Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 848 Screaming in the middle of the night

Chapter 848 Screaming in the middle of the night
These three people knew Su Yi without introducing them, but Hu Yifei didn't stop him from introducing him.

"His name is Lu Ziqiao, the most famous playboy in the iPartment, don't imitate him." Hu Yifei pointed at Lu Ziqiao.

"Hey, Yifei, don't slander my image in front of newcomers, I'm romantic but not dirty!" Lu Ziqiao dissatisfied, then smiled and extended his hand to Su Yi, "Hello, my name is Lu Ziqiao."

"Su Yi." Just as Su Yi shook hands with him, Lu Ziqiao suddenly leaned into Su Yi's ear and said, "Brother, dare to live with Hu Yifei, you are a true warrior, I salute you!"

"Lu Ziqiao, do you want to die?" Hu Yifei clenched his fists and stared.

Lu Ziqiao shrank her neck, and immediately dodged behind Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Hmph!" Hu Yifei snorted coldly, pointing at Zeng Xiaoxian to continue the introduction, but was stopped by Zeng Xiaoxian.

"I'll do it myself!" He confidently put on a pose, raised his eyebrows wretchedly, "I am a good man, I am..."

He pointed to Su Yi's face expectantly waiting for Su Yi to say his name.

"Next." Su Yi smiled and nodded to Hu Yifei.

"Pfft..." Everyone present laughed.

Zeng Xiaoxian made a big face, he was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

"Just kidding, of course I know you, Teacher Zeng." Su Yi smiled and held out his hand to Zeng Xiaoxian, "You are a radio host, and the program you host is called "Your Moon, My Heart", right?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was overjoyed instantly, grabbed Su Yi's hand and said, "You know me? Have you heard my show?"

"That's right." Su Yi thought for a while.

"Congratulations to Mr. Zeng for mentioning one piece to the audience!" Hu Yifei smiled.

Su Yi just came to this city, and he still hasn't gained a firm foothold. Hell, he can listen to a late-night radio program that no one cares about!

Guan Gu miraculously mentioned Zeng Xiaoxian when we were eating together at noon. From Hu Yifei's point of view, Su Yi knew the name of the show hosted by Zeng Xiaoxian at that time.

As for listening to the show, it is completely polite, and only a fool like Zeng Xiaoxian takes it seriously.

"This handsome guy with a bad face is called Zhang Wei. He has just experienced a failed marriage and will be our neighbor from now on, living next door to us." Hu Yifei went on to introduce.

"Hello." Su Yi greeted him.

Zhang Wei said in grief and indignation: "To be precise, what I experienced was a failed wedding, not a marriage!"

"To be more precise, you didn't actually experience a failed wedding," Lu Ziqiao added with a smile, "because you missed your wedding."

"Woooooo..." Zhang Wei covered his face and howled dryly.

"You and Zeng Xiaoxian, two vile bastards, still have the nerve to talk about this? Just be vicious, you two!" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"Actually, if it wasn't for us, Zhang Wei would have attended his wedding on time, but the blow he would have suffered would have been even worse! Because he would have witnessed his bride-to-be being snatched away by another man right in front of him!" Lu Ziqiao spread his hands , "Judging from the current results, we helped him so that he didn't have to witness that kind of human tragedy and avoid a bigger blow. Instead, he should thank us. Right Zhang Wei?"

"If I had been there, maybe Xiao Li wouldn't have left at all!" Zhang Wei said angrily.

"What's the use of that kind of woman who lives with someone else in her heart? A twisted melon is not sweet!" Lu Ziqiao persuaded.

"But, you have to let me twist the melon off first, and taste it to know if it's sweet or not!" Zhang Wei cried.

"Okay, darling, follow me, are you afraid that there will be no women?" Lu Ziqiao patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"It's okay, it's all messed up!" Hu Yifei was so annoyed, "Lu Ziqiao, your existence has greatly lowered the quality bottom line of our love apartment!"

Lu Ziqiao was taken aback: "Is there any reward?"

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"Forget it, pretend I didn't say anything." Hu Yifei gave up attacking him and squeezed out a fake smile, "I'll introduce you next. This is Su Yi, my new roommate. I hope everyone can take care of him in the future."

"Don't worry, we are both men, we will definitely take good care of him!" Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"I have another news to tell you," Hu Yifei turned to face Su Yi, "Yuyou decided to live in the love apartment, and she will be our roommate in the future."

"Sister Yifei, Xiaoyi, please take care of me in the future!" Tang Youyou smiled and bowed to the two.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of you!" Hu Yifei smiled and shook hands with her.

Su Yi smiled without saying a word.

Tang Youyou said another string of Zhepeng words to Guan Gu, meaning that we will be neighbors in the future, please take care of me in the future.

This surprised Guan Gu Miraculously.

"In order to celebrate that we have three new friends here at once, how about... Teacher Zeng invite us to dinner!" Lu Ziqiao suggested, "Go to the bar after dinner, one-stop!"

"Why did I invite you?" Zeng Xiaoxian said unwillingly.

"As a public figure, isn't it natural to invite your fans to dinner?" Lu Ziqiao pointed at Su Yi.

"Then I can invite him alone, and I can bring Yifei at most, and Tang Youyou..." Zeng Xiaoxian argued.

After a pause, he felt that it was inappropriate, and he added: "There is also Guan Gu, plus Zhang Wei...Alright, I will treat everyone to dinner."

In the end Zeng Xiaoxian drooped his shoulders.

"Yeah!" Lu Ziqiao smiled and pointed at Su Yi, "Su Yi, what do you want to eat? Chinese food? Western food? Or seafood? Just say it, you're welcome!"


"I want to eat a seafood feast." Su Yi said helplessly.

"You're're welcome..." Zeng Xiaoxian's face turned green.

"No, I'm allergic to seafood." Zhang Wei said suddenly.

"Then decisively eat Chinese food!" Zeng Xiaoxian hurriedly said, "I know there is a very good rice bowl nearby, and the taste is very good."

"Hey, to welcome a new friend, why don't you treat them to a bowl of rice? Zeng Xiaoxian, aren't you too stingy?" Lu Ziqiao rolled his eyes.

"All right, all right!" Hu Yifei waved her hands impatiently, "Is it embarrassing to invite a customer to push around? I invite you! Let's go and eat Western food!"

"Forget it, it's your treat at noon, Yifei, leave this afternoon meal to me." Guan Gu said hurriedly.

"It's a deal!" Lu Ziqiao was afraid that Guan Gu would go back on his word, so he hurriedly finalized, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

"I'm going to change clothes first! Sister Yifei, do you want to go together?" Tang Youyou said.

"I don't need it, and I'm not going on a blind date, what clothes should I change into?" Hu Yifei looked at the sportswear on her body incomprehensibly, "Isn't this nice?"

Tang Youyou smiled awkwardly: "Then, then I will go by myself."

"Go and come back!" Hu Yifei waved her hand like a big sister, then turned her head and asked Su Yi: "How is your work and research going?"

"I've made a deal with the editor, and the official start will start tomorrow." Su Yi said, "I'm going to work overtime tonight to write the manuscript."

"Great! Congratulations!" Hu Yifei said happily, "Our 36th floor is really full of stars, 3602 is a painter, 3601 is a writer, what a scholarly family!"

"Su Yi, are you a writer? What do you write?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously.

Just as Su Yi was about to answer, Hu Yifei snapped back: "Take care of yourself, Zeng Xiaoxian, why are you so curious? Su Yi asked you, did you say anything in the show?"

"I don't care about new friends." Zeng Xiaoxian muttered dissatisfied.

"If you really care, you can come for this afternoon meal." Hu Yifei said.

"Hey, the moon is so round today..." Zeng Xiaoxian looked around.


After Tang Youyou changed her clothes, a group of seven people went out and went downstairs in a mighty manner, and rushed to a nearby western restaurant.

After going there, everyone didn’t order any expensive things like steak and foie gras. Instead, they ordered pizza and pasta, and then salads, thick soups, etc., and simply ate a Western-style meal.

Delicious and inexpensive.

After eating and drinking, Lu Ziqiao yelled to go to the bar, but everyone refused.

Zeng Xiaoxian drank too much last night and needs to take it easy today, Zhang Wei is not in the mood, Hu Yifei has to make a video call with her younger brother Lu Zhanbo tonight, Tang Youyou has to prepare for tomorrow's actor interview and memorize lines, Guan Gu Miracle has to finish today's unfinished of paintings.

Su Yi was really worried that Lu Ziqiao would extend an invitation to him. In that case, he couldn't refuse, so he could only follow Lu Ziqiao to the bar.

He really didn't want to go to that bar, and he didn't want to go to the bar to drink and flirt with girls, he was extremely repelled and disgusted.

When he was in fear, Hu Yifei saved him.

As soon as Lu Ziqiao's eyes fell on Su Yi, Hu Yifei warned him: "Don't try to trick Su Yi! Everyone has said that I have to write a manuscript tonight."

"Okay." Lu Ziqiao spread his hands and gave up inviting Su Yi, "Since no one is going, I have to be alone!"

After returning to the love apartment, Su Yi was not in a hurry to write, but first helped Tang Youyou bring her luggage over.

"If we recruit another roommate, our 3601 will be full!" Hu Yifei said flatteredly, "But don't worry about the last roommate, we'd rather be short than overcrowded."

"Yifei, Yoyo, I'll excuse you first, you guys talk slowly." Seeing that nothing happened, Su Yi planned to leave.

"Go, go, don't worry about us!" Hu Yifei waved his hand, "Don't worry, we won't disturb you either."

Su Yi smiled at her.

After Su Yi entered his bedroom, Tang Youyou suddenly said to Hu Yifei: "Sister Yifei, do you feel that Xiao Yi seems to have—some inexplicable feeling."

"Strange?" Hu Yifei said,

"That's right, that's right!" Tang Youyou's eyes lit up, "It's alienation, he seems to be deliberately alienating us, but it doesn't seem to be, he also eats and laughs with us, but it's just... a bit awkward."

Hu Yifei was thoughtful: "I also think he is a little strange, but this person is quite sincere. Oh, let him alone! It takes time to see people's hearts, and we still have a long time to get along."

Although a woman's sense is really keen, the carefree Hu Yifei still chooses to give up thinking about Su Yi's twisted feeling.

That night, Su Yi kept working on his pen and wrote a series of masterpieces that shocked the world.

For example: "Shock!He plugged it in all night and didn’t pull it out, and almost killed him” (a citizen did not unplug the charger and caused a fire, and compensated his neighbors 170,000), “After 112 days of dryness, it finally got wet” (it rained yesterday in Shanghai, ending the 112-day drought), "He came from a mountain village, but became an elite in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. After retiring, he guarded an island and died with famous ladies" (Chang Kaishen's life), "Young and beautiful girl abandoned seven spare tires, and finally made a private life with Gao Fushuai" ( The Snow White Tale)...

Etc., etc……

Su Yi's inspiration was like a diabetes collapse, and he wrote until [-]:[-] in the morning, and actually wrote fifteen manuscripts!
The total number of words in the fifteen manuscripts is about [-] words.

If he can settle at the price of two hundred thousand characters, he will get four thousand eight hundred yuan a day tomorrow!
Su Yi was very satisfied with this.

He planned to send the manuscript to the editor for review early tomorrow morning, and then rush to the bank to apply for a bank card and wait for the money to be collected.

And "Return of God of War" can't be left behind, this is a cash cow.

However, it was very late now, and Su Yi knew that he had to rest.

Although he still didn't feel any sleepiness.

He turned off the light after washing, and tried to lie down for about half an hour, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Su Yi thought for a while, got up and went to the study to find a radio, came back, and tuned to the local channel.

Zeng Xiaoxian's voice came from the radio immediately: "This is "Your Moon and My Heart". Listeners, welcome back. The good man is me, and I am—Zeng Xiaoxian! Just now we shared a poignant love story, then Next, Xiaoxian will share with you an essay about love..."

Facts have proved that Su Yi has found an excellent way to ensure sleep. Accompanied by the voice of Zeng Xiaoxian reading prose aloud, Su Yi gradually fell asleep.


He was awakened by piercing screams and screams.

The screams came from the next door, and the four big men screamed like killing pigs.

"Bastard! Do you want to die!" A louder angry roar sounded, and the voice was obviously Hu Yifei's.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud "ding, bang, bang, bang", and Hu Yifei slammed the door and left in a hurry.

Accompanied by a louder scream from 3602 next door, all the voices stopped abruptly.

The world is at peace...

Su Yi closed his eyes again.

He didn't even have the slightest intention of going out to watch the excitement.

He was also not at all interested in what happened.

But unfortunately, things in this world are often not shifted by one's own will.

The sound of the bedroom door opening sounded again, and the sound of footsteps wearing slippers got closer and stopped outside Su Yi's door.

dong dong dong...

"Xiaoyi, have you gone out too?" Tang Youyou's voice came from outside the door.

Su Yi opened his eyes helplessly: "Not really."

"What happened to Sister Yifei, who suddenly yelled?" Tang Youyou yawned, "It seems that something happened next door, Xiaoyi, why don't we go and have a look."

"Okay!" Su Yi got up from the bed and began to put clothes on his body.

Life is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine...

Before entering the door next door, I heard Hu Yifei's cry.

"A few big men are so frightened by a small mouse, don't you feel ashamed?"

(End of this chapter)

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