Chapter 839

Magic City.

The shocking stabbing in Edo made the Zhepeng people far away in China fall into the final madness.The fierce battle in the Songhu battlefield is in full swing, and this luxurious and rich foreign market is also undercurrents surging under the shadow of the war.

Rainy night, harbor pier.

Gong Er was wearing a navy blue cheongsam and standing by the sea with an oiled paper umbrella, looking at the undulating sea.Dazed.

Behind her, Lao Jiang, Jiang Tieshan, Rong Canghai, and Huang De stood by her side like four silent iron towers, looking around vigilantly.

Around them, there are still many people hiding in the dark, guarding this place and the people here.


da da da da...

The street not far away suddenly heard noisy gunfire, and it seemed that it was not far from the pier.

Jiang Tieshan and the other four immediately became vigilant, looking around like a falcon, and took out their guns vigilantly.

Gong Er seemed to move, but his eyes never left the sea from the beginning to the end.

After a while, the gunfire over there not only did not stop, but intensified instead.

"Uncle Jiang, I'll go and have a look! De San, Cang Hai, you stay here. If the situation is not right, you can take the wife to leave first!" Jiang Tieshan said solemnly.

"Go, we are here!" Rong Canghai nodded to him.

"Sister-in-law is protected by us, don't worry!" Huang Desan also said seriously.

Old Jiang told Jiang Tieshan: "Be careful."

"Don't worry." Jiang Tieshan smiled at him, turned around and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

A few blocks away, a shootout was taking place.

The attacking party wore uniform black clothes, and there were hundreds of people.

On the defensive side, there are all kinds of people. Some people are dressed in rags and look like beggars; some are fully armed and look like professional soldiers;

This was an encounter, and it was fought very fiercely. In just a short time, there were dozens of casualties on both sides.

The attacking men in black were all crazy, brave and fearless, and desperately attacked this side. Although the defensive "no-name army" resisted desperately, under the opponent's fierce firepower and fearless attack, they had to wait and see. retreat.

"Long live the Great Zhe Peng Empire!" A man in black with a white cloth strip tied on his head suddenly shouted ferociously, holding a smoking grenade in his hand, rushed out of the cover and ran towards this side frantically.

bang bang bang...

He had only run halfway when he was shot into a sieve.

But before he died, he threw the grenade over with his last strength.

At the location where the grenade landed, the two hurriedly escaped from behind the bunker and wanted to retreat.

But with a gunshot, the person who ran out first was thrown to the ground with a headshot, and the people behind were hit by the grenade shrapnel that exploded in mid-air, and were knocked to the ground by the shock wave. No more moving.

"Axi!" Qiu Shangwo hid in a corner, punched the ground angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "These bastards of the Black Dragon Society!"

On his side, Pictor, Hawaii, looked vigilantly at the roof not far away: "The sniper's position has been found! Open the plug! If it weren't for his suppression of firepower, that lunatic just had no chance to throw a grenade! If An Yu Yunzai is fine, with her marksmanship, this guy is not her opponent at all..."

"You cover me, I'll kill him!" Qiu Shangwo gritted his teeth, "We can't let him live, or we will die more people!"

"Let me go!" Hawaiian Pictor said.

But Qiu Shangwo held him down: "Ah, you are a killer, it's fine to hide in the dark and shoot black guns, it's not your style to attack tough ones!"

After all, without waiting for Hawaii Pictor to answer, he hurried out!

Pictor Hawaii was startled, but he didn't have time to dissuade him, so he hurriedly shot to cover.

"Long live the Emperor!"

Another Zhe Peng Ronin rushed out with explosives strapped to his body.

Just as Hawaii was about to shoot, the firepower on the other side suddenly became fierce.

But this time, the other party's luck was too bad. A stray bullet hit the explosive bag on the devil's body, directly blowing him into fireworks.

"Kill that woman! If she lives for a day, it will be a disgrace to our Great Zhepeng Empire!"

"Revenge for the Emperor!"

"Yasi, give it..."

Zhe Penglang of the Black Dragon Society clamored wildly, launching wave after wave of attacks.

But here, Chinese people of different identities resisted desperately.

"Don't let the devil rush over there, Mrs. Geng must have nothing to do!"

"Little devils want to avenge their emperor, in the next life!"

"Hero Geng died for the country. If we can't even keep his widow, are we still human? Let's fight them!"

"Fight! Never retreat even if you die!"

bang bang bang...

Da da da……

When Jiang Tieshan arrived, the battle had already reached a fever pitch.

Without hesitation, he joined the war directly and rescued a fellow who was shot behind the bunker.

Looking at the other party's Chinese tunic suit, Jiang Tieshan had a clear understanding of the other party's identity: "Three Youth League?"

"Yes, under the order of Bureau Chief Liu, protect Madam Geng!" The man covered his wound and gritted his teeth, "I've already sent someone to call for backup, if we hold on, our people will arrive...Damn, this time Back to the little devils making such a big deal, they are crazy!"

bang bang bang...

Jiang Tieshan fired a few shots and said with a sneer: "My wife has been waiting for Master by the pier for more than half a month. The Zhepeng people knew the news and wanted to kill my wife like crazy! But they didn't expect that so many people with lofty ideals spontaneously organized Get up and protect my teacher, let them fail dozens of assassinations! I guess, this is their last madness..."

bang bang bang...

Jiang Tieshan fired a few more shots.

"Hero Jiang, do you think... Is there any hope for Hero Geng to survive? Everyone in Zhe Peng said that Hero Geng was caught by them and Ling Chi..."

"They fart!" Jiang Tieshan interrupted him firmly, "Master will never be caught by them!"

Da da da……

At the same time, in the French Concession, in a luxurious mansion.

Hua Kezhi looked at the majestic old man on the opposite side with a serious expression.

"Boss Du, I know that your Green Gang has always had an affair with Mr. Geng, because the Qing Gang in Jinmen was almost taken over by Mr. Geng." The Green Gang in Shanghai has almost nothing to do with it. I hope that Boss Du will not misunderstand Mr. Geng because of this reason."

The majestic old man had a half-smile, with a cigar in his hand.

He is Du Yuesheng, the most powerful leader of the Green Gang in Shanghai, and one of the most authoritative figures in this ten-mile foreign market.

It is no exaggeration to say that when he stomped his feet, the entire Demon City trembled three times.

"I know you, and I know you." Du Yuesheng stood up, and said with a sneer, "Hua Kezhi! Hero Geng was killed on his front foot, and you disbanded the second kicker assassination team on the back foot. Hehe, he is really a good brother of Hero Geng...why? , and now come to me to pretend to be a good person?"

Hua Kezhi's face remained unchanged, and he said, "Boss Du, it doesn't matter whether I pretend to be a good person or not. The important thing is that I hope that Boss Du can remain neutral on Mrs. Geng's matter."

Having said that, he slapped his hands, and the person behind him immediately put a box on the table in front of them and opened it.

The box was full of dollars.

Du Yuesheng's expression was different: "What does this mean?"

"Be careful." Walker said, "As long as Boss Du is not detrimental to Madam Geng, please accept the money with a smile."

Du Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hua Kezhi, Hua Kezhi, you really use your villain's heart to save the gentleman's belly!" Du Yuesheng sneered, "Mrs. Geng stayed at the harbor pier for more than ten days. There are more killers than there are mosquitoes by the Huangpu River, and they will kill her one after another to vent their anger! The harbor pier is the site of the French Concession! Mrs. Geng is a big trouble to the Francians! Why don’t the Francians take Geng Ma'am deported? Or even handed over to the Zhepen?"

"That's because of me!" Du Yuesheng stared angrily, pointed at himself, and suddenly raised his voice, "Because I greeted the Francians so that they wouldn't dare to act rashly!"

"The battle between China and Japan in the Songhu battlefield is in full swing, but the concessions are singing and dancing. Do you know why? Because I, Du Yuesheng, told the French people that if they allow the Zhepeng people to use the concession to attack the Chinese people, I, Du Yuesheng, will fight against the Chinese in the two concessions. Destroy all the concessions within an hour! I said this!"

Du Yuesheng's loud words moved Hua Kezhi, he stood up slowly, looked at Du Yuesheng in disbelief, and suddenly realized that he might have misunderstood the biggest rogue tycoon in Shanghai.

"Hero Geng is a hero of China, a good man of China! He went to disaster for his country, you don't need to say, I will protect his widow!" Du Yuesheng sneered, "Hua Kezhi, don't think so much of me, Du Yuesheng Unbearable, the reason why I didn't send someone to protect Mrs. Geng in the past ten days is because of the differences within the Green Gang! But just before you came, the differences were resolved!"

"I'm leaving my words here today. If Mrs. Geng loses a hair in Shanghai, I, Du Yuesheng, will cut off my head and give it to you as a ball!"

"I'm done talking. Now, take your money and get the hell out of here! You are disgusting me here! For the sake of Hero Geng, I won't embarrass you, but in the future, it's best not to let me see you again!"


Hua Kezhi was kicked out by Du Yuesheng.

He and his entourage stood despondently at the door of Du Mansion, but Hua Kezhi's face showed a trace of relief.

"Du Yuesheng is too arrogant! Hmph, if it was before, he dared to treat you like this?" The attendant was indignant.

Hua Kezhi smiled: "Let's go back to the Jiangxi base."

"We drove more than [-] kilometers to the magic capital, and we didn't even stay for two hours, so we were scolded by Du Yuesheng, and we have to leave again?" The entourage said in astonishment, "Besides, you are here, don't you?" Want to go see Madam Geng?"

Hua Ke's eyes dimmed, and he said in a slight silence: "Forget it...they probably don't want to see me now."

Near the harbor pier.

Just when Zhe Penglang of the Black Dragon Society was about to conquer the line of defense of the righteous men, Liu Haiqing arrived with his people in person.

He was travel and dusty, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was exhausted, and his face was still stained with traces of gunpowder smoke unique to the battlefield.

The joining of the Three Youth League turned the situation around in an instant.

At this moment, accompanied by rumbling footsteps and loud shouts of killing, countless gangsters from the Green Gang rushed over, instantly drowning the stubborn Black Dragon Society gang members.

A leader ran over, clasped his fists at everyone, and said loudly, "Heroes! We are late! On behalf of Boss Du, I announce that starting from today, as long as Mrs. Geng stays in Shanghai for one day, our Green Gang will protect her for one day! Who If you want to hurt Madam Geng, you have to step on the corpses of our [-] brothers!"

"it is good!"


"Boss Du is benevolent!"

Everyone is very excited.

Liu Haiqing looked at this scene and smiled gratifiedly.

"Go, take me to see your wife." He turned his head and said to Jiang Tieshan on the side.

"Yes, Master Liu!" Jiang Tieshan said respectfully.

At the same time, Pictor of Hawaii waited for a long time but did not see Qiu Shangwo coming back, so he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart and hurried to the sniper point.

After climbing up to the top of the building, he saw Qiu Shangwo with a large amount of blood on his chest, slumped by the wall, and not far from him, there were three corpses lying there.

Hawaii Pictor's complexion changed drastically, and he hurried over.

Seeing clearly Qiu Shangwo's injury and bleeding, his heart sank to the bottom.

With tears in his eyes, he looked at Qiu Shangwo and said in a trembling voice, "Quick-fire gun, you..."

Qiu Shangwo smiled weakly, and said intermittently: "Geng, Lord Geng is right, I'm too reckless, if I don't have a smart person to tie the rope, something will happen sooner or later..."

"But Lord Geng also said that you are the bravest Korean he has ever seen!" Hawaii Pictor trembled.

Qiu Shangwo smiled brightly.

"This, this is what I'm most proud of." He said, "Hawaii... Tell me, is the paradise of the Koreans and the paradise of the Huaguo people together?"

"Yes, we must be together." Hawaii Pictor forced a smile, held her hand and said to him.

"That's good, that's good..." Qiu Shangwo smiled gratifiedly, "I'm going to see Lord Geng, Mrs. Geng...I'll leave it to you, don't embarrass us Koreans...Axi, it really hurts what……"

Hawaii slowly closed Qiu Shangwo's eyes, and the tears could not stop falling down.


"Brother Liu."

Seeing Liu Haiqing, Gong Er finally took his attention away from the sea.

"Sister and sister, don't wait." Liu Haiqing looked at Gong Er and said in a deep voice, "I don't believe that Xiao Geng is dead, he is not a character who died quietly at all! I am like you, I believe he will come back But brother and sister, you can't wait like this. As long as Xiao Geng is alive, even if you are in the remotest corners of the world, he will look for you."

Gong Er forced a smile and said, "Brother Liu, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"What are you talking about!" Liu Haiqing frowned, "You remember your younger siblings, the matter between you and Xiao Geng will never be a problem to me!"

"I don't blame you, I really think so." Gong Er looked not far away, where a war had just ended.

"Because of me, are many people dying to protect me these days?" Gong Er said, "This is my fault."

(End of this chapter)

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