to leave himself?
Where the hell is this?
How long have you been in a coma?
Su Yi looked around in a daze.

He found some drug packages and used syringes scattered around him.

I picked up the medicine and looked at it, and found that it was all in Japanese, and it was some anti-inflammatory drugs such as penicillin.

"Japanese? Is it still in Zhepeng?" Su Yi frowned. If he was really still in Zhepeng, it would not be easy to get penicillin in Zhepeng. This thing is now more expensive than gold.

And Yixiantian is a Chinese, they just did such a big thing in Edo, the identity of the Chinese is too sensitive, not to mention Yixiantian can't speak Japanese.

How did Yixiantian get the medicine?

Su Yi continued to look around, and he found that his body was covered with insect repellent medicine, and there were still a jar and a tightly bound cloth bag hanging not far away.

Su Yi struggled to get up, feeling that he was still weak and dizzy.

He took down the pot and the cloth bag, and found that the pot contained clean water, and the cloth bag contained some dry food.

This must have been left behind by Yi Yitian.

All kinds of signs indicated that Yixiantian seemed to have to separate from Su Yi, so he settled everything in this cave.

Where did Yixiantian go?

Su Yi ate dry food with the water in the jar.

With something in my stomach, I finally regained some strength and spirit.

After recovering some vitality, Su Yi got up and walked out cautiously.

The cave was about 50 meters deep. When approaching the entrance of the cave, Su Yi saw a person sitting at the entrance from a distance.

He was shocked at first, and immediately became vigilant.

But following him, he felt that this figure was somewhat familiar.

"Little Han?"

He recognized that it was Yi Yitian's back, and called out tentatively.

Maybe it was the reason why he didn't speak for a long time, but the sound was a bit hoarse.

The figure didn't move.

Su Yi thought of the arrangements in the cave, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

If Yixiantian has been guarding the entrance of the cave, why does he need to make arrangements that can "operate" even if he is not there?
no, I can not……

Su Yi hardly dared to take a step.

Fearless, he would rather the back in front of him be just an illusion!
But in the end we have to face reality.

Su Yi took a deep breath and stepped forward.

The closer to the hole, the more obvious a pungent stench.

This is a corpse smell, such a strong corpse smell, it means that the corpse has been dead for a long time.

"No..." Su Yi murmured in pain, with his heart in his throat.

He finally reached the entrance of the cave.

Through his tattered clothes, he could see a line of blood-stained and dried-up broken body, bullet holes, knife marks, and various wounds intertwined densely, which was very hideous.

He saw Yixiantian's face that had been eaten away by maggots.

He saw Yi Yitian sitting at the entrance of the cave, with Kong Dong's eye sockets looking into the distance.

He was like a rock, motionless.

On the ground next to him, there seemed to be a few indistinct words written crookedly with fingers on the ground - "Master Geng, I can't stand it..."

Su Yi stared blankly at this scene, and stood there for a long time.

At this moment, he flicked through his mind, reviewing the scenes he experienced with Yi Yitian.

He suddenly felt extremely terrified, because he found that he didn't even know Yi Yitian's name, he only knew his surname was Han.

Before he knew it, Su Yi was already in tears.

He knelt down in front of Yi Yitian, crying hoarsely: "Xiao Han..."

(End of this chapter)

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